Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 9th, 2023, 2:20 pm

From last pm:

Wow Much Jucier-Divine Barrel Brewing

Mecklenburg County is close enough

Credit-continuing to deplete the 25% off spring cleaning sale
Style-label sez IPA, Untapped claims NEIPA, tasted more like a hybrid
Format-pint of juiciness
Calendar info-CANNED ON 03/08/23 12:56:00
Stemware-y’all know by now
Appearance-yellow bronzy; good head
Nose-lots of orange and grapefruit parts
Mouthfeel-more bitter than IBUs suggest but far from bracing
Taste-orange and grapefruit rinds, pine, hint of peach
Hops-Citra, Amarillo, Mosaic and Galaxy (“triple the amount of Wow Much Juicy”)
IBU-10 (no way!)
Overall impression-really good effort to make a less bitter IPA but not quite juicy enough
Ymm, Beer rating-doesn’t quite clear the low cat 3 entry point but pretty close
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 14th, 2023, 4:37 pm

Noble Amalgamation-Land Grant Brewing Company collaboration with Pretentious Barrel House

Local x2!

Credit-needed traders for @Tripping.William and @richardjackson199 and some personal sippers
Style-gin barrel aged (13 weeks) imperial lager
Format-pint can
Glassware-Goose Island nonic pint
Appearance-fairly clear yellowish bronze; moderate foam
Nose-flowers and gin
Tastes-flowers, light corn syrup, wood and juniper/gin at the finish
IBU-N/A but probably mid 20s
ABV-7.9% ( :face_with_spiral_eyes:_
Overall impression-intriguing combination that I couldn’t pass up based on some of the gin barrel stuff @wbmcards88 has traded from Hardywood
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3 for creativity, not ruining a lager and the “botanical” flavors; hope @Tripping.William enjoys this one
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 14th, 2023, 11:07 pm

Nuttin’ 2it-Zaftig Brewing Company

Local when purchased

Credit-traders and sippers needed about 3 weeks ago and this looked intriguing
Style-pecanized imperial brown ale
Format-pint can
Bottom of can info-Batch #529 10/05/2211:59
Glassware-Goose Island nonic pint
Appearance-clean and dark brown; smallish tan head
Tastes-dark caramel, pecan syrup, kinda dark milk chocolate, overtoasted wheat bread
Hops-East Kent Golding and Willamette
Adjuncts-“pecan extract”
IBU-N/A (liars!!); probably low 30s
Overall impression-rather nice creation
Ymm, Beer rating-I’ll agree @richardjackson199 here that this falls short of cat 3 and is a high cat 2; I think pecan and peanut beers are difficult to brew; fun so sip as a nightcap
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 15th, 2023, 11:19 pm

Communion Juice Blender-Hopfly Brewing Company

Born in the Mount, brewed and canned in Charlotte. Local.

Credit-trader (not pilfered) from older daughter; thanks!!
Style-fruited sour
Format-pint can
Stemware-same old large wine glass
Appearance-purple haze; pale pinkish/purpleish head, short lived
Nose-Ocean Spray cranberry juice
Tastes-sour cranberry, slightly sweet apple and grape juices
Adjuncts–cranberries, grapes, apples and lactose
IBU-N/A but likely <10
ABV-6.8% (a boozy juice blend)
Overall impression-I thik I’ve reviewed this several months ago but worth another mention; don’t hesitate if you see this on the shelf; buy the whole 4 pack
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; if side by sided with a Veil product, I doubt you’d find much difference
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 23rd, 2023, 9:49 pm

Black Oak (draft)-Red Oak Brewery

Brewed and consumed on premises.

Credit- :+1: @richardjackson199 for suggesting a meetup
Format-fresh draft
Glassware-nonic pint
Appearance-very dark brown; light beige head
Nose-dark caramel
Mouthfeel-soft and smooth
Tastes-dark caramel, heavily toasted wheat bread, dark cherries and milok chocolate
Hops-not revealed
Overall impression-rivals about any other authentic German doppelbock I’ve ever sipped and made even tastier with @richardjackson199, @beergoddess and @jwillfan at the table!!
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; still waiting for Ardent to can/bottle some of their BBA Defenestrator and have an RVA connection procure :wink:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 23rd, 2023, 10:02 pm

Nightcap yesterday:

Looking California-Altered State Brewing

Bought at the brewery taproom but brewed offsite

Credit-needed traders and sippers
Style-westie IPA
Format-pint can
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-yellowish bronze; modest head
Nose-grapefruit rind and pine
Mouthfeel-a few IBUs short of bracing
Tastes-lots of rind, some pith, orange liqueur and some pine
Hops-Citra, Mosaic, Amarillo and Cascade
IBU-mid 50s ?
Overall impression-really good brew for the crowded arena of westie IPAs
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; traded 2, sipped 1 and 1 remains which I may sip myself or trade with our older son in law :thinking:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 24th, 2023, 8:53 pm

From last pm:

Crucial Aunt-The Evil, err, Veil Brewing Company

Local, now available in Winston-Salem, too

Credit-trader from @richardjackson199; thanks!!
Style-fruited NEDIPA
Format-pint can
Can stampage-03/27/23
Stemware-same old large wine glass
Appearance-moderately thick OJ; moderate meringue
Nose-mango, but not strong
Tastes-unripe mangos, including skin and maybe some ( :scream:), OJ and some peaches
Adjunct-mango, parts unspecified
IBU-N/A but this is moderately bitter so I’ll guess low 50s
Overall impression-shoulda been less pithy/rindy and sweeter given the mango labeling
Ymm, Beer rating-I’m with @richardjackson199 on this one at high cat 2; enjoyable and somewhat different but does not clear that cat 3 bar; I also expect better from Veil
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 28th, 2023, 5:27 pm

Weizen Doppelbock-New Glarus Brewing Company

“Ony in Wisconsin”

Credit-it fell out of their 2646 cases display into my shopping cart; really ( :crossed_fingers:_)
Style-Captain Obvious
Format-see photo
Glassware-locally sourced cocktail glasses
Appearance-darn close to a brown ale; modest tan head
Nose-bananas, cloves, dark caramel
Mouthfeel-soft and smooth
Tastes-bananas, cloves, milk chocolate, dark cherries, orange liqueur and dark caramel
Grains-60% malted wheat and barley (German, American and Canadian)
Hops-not revelaed
IBU-N/A but probably 30ish
Overall impression-rivals some of the authentic German doppelbocks I’ve sipped over the years
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; half a notch below the Aventinus Weizenbock that is the world standard
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 28th, 2023, 11:05 pm

Olde Rabbit’s Foot-Collaboration among Olde Hickory Brewery, Duck Rabbit Craft Brewery and Foothills Brewing

Local, local and local

Credit-not sure if this is an @Tripping.William or @richardjackson199 trader so I’ll assign dual credit and double thanks!!
Style-blend of stout recipes from the three breweries above and then aged in KY bourbon barrels
Format-bomber, shared 3 ways
Neck ink-092721 (and a buncha smudges)
Glassware-highball glasses
Appearance-quite dark brown with a small tan head
Nose-dark chocolate and bourbon
Tastes-dark chocolate, dark caramel, not quite black strap molasses, dark honey and less bourbon than I expected
Adjuncts-cocoa nibs and honey
IBU-N/A but common sense sez about 50
Overall impression-not a “wow” beer but expertly done/blended/crafted and sooo easy to sip
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; thrilled to have 2 more to share with family/friends, most likely this fall
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 1st, 2023, 9:45 pm

30th Anniversary Ale-New Glarus Brewing Company

“Only in Wisconsin”

Credit-beers for trading, beers for Mrs. dd and for me
Style-Belgian style quadruple
Format-12 ounce can, dropped, dented and leaking :astonished: ; shared 3 ways
Glasseware-short highball
Appearance-dark brown, clean; smallish light tan head
Nose-dark dried fruit juice
Mouthfeel-I’m too sexy for my glass
Tastes-raisins, dates, figs, medium caramel, brown sugar, vanilla, smallest hints of cinnamon and clove
Grains-“Czech, German, and American malted barley”
Hops-"New Glarus Estate and German Diamant hops "
IBU-N/A but gotta be 30ish
ABV-10.5%; gotta be the highest ABV I’ve ever had in a NG product
Overall impression-it ain’t Abt 12, Rochefort 10 or Westvleteren 12, al world class beers, but it’s better than many, if not all the American efforts for the style
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; y’all gonna like this one a lot
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 1st, 2023, 10:00 pm

From last pm:

Brian’s Barrel Blend #14 (2021)-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Local for the RVA Family Tree member

Credit-loud applause @wbmcards88 for a warehouse sale visit this year; thanks!!
Style-blend (more below)
Format-caged and corked 750 ml bottle, shared two ways
Stemware-Zaftig snifters
Appearance-light/medium amber, slightly cloudy and foamy
Nose-gin and dark, dried fruits
Tastes-soooo complex with gin/juniper/botanicals up front, followed by raisins, dates, figs, pears, apples, white wine, wood and bourbon
Beers and barrels-Saison/Tom Cat gin, Belgian style strong/chardonnay, Belgian style quad/bourbon (36 months) and a touch of unbarreled NEIPA
Overall impression-our son didn’t like the gin/chardonnay battle but I thought this was a terrific combination/blending of unique barrel aged combinations which coulda been a mess
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; I think I received two of these and if I did, I’m thrilled
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 1st, 2023, 10:14 pm

IX: Anniversary Blend-Wolf’s Ridge Brewing Company

Local for the buying guy

Credit-son; many thanks for both sharing and trading a can
Style-blended beers (see below)
Format-12 ounce can
Freshness stuff-PKG SEP 23 2022 CHEERS TO IX YEARS
Stemware-rinsed and dried Zaftig snifters
Appearance-dark, “flat” and oily
Nose-maple and dark chocolate
Tastes-dark chocolate, maple, wet leather, tobacco, molasses and lots of bourbon
Beers and barrels-"Bourbon Barrel Dire Wolf, Maple Barrel Dire Wolf, Bourbon Barrel Lil’ Nippert, and Weller Barrel Tripel Whiskey; Dire Wolf is their platform imperial stout, Nippert is an English style barleywine and the tripel is obvious :stuck_out_tongue:
Overall impression-stunning combination/blending
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; I liked the styles/barrels slightly better than Brian’s Blend (sorry as Brian has amazing ideas and execution)
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 3rd, 2023, 9:34 pm

Monday night reporting:

Plumy O’s (draft)-White Elephant Beer Comapny

Drinking beer brewed in the basement on premises in Mayberry, RFD!. Hyperlocal.

Credit-a block from our dinner restaurant and the other brewery in town was closed
Style-fruited Berliner Weisse
Format-2 ounce sample, fresh from the spigot
Glassware-mini snifter
Appearance-cloudy and lavender; smallish head
Nose-hint of fruit
Tastes-essences of plum, lemon and lime
Adjuncts-plum in some form
IBU-guess of 8
Overall impression-Mrs, dd didn’t like this so no pint but I thought it pleasant
Ymm, Beer rating-sneaks into high cat 2
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 3rd, 2023, 9:46 pm

Full serving Monday night:

Goosebumps (draft)-White Elephant Brewing Company

Same basement, same address in Mayberr, RFD.

Credit-needed a full pint
Style-fruited gose
Format-different spigot
Stemware-looked like a pilsner glass to me :grin:
Appearance-orange lemon juice; rapidly disappearing fizzies
Mouthfeel-sour and sweet
Tastes-passion fruit, lemon and lime; I have no clue what a damn gooseberry tastes like
Adjuncts-passion fruit and gooseberry (d’oh!)
Overall impression-decent offering
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2, barely
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 5th, 2023, 10:24 pm

From May 3, a couple days early on the sippage and a couple days late on the post :stuck_out_tongue:

José Gosé Margarita Gosé-Wise Man Brewing

Local for the trading partner

Credit-trader from @richardjackson199; thanks!
Style-tequila barrel aged gose
Fresh info-PKGD04/14/23 12:26
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-light/medium amber; modest fizziness
Nose-lime and salt
Mouthfeel-slightly sour/limey and salty
Tastes-lotsa lime, sour, hints of salt and tequila
Adjuncts-key lime juice, salt, lactose (WTH?)
Barrels-tequila, no surprise
IBU-8 (on the label)
Overall impression-I liked this less than @richardjackson199 did in April, 22 (mid cat 3) but more than he did last month (high cat 2); good product
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; coulda used a bit more tequila aging/flavor but a pleasant beer “cocktail;” I’d bet @Tripping.William would add a shot of “reposado” to this :joystick: :joystick: ; wouldn’t be mistaken for Founders Mas Agave (cat 4) but a nice sipper
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 6th, 2023, 7:58 am

Two nights of beer in one post!! :roll_eyes:

Clouds 9 (draft)-Clouds Brewing

From their taproom location, conveniently located about 3 blocks from the “central” Raleigh location and safely near a large Raleigh PD station

Credit-cheap and on the way home from Costco
Style-Belgian style golden/tripel ale
Format-mini growler over two nights (not just to night :roll_eyes:)
Stemware-large Ommegang tulip
Appearance-clean/clear, gold with a bit more fizz night one than night two, as expected
Nose-light caramel, hint of spiciness
Tastes-light Belgian candi sugar/syrup, flashes of banan, clove, bubblegum and a pinch of black pepper
Adjuncts-no info available
IBU-gotta be <30
Overall impression-won’t be mistaken for any of the authentic Belgian goldens but easy to sip
Ymm, Beer rating-good enough to slide into low cat 3 both nights, especially when mini growlers are half price on Thursdays and this one was only $7 including a tip, so $3.50 per pint was a great price for a good beer
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 10th, 2023, 10:28 am

Blueberry Cheesecake Blender-Hopfly Brewing Company

From the Mount to the Queen City; still local

Credit-trader from older daughter; thanks!
Style-fruited pastry sour; not to be confused with any other cheapass, annoying, moronic toaster pastry
Format-pint can
Stemware-extra large wine glass
Appearance-bluish/purplish and thick
Mouthfeel-sweeeet and sour
Tastes-blueberry jam, graham crackers, dough, cream and sour
Adjuncts-blueberries, graham crackers, cheesecake and lactose
IBU-N/A but likely <10
ABV-6.5% (boozecake!!)
Overall impression-it ain’t a Veil/Omnipollo Tefnut nut but it was deeeelicious
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; yea, it was that well brewed so if you’re in NC and see any of Hopfly’s blender series, buy one or two; you will be pleased
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 10th, 2023, 6:10 pm

The Singing Head-Casita Brewing Company

45 miles away is local

Credit-still sipping my 25% off purchases from last month with only the high gravity brews remaining
Style-American barleywine
Format-pint can
How old can you go data-CANNED ON 02/14/21
Appearance-medium amber; thin head
Nose-tobacco and wet leather
Mouthfeel-softer than expected but still bitter
Tastes-wet leather, caramel, tobacco, hints of dried fruits, lots and lots of hops
Grains-Golden Promise, Munich, Carapils and blonde roasted oats
Hops-“lots of Mosaic”
IBU-N/A but this one borders on brutal so I’ll guess 80+
Overall impression-after 2 years of “taming” in the can, this one was still about as rough as expected; reminded me a lot of my years long affairs with Sierra Nevada’s Bigfoot Ale
Ymm, Beer rating-somewhat surprisingly, I’m gonna give this a lot cat 3 as it’s damned true to the style/name and 2+ years in the can and the oats perhaps kept this one from becoming unpalatable; English barleywines with/without BBA, make this a more enjoyable beverage
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 11th, 2023, 10:43 pm

Querido Y Perdido-Casita Cerveceria

Even more local than 2019 as they moved from Farmville, NC to Wilson in 2020 or 2021
(Edit-just checked my can and the label still has the old address on it so I likely bought a can that was 3 to 4 years old :stuck_out_tongue:)

Credit-a good memory, a valid plastic card and a 25% discount
Style-flavored imperial stout
Format-pint can
Apperaance-really dark brown with a surprisingly generous tan head
Nose-ci9nnamon, baker’s cocoa and Scoville Heat Units
Mouthfeel-warm, smooth and inviting
Tastes-a chilled Mexican “hot” chocolate; heat increased a bit as it warmed over about an hour but never beyond mild
Adjunctws-cinnamon, cocoa nibs, vanilla and chiles
IBU-N/A but gotta be 50ish
Overall impression-a terrific product with all the adjuncts muting the chiles about perfectly
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; wouldn’t hesitate buying another one or three
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 14th, 2023, 3:24 pm

Wolverine Brandy Barrel Aged-Commonwealth Brewing Company


Credit-the supply of 25% off spring cleaning beers is nearing zero
Style-brandy barrel aged Baltic porter :dizzy_face:
Format-pint can
Freshie info-none
Appearance-muddy brownish orange with a modest light tan head; fine, dark brown particles at bottom of glass after almost an hour of sipping
Nose-brandy and dried, dark fruits; no licorice
Mouthfeel-boozy and fruity
Tastes-brandy, raisins dates, figs, wood and maybe the faintest hint of licorice; no char
IBU-N/A but palate says maybe 30
ABV-9% and tasted it
Overall impression-tasted with trepidation, finished with pleasure and surprise
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; difficult style to like but this was really well executed.
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