Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 12th, 2022, 10:40 pm

Strata Clapback-New Anthem Beer Project


Credit-another gift in my retirement 24 pack of singles; thanks!!
Format-pint can
Bottom of the can data-22 083 (aka March 24, Gregorian style)
Stemware-standard pint glass
Appearance-pineappleish, moderately foamy
Nose-lotsa citrus and tropical goodies
Tastes-pineapple, grapefruit, orange candy, drop of coconut and sadly a hint of wet cardboard
Hops-DDH Citra and final hoppage with Strata
IBU-(SOS) “no IBU” but likely 40s
Overall impression-can’t blame NA for the March 24 canning date and the bottle shop selling it last week and it’s slight “off” taste
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 2 but suspect fresh it woulda been easy cat 3 :cry:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 13th, 2022, 9:00 am

Alligator Bay (draft)-Salty Turtle Beer Company

Brewed in the back of the taproom behind those windows over there :point_left:

Credit-I was thirsty and it was dinner time
Style-American IPA
Format-freshly dispensed from the spigot
Glassware-nonic pint
Appearance-clear, goldish bronze; thin, offwhite head
Nose-pine and grapefruit
Mouthfeel-modest bite
Tastes-grapefruit rind and juice, resin, drizzle of caramel syrup
IBU-“no IBU” but gotta be low/mid 50s
Overall impression-drank as advertised/expected and paired well with (too much) good fried seafood and sides that we called our dinner
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 2; would sip again with any food truck or carried in food to the brewery
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 13th, 2022, 3:39 pm

Daily Forecast: Mimosa-Collective Arts Brewing Limited

Not even close. Eh?

Credit-drink it like you stole it; another dog sitting fee
Format-12 ounce can
Bottom of can ink-BB: SEP/18/2023 14:09 OF
Stemware-juice glass :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Appearance-mimosa; minimal head
Nose-“Are those oranges from Florida?”
Mouthfeel-soda juice; this ain’t beer
Tastes-Orangina; orange lemon Radler
Adjuncts-30% unfermented, freshly pressed orange juice
IBU-“No IBU” but not much above 5 to 10 range
Overall impression-new beer, new brewery to me; very pleasant beverage
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 2; surprisingly enjoyable sipper; would be wonderful with breakfast or on a warm summer or fall afternoon on a porch with or without a bowl of fruit
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 14th, 2022, 10:43 am

From last PM:

Pithy-Brewery Bhavana

Darn local

Credit-another single gifted as part of a mixed case; thanks!!
Style-American IPA
Format-pint can (no brewing info)
Stemware-large, boring wine glass
Appearance-hazy yellow, moderate foam
Nose-pineapple, grapefruit, pith (d’oh!) and resin
Mouthfeel-juicy bitterness
Tastes-grapefruit with a ton of pithiness, splash of pineapple, generous serving of resin
Hops-Vic Secret featured; no others listed
Overall impression-more of a hybrid with all the juiciness and a hefty serving of pine, too; a small step below what I think I remember from this one before March, 2020 but I’ll look for an old review
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; mighta been mid cat 3 in the past or coulda been this time, too, but it may have been a bit outdated and/or too many westie IPA features
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 14th, 2022, 10:25 pm

Damn, wbmcards88 posting about high gravity Hardywood future draft choices and all I got is:

Fancy Papers-Cigar City Brewing Company

Not local.

Credit-another “drink it like I stole it” for a dog sitting fee :smiling_face:
Style-hazy IPA
Storage vessel-12 ounce can
Recency bias-04/20/22 003:11 147 CANNED
Receiving vessel-standard pint glass
Appearance-mildly cloudy yellow; moderate white cap
Nose-tropical fruit salad
Mouthfeel-hint of bitter, solid hit of the tropics
Tastes-light tangerine, mango and pineapple
Hops-Sabro, Strata and Idaho 7
IBU-60 (woulda guessed mid 40s)
Overall impression-solid stuff; would steal, err drink again
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 2; nicely balanced with a lean toward fruitiness
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 14th, 2022, 10:38 pm

Cackalacky®-Tobacco Wood Brewing Company

35 miles away is local

Credit-another single in my retirement gift case; thanks!
Style-American Pale Ale
Format-pint can
Born on-08/19/22 PKG
Glassware-nonic pint
Appearance-light gold; generous head
Tastes-herbal, hints of pine and orange rind
Hops-“American variety”
Grains-“locally sourced specialty”
Overall impression-draft previously reviewed; canned offering not much different/better
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; nothing special; not worth a draft or can; I’m a beer snob/spoiled
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by Bob Green » October 16th, 2022, 4:25 pm

Duck Rabbit Amber Ale courtesy August West. Beer is smooth and tasty.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 16th, 2022, 9:50 pm

From last PM:

Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier-Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan


Credit-buddy from crazietalk has put this beer on the tasting table for years now and he was somewhat joshingly irritated we didn’t open it last tailgate so we promised Tonight’s the Night; thanks!
Style-whaaaaa? No one reads German here?
Format-11.2 oz bottle, not the pint can as pictured on Untappd
Appearance-cloudly whitish yellow and very fizzy foam
Nose-typical German wheat beer with orange, clove, spice and banananana
Tastes-matched the nose
Overall impression-absolutely classic beer for the style; in fact, #1 rated hefeweizen of beeradvocate’s listing which makes the the Untapped rating of 3.8 a real head scratcher
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; if you’ve never sipped one, buy it and you won’t regret it
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 16th, 2022, 10:09 pm

Beer #3, going out of order because August West poured #2 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

Wit-Brouwerij St.Bernardus

Local? More LOLOLOL

Credit-buddy strikes again with another beer he kept leaving on the table at tailgates for years again but no one knew whose it was and wouldn’t open it, thinking we’d be stealing someone’s fave ale; thanks
Style-Belgian witbier (d’oh!)
Format-11.2 oz bottle, shared 3 ways
Glassware-yes, whaddaya think we are, heathens like the cheats who invaded WW yesterday
Appearance-cloudy light yellow and lot of fizzy, foamy, lacy topping
Nose-orange, clove, spice, bubblegum and banana
Mouthfeel-oh, you sexy thing
Tastes-on target with the aromas
Overall impression-another great share bier from our buddy, buddy; this time he put the #5 witbier from beeradvocate’s top 100 witbier list
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; another WTF from Untapped who gives this a 3.6; if you’ve never sipped, find it and buy it!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 16th, 2022, 10:24 pm

Beer #2 because August West poured this high gravity big boy before I could tee up buddy’s bottle:

Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged Old Rasputin XXIII-North Coast Brewing Company

Local? Well, it’s origin is closer than Deutschland or Belgium :upside_down_face:

Credit-August West; thanks!!
Style-see above
Format-12 ounce bottle, shared 2 ways
Stemware-rinsed and repeated
Appearance-very dark brown, a bit thin with <10 bubbles on top
Nose-whiskey and dark chocolate
Mouthfeel-I’m too sexy for my beer
Tastes-whiskey, dark chocolate, hint of must, char, wood, dark caramel
Overall impression-reviewed before, maybe this summer from my last bottle, sooooo happy AW saved and shared
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; the shelves of BA imperial stout are very crowded but this one is still highly worthy
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 17th, 2022, 3:36 pm

Delayed reviews from tailgate:

#4; another 'palate cleanser"

Mutant X-Oskar Blues Brewery

If we visited the brewery at some time, it’s still local :grin:.

Credit-dpslaw with the share; thanks!!
Style-American IPA
Format-12 ounce can, shared 3 ways
Glassware-same old stuff
Appearance-clear bronze; moderate foam
Nose-grapefruit and pine
Mouthfeel-citrusy bitter
Tastes-grapefruit rind, pine, drop of orange liqueur, drizzle of caramel syrup
Overall impression-hit all the notes; very good old school westie IPA
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; delightful pairing with 'cue and brisket and a buncha tasty sides
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 17th, 2022, 3:56 pm

Oak Aged Vanilla World Wide Stout-Dogfish Head Craft Brewery

Not local unless Mr. and Mrs. buddy can find some later this month when they travel near the brewery {shameless}

Credit-trader from me to August West a couple/three years ago who brought it back to tailgate to share; what a guy!!!
Style-wrong answers only
Format-12 ounce bottle, shared only two ways
Stampage on bottle neck-BOTTLED ON 07/25/17 2358
( :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:)
Sipping vessels-same old pint glasses
Nose-dark chocolate and vanilla
Tastes-strong but not overpowering vanilla, dark chocolate, dark caramel, molasses, wet wood (no splinters)
Adjuncts-vanilla beans
ABV-17.5% (no typo); tasted every bit of it with surprising little burn
Overall impression-world class base RIS “improved” with the oak aging and vanilla; oh, my!!
Ymm, Beer rating-top shelf cat 3; it’s a crowded place but this totally deserves its spot
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 17th, 2022, 4:12 pm

From 7/10/22:
devildeac wrote:
July 10th, 2022, 9:04 pm
Bourbon County Brand Classic Cola Stout-Goose Island Beer Company

Local, but only when we visit.

Credit-a share with our son last pm; thanks!
Style-Goose Island’s rendition of a cola cocktail
Format-500 ml bottle
Bottled on-August, 2021 ? (Bottle recycled :woozy_face:)
Appearance-inky; no head
Nose-bourbon, dark chocolate and citrus
Tastes-bourbon, dark chocolate fudge, citrus, vanilla, wood
Adjuncts-“ lime and orange juice and zest, plus coriander, cassia bark, nutmeg, brown sugar, and vanilla”
IBU-50s ?
ABV-14% :scream:
Overall impression-world class; I’ve had St. Elmo’s Steakhouse Cola and the Gooser was a shade better
Ymm, Beer rating-top shelf cat 3; amazing concoction
Closer beer from tailgate, #6:

Bourbon County Brand Classic Cola Stout-Goose Island Beer Company

Not local unless you’re visiting Chicago land the Friday after Thanksgiving

Credit-August West never, ever disappoints; many, many thanks!!
Style-if ya know, ya know
Format-500 ml bottle, shared 2 ways
Bottling stuff-sometime in August, 2021, IIRC
Stemware-pint glasses
Appearance-dark and mysterious; no head
Nose-strong bourbon and spices
Mouthfeel-Are you Swear Jar kidding me?
Tastes-bourbon, citrus, spices, vanilla, dark chocolate, wood, dark caramel and molasse
Adjuncts-“ lime and orange juice and zest, plus coriander, cassia bark, nutmeg, brown sugar, and vanilla”
IBU-50? 60? Who cares?
Overall impression-fabulous
Ymm, Beer rating-right next to the DFH we had earlier in top cat 3; not sure I could pick my fave of the two as they were both world class
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 17th, 2022, 9:34 pm

Dessert last pm:

Peaches N’ Dream Blender-Hopfly Brewing Company

“Born in the Mount” but now brewed and canned in Charlotte. Still local

Credit-trader from older daughter last month, not collected as a dog sitting fee; thanks!!
Style-smoothie pastry sour ale
Format-pint can
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-peach smoothie; moderate, light orange, billowy head
Nose-peach puree
Mouthfeel-not beer
Tastes-peach jam, hint of peach skins, vanilla, cookies, drop of lemon juice
Adjuncts-peach , vanilla, marshmallow and graham crackers
IBU-“no IBU” likely not far off but still >0
ABV-6.5% (booze smoothie)
Overall impression-damn close to The Veil stuff but not quite; highly enjoyable
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3 but close to the middle tier; delightful change from IPAs/IIPAs and comforting to sample after RJ’s reviews of some Hopfly brews in the last couple months; if you see one, buy it!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 17th, 2022, 10:08 pm

Disappearing now in a glass near me:

Above the Threshold of Hell-Burial Beer Company

Asheville is close enough.

Credit-trader from Dr. R. at Saturday’s tailgate; huuuuge thanks!!
Style-NEIPA (can says IPA)
Format-pint can, not shared :smiling_imp:
Recency Bias-30 AUG 2022 It’s a Low Threshold
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-white grapefruit juice with froth
Nose-tropical fruit smoothie
Tastes-quite the melange of flavors including pineapple, grapefruit, mango, papaya, OJ and a drop of Coco Lopez
Hops-Incognito (see prior post cuz this technically is not a hop but a hop product), DDH with Galaxy, Strata and Simcoe
IBU-38 (I think most all their IPAs are listed at 38 IBUs :dizzy_face:)
Overall impression-typical fruit juiciness of a Burial IPA/IIPA
Ymm, Beer rating-sneaks into the middle tier of cat 3; yea, it’s that good; perhaps not Treehouse or Trillium good but as good, maybe better than many New Anthem and/or The Veil products
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 19th, 2022, 9:49 am

Until There Is No Longer-Burial Beer Company

Buncombe County? Yes, tis local.

Credit-beer #2 from @Dr.Rosenrosen’s trader 4 pack on Saturday; many thanks!!
Style-can says IPA, palate says NEIPA
Format-pint can
Bottom of can reading stuff-05 SEP 2022 WE MUST MAKE AN IDOL OF OUR FEAR
Sipping vessel-same old large wine glass
Appearance-pineapple/white grapefruit juice; moderate foam
Nose-tropical fruit salad
Mouthfeel-Oh. So. Juicy.
Tastes-pineapple, mango, tangerine, cantaloupe and orange
Hops-(from Untappd) “Whirlpooled with Citra and Citra Incognito. Double dry-hopped with hand-selected Citra pellets and with Citra Cryo.”
IBU-60 (I lied; not all Burial IPAs/DIPAs are 38 :kissing_closed_eyes:)
Overall impression-typical Burial fruity and juicy NEIPA
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; so easy to sip over 30-45 minutes and thoroughly enjoy; @Dr.Rosenrosen knows his beers!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 19th, 2022, 9:20 pm

There Is Only Perception Where Fact Once Laid-Burial Beer Co.

Asheville is local, right?

Credit-trader #3 from @Dr.Rosenrosen during tailgate Saturday; thanks!!
Style-American IPA
Format-pint can
Goodies on the bottom of the cylinder-09 SEP 2022 HEY LADY, YOU GOT MY LEFTOVER LIVER
Stemware-large wine glass still working well
Appearance-mildly cloudy, “dirty” yellow; 2 finger head
Nose-piney grapefruit squeezings
Mouthfeel-some pith, some juice
Tastes-orange and grapefruit rinds, pine, hints of mango and papaya
Hops-“whirlpooled with Incognito and Cryo. Double dry-hopped with hand-select Citra, Idaho 7, and Vic Secret, and finished with Citra Cryo.”
Overall impression-with those hops, aromas and tastes, this more resembles a “hybrid” westie/NEIPA and represents well
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; I liked last night’s NEIPA a shade better but this was very tasty sipping, too; if you see one, buy it!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 24th, 2022, 9:19 pm

The Mechanics of Chaos In the Construct of Transformation-Burial Beer Co.

(copied and pasted this beer name; too damn much to type)

Credti-4th and final beer from the @Dr.Rosenrosen trader at tailgate; thanks!!
Format-pint can sipped on October 20, so < 1 month old
Bottom of the can inkage-27 SEP 2022 SERVICED BY COOTER DAVENPORT
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-tropical fruit squeezings; moderate foaminess
Nose pineapple juice
Tastes-pineapple, papaya, guava and mango
Hops-Incognito and Cryo in the whirlpool and DDH with Galaxy , Mosaic and Eclipse
Overall impression-probably my favorite of the litter; highly juiced yet some dry and less sweetness
Ymm, Beer rating-sneaks into the mid cat 3 grouping; yea, it was that good
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 24th, 2022, 9:35 pm

Deep Orbit 'Nanna Rays-Other Half Brewing Company

Not. Local.

Credit-younger son in law traded to son who shared Friday night for his birthday a day earlier and a few days late for retirement; thanks!!
Style-BBA double pastry/flavored imperial stout; let’s see a #$%^ing poptart do that!
Stemware-large Zaftig snifters
Appearance-amazingly dark brown; no head
Nose-bourbon and dark chocolate
Mouthfeel-I’m too sexy for my glass
Tastes-fudge dipped frozen bananas, dipped again in bourbon drenched coconut
Adjuncts-banana, coconut and vanilla
IBU-“no IBU” but common sense says low 40s
ABV-16%; yea, after a 15.1% FFF BBA coffeed imperial stout this was the ABV winner and after a couple snifters of those two, the room became rather warm :dizzy_face:
Overall impression-stunning melange of candy, booze, fruit and pastry flavors
Ymm, Beer rating-easy high cat 3
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 24th, 2022, 9:48 pm

From last PM:

That Alt Time Feeling (draft)-Stumptown Ales (Davis, WV)

Didn’t Google but bartender said it was local.

Credit-I was thirsty after a 3 hour drive
Format-freshly dispensed
Glassware-nonic pint
Appearance-medium brown, clean; one finger head (no, not that finger :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:)
Nose-dark caramel
Tastes-dark caramel, earthy hops
IBU-guessing 30ish
Overall impression-good pairing with a fancy garden salad and Margherita pie after our drive
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 2; mighta even been better with a burger
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