Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 6th, 2017, 10:33 pm

Amber Ale-Bell's Brewery

Tasting #1 from my October beer club 4 pack.

Poured from a 12 ounce bottle () into a standard pint glass. Gorgeous amber hue with a modest, faint tan head. Toasted multi-grain bread (no wheat on this post) aromas and light brown sugar, caramel and earthy, herbal, mildly bitter tastes. Bell's doesn't "believe" in IBUs so I'll guess about 30. ABV on the label at 5.8%. This is one of their early years beers and it has endured. Clearly better than Fat Tire, which I like. Serve with a beef roast/stew or half a rack of ribs.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 6th, 2017, 10:45 pm

From 1/3/15:
devildeac wrote:Over the Edge-The Unknown Brewing Company

I had seen products from this Charlotte brewery before but never purchased any as I had read no reviews anywhere, but when my older son-in-law offered a 12 ounce can of this IPA on New Year's Eve, I was happy to oblige. The pour into a pint glass was a yellow-orange with a somewhat thick, creamy head. Attractive aromas of citrus zest and juices accompanied by mild sweetness. Tastes were grapefruit zest and juice up front followed by a bit of an oily, piney finish. Good balance with the grains imparting hints of toffee and light brown sugar. I'll guess IBUs of 60 with the ABV stated at 6.9%. If he has any left from their party, I'd certainly trade for another can or two. Solid entry into a crowded market.
From tonight:

Over the Edge-The Unknown Brewing Company

Beer #2 from my October 4 pack.

I liked this a bit less than my original review, most likely because my tastes have changed and not due to reformulation of this IPA.

Pour was the same but there was more rind and less "juiciness" than over 2.5 years ago. I'll guess Cascade and/or Centennial hops as the finish was pretty piney/resin-y. I still think it's a good offering but not as appealing as before.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 7th, 2017, 10:13 pm

Best Brown Ale-Bell's Brewery

Well, maybe not the best but pretty darned good.

Beer #3 from my October beer club 4 pack.

Pour from a pint can was a medium brown with a small, creamy, off-white head. Enticing scents of toffee and almonds. Smooth mouthfeel with tastes of milk chocolate, roasted mixed nuts, a drop of coffee, a whiff of smoke and some earthy and herbal hops. Bitterness is mild with estimated IBUs of about 30 (Bell's doesn't believe in listing IBUs) and the ABV printed on the can is 5.8%. I could gnaw on a couple ribs or have a brisket sammich with this ale.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 7th, 2017, 11:05 pm

From 3/18/10:
devildeac wrote:Colette-Great Divide Brewing Company

A Belgian farmhouse/saison style ale and very well done. This has 3 malts, barley, wheat and rice. Barley is standard, the wheat gives ales a lemon-orange flavor and slight cloudiness and the rice is usually reserved for the cheap crap like budstuff for "filler" grains. I am not sure what it adds to this brew but it does not detract from its flavor. As a side note, I have seen beer festivals which list the buds and millers as "adjunct ales" which means they are brewed with the "filler " grains :Boo: . This reminds me of Hooegarden (sp?) and Ommegang Witte and is a very refreshing beverage with a hint of coriander, too. The IBU are low I would bet in the 20-30 range and the ABV is a hefty 7.3%. This would be highly enjoyable with a fruit plate or light cheeses as an appetizer brew or with some lighter fish/seafood/chicken off the grill with some mango or pineapple salsa topping. Another :ymapplause: and ^:)^ to rmd for a selection yet to be found in NC from our recent Rocky Mountain high :D .
From tonight:

Colette-Great Divide Brewing Company

Over 7.5 years since I sipped one of these. I had forgotten how good a farmhouse ale this was.

Beer #4 from my October beer club 4 pack.

Pour from a 12 ounce can into a pint glass was straw-yellow color with a fizzy and foamy head that lingered a bit. Nose of hay/straw, a summer flower garden and pears. Notes of Granny Smith apples, pears, a dribble of orange juice and a tiny dash of pepper with very mild bitterness. The IBUs may be even lower than my WAG above but the ABV is still 7.3%, perhaps a bit high for the style. Same pairings as above.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 11th, 2017, 9:49 am

Black Tulip-New Holland Brewing

I'm rather surprised I've never tasted this before as it's been brewed since 1998 and I really like their products.

Poured from a 12 ounce bottle last PM into two snifters and shared with our son after half a bottle of DFH Romantic Chemistry (recently reviewed). Color was golden-yellow with a small fizzy head. It's a Belgian style tripel so the expected aromas of banana and clove were readily apparent. Tastes represented the style well, too, with ripe bananas, a pinch of clove, maybe a hint of coriander along with some orange and a bit of sweetness from the grain bill and probably some Belgian candi sugar, a common ingredient of the style. IBUs of 21 (expected) and the ABV is 8.8%, also typical for this type of ale. I'd pair with almost any broiled (or fried) seafood dishes or maybe a sweet and sour entree. Kinda pricey at about $14 for the 4 pack but the financial burden eased a bit with a 10% off Total Wine coupon. Ingredients:

GRAINS: 2-row, Abbey ()
HOPS: Mt. Hood, German (type not specified), Magnum
YEAST: Abbey Ale
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 11th, 2017, 9:45 pm

Stryker-Rheingeist Brewery

Last year's stats/reviews label this a triple IPA. They must have changed the "formula" a bit as this year's bomber is clearly labeled as an imperial IPA with a lower ABV at 9.3% vs the 2016 version's 10.8%. The IBUs on both editions weigh in at 100+ .

Poured from the bomber into snifters and shared with our son tonight after dinner. Color was a clear, clean light copper-gold with a small head. Enticing aromas of citrus fruits and some caramel-y sweetness. Tastes explode with grapefruit, pineapple, peach, rinds and a bit of resin with a mildly oily mouthfeel and a dry and mildly sweet, syrupy finish. I would not have guessed 100+ IBUs. Was a very nice after dinner sipper but would pair well with spicy entrees. $10 for the large format offering.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 11th, 2017, 10:50 pm

Fat Julian-The Actual Brewing Company

Yes, really. That's their name.

And no offense intended to the main writer on the front page.

This was a bomber shared tonight with our son. Pour was a dark, dark brown with a small, mocha head. Heavily roasted grains with moderate coffee aromas to start. Tastes are mild to moderately bitter with lots of dark roast coffee (not added), bittersweet chocolate (not added either) with minimal dark caramel sweetness. This was a Victory Storm King type of imperial stout and not a Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout style due to the coffee overtones and minimal sweetness. No additives listed on the bottle or on the website. IBUs were 45 and the ABV was 10%. A bit more of a chocolate finish than bitterness and/or coffee after allowing to warm a bit and sipping for about 45 minutes. $12 for the bomber and I was happier with the Stryker than I was with this one but happy to have tasted.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 12th, 2017, 10:13 pm

From 7/26/17:
devildeac wrote:Mocha IPA-Stone Brewing (Richmond)

Two ounce pour from a 12 ounce bottle at a Stone tasting at Bottle Revolution last PM. Color was a yellow-gold with hints of amber. Nose was citrusy and cold press. Quite the array of tastes followed, including grapefruit, orange, stone fruit, coffee (added) and a bit of cocoa (added). If I drank this blindfolded, I might have guessed black IPA as they often taste like chocolate-covered jellied grapefruit/orange slices with a Starbucks chaser. The name is also incorrect as it's 9% ABV (whoa!) and 80 IBUs, so very solidly in IIPA territory. Quite an interesting concoction. An IIPA after dinner/dessert beer? Or, pair it with a surf and turf dinner? Hmmm, might have to find a 6er of this one. Ingredients:

FEATURED HOPS: Cascade, Citra® & Amarillo
SPECIAL INGREDIENTS: Ryan Bros. Coffee Espresso Gold, cacao & milk sugar

Now, wait another minute here. Milk sugar? Lactose? Does this now make it an imperial milk stout IIPA?
From tonight:

I found a 6er last month at Total Wine with a 10% off coupon so final cost was about $10, IIRC. Money well spent and beer worth re-tasting/trading/gifting.

Mocha IPA-Stone Brewing

Five months later, after a full 12 ounce pour, my palate echoes the above impressions with perhaps a bit stronger coffee and citrus notes and a tad less cocoa. If someone had a Xocoveza they'd like to trade, I'm very interested, especially after davekay's review.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 14th, 2017, 10:48 pm

Tripel-Blind Referee, err, Squirrel Brewery

Drink regional!

This pint can was gifted to me a couple weeks ago for looking after their newspapers and mail while they were gone recently. I returned the favor with a Bodhi upon our return from Ohio on Sunday.

Pour was a cloudy golden-yellow with a moderate, fizzy head. Smelled like bananas and oranges and tasted like golden raisins, bananas, oranges/rinds, red plums with a pinch of black pepper. Very mild floral bitterness with IBUs at 34, a tad higher than I would have guessed. ABV was 9%, pretty standard for the style. I'm glad this was my only beer last PM because if I had downed 2 of these tall boys, my vision and judgment might have been even worse than the refs in the first game at the United Center tonight . I'd pair this with some grilled sea creatures, perhaps even blackened.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 15th, 2017, 4:42 pm

From 9/17/15:
devildeac wrote:
devildeac wrote:Brown Shugga' (draft)-Lagunitas Brewing

They claim this was originally a failed attempt at their 1997 release of Olde GnarlyWine Ale. This was my third and final 5 ounce sample of the evening so I made it my dessert beer. Poured a medium brown with a small head, the nose was pancake syrup and dark rum and the tastes were dark, dried cherries, syrup, dark brown sugar (d'oh!) and some more rum. They really do add brown sugar to the grain bill which I'm sure helped the yeasts turn out some more ABV, reaching 9.99%. Bitterness is moderate and mostly herbal and piney and I'd guess 60-70 IBUs. Available in 12 ounce bottles for a limited time.
It's back...

(from 12/8/14)

Brown Shugga' (draft)-Lagunitas Brewing

They claim this was originally a failed attempt at their 1997 release of Olde GnarlyWine Ale. This was my third and final 5 ounce sample of the evening so I made it my dessert beer. Poured a medium brown with a small head, the nose was pancake syrup and dark rum and the tastes were dark, dried cherries, syrup, dark brown sugar (d'oh!) and some more rum. They really do add brown sugar to the grain bill which I'm sure helped the yeasts turn out some more ABV, reaching 9.99%. Bitterness is moderate and mostly herbal and piney and I'd guess 60-70 IBUs. Available in 12 ounce bottles for a limited time.

From a 12 ounce bottle tonight, traded by August West.

Medium to dark amber pour, moderate-sized, creamy tan head with table syrup and herbal/woody aromas and potent, boozey rummy, brown sugary tastes. Drinks a bit more bitter than the 51 IBUs on the label but that's easily smoothed by the 9.9% ABV in the other lower corner of said label.

"Brown sugar how come you taste so good?"
From last PM:

Brown Shugga-Lagunitas (cough, Heineken, cough) Brewing

This was a 12 ounce bottle from my November beer club 4 pack.

Hasn't changed much in over 2 year. Why change a good thing?

ABV keeps rising. Now at 10% . Could have fooled me .

Not one I'd buy a 6er to get but it was listed at $1.99 for a single at Bottle Revolution so a nice price for a very good quality, high ABV brew.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 15th, 2017, 10:25 pm

Barrel-Aged Tripel Dog Dare (draft)-Great Lakes Brewing Company

Even better than their website advertises as that only lists Tripel Dog Dare as a pub exclusive and the BA is not mentioned/included.

Half pint pour at Bottle Revolution last PM. Color was a cloudy, orange-amber with a small head. Nose of orange, spices and bourbon. Tastes of the same with some Belgian candi sugar sweetness, mild earthy bitterness and a pinch of black pepper. IBUs fall in at and the ABV is a dangerous 9.5%. Would accompany sweet and sour dishes nicely. Rivals Mother Earth Tripel Overhead but I've only tasted their bottled version and this beer does not appear to be available in this format for any possible side-by-side comparison.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 16th, 2017, 5:30 pm

Double DribBrüe (draft)-Brüeprint Brewery

Two ounce taster after my BA Tripel Dog Dare a couple nights ago. Woulda had more but needed to drive home .

Pour was a pineapple yellow with a juicy nose. Tasted like freshly squeezed pineapple juice and a splash of grapefruit juice and a bit of zest. Bitterness was rather mild, guessing IBUs of 60, pretty standard for the DIPA style. Bordered on sweet, likely due to the high ABV of 10%. I may buy a 500 ml bottle of this if I see it again, based on this tasting and fuse's approval/discussion recently somewhere upthread.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 16th, 2017, 10:41 pm

Bell Tower (draft)-Raleigh Brewing Company

Well, when you're located 2-3 miles from the honest, non-cheating State University of North Carolina, you brew a tribute to your neighbors.

This was listed as a peach Berliner Weisse. Pour was a cloudy, yellow-straw color with a small head. Nose of wheat (the farm-raised, non-basketball type) with tart tastes of Sour Patch orange and peach kids with a touch of sour, too. Low IBUs, guessing 10, with the ABV on the electronic chalkboard at 3.8%. A nice starter beer.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 16th, 2017, 10:45 pm

Rescue Rye (draft)-RBC

Second beer of my sampler was a rye IPA.

Appearance was a cloudy orange-amber with a thin head. Musty/dank nose with the expected musty, bready tastes given the name/style. Moderate bitterness, guessing IBUs about 50. The ABV was 5.8%. I think. I wouldn't have this again but could imagine it being tasty with a Reuben sammich and some deli or homemade slaw.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 16th, 2017, 10:54 pm

Wines and Bines (draft)-RBC

I think I entered the name correctly from their beer board.

Third of four in my flight. This one a cabernet barrel-aged IPA. Quite unique.

Pour was a cloudy orange-amber with a modest head. First aromas were pine and resin with hints of red wine. Initial tastes were citrus rind, pine and resin but, as it warmed a bit, the vinous notes became more pleasant and prominent with a dry, berry-like finish. I'll guess IBUs about 60 with ABV of 6.5%, IIRC. Food match? Maybe a turkey and Havarti sandwich on rye with some cranberry relish? I'd have a pint of this one.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 16th, 2017, 11:01 pm

Brew and Cue (draft)-RBC

Final tasting from the sampler. Before fuse decided to treat me to a half pint of Grapes and Grains. Thanks!

Labeled as a c*arolina Common (sorry, I simply cannot type that with all the letters), this was a clear, light amber with a small head and aromas of toasted bread/grains. Tastes were faint smoke, whole grain bread, a bit of brown sugar and some herbal, earthy bitterness. I'll guess IBUs about 30 with the ABV listed at 5.5% (from memory). The Fullsteam version of "liquid barbecue" (Whole Hog?) is better but the RBC version would pair quite well with a pulled pork (or chicken) sammich on a giant roll with a drizzle of BBQ sauce.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 17th, 2017, 2:43 pm

Grape and Grain (draft)-RBC

A tip of the half pint glass and sincere thanks to fuse for this treat!

Eight ounces of liquid pleasure. Pour was a light amber, a bit unusual for a saison, but likely due to the cabernet barrel aging. Minimal head. Vinous aromas were scant to start but become quite alluring after sipping on this one for about 30 minutes as it "breathed" and warmed a bit. Tastes were caramel Granny Smith apples, pears, a bit of funk and wonderful cabernet notes as it neared room temperature. I'll guess IBUs about 20-minimal bitterness. I *think* the ABV on the electronic draft board was about 9%, so, after a low ABV sampler/flight (unlike my erudite companion who took the high road ), this was rather warming as the evening drew to a close. I think I saw this in bottle shops earlier this year and/or last year for a pretty penny (likely $15-20/large format bottle), so the $3 and $5 pricing (IIRC) for small and large (12 ounce) portions were quite reasonable.

A very nice way to prep for a short day of work on Friday and hopefully an enjoyable weekend.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 18th, 2017, 8:17 am

And, posting more about words that end in -ough (or something like that):

6th Borough Pilsner-Captain Lawrence Brewing Company

This 12 ounce can was included in my November beer club 4 pack and I must admit, I had low expectations for a pilsner in November that was brewed at a brewery I knew little about. Color me pleasantly surprised.

Pour into a standard pint glass (I know, shoulda been a pilsner glass-woulda made it taste better ), its appearance was a brilliant, light yellow-gold with a modest, foamy head. Nose was floral with a bit of citrus. Tastes had mild floral bitterness with IBUs at 30. Other palate-pleasing sensations were splashes of pineapple and tangerine, guessing from the dry-hopping with Citra and especially the Mosaic hops. There was a bit of light brown sugar/caramel sweetness. I paired this with a large garden salad. I wouldn't buy a 6er of this but would be quite happy to have a draft or another can of this and would certainly try another product from this NY brewery.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 19th, 2017, 1:35 pm

Here ya go-tailgate brews:

Cinnamon Roll-Southern Tier Brewing Company

Breakfast before lunch? "WHY THE HELL NOT?" (their slogan)

Many thanks to August West as he started the afternoon tailgate by contributing this!

Labeled as an imperial ale, it likely fits most closely to the amber style. Poured from a 12 ounce bottle and shared 4 ways, the appearance was clear and a medium amber hue with a moderate, foamy head. Immediate aromas of your favorite bakery and (one of) your morning's pastries, the beloved cinnamon roll. Cinnamon, cinnamon and more cinnamon tastes with medium brown sugar, a drop of vanilla and sprinkle of nutmeg to tickle your taste buds. Minimal bitterness, guessing 20 IBUs. This is no lightweight, staying with one of the STBC "extreme" beer traditions and clocking in at 8.6% ABV. They have a nice assortment of "session" brews but most folks familiar with their rep will think of Creme Brulee, Pumking, Warlock, Choklat, Mokah and several other high gravity concoctions. I doubt I'd ever be able to consume a whole bottle of this and we were all grateful to AW for this "starter" ale to share.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » November 19th, 2017, 2:31 pm

Quadrahop-Hardywood Craft Brewery

Here's what it should have tasted like:

"... a big, bold, juicy imperial IPA bursting with a bright, tropical bouquet from an artful melange of four of the worlds most sought after hop varietals.
New Zealand Nelson Sauvin hops deliver a layer of gooseberry and white wine. Citra brings passion fruit, lychee, melon and citrus notes into the mix. Amarillo exudes fresh lemon, orange, grapefruit and tropical floral aromas. And a generous dose of Mosaic perfects the hop blend with a fragrance of berry and mango and a backbone of earthy pine." IBUs of 85 on the website but 55 on the label. ABV on the label and website agree on 8.5%.

Here's what it tasted like to me:

Resin, soap and PineSol. :(

It's a retired brew so we'll likely never have the opportunity to taste what sounded like an outstanding beer :( .

I'll give duketaylor a bit of the blame here as this may have been purchased shortly after its release in October, 2015 and he didn't deliver it until this fall. I should have had our younger daughter pick this up from him about a 18 months ago when she visited Richmond with several friends but it must have been omitted from the pick-up/delivery she actually made. I also should have shared this when delivered and not waited another 2 months :( . Hoppy beers should be sold and consumed in 6 months or less after their production. Their shelf life is probably <90 days.

This was my 750 ml contribution to tailgate yesterday and, despite all these reviews I post, I managed to share the worst beer of the afternoon and apologize to all the tasters for missing the mark on this. Badly.
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