Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 8th, 2019, 11:19 pm

Yea, International Stout Day was yesterday but I'm finishing this bottle tonight:

The Abyss Rum Barrel Version-Deschutes Brewery

Credit-I don't remember whether this was a trade with Tripping William or a local craft beer store owner; I have two bottles so I've give both full credit
Bottled on-09/15/17
Appearance-10W30 with a thin, mocha head
Nose-rum, unsweetened chocolate, molasses, black licorice
Mouthfeel-viscous, almost chewy
Tastes-dark chocolate, burnt caramel, dark rum, raisins, dates, figs, molasses with a hint of licorice that's pretty well hidden by all the other flavors
IBU-probably 50
ABV-13.9% (a very, very good reason I divided this over two nights)
Overall impression-might be my favorite Abyss so far; outstanding
Ymm, Beer rating-cat 3; amazingly complex drinking that's not "tarnished" with too much licorice like the original
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 9th, 2019, 12:34 pm

From Fullsteam last PM:

Full Stem-Fullsteam Brewery in collaboration with Stem Cider in Denver, CO

Drink local! Nice name .

Credit-my VISA card
Style-a graf (I linked this somewhere upthread yesterday) which is a beer/cider hybrid
Format-5 ounce sample
Appearance-crystal clear; yellowish light amberish; no head
Nose-grapefruit infused cider
Mouthfeel-bubbly with a hint of bitter
Tastes-light grapefruit (see hops below); strong, tart apples; slight pucker
IBU-maybe 20
Grains-Locally malted wheat, Locally malted barley (Munich), Flaked wheat, Two-row brewer's malt, Locally malted Appalachian wheat
Hops-Mosaic, Citra, Magnum
Adjuncts-Local apple juice
Overall impression-totally new "hybrid" to me; very well done, especially given I'm not a big cider fan
Ymm, Beer rating-cat 2, high tier; maybe a beverage for those who like ciders but not beers; would certainly order again
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 9th, 2019, 12:47 pm

Farm's Edge: Fox Knob-Fullsteam Brewery

Lots of local!

Credit-another hit on my VISA card
Format-5 ounce sample
Style-rum barrel aged wild black saison
(can I stop the review now? )
Appearance-almost onyx; no head
Nose-dark fruit; wet hay/barnyard funk; dark rum
Mouthfeel-mild to moderately tart/sour
Tastes-match the nose; sour cherries?; molasses; earthy
Yeast-Lochristi Brettanomyces Blend, Belgian Wit Ale (scratches head )
Grains-Local sorghum, Locally malted barley (Foundation), Midnight Wheat, Two-row brewer's malt, Locally malted Appalachian wheat
Adjuncts-Local natural fig concentrate, Sinamar, Locally foraged figs, Tennessee sorghum syrup, Mixed culture
Overall impression-extremely well done concoction, reminding me of Lagunitas' Dark Swan and Aunt Sally w/Black Currants I had this summer at the brewery
Ymm, Beer rating-solid cat 3; worth a trip to Fullsteam as it's a brewery only beverage
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 10th, 2019, 1:33 pm

The tailgate beers yesterday were far, far better than the product on the gridiron. Our first drive:

Our Special Ale/Christmas Ale-Anchor Brewing Company, aka Sapporo Brewing

Credit-dpslaw; great choice/thanks!!
Format-12 ounce bottle
Appearance-dark brown with a creamy tan head
Nose-toffee/caramel; milk chocolate; legal herbs
Mouthfeel-slightly viscous
Tastes-mirror the aromas; maybe some spruce/pine/fir
IBU-maybe 30
Malt-top secret
Hops-top secret
Dry hops-top secret
Overall impression-a classic winter ale, perhaps a US original as this is year 45 for its brewing
Ymm, Beer rating-cat 3; haven't had one in several years after a decade or more of purchases; should be on everyone's top 50ish beer list
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 10th, 2019, 2:59 pm

Third drive of the afternoon/evening:

Yub Nub-Wolf's Ridge Brewing

Local (if you live in Columbus, OH)!

Credit-son of devildeac who gifted this to me for my birthday this summer; thanks, son, yo' Mama raised you well!
Bottled on-04/19/19; released on 05/04/19; yep, May the 4th be with you!
Style-coffee infused imperial stout with cinnamon
Appearance-almost inky black with a foamy, mocha head
Nose-iced and spiced java, and not the cheap stuff
Tastes-cups and cups of iced, cinnamon coffee with accompanying dark chocolate and molasses (neither added)
Overall impression-another wonderful iteration from their Dire Wolf series
Ymm, Beer rating-solid cat 3; I'd have the original any time along with any of the variants; Port barrel and Canis Mexicanus await holiday tastings with family

Three possessions, 3 TDs; again without mental and/or physical errors.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 10th, 2019, 3:21 pm

And, in the clean-up spot (mixing FB and BB jargon ):

CBS (Canadian Breakfast Stout) 2019-Founders Brewing Company, aka Mahou San Miguel Group

Credit-August West who almost always seems to bring better beer than I do to tailgates ; mountains of thanks!!
Style-take KBS and throw it into bourbon barrels whose prior resident was maple syrup
Format-12 ounce bottle, first time ever IIRC
Apperance-almost black with a moderate beige head
Aromas-coffee, dark chocolate, maple syrup and bourbon
Tastes-pretty much as anticipated from the scents; the coffee and chocolate are primary and the booze and syrup are a bit more subdued
Overall impression-holy schnitzengiggles; world class
Ymm, Beer rating-top shelf cat 3; totally worth the $20-24 you'd spend for a quartet of these; buy 2 so you can age/trade/share

We're 4/4 here on our drives. A nearly flawless performance at the tent so far.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 10th, 2019, 7:28 pm

Our fifth possession:

Even More Coco Jesus-Evil Twin Brewing Company

Credit-uh_no; many thanks!!
Format-pint can
Style-flavored RIS and BBA
Appearance-dark, dark brown (I think as it was well after sunset when we sipped this); creamy and generously foamy tan head
Aromas-dark chocolate, bourbon and maple syrup
Mouthfeel-cream; silky
Tastes-rich, dark chocolate; maple syrup; bourbon, good bourbon; molasses; burnt caramel; toasted coconut
Adjuncts-maple syrup and coconut
IBU-75 (Untappd); I'd have never guessed that high
ABV-12% (stunning)
Overall impression-a great choice to follow CBS and about a quarter step short in quality; an outstanding elixir
Ymm, Beer rating-easy cat 3; worth seeking out and sharing a pint

Five possessions and five touchdowns. A very efficient offensive display.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 10th, 2019, 9:04 pm

Bourbon Barrel Stout-Anderson Valley Brewing Company

Not local. At all.

Sixth and final possession of the night.

Credit-uh_no; thanks!!
Appearance-dark brown with a small tan head
Nose-boozy dark chocolate (aged in Wild Turkey barrels)
Mouthfeel-a bit thin for a stout but smooth/soft
Tastes-dark chocolate; burnt caramel; bourbon; toasted coconut and vanilla (neither added); wood
IBU-14 (no typo-AVBC claims this number); I'd have guessed 30-40
ABV-6.9% (not quite an imperial version)
MALTS: Pale Two-Row, Crystal (40L & 80L), Roasted Barley, Munich, Chocolate, Oats
HOPS: Columbus, Northern Brewer
Overall impression-an excellent beer I've never spent the money on and was delighted/honored to sample last PM
Ymm, Beer rating-falls just shy of a cat 3; would gladly sip again

Six drives. Six TDs but the last one the PAT was wide right, just missing a perfect evening of stouts of various presentations with the Anchor Christmas Ale starting off the evening in classic fashion (as a porter).

Thanks again to all who sipped/contributed.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 10th, 2019, 10:17 pm

Guinness Original-Guinness and Company

"Genuine Quality Stout"

Credit-August West; thanks!
Format-11.2 ounce bottle; part of a Guinness mixed 12 pack
Appearance-a clean, dark brown with a creamy, light tan head, almost nitro-like
Nose-charred wood/grains; coffee; milk chocolate
Mouthfeel-smooth; "dry"
Tastes-burnt grains; milk chocolate; drop or two of coffee; woodsy
Overall impression-if not "the original," then pretty darn early in stout history (around the 1800s); a classic
Ymm, Beer rating-solid cat 2
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 11th, 2019, 9:55 pm

Hornswoggler-The Veil Brewing

Credit-nyesq83; thanks!!
Format-half quart can
Style-flavored milk stout
Stemware-Stella snifter
Appearance-dark, dark brown with a foamy, tan head
Nose-baker's chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon
Mouthfeel-mildly viscous
Tastes-dark chocolate milk, cinnamon, vanilla, molasses with a hint of heat at the end as it warmed
Adjuncts-lactose, cocoa nibs, chocolate, vanilla, marshmallows, cinnamon and Ancho chiles
IBU-50 or less
Overall impression-a very good milk stout, bordering on imperial
Ymm, Beer rating-strong cat 2; the heat, though mild, keeps it from being a cat 3; I'd readily have another of these

I *think* The Veil has brewed a number of Hornswoggler variants (I'll let accfanfrom1970 comment here) and this is my first and there's another waiting from Saturday's tailgate that will easily find its way to my glass later this week.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 12th, 2019, 7:52 pm

Reserved Parking (draft)-Casita Cerveceria

Drink local!

I probably don't buy this without a gentle nudge from TW.

Credit-my VISA and TW's review
Style-NEIPA, well, it's really a NEIIPA
Appearance-cloudy, pineapple yellow; modest foamy head
Nose-overripe pineapple
Mouthfeel-juicy, almost pulpy
Tastes-exactly as TW promised with dank superripe pineapple; mango and papaya, too; maybe some pith/pulp/rind
IBU-I'd agree with 50ish
ABV-8% which is IIPA territory
Overall impression-an excellent entry in that crowded field
Ymm Beer rating-I'm nudging my half pint into low tier cat 3; worth another serving or pint can
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 12th, 2019, 10:14 pm

Fool's Gold (nitro draft!)-Bill's Front Porch Pub and Brewery

A perfect beer for me 8-| .

Darn near local!

Credit-my VISA!
Style-blonde stout :veryconfused: (no, not a stout blonde :p )
Appearance-amber/yellow/orange; creamy light beige head
Tastes-java first, then some chocolate and some Euro floral hop bitterness
IBU-20 maybe
Overall impression-quite an interesting beverage concoction and high quality
Ymm, Beer rating-solid cat 2; would definitely have another and recommend trying they style
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 13th, 2019, 9:42 pm

Antwerpen-Guinness and Company

Not local at all!

Credit-August West as a trader from his mixed 12 pack; thanks!!
Format-11.2 ounce bottle
Appearance-dark, dark brown with a modest, creamy, thickish head
Aromas-charred bread/wood; baker's chocolate
Tastes-lightly burnt pumpernickel bread; dark caramel, hints of smoke; java
IBU-maybe 40
Story-first brewed in 1944 for export from Dublin to Antwerp and totally new to me
Overall impression-great opportunity to try Guinness variants, this one being of the imperial variety
Ymm, Beer rating-top shelf cat 2; would readily try a draft or another bottle of this
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 13th, 2019, 10:14 pm

200th Anniversary Export Stout-Guinness and Company

Local? You're kidding, right?

Credit-August West at it again from his mixed 12 pack; thanks!!
Format-11.2 ounce bottle, aka 330 ml in Ireland
Appearance-"it was a dark and stormy night..."
Nose-pretty similar to all the Guinnes above-burnt caramel/pumpernickel toast/wood
Mouthfeel-smooth yet herbal
Tastes-more burnt caramel/bread; molasses; a bit of coffee; earthy bitterness
IBU-30 to 40 maybe
Story-brewed to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the first Guinness export to the US, inspired by entries from their 1817 brewing log
Overall impression-another excellent Irish stout
Ymm, Beer rating-top tier cat 2; if you've never had a Guinness or it's been a while, I'd spend the $18ish on a 12 pack and sample all these
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 14th, 2019, 9:14 pm

Hornswoggler-The Veil Brewing Company

Credit-nyesq83; thanks!!
Format-dented pint can
Style-chocolate milk stout; label stuck on can says "contains nuts"
Stemware-Founders snifter
Appearance-dark, dark brown with an ugly, tan inconsistent head that looked liked pulverized Reese's cups sprinkled over a beer :-o
Nose-this one has peanut butter in it and lots of it; fudge
Tastes-fudge, peanut better, dark caramel, molasses, more fudge, even more peanut butter
Adjuncts-from Untappd: "600lbs of chocolate chips, 1,000lbs of locally made chocolate peanut butter from our friends at Reginald's Homemade, and 100lbs of Reese’s pieces. @-)
Overall impression-a peanut butter fudge milkshake
Ymm, Beer rating-debating between cat 2 and 3 here as it's almost too sweet but is a pretty amazing beer dessert

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 14th, 2019, 9:21 pm

Foreign Extra Stout-Guinness and Company

Credit-August West from his 12 pack Guinness sampler last Saturday; thanks!!
Format-11.2 ounce bottle
Appearance-mahogany with a modest, tan head\
Nose-similar to the 3 prior Guinness above with charred grains and wood, burnt caramel and molasses
Mouthfeel-smooth, woody, dry
Tastes-match the scents with some earthy/herbal hop bitterness and a bit of coffee and baker's chocolate
ABV-7.5%; a bit surprising, so technically an imperial stout
Overall rating-classic Irish stout; worth tasting from the 12 pack
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2; if you've never had a Guinness, or it's been a while, a litter of these during the holidays would be wonderful
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 14th, 2019, 10:54 pm

Wake Up Porter-Birdsong Brewing Company

Credit-beer #3 in my November beer club 4 pack
Format-pint can
Appearance-medium to dark brown; foamy tan head
Nose-java, milk chocolate (not added)
Tastes-coffee, hints of vanilla, cocoa and a bit metallic at the end
Overall impression-happy to taste it with my 4 pack but wouldn't revisit; Coffee is for Closers is better
Ymm, Beer rating-low to mid cat 2
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 18th, 2019, 10:16 pm

Slippery Slope-Southern Barrel Brewing Company (Bluffton, SC)

Credit (more like blame )-kinda/sorta a trader from a neighbor's October beer club 12 pack (might have to blame his wife )
Format-12 ounce can (about 11 ounces too many)
Date on can-08/22/19 (brewed on? best by?)
Style-IIPA (coulda fooled me)
Appearance-bronzy copper (about the only redeeming feature of this beer); modest, foamy head
Nose-Pine Sol
Mouthfeel-piney/resiny bitterness
Tastes-soap; pine/resin; bitter
Overall impression-any guesses ()?
Ymm, Beer rating-cat 1, lower shelf, back left corner

Question for Tripping William: do you remember any brews from this brewery on your trip to Charleston earlier this year? If so, anything redeeming?
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 19th, 2019, 10:28 pm

Court Jester-Castleburg Brewery

Local if you're in Richmond

Credit-nyesq83 from the ND tailgate; thanks!!
Format-pint can
Appearance-mahogany; voluminous tan head
Nose-milk chocolate and coffee (neither added)
Mouthfeel-slightly thick, creamy; smooth
Tastes-classic porter stuff here with cocoa, java; molasses, earthy hops
IBU-40 maybe?
Overall impression-I'd put this on a table with some of the other standard porters I've had and this would fare well
Ymm, Beer rating-top tier cat 2; would taste again and try other products from Castleburg

It'd be great to hear from accfanfrom1970, duketaylor and/or nyesq83 to learn what they think/know about this brewery
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 19th, 2019, 10:29 pm

Boom Sauce-Lord Hobo Brewing Company (Woburn, MA)

From last PM

Not even close to local.

Credit-beer #4 from my November beer club 4 pack
Format-1/8 gallon can
Canned on-09/18/19 11:24:41
Style-IIPA; New England style beer
Appearance-goldish bronze; foamy head
Nose-lotsa pine/resin; some grapefruit
Tastes-(on can) tropical, juicy, smooth; in reality, not really any of the aforementioned; West Coast style IIPA
IBU-70 to 80 probably; this is pretty bitter, even for my palate
ABV-7.8%, barely over the IPA/IIPA border
Overall impression-pretty average DIPA in that crowded field; not as soapy/piney as Slippery Slope but wouldn't revisit
Ymm, Beer rating-cat 2, lower tier
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