Yes, it should be 'affect'.[/quote]
Yeah, thanks to my grandmother, there are about 30 million and a half books on grammar (
I Before e (except after c), Woe is I, and Grammar for Dummies. I just happened to run into this the other night, Affect-verb, effect-noun. Used as a verb: "How will divorce affect Tiger Woods?". Used as a noun: "What would be the effect of divorce on Tiger Woods?" And fwiw, I found a way to remember pi. There is some sort of poem that every word represents a number. So "How (3) a (1) bird(4)" would represent the first four letters. Now I remember it to 32 decimal places and can recite it: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950

That's awesome. What's the poem?

Now I defy a tenet gallantly
Of circle canon law: these integers
Importing circles' quotients are, we see,
Unwieldy long series of cockle burs
Put all together, get no clarity;
Mnemonics shan't describeth so reformed
Creating, with a grammercy plainly,
A sonnet liberated yet conformed.
Strangely, the queer'st rules I manipulate
Being followéd, do facilitate
Whimsical musings from geometric bard.
This poesy, unabashed as it's distressed,
Evolvéd coherent - a simple test,
Discov'ring poetry no numerals jarred.
Oh, Zeller wishes he could be as good as Zoubek.