Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 30th, 2022, 9:18 pm

Appetizer beer from “It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere” yesterday:

Insidious Design-Edward Teach Beer Company

30 miles south on US 17.

Credit-@fuse as part of a mixed 4 bagger before dinner; thanks!!
Format-pint can, shared 4 ways
Bottom of can ink: CANNED ON 08/12/22 10:18:32
Stemware-small goblets
Appearance-goldish yellow; modest fizzy head
Nose-light corn syrup, flowers and cantaloupe
Tastes-melon, flowers and light Karo
Hops-Hallertau Mittlefruh and Hull Melon
Malt-Epiphany Helles
IBU-maybe 25
ABV-5.9%, a bit higher than I’d have guessed
Uber alles impression-delightful
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; hits all the right notes for the style and paired nicely with a melon and berry salad before dinner
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 30th, 2022, 9:34 pm

The Moments Gone-New Anthem Beer Project collaboration with Sojourn Fermentory ( Our Story - Sojourn Fermentory)

Half local.

Credit-@fuse with beer #2 from his mixed 6er; thanks!!
Style-NZ style pale ale (it sez so on the label :yum:)
Format-pint can, shared 3 ways
Bottom info-22 277 (aka October 4, 2022)
Stemware-same small goblets
Appearance-hazy orange amber-moderate head
Nose-kumquats!! (no, really)
Tastes-kumquats, OJ, tangerine
Hops-Simcoe, Cashmere and Riwaka
IBU-“no IBU” but SWAG is gonna be high 30s
Overall impression-funky, tasty stuff with a hop combo I’ve never seen before
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; different, juicy and paired well with that large bowl of melons and berries I made
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 30th, 2022, 10:08 pm

Local when purchased at the *&^% brewery!!!

Credit-trader from Teacher Tom; 355 thanks yous are simply inadequate to express my sincere gratitude for your purchase and delivery of this white whale!!
Style-IIPA, American style
Format-500 ml bottle, not shared
Important recency bias data-060 30SEP22 08:39:12
Consumption instructions-“Please drink this beer fresh. Drink this the day you buy it. Drink this beer fresh within 45 days of the stamped born on date.”
Stemware-even larger wine glass than we have at home3
Appearance-gold; thin, offwhite head
Nose-a cornucopia of citrus
Mouthfeel-some juicy sweetness with a nice hop bite
Tastes-fresh squeezed pink grapefruit juice, orange rind, tangerine, apricot candy and cantaloupe
Hops-DDH Citra, Falconer’s Flight, Mosaic and Simcoe
IBU-“no IBU” but I’d guess 60
Overall impression-exceeds the hype I’ve heard/read for years about this damn near impossible to get DIPA unless you line up on US 1 and/or I-95 in Freeport, ME on the day it’s released; meets the beer advocate world class rating of 100 and #5 imperial IPA
Ymm, Beer rating-dare I place this on the upper shelf of cat 3; hell, yea, I’ll do that!!

Can I add another 355 thank yous for Teacher Tom for getting this from the brewery last week?
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 31st, 2022, 7:57 am

With shrimp and grits, a mixed green garden salad and good friends Saturday whist supping:

Ba’al-New Anthem Beer Project

Local was about 30 miles away with this purchase

Credit-@fuse with an outstanding choice; thanks!!!
Style-it’s really an NEIPA despite the IPA on the can; could be a NEDIPA
Format-pint can, shared 3 ways
Freshness stats-22 270 (IOW, September 27, 2022)
Glasses-rinse and repeat on the small goblets
Appearance-ever so slightly amber tinged pineapple juice; appropriate creamy topping
Nose-a tropical fruit melange
Mouthfeel-juiciness squared
Tastes-fairly similar to the 2021 version
IBU-(LOL @“no IBU”) but guessing high 30s
ABV-7.9%; y’all decide about IPA vs DIPA
Overall impression-wonderful pairing with the crustaceans, the grain and the green, orange, red and other assorted garden delights
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3, but you could discuss this up to the top shelf; MBC Dinner is better but barely
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 31st, 2022, 9:51 am

Saturday night’s finales:

Dessert #1: specialty bakery bought Key Lime Pie (not reviewed :stuck_out_tongue:)
Dessert #2: Rum Coquito Dire Wolf - Wolf’s Ridge Brewing | Photos - Untappd

Rum Barrel Dire Wolf Coquito-Wolf’s Ridge Brewing

Local when bought.

Credit-our son; many thanks!
Style-if ya know, ya know (from allrecipes: “Coquito is a creamy, tropical, Puerto Rican holiday drink with tons of coconut flavor. It’s made with both evaporated and condensed milk, cream of coconut, spices, rum, and — in this version — egg yolks. It is always requested at my holiday gatherings. Sometimes I hide it in the fridge to keep for myself! Serve in glass cups and sprinkle with more cinnamon if desired. Feliz Navidad!”)
Format-bomber, shared 3 ways almost equally* (@Loveninja only wanted a half pour and Teacher Tom had long departed as he and his vivacious chauffeur had an early AM departure Sunday)
How old stuff-PACKAGED ON 08/13/21
Stemware-we’re still rinsing and refilling our small goblets
Appearance-very dark brown with a thin, tan head
Nose-rum and spices
Mouthfeel-Oh, mon!!
Tastes-dark rum, cinnamon, prominent clove, vanilla, hints of coconut and dark brown sugar
Adjuncts-toasted coconut, cinnamon, clove and vanilla
Barrels-Jamaican rum x 11 months
IBU-IIRC, the base Dire Wolf is about 60
Overall impression-terrific
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; haven’t had a Dire Wolf or variant that I haven’t enjoyed tremendously, even if conditioned on moderate Scoville Heat Unit producing peppers
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 1st, 2022, 9:03 pm

From last PM:

Trader Jose Dark-Artesanas de Malta y Cebada

Not local.

Credit-trader from Bob Green; thanks!
Style-“premium beer”
Format-12 oz bottle
Stemware-standard pint glass
Appearance-medium/dark brown; modest foam
Nose-toasted grains
Tastes-light caramel and milk chocolate with herbal hops
IBU-maybe high 20s
Overall impression-solid pairing with a Caesar salad after a trip home from the NC coast
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 2; a good, dark lager
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 1st, 2022, 9:12 pm

Vienna-Double Nickel Brewing Company

About 10 miles from local when I bought it in mid September

Credit-needed trader that no one else might bring
Style-see photo
Format-12 ounce can
Appearance-very light amber; modest foamy toppin
Tastes-light flowers, corn syrup
Hops-“variety of German style”
Overall impression-middle of the road but a good pairing with some leftover boiled shrimp
Ymm, Beer rating-mid to upper cat 2; nice session/dinner brew
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 3rd, 2022, 6:23 pm

From Tuesday:

Black Forest Oktoberfest-Bill’s Brewing Company

Was local last weekend.

Credit-ongoing drink down of my retirement mixed case from a friend; thaniks!
Style-wrong answers only
Format-pint can
Bottom of can ink-09/01/22 PKG
Glass-nonic pint
Appearance-light amber; good and foamy
Tastes-wheat toast, earthy hops, light caramel
IBU-about 30 or less should be close
Overall impression-good repping for the style
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 2
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 3rd, 2022, 6:33 pm

Last night’s brew after MBB:

Summer Crush-Hopfly Brewing Company

Born in the Mount

Credit-drank it like I stole it; :shushing_face:
Style-IPA masquerading as a NEIPA
Format-pint can
Freshie data- :man_shrugging:
Stemware-the large wine glass appears again
Appearance-pineapple juice; moderate foam
Nose-pineapple juice, what a surprise :smirk:
Tastes-fairly fresh pineapple juice, splash of grapefruit, moderate mango maybe a drop of peach
Hops-Citra, Galaxy and El Dorado Lupomax
ABV-7.5% (Untappd) but “only” 7.0% on can
Overall impression-a notch below Burial, NA and Veil but still rather good
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; I’d drink another!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 4th, 2022, 10:54 am

Pilsner-Double Nickel Brewing Company

(No, I’m not having a mid-morning beer; that’ll be at tailgate next Saturday :stuck_out_tongue:.)

Local when I bought it about 6 weeks ago.

Credit-needed traders
Style-it might be a Pilsner :crazy_face:
Format-12 ounce aluminum cylinder
Ink stuff-05/25/22 09:33:24
Appearance-light gold and frothy
Nose-corn syrup and flowers
Mouthfeel-nicely bubbled
Tastes-pretty typical stuff here with flowers, light corn syrup and very lightly toasted cereal
Overall impression-decent pairing with half a sub last PM
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; happy to have tasted and shared/traded with friends
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 4th, 2022, 3:47 pm

Drop Dead Gordgeous-NoDa Brewing Company

Close enough.

Credit-I was fortunate enough to have been gifted two of these, one by our coowners at Topsail and the other by @fuse; many thanks to both!
Style-imperial pumpkin ale
Format-pint can
Recency bias-CANNED ON 09/06/22 9:42 #1076
Stemware-the large wine glass was not the “proper” glass but it held every last drop of this brew
Appearance-clean medium amber; good head
Nose-pumpkin and spice and everything nice
Tastes-very pleasant spice blend (not even gonna guess which ones), pumpkin and caramel
Adjuncts-see tastes
Overall impression-as good as remembered; a top 5ish all time pumpkin beer
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; worth a can or maybe a 4 pack to share/trade/side by side
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 5th, 2022, 11:40 am

With a pasta casserole last pm:

Amber Ale-The Duck Rabbit Craft Brewery

Farmville is local.

Credit-August West trader; thanks!
Style-you have to ask?
Format-12 ounce bottle
Glassware-standard pint vessel
Appearance-coulda been amber; clear and mildly foamy
Mouthfeel-a tad bitter but still pretty smooth
Tastes-caramel, earthy hops
IBU-probably 30ish
ABV-SWAG of 5.5%
Overall impression-good pairing with the pasta with Bolognese sauce
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 2; nice to revisit this
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 5th, 2022, 11:54 am


Copper Altbier-The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery

Within state boundaries

Credit-single from my retirement gift case; thanks!
Style-a lagered ale (paging mattman!)
Format-pint can
Base of can stampage-PCKD on 01/26/22
Glass-yes, a full pint version
Appearance-light/medium amber; clean with decent foam
Tastes-caramel, floral hops, hints of bitter
Ingredients-water, malt, hops yeast (yes, this is really printed on the can :crazy_face:)
IBU-high 20s?
Overall impression-decent-would be nice to compare to a traditional altbier
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; if fresher, it’d pair nicely with deli sammiches or grilled stuff
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 6th, 2022, 10:16 pm

Nightcap yesterday:

SunDrenched-Hopfly Brewing Company

“Born in the Mount; brewed and canned in Charlotte”

Credit-singe from mixed retirement case; thanks!
Format-pint can
Fresh stats-none
Stemware-that large wine glass continues to provide a wonderful sipping vessel
Appearance-very hazy yellow; generous foam
Nose-pineapple and mango
Mouthfeel-creamy and juicy
Tastes-pineapple, mango, peach, tangerine, cantaloupe and a twist of rind
Hops-Citra and Galaxy
IBU-upper 30s is my SWAG
Overall impression-half a step short oof Burial, NA and Veil but very well brewed
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; RJ had some not too good Hopfly this summer and I was leery pouring this but was quite satisfied when I licked the glass empty :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 6th, 2022, 10:16 pm

From yesterday:

Schwarzbier-The Duck Rabbit Craft Brewery

Farmville, NC qualifies.

Credit-trader from August West; thanks!
Style-black beer auf Deutsch :innocent:
Format-12 ounce bottle
Calendar info-no clue
Glassware-standard pint
Appearance-very dark brown; light tan head
Nose-earth and dark caramel
Tastes-dark caramel, earth, slightly burnt toast
IBU-maybe 30
ABV-guessing 5.5%
Overall impression-woulda been been better with grilled earth creatures or meats in casings instead of pasta
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 2; don’t think there are many to compare but this is one of their standards and it’s been very good for years
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 7th, 2022, 8:00 am

Nightcap yesterday:

SunDrenched-Hopfly Brewing Company

“Born in the Mount; brewed and canned in Charlotte”

Credit-singe from mixed retirement case; thanks!
Format-pint can
Fresh stats-none
Stemware-that large wine glass continues to provide a wonderful sipping vessel
Appearance-very hazy yellow; generous foam
Nose-pineapple and mango
Mouthfeel-creamy and juicy
Tastes-pineapple, mango, peach, tangerine, cantaloupe and a twist of rind
Hops-Citra and Galaxy
IBU-upper 30s is my SWAG
Overall impression-half a step short oof Burial, NA and Veil but very well brewed
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; RJ had some not too good Hopfly this summer and I was leery pouring this but was quite satisfied when I licked the glass empty
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 7th, 2022, 10:42 pm

Game/supper/salad beer:

Still Fly-Barrel Culture Brewing & Blending

Local, but who knows where local is for this brewery?

Credit-single gifted as part of my mixed case retirement present; thanks!!
Style-dry hopped pilsner :dizzy_face:
Format-pint can
Ink info-BUT THATS OK CAUSE IM 8/11/22 (I think that’s what the dating is as part of the numbers ain’t there)
Stemware-Goose Island nonic pint
Appearance-straw color; generous head
Nose-flowers and corn
Tastes-the expected slightly bitter flowers, corn syrup and lightly toasted cereal
IBU-“no IBU” but likely mid 20s
Overall impression-nice pairing with a BBQ ranch chicken salad
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2; solid but unexciting but I’d readily drink another with lunch sandwiches or a “light” chicken or seafood entree
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 8th, 2022, 8:51 am


Brown Ale-The Duck Rabbit Craft Brewery

Close enough

Credit-tradeer from August West; thanks!
Style-hint is in the name :stuck_out_tongue:
Format-12 ounce bottle
Freshness info-??
Glassware-voluptuous Dogfish Head nonic pint
Appearance-very likely brown; clean; expected head
Nose-really earthy
Mouthfeel-more bitter than it shoulda been
Tastes-dark brown sugar, some dark fruit
ABV-mid 5ish% range
Overall impression-too hoppy for a brown ale but still a nice sipper
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2 with points deducted for the bitterness; would pair well with grilled land creatures
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 9th, 2022, 9:38 pm

From last PM:

Vicky Virago-Resident Culture Brewing Company

The Big City is still local.

Credit-yet another gift from my mixed retirement case from a good family friend; thanks!
Format-pint can
Unfreshness info-08205/21/1 PKG 04/12/22
Stemware-that big wine glass never gets old
Appearance-very hazy orange yellow; good foam
Nose-tropical and citrus fruit salad
Mouthfeel-lotta sweet fruit and some bitter pith
Tastes-pineapple, grapefruit, tangerine, peach and mango
Hoppage-can claims Citra, Galaxy and Mosaic; Untappd states TDH with Galaxy, Citra and El Dorado :man_shrugging:
IBU-more :cow: :poop: of “No IBU” but goatta be low 40s
ABV-8% on can and Untapped but blow up of photo on Untappd looks like 8.5%
Overall impression-for a 7 month old DIPA, this was still pretty good
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 2/maybe low cat 3; obviously not fresh but pretty juicy and certainly not “turned”
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 10th, 2022, 5:47 pm

From last PM:

565-Tobacco Wood Brewing Company

NC’s first female veteran owned brewery; therefor, local!!

Credit-winding down my singles from my gifted retirement case; thanks!
Style-American amber ale
Format-pint can
Freshie info-PKGD ON 09/15/22
Glassware-standard pint vessel
Appearance-not sure, mighta been amber; clean with a modest head
Nose-caramel corn
Tastes-caramel corn and earthy hops
IBU-didn’t check
ABV-6.25% (not 6.2 or 6.3 :smile:)
Overall impression-sold but not exciting
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 2; probably a shade better than Fat Tire
[redacted] them and the horses they rode in on.
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