Will Minor be Major or Minor?

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Will Minor be Major or Minor?

1. Minor will give up 0 runs.
No votes
2. Minor will give up one run.
No votes
3. Minor will give up two runs.
4. Minor will give up three runs.
5. Minor will give up four runs.
No votes
6. Minor will give up five runs.
No votes
7. Minor will give up six runs.
No votes
8. Minor will give up seven runs.
No votes
9. Minor will give up eight runs.
No votes
10. Minor will give up more than nine (i.e. "an arseload") of runs.
No votes
Total votes: 3
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Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by EarlJam » August 9th, 2010, 7:49 pm

I couldn't post this in the Braves thread because it contains a poll. I am very excited about watching Braves pitching prospect Mike Minor make his debut tonight.

Question (for those that care and those that just want to speculate): How will Mike Minor do tonight in his major league Braves' debut?

Winner gets five dollars and a bottle of Phil Neikro's new line of cologne, Knuggsy's Nookie Nectur.

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Re: Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by CameronBornAndBred » August 9th, 2010, 7:53 pm

I have no idea who he is since I don't follow baseball...but he's coughing up two runs tonight.
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Re: Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by EarlJam » August 9th, 2010, 9:22 pm

Wow. Minor's first two runs given up were given up on extreme bloop hit. For example:

"Here's the pitch from Minor. There's a pop up. It's skied wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy up in the air. Infante is back on it. Ankeil is coming in. The ball is on its way down. Here it comes. Infante looks at Rick. Rick looks at Infante. Looks like they've agreed on who will catch it. Appears it will be Infante to try to catch it. Here comes the ball. Ankeil yawns. Infante trims a hangnail.. Infante still back.................and it falls in!"


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Re: Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by CameronBornAndBred » August 9th, 2010, 9:31 pm

EarlJam wrote:Wow. Minor's first two runs given up were given up on extreme bloop hit. For example:

"Here's the pitch from Minor. There's a pop up. It's skied wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy up in the air. Infante is back on it. Ankeil is coming in. The ball is on its way down. Here it comes. Infante looks at Rick. Rick looks at Infante. Looks like they've agreed on who will catch it. Appears it will be Infante to try to catch it. Here comes the ball. Ankeil yawns. Infante trims a hangnail.. Infante still back.................and it falls in!"


=)) =))
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Re: Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by EarlJam » August 9th, 2010, 10:22 pm

Three bloop hits, THREE ERRORS! Two wild pitches!

This season is OVER! Braves suck, SUck, SUCK!

God allmighty!

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Re: Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by EarlJam » August 9th, 2010, 10:26 pm

Newly acquired Farnsworth came into the game. The line?

Two walks.
Two Hits.
One error (on Kyle).
One wild pitch.

If he were a taxi cab driver, this would be like passing out at the wheel while running out of gas then driving the car off a cliff and having all air bags malfunction.

Fuck sake (and "sake" is not the Japanese drink. It's "Sake," rhymes with "snake").


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Re: Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by EarlJam » August 9th, 2010, 10:29 pm

Wow. Two MORE errors.

Wow. Just wow.

I think that makes five.


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Re: Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by EarlJam » August 9th, 2010, 10:33 pm

Line score for tonight's Braves game:

Braves: 3 6 72
Astros : 10 4 0
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Re: Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by Lavabe » August 10th, 2010, 7:26 am

EarlJam wrote:Line score for tonight's Braves game:

Braves: 3 6 72
Astros : 10 4 0
I believe that's a mathematical impossibility. ;) :)) :ymdevil:
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Re: Will Minor be Major or Minor?

Post by lawgrad91 » August 10th, 2010, 11:25 am

Lavabe wrote:
EarlJam wrote:Line score for tonight's Braves game:

Braves: 3 6 72
Astros : 10 4 0
I believe that's a mathematical impossibility. ;) :)) :ymdevil:
Yeah, if it could have been done, the Orioles (pre-Buck) would have done it before now.
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