Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 2nd, 2023, 6:05 pm

From Tuesday pm:

Dark Lord 2017-Three Floyds Brewing

A few miles across the IL-IN state line is local

Credit-younger daughter and her husband saved an aliquot for my/our arrival yesterday; thanks!!
Style-“ Dark Lord is a gargantuan Russian Style Imperial Stout, with a reverse cascading head that starts out billowing the color of burnt oil like the Dark Lord rising from the black primordial beginnings. Its resonant vinous aroma has been described as cherries, sweet malt, molasses, burnt currants, plums with a port wine alcohol undertow. Mochachino notes buried within. Motor oil consistency, hellishly smooth yet divinely burnt and vinous. The first sip coats your palate with a palatial charred fruit and chocolate blanket. Alcohol burn wiggles its way down your throat with a thick body.”
Appearance-almost black with minimal head
Nose-dark chocolate covered caramels
Tastes-incredibly complex with dark chocolate, burnt molasses, plums, prunes, dark cherries and a slow alcohol burn
IBU-N/A but likely mid 50s
ABV-15% :face_with_spiral_eyes::dizzy_face:
Overall impression-“Still Crazy After All These Years;” well preserved, lubricious and rather distinct flavoring from standard RIS
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; for $40/22 ounces, it was worth the splurge several years ago (maybe 2020) to get some vintage Dark Lords and variants instead of attending Dark Lord Day, but I’m just as happy, if not happier, to have @wbmcards88 as a friend, mule team driver and Family Tree member and procure a few Hardywood blends at $15/750 ml at a warehouse sale when offered.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 2nd, 2023, 6:17 pm

Fat Bear-Hop Butcher for the World

More local!

Credit-brewery reputation, sweet tooth and a unanimous selection with 2/2 family members agreeing
Style-flavored imperial stout
Format-pint can, shared 3 ways
Freshie stuff-PKG2/13/23 12:58:06 RIP PLUG2 DAISY AGE
Glassware-rinsed and reused cocktail glasses
Appearance-rather dark brown with a creamy, tan head
Aromas-if you like peanuts…
Mouthfeel-alluring, almost candy like
Tastes-Peter Pan and Jif would be jealous; think liquid Reese’s peanut butter cups with a dark caramel layer of goo hidden under the chocolate “wrapping”
Adjuncts-lots of peanuts and chocolate
IBU-N/A but probably low 40s
ABV-10.5% (booze candy!)
Overall impression-I’d take this in my empty 6er carrier on Halloween anytime; decadent
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; a fine way to end the tasting
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 3rd, 2023, 12:16 pm

Pothole City-Pipeworks Brewing Company

Of course it’s local, how many other cities could legitimately claim/advertise/adopt a beer with this name? :joystick:

Trivia question:

How many seasons are there in Chicago?

Two, winter and construction season

Credit-our younger daughter had me purchase this 2 pack as her husband really likes rocky road.
Style-"Rocky Road Stout,’ aka a flavored imperial milk stout
Format-pint can, honestly/equally shared 3 ways
Stemware-rinsed and reused cocktail glasses
Appearance-darn near onyx, no head
Nostril ticklers-marshmallows and dark chocolate
Tastes-marshmallows from the bag, dark chocolate, dark caramel and some roastiness
Adjuncts-marshmallows, cacao nibs, vanilla, lactose, “natural marshmallow flavor and natural almond flavor”
IBU-N/A again but I’ll venture mid 40s based on the style
Overall impression-a palate pleasing Rocky Road shake that made a wonderful late evening dessert
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; not even gonna imagine what 12 months of living in a bourbon barrel would do for/to this beer :kissing_smiling_eyes:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 4th, 2023, 8:51 am

Saddle Up-Pipeworks Brewing Company

From the same folks who brought us Pothole City; yea, still local.

Credit-some brewery knowledge, a whim a a few bucks left in the beer budget for the trip
Style-BBA, blended, cuveed and fruited barleywine
Format-pint can, shared 3 ways
Glassware-cocktail glasses
Appearance-almost brown ale dark with ruby edges and a thin, tan head
Nose-a bourbon caramel
Mouthfeel-waaaay softer than expected
Tastes-bourbon, dark cherries, dark brown sugar, wet leather, tobacco, vanilla and wood
Adjuncts-cherries, type not specified
Barrels-Heaven Hill
Blending-barleywines from 2017, 2018 and a cherry finished one from 2020
IBU-N/A (LOL it’s a damn barleywine, folks) but likely high 40s as this appears to be English style, meaning much more malt forward than the typical hop monster American style
Overall impression-absolutely wonderful; I have no clue how I found this in 2023 as the can says 2020 release :man_shrugging:
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/high cat 3; so smooth with all the elements converging perfectly; I could imagine this being from the Hardywood collection of blended ales
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 6th, 2023, 9:30 pm

Bourbon County Brand Biscotti Stout-Goose Island Beer Company

Chicago was local last week.

Credit-younger son in law found some leftover BCS and variants on sale last week.
Style-if ya know, ya know
Format-500 ml bottle, shared 3 ways
Drink by-19AUG24 GI08:11
Stemware-mini snifters
Nose-dark chocolate, bourbon and black licorice
Mouthfeel-GTHc, GTH
Tastes-dark chocolate, bourbon, anise, burnt caramel, almonds; IOW, biscotti!!
Adjuncts-“cocoa nibs, toasted almonds, anise seeds and natural flavors”
IBU-N/A (LOL) but likely low 50s
Overall impression-a terrific liquid rendition of the Italian pastry
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; woulda been high cat 3 but the anise is a slight turnoff for me
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 6th, 2023, 9:49 pm

Bourbon County Brand Sir Isaac’s Stout-Goose Island Beer Company

Chicago was local last week.

Credit-younger son in law and a celebratory treat Saturday night at 25% off; thanks!!
Style-ya still know
Format-500 ml bottle, shared not quite equally 3 ways :kissing_heart:
Stemware-cocktail glasses
Nose-bourbon soaked figs
Tastes-figs, lots and lots of figs, bourbon, wood, burnt molasses, oatmeal cookies and dark caramel
Adjuncts-figs (see below), graham crackers and lime zest
IBU-oh, hell, I give up
ABV-13.9% (booze cookies!!)
Overall impression-take you best ever fig cookies, soak them in bourbon for a day or three and then “sip” them; amazing creation
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 3; I’m putting this on my list for @fuse’s list for Best Beer of 2023 thread

Here’s the Untappd story, likely from the Goose Island PR crew:

“For years, brewers at Goose Island have brainstormed ways to incorporate figs in Bourbon County Stout, but faced a daunting task due to their subtle flavor. After fresh thinking from members of the Goose Island E-commerce team, Melissa Alleguez and Ryan Hubona crafted a recipe inspired by Melissa’s childhood memories of stealing fig cookies out of her grandma’s cookie jar during her summers on Lake Michigan. And thus, the fig cookie and graham cracker-inspired Sir Isaac’s Stout was created. Highlighting the dried fried profiles extracted from the bourbon in the barrels, our brewers used Black Mission figs (10,000 pounds of them, to be specific) to create this variant resulting in characteristics of dried fruit, honey, molasses, and citrus, all reminiscent of the classic fig cookie sold on shelves today.”
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 9th, 2023, 10:10 pm

From last pm:

Ida bet I had this before the more I thought about the name and the more I thought about it and searched, I discovered: “Often wrong, never in doubt” :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Transmigration of Souls-Orpheus Brewing

Local for the buyinbg/muleing guy

Credit-trader from OPK; thanks!!
Style-DIPA, westie style
Format-12 ounce can
Appearance-clean and bronze with moderate foam
Nose-pine, lemon and orange rinds
Tastes-lotsa grapefruit, orange and lemon rinds, pine/resin, hints of caramel
IBU-85 (almost brutally bitter)
Overall impression-like getting whacked up side yo’ head with a hop hammer but, when I think about it, this is exactly what one should expect from a westie DIPA, much in the Dogfish Head 90 Minute DIPA
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2 only because I tired of this style about 4 to 5 years ago but appreciate its authenticity and quality
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 9th, 2023, 10:26 pm

Late dessert last pm:

Ambrosia Blender-Hopfly Brewing Company

“Born in the Mount” and Brewed and Canned in Charlotte. IOW, local!!

Credit-as a member of this “den of thieves,” I readily confess to pilferage from our older daughter last month for yet another dog sitting fee :star_struck:
Style-beer smoothie
Format-pint can
Stemware- that large wine glass continues to work wonders for IPAs/DIPAs/sours
Appearance-orangey, ambery, milkshakey; generous head
Nose-Ambrosia fruit salad; no really
Tastes-pineapple, orange, coconut and marshmallows
Adjuncts-can’t find any listings
IBU-the usual N/A IBU but probably 10 or less
ABV-6.8% (“there’s booze in the blender…”)
Overall impression-terrific
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; good competition for the Veil/Omnipollo Tefnut line of brews; I’d side by side one of these Hopfly blender series brews with a Tefnut product any time :joystick: :joystick:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 13th, 2023, 10:46 am

Dirt Nap-The Veil Brewing Company

Local when bought.

Credit-trader on Saturday from @richardjackson199; boatloads of thankis!
Format-pint can
Freshie info-03/0smudgesmudgesmudge; IOW, about as fresh as one is able to buy at the brewery and likely 5-7 days after canning
Stemware-large wine glass, or, if your school is pondering an NIT bid, a w(h)ine glass
Nose-freshly sectioned grapefruits and pineapples
Mouthfeel-creamy and bitter/sweet
Tastes-same sectioned fruits above, a splash of melon, a sprinkle of white wine and a drop of tangerine
Hops-Citra, Mosaic, Galaxy and Nelson
Adjuncts-I’d bet a few Cheezits some oats (not Nate, sadly) and wheat were harvested for this one, too
IBU-100 (no typo :face_with_peeking_eye:)
Overall impression-I recall hearing/reading about @wbmcards88 and @nrrrrvous tasting this before and likley @richardjackson199 on a trip toRVA, too, but I don’t think I ever had this; it was terrific
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; even with the rated bitterness, this was excellent with it’s fresh and juicy tastes and being soooo well balanced
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 13th, 2023, 8:07 pm

420-Sweetwater Brewing Company

The beer, y’all. :roll_eyes:

Credit-pilfered from the beach beer fridge :upside_down_face:
Style-extra pale ale, can conditioned
Format-12 ounce can
BIEB date on bottom of can-04/28/23 B1045
Glassware-standard pint glass
Appearance-yellowish goldish and clear; moderate foam
Nose-light pine/resin
Mouthfeel-slightly bitter
Tastes-citrus rinds, hint of grapefruit juice and resin
IBU-didn’t research but probably mid 30s
Overall impression-hadn’t had one in years; very good dinner pairing with 3.5 small enchiladas with various fillings
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 2; would buy a litter but always happy to sip one if/when available
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 13th, 2023, 8:23 pm

Reunion Ale 2022 Ice Cream Swirl-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Local? Yep!

Credit-huge shout out @richardjackson199 for the trader, but also thinking @wbmcards88 might have been involved in some stealthy fashion with its pickup/delivery
Style-beer blend; more below
Appearance-rather dark brown with a thin tan head
Nose-dark dried fruits, dark chocolate and bourbon
Mouthfeel-“I’m free tonight”
Tastes-dark chocolate covered raisins, dates, figs all atop a couple scoops of dutch chocolate/vanilla ice cream swirl and generously drizzled with bourbon
Base beers-golden strong ale and imperial milk stout
Adjuncts-cocoa nibs and vanilla beans and no Lemon Oreos :crazy_face:
Overall impression-adult icecream/shake
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3 because not everything Brian blends at Hardywood can be high cat 3 :melting_face:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 13th, 2023, 8:48 pm

Nightcap yesterday

Doom Volume Enhanced-The Veil Brewing Company

Local for the Saturday 336 beer mule/road warrior

Credit-muchas gracias @richardjackson199 for his stop at The Veil during his “short” 3 hour tour in RVA
Format-pint can
Bottom ink-02/17/23 (freshie!!)
Stemware-very large wine glass, even larger than usual
Appearance-very cloudy and foamy yellow
Nose-the usual suspects of pineapple and grapefruit
Tastes-round up the usual suspects again of pineapple juice, mango, peach and tangerine
Hops-triple dry hopped with Citra, Strata, Galaxy, and Citra Incognito
IBU-Veil won’t tell and neither will Untapped so I’m claiming 40
Overall impression-another wonderful Veil gem
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; Dirt Nap was slightly better and also had a theme/dedication/celebratory function :joystick: :smiling_imp:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 13th, 2023, 10:12 pm

Pink Miata 3-The Veil Brewing Company

Local when/where purchased

Credit-yet another loud thanks @richardjackson199 for his road trip and delivery!!
Format-pint can
Numbers on the bottom-02/27/23
Stemware-the same very large wine glass, cleaned
Appearance-pineapple jooce
Nose-pineapple and guava
Mouthfeel-typical NEIPA
Tastes-pineapple juice, guava, honeydew, peach and a splash of Pinot Grigio
Hops-Nelson and Galaxy
Adjuncts-gotta be some Hall and Oates, oops, wheat and oats
IBU-nobody knows (the trouble I’ve seen) but a good estimate would be 40
Overall impression-fresherer is betterer and this was bought 11 days after canning
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; I liked Dirt Nap and Doom Volume Enhanced ever so slightly better so far from the mixed 4 pack @richardjackson199 muled
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 15th, 2023, 9:42 pm

New Mirage 4-The Veil Brewing Company

Local when bought by one of the 336 mules.

Credit-many thanks @richardjackson199 for the pickup and delivery
Style-quadruple dry hopped IPA but really a NEIPA
Format-16 oz can
Ink on bottom of can-(I think) 03/03/23; IOW, another freshie!!
Stemware-large wine glass wins again
Appearance-white grapefruit juice; lotsa foam
Nose-grapefruit squeezings
Mouthfeel-citrusy and juicy
Tastes-grapefruit juice starts the tropical fruit parade, followed by a splash of pineapple, two squirts of guava and several of cantaloupe and honeydew
Hops- :man_shrugging:
IBU- :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:, maybe 35?
Overall impression-least favorite of the group but keep reading…
Ymm, Beer rating-easy low cat 3, a bit below the prior 3 and there’s no shame in this rating as it was a fine, fine beer and I remain grateful for its purchase and delivery
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 17th, 2023, 3:48 pm

Bedtime beverage yesterday to celebrate.

Christmas Pancakes-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Local for the purchasing/mule guy.

Credit-many thanks again @wbmcards88 for the pickup/delivery
Style-maple loaded base GBS
Format-pint can from the Advent GBS Complete Set, 2022
Canning info-BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS 11/18/22 14:05
Stemware-2018 Hardywood tumbler
Appearance-dark brown and foamy
Nose-“is that US or Canadian syrup?”
Mouthfeel-moderate viscosity and sweeeeeet
Tastes-liquid version of Mrs. dd’s chocolate chip pancakes, doused generously with maple syrup and spices
Adjuncts-ginger, honey, vanilla, lactose and gallons of maple syrup
IBU-55 (I know this one by heart :hugs:)
ABV-9.2% (also known from memory)
Overall impression-as @fuse posted, this one is sweet!
Overall impression-low cat 3; I’d pour this over pancakes/waffles some time
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 19th, 2023, 9:00 pm

Gingerbread Porter-Hardywood park Craft Brewery

Local for one of the RVA mules.

Credit-applause @wbmcards88 for his annual order, purchase and pickup
Style-3 guesses
Format-pint can
Stampage on can-GB PORTER 10/21/22 21
Stemware-Hardywood teku, 2020, IIRC
Appearance-dark, brown and foamyt
Nose-ginger and milk chocolate
Mouthfeel-a bit thinner than the GBS, as expected
Tastes-ginger zing, all the spices and some milk chocolate
Adjuncts-ginger, honey, vanilla and cinnamon; no lactose!!
IBU-55 (not sure I believe this for a porter)
Overall impression-a well done variant for the lactose intolerant folks
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; so well concocted/blended though I prefer the GBS a tad better
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 19th, 2023, 9:14 pm

Bourbon Barrel GBS 2022-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Local. Again.

Credit-wearing out the @wbmcards88 thank you wagon!!
Style-if ya know, ya know
Format-12 ounce stubbie, not the 750 ml bottle as in the picture which was the 2021 version
Stemware-wearing out that 2019 (or maybe 2020) Hardywood teku
Appearance-dark, mysterious and mildly foamy
Nose-bourbon and dark chocolate
Mouthfeel-“take me home tonight”
Tastes-bourbon, dark chocolate, burnt caramel, molasses and all the GBS spices
Adjuncts-“round up the usual suspects”
IBU-55 (it’s been this for years)
Overall impression-one word: terrific
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; the BBA aging adds an amazing touch to this already fabulous base beer
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 19th, 2023, 9:44 pm

The Recruit (draft)-Forgotten Road Ales

We’re at the damn bar.

Credit-my card, my thirst
Style-blonde ale
Format-fresh from the spigot
Stemware-large tumbler filled to the 6 ounce line :crazy_face:
Appearance-clear neon/lime; small head
Nose-floral hops and a hint of corn syrup
Tastes-matched the nose
Adjuncts-food coloring
IBU-N/A but likely 20ish
Overall impression-good pairing with a chicken burrito lunch
Ymm, Ber rating-mid/high cat 2; no “wow” but simply a solid blonde ale and I like blondes but don’t tell Mrs. dd :kissing_heart:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 19th, 2023, 9:55 pm

Day Patrol: Rhubarb Boysenberry (draft)-Forgotten Road Ales

Still sitting in the taproom.

Credit-open tab on my card with Mrs. dd’s permission from afar
Style-fruited sour
Glassware-as pictured
Appearance-cloudy, purple, no head
Nose-sweet and sour
Mouthfeel-mild pucker
Tastes-tart from the rhubarb, sweet from the boysen and sour from the yeasties
Adjuncts-rhubarb and boysenberry (D’oh!!)
IBU-N/A again but likely <10
ABV-6.2% (imperial sour?)
Overall impression-good pairing with the burrito; nice blend of tart/sweet/sour
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2; a notch or two below the New Glarus Strawberry Rhubarb but show me a sour that isn’t/wouldn’t be
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 20th, 2023, 8:58 pm

Day Patrol:BRB (draft)-Forgotten Road Ales

Still at the bar.

Credit-meeting friends, thirst and discretionary income
Style-fruited sour
Format-freshly drawn
Glassware-to the 6 oz pour line on a large tumbler
Appearance-see fo’ yo’self
Nose-berries and berries
Mouthfeel-sweet and sour
Tastes-black/rasp/boysenberries, generous squeeze of lemon for the sour
Adjuncts-berries mentioned above
IBU-N/A again but likely 5 to 10
Overall impression-better than Rhubarb/Boysenberry as it was sweeter
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; would be interesting to side by side with a NG lambic/sour though I’m not sure Serendipity would be a fair comparison as it’s apples, cherries and cranberries
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