Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 21st, 2020, 9:32 pm

Holy Schnitzengiggles, Tripping William was right; again!!

So Desu (draft)-New Anthem Beer Project

Sometimes, it's real local. And *not* German.

Credit- $10/32 ounce growler special, my credit card, Ymm, Beer and TW refreshing my memory last week; thanks!!
Style-NEIPA (dare I say NEDIPA?)
Stemware-Founders snifter
Appearance-yellowish gold, big time head; who put that tropical smoothie in my beer glass?
Tastes-fresh squeezed OJ with a fair amount of rind; pineapple, mango, pith, papaya
IBU-probably 50ish
Overall impression-a Veil and/or Burial quality product
Ymm, Beer rating-mid level cat 3; sooo happy this still tasted fresh after >2 days in captivity; ecstatic to have another serving tomorrow night, too
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 22nd, 2020, 10:33 pm

Oktoberfest Märzen-Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG

Several thousand miles from local.

Credit-a recent trader from RJ199 and the German Virtual Pub hostess on Saturday, the beergoddess; thanks!!
Format-11.2 ounce bottle
Enjoy by-03/21 on label
Stemware-boring pint glass
Appearance-yellowish straw; generous foamy head
Nose-lightly toasted bread and floral hops
On the tongue-very pleasant
Taste sensations-toasted biscuit with a drizzle of honey and some very mild Euro hops bitterness
Adjuncts-Nein! Rheinheitsgebot!!
IBU-might be 20
Overall impression-if this only received an 87 on beeradvocate, I'm gonna be amazed if I got any better Märzen than this one
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; not an exciting style but very clean, crisp and very traditional for the style/celebration
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 23rd, 2020, 7:40 pm

Because German Virtual Pub is only 3 days away:

Oktoberfest-Surly Brewing Company

Minneapolis is not a local postal code.

Credit-my $2 to support the beergoddess' theme; plus, I've never had a Surly beer
Style-Oktoberfest Marzen
Format- 12 ounce can
Drinking vessel-pint glass
Appearance-light bronze, mild foam
Nose-lightly toasted biscuit
Tastes-light caramel and honey, toasted wheat bread; hints of floral/Euro hops bitterness
IBU-probably 20
Overall impression-a reasonable facsimile of the traditional German Oktoberfest bier
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 2 but not as good as the Paulaner Oktoberfest from last evening traded by RJ199
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 25th, 2020, 9:04 pm

For German Virtual Pub tomorrow:

Endless Measure-Wise Man Brewing

The Triad area is local.

Credit-my $3 and the beergoddess choosing the German theme
Style-Oktoberfest lager
Temporary residence-16 ounce can
Glassware-Goose Island nonic pint
Appearance-clean/clear; almost amber; modest light tan head
Nose-caramel and earth
Tastes-toasted wheat bread, drizzled with honey and caramel; earthy hops
Overall impression-one of the better American Oktoberfests I've had; on a par with Great Lakes and Clawhammer
Ymm, Beer rating-tough to give a "fake" German bier a cat 3 but I'm good putting this one in there; great pairing with a pulled pork sammich, slaw and (not German) potato salad
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 26th, 2020, 10:37 pm

This will not be an easy review.

Schneider Weisse Tap 5 Meine Hopfenweisse-Weisses Bräuhaus G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH; collaboration with Brooklyn Brewery, apparently with 2 recipes

Local? Of course not!

Credit-the beergoddess' theme and my ~$5.
Style-(here's where the confusion begins); bottle says "ale, weizen doppelbock" (wait, bocks/doppelbocks are lagers )
Format-500 ml bottle
Numbers on label related to freshness-19.304 200819 (; translation 08/20/19 or 08/19/20 ??)
Stemware-Dogfish Head nonic pint glass
Appearance-cloudy, yeasty/mildly chunky amber orange yellow
Nose-citrus, tropical and caramel ??
Mouthfeel-tingly and bitter-y ??
Tastes-wait, WTH are flowers, mango, pineapple, caramel, orange, banana, clove and bubblegum doing dancing together?
Hops-Hallertauer and Saphir (hence the mélange of flavors)
ABV-8.2% (whoa!)
Overall impression-ended up being an excellent sipper during German Zoom), especially when paired with a warm fake German soft pretzel from Harris Teeter
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; a bit of research said this might be a Brooklyn East India Pale Ale/Schneider Weisse pale weissebock which 'splains a lot
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 27th, 2020, 8:16 pm

From last PM:

Hefe-Weissbier Naturtrüb-Paulaner Brauerei

Munich is not a local postal code .

Credit-the beergoddess for the theme and my Visa for the purchase
Format-500 ml aluminum can (even those wacky Germans are in on the instigation of the aluminum shortage)
Stemware-a fake German stein from the 2014 US Open
Appearance-light straw yellow with a moderate, egg shell white fizzy topping
Nose-floral and light caramel
Tastes-lightly toasted bread, flowers, a bit o' honey (oops, not a candy reference) and a drizzle of light caramel
Adjuncts-Nein!! Rheinheitsgebot (gesundheit, too) rules!!
IBU-maybe 20
Overall impression-they've known how to brew wheat beer in Deutschland for a century or three
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; not exciting but really good and easy drinking
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 27th, 2020, 8:33 pm

Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest Märzen-Hacker-Pschorr Bräu GmbH

Another Munich bier.

Credit-beergoddes' Virtual Pub and my $2
Style-lemme guess here...
Format-330 ml bottle
Stemware-Sierra Nevada pint glass
Appearance-light amber with an off white head; resembled an American style Oktoberfest
Nose-a bit more malt/grain than the other true German Oktoberfests
Tastes-medium toasted wheat bread, drizzled with medium caramel and a bit more herbal/earthy bitterness
IBU-perhaps 30
Overall impression-a very small step below the other German Oktoberfests
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2; it's still very good but not outstanding/world class; quite easy to sip, especially with a fake German soft pretzel
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 27th, 2020, 10:53 pm

Blue Shift (or is it Shift:Blue)-Incendiary Brewing Company

I'll take local for $400 please.

Credit-RJ199 and the beergoddess in a trader package about 3 weeks ago; thanks!!
Style-NEIPA, but, at 8.1% ABV, it's really a NEDIPA
Format-pint can
Date canned-8/10/20; still fresh!!
Stemware-if it's from Winston-Salem, I'm drinking it in a Stella snifter
Appearance-I'll make it unanimous; it's a muddy gold (with a moderate foamy head)
Nose-tropical fruit salad
Mouthfeel-mild bite
Tastes-a bit overripe pineapple, grapefruit, papaya and mango
Hops-Mosaic, Citra and Columbus
Grains-Golden Promise (did not research), Pilsner, wheat and oats
IBU-might be 50
Overall impression-very enjoyable
Ymm, Beer rating-upper level cat 2; there are a lot of NEIPAs/NEIIPAs and this one competes well; will look for more Incendiary products
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 28th, 2020, 8:12 pm

Shade-New Anthem Beer Project

Close enough for local.

Credit-RJ199 and the beergoddess; thanks!!
Format-pint can
Stemware-Founders snifter
Appearance-white grapefruit juice on nitro
Nose-grapefruit from halfway across the room
Tasty stuff-lots and lots of grapefruit juice with some lemon, rind and a splash of orange
Adjuncts-oats and wheat
IBU-probably 50
ABV-6.9% but felt like >8% 30 minutes later
Overall impression-another round tripper from NA; good pairing with a spicy/grilled southwest salad
Ymm, Beer rating-easily waltzes into a low cat 3 seat for me; damn, NA brews some fine, fine IPAs/NEIPAs/DIPAs
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 28th, 2020, 10:22 pm

Aventinus Eisbock-Schneider Weisse

Don't even ask if it's local.

Credit-beergoddess' theme and my $5
Style-technically, an eisweizendoppelbock (no, not a weisse-eis)
Format-11.2 ounce bottle
Numbers and dates-18.129 250418 ("can be cellared for later enjoyment")
Stemware-Hardywood 2019 Complete Set teku
Appearance-muddy, dark amber with a moderate, fizzy head
Nose-caramel, orange, toffee and earth
Tastes-oh, my; dark caramel, figs, dates, milk chocolate, earth, orange, toffee and some alcohol burn
IBU-probably low 20s
ABV-12% (warning!)
Overall impression-beeradvocate #2 on one of their bock lists; world class
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 3; no complaints; worth seeking out
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 29th, 2020, 10:57 pm

From last PM:

Backwoods Bastard-Founders Brewing Company

From the *other* Beer City USA. And nope, no ol' roy sighting with this one.

Credit-a good storage spot/"cellar" and a great deal of patience
Style-the BBA version of their Dirty Bastard (still no ol'roy)
Format-12 ounce bottle
Bottled on-09.07.18 0945 6
Stemware-why, a Founders snifter, of course
Appearance-clean, dark brown that muddied up some near the end of the pour; moderate, foamy khaki head
Nose-bourbon, dark caramel and a hint of smoke
Mouthfeel-nicely textured
Tastes-dark caramel, dark fruits, bourbon, earthy hops, oak, a drop of vanilla and a trace of smoke
IBU-maybe 30ish
ABV-11% (this'll knock you on your keister)
Overall impression-world class combination of a Scotch ale and BBA; reminds me a lot of Catawba's Hooligan from several years ago in the barrel room at the brewery
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 3; another desert island beer for me; well worth the $14-16 for a 4 pack; might have to look for the 2019 version this weekend
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » September 29th, 2020, 11:03 pm

"True Chaos Sour - Fruited Berliner Weisse

5.8% ABV Wise Man Brewing Winston Salem, NC
Inspired by the famed Ramos Gin Fizz, this refreshing Berliner Weisse screams citrus, with lemon, key lime, and blood orange greeting the palate. Bright citrus fades into delicate juniper and a balanced sweetness from lactose and orange peel. No shaking necessary. "Without access to true chaos, we'll never have true peace. Unless everything can get worse, it won't get any better." - Chuck Palahniuk"

The above is copied/pasted from the Bottle Rev tap list for today and I have little to add to that except if the NC Ymm, Beer contingent see this in cans at your local bottle shop, don't buy just one...

Lotta sours/goses/Berliner Weisse products out there and this easily enters cat 3 territory.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 2nd, 2020, 4:47 pm

Bourbon Barrel Aged Raisin Pecan Chocolate Pie (draft)-Southern Pines Brewing Company

Close enough to call local.

Credit-Tripping William's education and a device rep's expense account
Style-above (pastry stout!!)
Storage container-keg
Stemware-half pint plastic cup (hey, it was a before dinner dessert )
Appearance-liquid fudge; thin, mocha head
Nose-chocolate and bourbon
Mouthfeel-high viscosity
Tastes-Angus Barn chocolate chess pie with a ladle of raisin pecan sauce and a shot of Kentucky's finest; hint of coffee (not added)
Adjuncts-contained in name
IBU-70 (surprising)
Overall impression-superb, but I almost needed a glucometer for a finger stick blood sugar check after drinking this
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 3; loses a point for its almost cloying sweetness but not Southern Tier sweet; highly recommended
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 2nd, 2020, 5:30 pm

Summer 2020-Brewery Bhavana

Local indeed!!

Credit-RJ199 and the beergoddess trader; many thanks!!
Format-pint can
Style-wood fermented and fruited Flanders style red ale
Date data-06/17/20 (a wonderful day to package a beer and have a birthday )
Stemware-large Ommegang tulip
Appearance-a beautiful reddish brown with little head
Nose-sour berry/cherry vinegar
Tastes-cherries, blueberries, wet wood, vinegar and wine
Adjuncts-blueberries and cherries
Overall impression-reminded me of Rodenbach's fantastic Character Rouge from OPK's Belgian Virtual Pub with obviously slightly different fruity elements
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 3; a terrific Belgian-style sour; paired wonderfully with a grilled chicken and mixed green salad with berries and apples
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 2nd, 2020, 10:28 pm

Patina Dark 03-Brewery Bhavana

Still local

Credit-a recent trader from RJ199 and the beergoddess from his recent Cellar Door delivery; thanks!!
Style-Cabernet foeder aged fruited sour ale
Format-pint can
Can dating-(shrugs)
Stemware-large red wine glass
Appearance-dark ruby brown with a quickly disappearing head
Nose-raspberry vinegar
Mouthfeel-fruity and puckery
Tastes-raspberry wine/vinegar, tart/sour
IBU-can't be >10
Overall impression-what I'd imagine a New Glarus Raspberry Tart ale would taste like after 6-12 months in Cabernet barrels; outstanding
Ymm, Beer rating-middle tier cat 3; great pairing with a chicken/apple/red onion/bleu cheese/candied pecan/mixed green salad for dinner
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 3rd, 2020, 7:50 pm

Life Moves Pretty Fast (draft)-Compass Rose Brewery

About as close to local as I'm able to obtain.

Credit-prior experience and a good meeting place with a 19 item draft list
Drinking vessel-tumbler
Appearance-hazy juice; small, fluffy head
Nose-tropical fruit bowl
Mouthfeel-mild bitterness yet fruity
Tastes-orange, rind, pineapple and tangerine
Hops-Idaho 7, Zythos (new to me) and Citra cryo
Overall impression-good quality NEIPA
Ymm, Beer rating-upper tier cat 2; there are a lot of NEIPAs on the market and I'd sip this again and recommend a serving to anyone visiting the area
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 3rd, 2020, 9:48 pm

Lord Willin' and the Creek Don't Rise-Casita Brewing Company (a sorta new name and a new location but not updated on the label yet)

90ish miles away is still local

Credit-RJ199 and the beergoddess; thanks!!
Style-Baltic porter ("for quiet enjoyment)
Serving size-pint, aluminumized
Stemware-Dogfish Head nonic pint
Freshness dating-five smudged numbers on top rim of can
Appearance-deep, dark brown; mocha head
Nose-burnt coffee and caramel; licorice
Mouthfeel-roasty, real roasty
Tastes-some burnt pumpernickel toast, espresso, earth, licorice, burnt caramel
Malts-German and Belgian (OPK and the beergoddess must've talked to the brewer )
Special note-"fermented cool and conditioned cold" (why? a baltic porter is a dark/black lager)
Pairing ideas-would be ideal with most smoked bovine entrees
Overall impression-quite flavorful; not my favorite style and not a popular style but I enjoyed this
Ymm, Beer rating-upper tier cat 2; as interesting as Hardywood's Baltic Sunrise
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 3rd, 2020, 9:55 pm

Every Hour Is Grace (draft)-Compass Rose Brewery

Yep, same local as Life Moves Pretty Fast.

Credit-good beertender who offered tastes of both
Appearance-hazy pineapple juice
Nose-a bit more citrus than Life Moves
Tastes-more citrus than tropical
Hops-Sabro, Mosaic and Meridian (new to me)
Overall impression-a slight edge to Life Moves
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 2; would certainly order a full serving of this
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 4th, 2020, 6:09 pm

Contractually Obligated (draft)-Compass Rose Brewery

As local as I can get.

Credit-thirst, style and a comfortable, partly sunny afternoon on a large patio while socially distancing with friends and food
Stemware-10 ounce tumbler
Appearance-light gold/bronze; small, off white head
Nose-rind, orange liqueur and pine/resin
Mouthfeel-piney/rindy bitterness
Tastes-orange liqueur and zest, grapefruit, pine/resin and caramel
Hops-"brewed with all SEVEN VARIEITES from our 2019 hop contracts: Belma, Idaho 7, Amarillo, Zythos, Meridian, Citra Cryo, and Mosaic Cryo."
IBU-85 (); did not drink like that
Overall impression-reminded me of DFH 90 Minute IIPA from a couple decades ago and a tailgate 4 to 5 years ago; high praise
Ymm, Beer rating-lots of competitors but this clears the Cat 3 hurdle; very well balanced and highly sippable
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » October 4th, 2020, 10:41 pm

Wild Dreams Run Free-Casita Brewing Company (new name and location)

About 30 miles more local than they were a few weeks ago.

Credit-RJ199 and the beergodddess; thanks!
Format-1/8 gallon can
Appearance-pineapple juice; generous meringue head
Nose-pineapple grapefruit juice
Mouthfeel-pulpy and a bit thick
Tastes-pineapple, grapefruit, peach, cantaloupe, orange and Chardonnay
Grains-Pilsner malt, flaked oats, honey malt and dextrose ()
Hops-Amarillo, Nelson Sauvin, Riwaka and Mosaic
IBU-probably about 50
Overall impression-another wonderful creation from Casita (fka Casita Cerveceria)
Ymm, Beer rating-easy Cat 3; I'd drink this again and again and would recommend to anyone
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