Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 1st, 2020, 10:33 pm

devildeac wrote:
January 4th, 2020, 11:05 pm
Gingerbread Cookie Clear Sky-Wolf's Ridge Brewing Company

Local for some family member.

Credit-son of devildeac/Christmas present; thanks!
Format-bomber; half tonight, half tomorrow
Style-spiced/flavored cream ale
Appearance-clear; cookie yellow-tan
Nose-Is that you in the kitchen, Grandma?
Tastes-cookie spices including ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and maybe a few others
Adjuncts-they have a recipe on the label for gingerbread cookies with all the above plus butter, brown sugar, orange zest and molasses
IBU-I'll go with 20
ABV-5.4% (it's a cookie, not a beer, remember?
Overall impression-very pleasant novelty beer; happy to split over two nights; tastes like liquid cookies
Ymm, Beer rating-middle shelf cat 2; Santa would have enjoyed this last week
Liquid dessert #1 last PM:

Clear Sky Coconut Cream Pie-Wolf's Ridge Brewing

One of several variants of the base cream ale, Clear Sky. Local for one family member

Credit-son of devildeac from last month's trading session; thanks!!
Format-bomber, half last PM, the other half currently under review
Packaged on-Jan/31/2020
Style-spiced/flavored cream ale (yea, fuse, I can *almost* taste the cream )
Glassware-pint glass
Appearance-slightly cloudy, off yellow; big fizzy head that disappeared quickly
Nose-I didn't know Mrs. dd had this in her recipe book
Mouthfeel-not quite creamy
Tastes-a slightly under flavored slice of coconut cream pie; pie crust; vanilla
Adjuncts-toasted coconut; vanilla beans
ABV-5% (booze in a pie )
Overall impression-another good variant from what appears to be a long running series; the one above was a bit better
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; one of RJ199's Grand Traverse coconut cream pie bets would be better but I like this a fair amount
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 6th, 2020, 9:43 pm

A late entry from last week:

BBA Raspberry Stout-Hardywood Craft Brewery

Surprisingly, not local

Credit-a keen eye, the brewery's reputation and a prior review somewhere on Ymm, Beer by accfanfrom1970
Style-it's all the above plus imperialized and milked!~
Format-corked and caged 750 ml bottle, divided over 2 nights
Stemware-my first use of the 2019 Hardywood GBS Complete Set teku glass
Appearance-dark brown center, ruby edges, foamy tan head
Nose-booze soaked dark chocolate raspberry torte
Mouthfeel-seductive; chewy
Tastes-dark chocolate, vanilla, raspberry jam, bourbon
Adjuncts-Madagascar vanilla, cacao beans, "late season" Virginia raspberries, lactose
ABV-11.8%; definitely a share or two night beer
Overall impression-another Hardywood grand slam; the "original" raspberry stout and Raspberry Short Kate are really good; this enters another zip code
Ymm, Beer rating-mid to upper cat 3; I think this was about $14 for the large format; worth a search
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 6th, 2020, 10:17 pm

Nebo Pilsner-Fonta Flora Brewery

Nearby but not that local

Credit-a really good beer steward at Bottle Revolution
Format-pint can
Glassware-pint glass
Appearance-light golden yellow; slight haze; amazing head with an aggressive pour, as the can instructed
Nose-flowers, light honey
Tastes-mild floral bitterness; light sweetness
IBU-couldn't be over 30
Tidbits-named after Fonta Flora's location; fermented cool; conditioned/lagered cold for 8 weeks, never less
Overall impression-happy to share this with the Virtual Pub attendees on Saturday; quality offering
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; not many pils/lagers gonna get a cat 3 rating as Tripping William stated
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 8th, 2020, 10:46 am

One and done; early entrant (for Virtual Pub)!

Steinbock-Fonta Flora Brewery collaboration with Zillacoah Beer Company

Credit-it's a lager, was on the shelf, mixed cases are 15% off at this shop and mattman has told us for months how good Zillacoah is :D
Format-12 ounce aluminum fomite
Style-doppelbock lagerbier
Glassware-pint glass
Appearance-acorn brown; tan, foamy head
Nose-liquid Heath bar?
Mouthfeel-smooth and mildly sweet
Tastes-toffee, butterscotch, medium/dark caramel, light and earthy hops; minimal bitterness
IBU-10 to 20
Overall impression-excellent for the style which I've liked for many years
Ymm, Beer rating-doesn't quite reach cat 3 but this is a well executed beer

From the label and Untappd-worth a read how they created this bier:

"This is steinbier: a very old way of brewing beer. Back before metal vessels, wooden vats were used in the brewing process. As you can’t apply direct heat to wood, hot rocks were used to heat the wort. We gathered granite rocks from a local quarry & used local oak & cherry wood for fuel, using a technique learned from our forever friends at Scratch.

Composed of a grist build of 100% local grains from our friends at Riverbend Malt House of Asheville, we journeyed far into lager land. Utilizing the hot rocks to boil the wort, we achieved a mind-bending amount of caramelization and color.
Inspired by the gloriously malty dopplebock, this steinbock will ferment cool and condition cold for a long time. Precisely the way lagers are intended!"

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 8th, 2020, 10:42 pm

Testing the waters for Saturday's Virtual Pub:

Glory Is-Burial Beer and Zillacoah Beer Company

Credit-it's lager/pilsner day and this looked interesting; plus, it was 15% off
Style-(golden) bock
Format-12 ounce metal holder
Freshness-12DEC2019; Closed on Sunday
Glassware-standard pint glass
Appearance-light golden bronze; moderate, off white head
Tastes-light caramel, toffee, hints of cherries and coffee
IBU-probably <20
Overall impression-solid but not outstanding; not sure it'd be betterer fresherer, perhaps a January or February bock release would be wiser
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; a tad disappointing given the 2 breweries involved
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 9th, 2020, 7:38 pm

Double Death Spiral-Trophy Brewing Company

Real local

Credit-it was on the shelf, I thought I liked it several years ago and was 15% off
Format-pint fomite
Freshness-smudged stuff on bottom of can
Appearance-hazy yellow with hints of gold; moderate foamy head
Nose-OJ, rind, pineapple, peach, mango
Mouthfeel-moderate bitterness
Tastes-pretty close to the aromas; some honey (added); a drop of resin
IBU-guessing 60s
Overall impression-very good; might be even betterer if fresherer; restores some faith in this brewery as some recent IPAs/NEIPAs were boring
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 2; the honey helps save this IIPA as the store owner said it was approaching "old"
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 11th, 2020, 9:11 pm

From last PM:

The Scribbler's Son-Haw River Farmhouse Ales

Close enough to be local

Credit-suggested by Bottle Revolution employee
Style-Bavarian black lager
Format-pint aluminum fomite/fomes
Freshness stuff-Canned on 02/07/20 11:44:57
Glassware-standard pint glass
Appearance-dark brown with a generous mocha head
Nose-toasted pumpernickel bread
Tastes-heavily toasted grains, hints of smoke and dark caramel, herbal/earthy hops
Grains/hops-"classic European"
IBU-20 to 30 range
Pairing-homemade meatloaf with a drizzle of BBQ sauce, smashed Yukon potatoes and canned peas (cuz I like to eat my potatoes and peas together)
Overall impression-don't find many dark lagers and this is a good one
Ymm, Beer rating-upper tier cat 2; would readily drink again w/a beef brisket, burger, grilled chicken or pork entrees
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 11th, 2020, 10:44 pm

Pine State Lager-Casita Cerveceria, Resident Culture and Yakima Chief collaboration

Mostly local as CC brews in Farmville, NC, RC brews in Charlotte and Yakima Chief Hops is a "100% grower-owned global supplier of premium quality hops and uncompromising service."

Credit-it was on the shelf, recommended by the owner of Falls Village Wine and Beer and was 15% off
Format-16 ounce can
Freshness stuff-Brewed on L3 08/22/2019 1048 (I couldn't really handle a buncha cans to check dates but will speak to the owner about old inventory)
Glassware-shaped Dogfish Head pint glass
Appearance-pale straw; modest fizzy head
Scents-Euro hops and grains (mostly)
Mouthfeel-tiny bubbles
Tastes-flowers, light caramel, mild bitterness
Grains-NC pilsner malt and malted corn from Riverbend
Hops-Yakima Chief's Pacific Crest blend
IBU-less than 30
ABV-3.8% (this may have been why tv teddy teed me up, for drinking a low ABV beer
Overall impression-solid brew; thinking it woulda been better 4-6 months ago
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; would try again if I saw it fresh based on the 2 breweries involved
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 14th, 2020, 9:33 pm

From the DNP-CD end of the bench on Saturday:

Satan Rimmed Glasses-DSSOLVR

C'mon, what's not to like about the name, Blue Devil fans?

Local for certain people

Credit-Falls Village Wine and Beer owner because it was pilsner/later day for Gooch's Saturday Virtual Pub and it was 15% off
Style-"hoppy keller pilsner" (it's printed on the can's label)
Format-pint can
Freshness stats-Canned on 12132019 09:27 #MailSanta
Looks-hazy, pale yellow/straw; very foamy meringue head
Scents-floral; faint hints of corn (not added)
Tastes-floral bitterness, a bit of orange, a drop of corn syrup and hay
Grain-"100% Riverbend malt"
Hops-Hallertau Blanc, Amarillo, Tett(nanger) and Mandarina Bavaria; I think the second is a common US variety with the others typical Euro/German hops
IBU-30-40 range
ABV-4.2% (a porch pounder)
Overall impression-well done; not as hoppy as anticipated
Ymm, Beer rating-upper quartile cat 2; would try other DSSOLVR brews after this
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 15th, 2020, 8:00 pm

From last PM:

Griddle-Burial Beer Company

Local enough (brewed and canned in Asheville)

Credit-a keen eye, a new brew and it was 15% off
Style-flavored imperial milk stout
Temporary storage unit-12 ounce aluminum cylinder
Freshness stats-13NOV2019 CHIAPAS
Appearance-deep, dark brown; foamy, tan head
Olfactory sensations-java and dark chocolate
Mouthfeel-oh, my!
Tastes-minimally bitter, dark roast coffee, a dark chocolate fudge milkshake, burnt grains
Adjuncts-lactose, coffee
IBU-50, maybe 60
ABV-10%; sneaky
Overall impression-another outstanding Burial beer, without a bizarre name
Ymm, Beer rating-mid level cat 3; highly recommended
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 16th, 2020, 7:10 pm

Speaking of sours:

Coconut Lime Sour-Brueprint Brewing Company

More local for some of us than others, but still darn close

Credit-on shelf; eyes open; Visa active; 15% off; heck yea!
Format-12 ounce can
Style-flavored sour
Stemware-Ommegang tulip
Appearance-blended lemon/limeade; fizzy head
Nose-you put the lime in the coconut...
Mouthfeel-mild pucker
Tastes-key lime pie and coconut cream pie mashup with more tart than sweet; splash of lemonade
Adjuncts-coconuts and limes in some form were harmed before being added to their base sour beer
IBU-likely about 10
Overall impression-very refreshing; a sweet/sour post dinner beverage/sipper/dessert
Ymm, Beer rating-barely crosses into cat 3 territory; I really liked this combination and execution
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 18th, 2020, 9:01 pm

It's Always Stout Season-Heist Brewery

Kinda local

Credit-prior visit to/knowledge of the brewery and a good mini-growler price for Bottle Rev's featured brewery this week
Style-flavored imperial stout
Format-two pints drained into a single, swing top quart container and slurped over two nights
Appearance-chestnut brown with a voluminous tan head night one and a mildly foamy one on night two
Aromas-baker's chocolate, cinnamon, cookies
Mouthfeel-a bit thin but smooth
Palate ticklers-Keebler's Fudge Sticks or Deluxe Grahams; some char; a whiff of coffee
Adjuncts-"cinnamon, cacao nibs, a bit of graham crackers and a pinch of maple syrup"
IBU-probably 50
Overall impression-a nice evening sipper
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2 in a high density/gravity field; for a $5 pint, I was very pleased
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 18th, 2020, 9:11 pm

If you're able to find a better-named beer to accompany some pulled pork than the one below, buy it and lemme know :

Sow-Brewery Bhavana

Can't get much more local

Credit-needed a couple/three more beer last week to complete the case for the 15% discount; heard the brewery was sorta/kinda good
Style-patersbier (I'll 'splain later); table beer
Format-12 ounce can (probably about $1.75 or less)
Stemware-Ommegang tulip
Appearance-slightly cloudy yellow straw; effervescent
Aromas-fresh cut floral bouquet
Mouthfeel-oooh, aaah
Tastes-slightly bitter Euro hops (Saaz); flowers; hints of sweetness and herbs
IBU-probably 20
Overall impression-met expectations of the style and of the brewery
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 2; has anyone had a "singel" they've rated cat 3?
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 19th, 2020, 1:32 pm

From last PM:

Blaze and Dash (draft)-Heist Brewery

Bought local, brewed nearby

Credit-featured brewery last Wednesday at Bottle Rev which meant $10/32 ounces in a mini growler
Style-imperial NEIPA
Appearance-pineapple orange juice; moderate foam
Nose ticklers-tropical fruit juice blend
Mouthfeel-almost pulpy
Tastes-pineapple, orange, a bit of grapefruit rind, mild fruity sweetness, some pithy bitterness
Hops- Citra and Rakau, then double dry hopped with Nelson Sauvin and Citra.
Adjuncts-no fruits appear to have been harmed here
IBU-probably low 50s
ABV-9%; are you kidding me?
Overall impression-somewhat surprisingly, this tasted a bit better the second night; what a NEIPA/imperial NEIPA should look/smell/taste like
Ymm, Beer rating-the NEIPA seats are filling up, too, but this sneaks into cat 3
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 19th, 2020, 10:22 pm

devildeac wrote:
January 17th, 2019, 9:19 pm
Bloom (canned on 12/14/2018 12:51:17)-Brewery Bhavana

Dry cardamom tripel

Poured from a 12 ounce can ($2.59 I think) into a large, Ommegang tulip. Moderate fizzy head that dissipated quickly and left a small amount of Belgian lace. Orange-yellow and cloudy in appearance, there were aromas of spice, orange and honey. Tasting impressions included mild curry (), orange juice and zest, light brown sugar and a pinch of black pepper with the only oddity the curry which likely was the cardamom and my sensors failed. I'll guess IBUs about 30 with the ABV at 8.1%. I believe this would be an outstanding pairing with almost anything on their menu:


I'm continuing to find excellent reasons why this was listed as one of the top new restaurants (and breweries?) in the US in 2017:

Bloom-Brewery Bhavana

Adjacent zip code

Credit-on the shelf, prior tasting, 15% off
Style-dry cardamom tripel
Vessel-aluminum; 12 ounces
Freshness stats-08/27/19
Stemware-Ommegang tulip
Appearance-light yellow gold; moderate, fizzy head
Nostril stimulants-orange peel, spice, brown sugar syrup
Tastes-orange, spice, honey and a splash of sweet tea
Adjuncts-dry/green cardamom and I'm suspicious there's some Belgian candi sugar they snuck in for "authenticity"
IBU-under 30
ABV-8.1%; so easy sipping
Overall impression-even 8 months old, this was excellent; I had one in January, 2019 that was fresher
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3, downgraded slightly due to age but still an outstanding variant of the tripel style
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by Very Duke Blue » April 20th, 2020, 7:36 am

Where do you find so many varieties?
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 20th, 2020, 9:13 am

Very Duke Blue wrote:
April 20th, 2020, 7:36 am
Where do you find so many varieties?
There were over 300 breweries in NC and 7500 in the US in 2019 so it's pretty easy. There are several craft beer stores located close to our house or office and they each have probably >500 different craft/micro brews from which to choose. Total Wine likely has >1000 different brews.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 20th, 2020, 10:33 pm

Found another at the end of the bench that earned a DNP-CD during Gooch's Virtual Pub:

New Zealand Adventure-Casita Cerveceria

Couple things printed on the label:

"Lager for at home or abroad"


"Home is behind the world ahead"

Despite the name, it's still local

Credit-it jumped into my case when Gooch announced his theme, plus, it screamed, "I'm 15% off"
Style-you guessed it!
Format-half quart can
Freshness metrics-canned on (something)25/2019 093401
Glass info-standard pint vessel
Appearance-light golden sunshine with a bit of haze
Nostril sensations-a bit fruity and a bit floral
Mouthfeel-slight bitterness
Tastes-all mild but somewhat surprising lemon, straw, honey, flowers
Malts-Barke pilsner and munich, both new to me; I was expecting carapils, pale, pilsner malts
Hops-another surprise here with Motueka and Nelson Sauvin as I expected the Saaz, Mittlefruh and Tettnanger varieties
IBU-probably mid 30s
Overall impression-high quality beverage; not what I expected for the style
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2 for tastes and different grains and hops than are usually found in a lager; Casita Cerveceria rarely disappoints
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 22nd, 2020, 10:19 pm

Denali Kiss-Southern Pines Brewing Company

close enough to local; we'll take it

Credit-known brewery, new brew, 15% off
Format-16 ounces imprisoned in aluminum, a minimum security prison
Recency bias-Canned on 01/20/20
Glassware-Terrapin pint glass
Appearance-orange yellow; slight haze; foam, lots of foam
Nose-a bit dank, a bit tropical, mon
Mouthfeel-very mild bitterness
Tastes-bits and pieces of rind, pine, dank and some tropical flavors
Hops-Denali, ya think?
Overall impression-meh; not what I expect in a NEIPA; mattman would not be impressed either
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 2; nothing special here; glad I only had a single
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 23rd, 2020, 10:17 pm

KBS Espresso-Founders Brewing Company

Not. Local.

Credit-son of devildeac as part of a trading package last month
Style-espresso bean aged version of the original KBS
Format-12 ounce bottle
Bottled on-11.13.19 0936 6
Stemware-that Founders snifter I chose several years ago for joining the Bottle Rev beer club sure comes in handy
Appearance-West Texas Intermediate; smallish, cappuccino appearing head
Olfactory stimulants-double shot of espresso
Mouthfeel-darn near chewy
Palate stimulants-very coffee forward, then dark chocolate, more coffee, molasses, bourbon warmth near the end
Adjuncts-coffee, espresso bean aging, chocolate
IBU-I really don't care with this one
ABV-12%; took me over an hour to sip this one as it warmed 15 minutes before pouring until I savored the last drop 60+ minutes later
Overall impression-tough to pick a winner between this and the original; espresso fans would choose this and bourbon fans the original
Ymm, Beer rating-upper tier cat 3; world class; glad I have another bottle which will disappear at a tailgate this season or around Christmas

From the label for Tripping William: "Who says you can't start your day with a barrel-aged stout?"
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