Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 19th, 2022, 7:09 pm

From last pm:

Black Forest Cake-Southern Pines Brewing Company

even localer than the 336

Credit-last can standing from a 4 bagger I traded with davec (2) and our son (1) but thanks to TW for the cold tip AND for holding another can on retainer for me, IIRC
Style-pastry imperial stout
Format-half quart can
Canned on-04/06/22
Appearance-almost inky; 1.5 finger tannish head
Nose-“hey, großmutter, now what’s in the oven?”
Mouthfeel-almost liquid batter
Tastes-dark chocolate, Godiva chocolate cherry liqueur, cake batter, hint of marshmallow
Adjuncts-might be some form of cherries added to the brew; “hint of marshmallow creme”
ABV-13.2% (booze cake!!)
Overall impression-this ain’t some cheap ass toaster pastry, this tastes like a slice of the real cake from your favorite (non Joey) bakery
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; anxious to read what davec thinks; our son already raved about another outstanding SPBC pastry brew and I’m tickled about another can in the queue
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 23rd, 2022, 10:14 pm

Utopias Barrel Aged World Wide Stout-Dogfish Head Craft Ales

Credit-younger son in law; not enough thanks exist for this share
Style-base World Wide Stout aged in Utopias barrels
Format-12 ounce bottle, shared
Appearance-5W20; no head
Nose-cognac and cark chocolate
Tastes-brandy/cognac, port wine, dark chocolate, molasses, hints of rum and bourbon
ABV-17.3% (stunning)
Overall impression-phenomenal product
Ymm, Beer rating-cat 4 and it’s better than Ymm, Beer’s “only” other cat 4, Mas Agave Lime; simply a stunning product
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 23rd, 2022, 10:21 pm

From last pm:

Superfuzz Blood Orange Pale Ale-Elysian Brewing Company

Not local

Credit-younger son in law; thanks
Format-12 ounce can from a Costco mixed 12 pack
Best by-08/22/22
Stemware-none. straight from the can at a cook out
Mouthfeel-citrusy, bitter with a bit of flesh at the end
Tastes-orange and hops
Adjuncts-blood orange and orange peel
Malts-Pale, Munich anbd DextraPils
Hops-German Northern Brewer, Cascade, Citra and Amarillo
Overall impression-good pairing with grilled chicken breasts and smoked beef brisket; no sandwiches were constructed during this cookout/tasting
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; not much to add
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 24th, 2022, 10:04 pm

Simply crazietalk:

From 11/3/16, quoting me, myself and not TW:

"From 3/9/12:

Spotted Cow-New Glarus Brewing

This farmhouse ale made a nice follow-up to our sharing/enjoyment of Totally Naked. It is a straw-colored and slightly hazy pour with fizz instead of foam and scents of flowers and tastes of crisp, slightly underripe apples and pears. No IBU or ABV stats to be found but there is little hop presence here so I’d guess 10-20 with an ABV of 5-6%. This would make a fine ale to sip on a warm/hot spring or summer day or with some fresh berries or any light fish or chicken dishes.

From last PM (can):

This was also beer-muled back from our September beercation.

I don’t think this has changed in 4+ years. Why alter your flagship product? I know it’s labeled as a farmhouse ale but there are still elements/suggestions of a cream ale here, too (and no, fuse, I couldn’t taste any “cream” in the beverage ). Perhaps there was a hint of mild white pepper in the palate. Such a smooth brewing."

From last pm with a side-by-side with Spotted Cow Grand Cru"

Spotted Cow-New Glarus Brewing Company

“Only in Wisconsin”

Credit-gifted by a niece during our March trip to Chicago; thanks!!
Style-farmhouse ale
Format-12 ounce can
Bottom ink-GO 120 733
Stemware-Gouden Carolus chalice
Appearance-slightly hazy, light straw/gold; minimal head
Nose-hint of funk with some apples and pears
Tastes-underripe pears and apples, hints of funk and black pepper
Grains-"… flaked barley and the finest Wisconsin malts. We even give a nod to our farmers with a little hint of corn."
Special info-bottle conditioned
Overall impression-flagship NG beer never disappoints; so clean
Ymm, Beer rating-I’ll sneak this into low cat 3 as it’s such a pleasure to sip one of these
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 24th, 2022, 10:17 pm

From last pm:

Spotted Cow Grand Cru-New Glarus Brewing Company

“Only in Wisconsin”

Credit-Mrs. dd’s debit card as Woodman’s Grocery don’t take other plastic
Style-imperial, flavored farmhouse ale
Format-12 ounce bottle
Base of bottle etchings-021294164273A
Stemware-Gouden Carolus chalice #2
Appearance-a bit more gold and foam than the base Spotted Cow
Nose-orange peel, pears and apples
Mouthfeel-a bit sweeter and thicker than Spotted Cow
Tastes-orange peel, underripe apples and pears, hints of black pepper and funk
Grains-“Fine Wisconsin and Czech malts”
Hops-"…Willamette and Yakima Valley hops joined up with French and German varieties…"
IBU-“no IBU” but likely low 20s
ABV-8.5% Untapped and 8.7% on label
Overall impression-with elements of an spiced/flavored imperial farmhouse and a Belgian tripel, this is an excellent product, even with my overhyped expectations having known about this but not being able to get it for 2 to 3 years
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; would pair with almost anything from German entrees to grilled seafood or chicken but not with hot dog sammiches
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 25th, 2022, 10:10 pm

Disappearing now:

Session GBS-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

RVA will always be local.

Credit-wbmcards88 with the “front money,” nrrrrvous with the delivery; thanks and thanks!!
Format-pint can
Ink on bottom of cylinder-Canned on 11/18/2021 13:50
Stemware-2018 GBS tumbler
Appearance-dark brown and thin; modest tan head
Nose-pretty light on the spices/adjuncts
Tastes-the ginger, vanilla, cinnamon and honey are all pretty light
IBU-gotta be less than the standard 55 for the regular GBS
Overall impression-fun beer concept but I hope they leave it out of the 2022 GBS Complete Set and sub in a “real” beer :crazy_face:
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 2; nowhere near the original
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 28th, 2022, 4:53 pm

Delinquent reviews from Thursday’s beer trading summit with @fuse:

Sacrilege (draft)-Trophy Brewing Company

Can’t get more local.

Credit-it was warm and I was thirsty
Style-fruited Radler
Format-from the tap to the patio
Stemware-Trophy tulip
Appearance-slightly cloudy yellow orange; thin, bubbly head
Nose-grapefruit soda
Tastes-beer Fresca, hints of lemon/lime
Adjunct-grapefruit, I hope
IBU-had to be <10
ABV-4.8% (does that make it an imperial Radler as I think most are <3%? :nerd_face:)
Overall impression-refreshing on a warm spring afternoon
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2; mighta been a low cat 3 if it had a bit more grapefruit “punch”
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 28th, 2022, 5:00 pm

Thirsty Thursday at Trophy again:

Sterling Reputation (draft)-Trophy Brewing

Hometown local

Credit-I was still thirsty after the Radler and wanted to emulate my personage with the beer name :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Format-from the spigot to the shaded table
Stemware-Trophy tulip
Appearance-mildly cloudy yellow/light amber; thin head
Nose-hints of sweet and earthy hops
Mouthfeel-soft with a slight hop bite
Tastes-light caramel, hint of earthy hops
IBU-maybe mid 20
Overall impression-the hop presence in a maibock was a bit different and slightly surprising
Ymm, Beer rating-I’ll sneak this into low cat 3; won’t challenge any Germans but still good
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 28th, 2022, 5:09 pm

From last PM:

Seebee Gose-Big Boss Brewing Company

Even closer than Trophy

Credit-trader from @fuse; thanks!
Style-fruited gose
Format-12 ounce can
Bottom of can data-CANNED ON 09/29/2021 13:31
Stemware-Gouden Carolus chalice
Appearance-mildly cloudy light urple; 2 finger head that lasted 15 seconds
Nose-slight fruit, spice and salt
Mouthfeel-a bit of a tingle with a pinch of salt
Tastes-spice/coriander, light tangerine, berry, and salt
Adjuncts-tangerine, raspberry and sea salt
Overall impression-shoulda used more fruit
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; mighta been the age but mighta been simply an average beer
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 28th, 2022, 5:20 pm

Night cap last pm:

Lemur Party-Wilmington Brewing Company

A bit less local but still nearby

Credit-trader from @fuse; thanks!
Style-fruited milkshake DIPA
Format-pint can
Small print on label-4.7.22
Stemware-large Ommegang tulip
Appearance-yellow, creamy; generous foam
Mouthfeel-tad more bitter than fruit
Tastes-more papaya/guava than mango (that’s on my palate; see below); creamy
Adjuncts-mangoes and lactose
Grains/malts-pale, Hall and Oates, err, wheat and oats
Hops-Warrior (boil), Mosaic and Ekuanot (whirlpool), Citra/Amarillo/Cashmere (dry hop 1), Citra and Idaho 7 (dry hop 2); a lot hoppening in this ale :crazy_face:
IBU-maybe 50
Overall impression-outside of me mistaking mango for guava and/or papaya (maybe it was all the hop flavors confusing my taste buds), this was a really good beer :upside_down_face:
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; would be an interesting side by side with an orange or pineapple milkshake DIPA
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 29th, 2022, 5:51 pm

Pre-nap beer from 2 hours ago:

Honeydew Honeysuckle Wheat Ale-Appalachian Mountain Brewery

Kinda local.

Credit-trader from fuse who laughed and apologized for trading an InBev beer; thanks!
Stemware-standard pint glass
Appearance-slightly cloudy light tangerine color; moderate foam
Nose-melon and orange
Tastes-lots of honeydew (but honey, don’t), a generous squeeze of OJ and even a hint of cantaloupe (not added); not sure about the honeysuckle
Adjuncts-honeydo this, err honeydew melon and honeysuckle
IBU-“no IBU” but I’ll guess mid 20s
ABV-5.3% (quit laughing, this was really, really refreshing)
Overall impression-a helluva porch sitting, rocking chair rocking, ocean gazing, sky watching, breeze wafting Sunday afternoon thirst quencher at the NC coast
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; no more laughing as this was the perfect beer for the above setting despite @fuse’s sheepish apology for an AB brew as a trader :hugs:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » May 29th, 2022, 10:01 pm

With dinner tonight:

Limoncello-Deep River Brewing Company (Johnston County’s first legal brewery :roll_eyes:)

Neighboring county=local

Credit-trader from fuse who might still insist that “nothing good every comes from Johnston County” (I’ve heard the story; now it’s up to @fuse to reveal :grin:); thanks!
Style-fruited sour
Format-pint can
Bottom of can info-07022 999 #LETSGOCANES
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-slightly cloudy sunshine; moderate fizziness
Nose-fresh squeezed whole lemons; yessir!
Tastes-matched the nose; little sweet, little sour and lots of zest
Base beer-sour blonde (but don’t tell her I said so :crazy_face:) ale
Hops-Sorachi Ace (not sure I’ve had any other Sorachi Ace beers except a Brooklyn ale maybe 10 years ago)
IBU-30 (no way!)
Overall impression-wonderful pairing with some Old Bay sauteed shrimp, steamed haricot verts and sauteed mushrooms on the deck looking at the ocean
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; what a fun, refreshing, warm early evening beach beer that even Mrs. dd liked enough to take 2 full sips :smirk:
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by Bob Green » May 30th, 2022, 10:00 am

I took a 12-pack of Dos Equis Especial to a BBQ on Saturday. Heineken is my 🍺 of choice today for backyard festivities.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 1st, 2022, 3:48 pm

From the last two nights:

GBS Barrel Blend 2020-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

RVA=near and dear

Credit-wbmcards88 from the March, 2020 warehouse sale; $15; thanks!!!
Style-too complicated so copied/pasted from Untappd; “ An exquisite blend of Gingerbread Stout aged 16 months in Basil Hayden Bourbon barrels, Bourbon Cru aged 21 months in Basil Hayden Bourbon barrels, our long boil Barleywine aged 21 months in Basil Hayden Bourbon barrels, and Foolery aged 21 months in Basil Hayden Bourbon barrels.”
Format-corked and caged 750 ml bottle
Stemware-2018 GBS tumbler
Appearance-dark brown; few tan bubbles
Nose-sultry and alluring
Mouthfeel-even sultrier and more alluring
Tastes-very complex with bourbon, cinnamon, tons dried dark fruits, oak, hint of char, dark chocolate and dark caramel
Adjuncts-ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, lactose and honey from the GBS base
ABV-12.3% (I’d have guessed 14-15% :scream:)
Overall impression-another Hardywood grand slam
Ymm, Beer rating-upper cat 3; this is truly an outstanding concoction
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 2nd, 2022, 10:16 pm

Cabin Fever-New Glarus Brewing Company

“Only in Wisconsin”

Credit-it was in the stacks and stacks of beer and I needed a 6th case to divvy up 6 ways, well, now 8 ways :dizzy_face:
Style-honey lager/bock
Format-12 ounce bottles
Glassware-2014 US Open handled stein
Appearance-pale bronze; modest foamy head
Nose-honey and lightly toasted grains
Tastes-honey, lightly toasted cereal/grains, drizzle of corn syrup and flowers
Grains-“exclusive blend of Midwestern two row malt”
Hops-“special European hops”
Adjunct-“naturally sweet Wisconsin wildflower honey”
IBU-maybe 20
ABV-likely around 6%
Overall impression-not quite German quality but damned close; checks all the “bock-ses”
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; quite the spring sipper
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 3rd, 2022, 10:52 pm

Mocha Berry Bock-New Glarus Brewing Company

It was local when purchased. “Only in Wisconsin”

Credit-knew nothing about this beer when I placed the case in my giant shopping cart at Woodman’s last month; bought on brewery reputation; sometimes, I’m not as dumm as I look
Style-fruited doppelbock
Format-12 ounce bottle
Stemware-2014 US Open handled stein
Appearance-burgundy brown; modest reddish/beige head
Nose-raspberries and caramel
Mouthfeel-“too sexy for my glass”
Tastes-raspberry jam, mild chocolate, caramel, hint of coffee, dark dried fruits
Hops-“German and American”
Grains-“rich Wisconsin and Czech malts”
IBU-“no IBU” but palate says 30
ABV-“no ABV;” c’mon, ya gotta publicize this somewhere; I’ll guess 8%
Overall impression-huuuuge fanboi but I also try to be objective; this exceeded even my New Glarus expectations; wonderful blend of hops, grains and flavors
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 3; I’m a broken record WRT NG beers and I’ll wait for fuse’s review, too, along with TW, RJ, nrrrrvous, wbmcards88, mattman and TT when they sip theirs
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 5th, 2022, 9:23 pm

Couple thousand beer reviews coming soon from yesterday. First up:

Frankfurter Sandwich Kolsch-Mattman’s Homebrewing


Credit-coulda been mattman; thanks for sharing!!
Style-wrong answers only
Format-12 ounce bottle
Freshie data-bottled couple/three weeks ago
Stemware-mini snifter
Appearance-clean/clear light sunshine; smallish head but the glass was small
Nose-apples and pears
Tastes-apples and pears and fresh flowers with a hint of light Karo syrup
IBU-maybe mid 20s
Overall impression-would be a fun side by side with a White Street or Red Oak kolsch
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; spot on for the style and very easy to sip
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 5th, 2022, 9:30 pm

Hot Dog Sandwich’s Good Friend Pale Ale-Mattman’s Home Brewing

Still local.

Credit-coulda been the same homebrewer; thanks for sharing 2 brews!!
Style-go figure
Recency bias-maybe bottled a week ago
Glassware-mini snifter
Appearance-yellowish/light amber; smallish head
Nose-pineapple juice cocktail
Mouthfeel-fruity and pithy
Tastes-pineapple, papaya, hint of caramel
IBU-40s ?
Overall impression-pleasantly different from the “standard” pale ale from Sierra Nevada
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2; I don’t get too excited about pale ales but this was seriously good
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 5th, 2022, 9:37 pm

Single in Havana-Barrel of Monks Brewing (great name)

Local for the muleing agent

Credit-Teacher Tom; thanks!!
Style-fruited blonde ale
Format-12 ounce bottle
Bottled on-(missing data)
Stemware-mini snifter
Appearance-cloudy yellow; modest offwhite head
Tastes-sweet, fresh guava puree, mints of peach and melon
IBU-probably 20
Overall impression-wonderful warm afternoon sippper
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2-nice balance of the fruit and blonde ale
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 5th, 2022, 9:46 pm


Local for another buying guy

Credit-RJ; thanks!!
Style-peppered pale ale
Format-pint can that didn’t get finished
Stemware-Small Ommegang pilsner glass
Appearance-yellowish/amber- modest head
Smell-toasted grains; not too hot pepper
Tastes-light caramel, some pine and a hint of heat at the end
Grains-listed, can’t remember
Hops-listed, can’t remember
Overall impression-not one of Incendiary’s offerings it was not due to what little heat was there
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; not much exciting here but sippable
[redacted] them and the horses they rode in on.
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