Lavabe wrote:I hope all's well, and that our wives' get-together has run smoothly.
Sounds like you didn't have the same hernia that I had a few years ago. Mine was an umbilical one, which meant a fairly good, less than an hour in surgery kind of deal, and no scar. I didn't warn you about the pain afterwards. It was mostly bad/tolerable for 24-48 hours. After that, the worst of it was when I had to sit up... a definite no-no if you don't figure out alternate ways to do so. Do NOT go toting six packs and large package containers; let the assistant do it for you. Follow those directions about not lifting things. You'll get back to it at some point, but don't push it.
And it also hurts to laugh.
To avoid laughing hysterically, avoid all posts by mojo and ej. ;) On the other hand, I think the first mate's 13 pillow treatment is great for rehab.
On another note, now that you've completed a colonoscopy and a hernia, do you have any other exciting things planned for 2009?
I had an inguinal hernia repair and the pain has been 1-2/10 today and was 3-4/10 yesterday. As I mentioned previously, the 400 mg of Motrin every 8 hours and ice packs every 1-2 hours has helped, in addition to realizing which actions hurt more than others. My surgeon said it was a bit more complicated/extensive than he thought and had to do a bit more complex/longer repair than he initially believed needed to be done. I'll find out about THAT one in my 1st post-op visit next week. I think it was more than 60 but less than 90 minutes. I have no qualms about him at all as he is a friend of the family, from our church, has been practicing for 20-25 years and the anesthesiologist also spoke VERY favorably of him when I informed him who was doing the procedure.
I am well aware about the lifting (nothing over 20 pounds for a month, but 12 ounces curls are acceptable
) and the laughing, In fact, I thought BONES' post from yesterday or earlier this AM was hysterical and he thought the laughter may have caused my "other" problem. We exchanged a few PM's and I assured him THAT was not the cause of the other "situation."
And, no, it was not busted sutures/surgical repair site :oops: :roll: .
For other exciting things in 2009, I was considering a root canal and perhaps gluteal implants. :oops: :roll:
[redacted] them and the horses they rode in on.