Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 26th, 2010, 9:03 pm

CameronBornAndBred wrote:
devildeac wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I was sure this had been reviewed, but after a search it seems it's only been mentioned. Arcadia Cereal Killer, a really great barley wine without the the extreme ABV of some I've had lately. (CK checks in at just under 10%). Pours really cloudy, super fruity, tons of flavor. Lots of malts are the flavor source here, low hoppage. Really sweet, they could have called it "Sugared Cereal Killer" The lower ABV I think makes it even more enjoyable, because the alcohol tones don't knock you back as much, and this is pretty low for bitterness; those two qualities really let this ale dance on your tongue. This a fun brew, highly recommended. Thanks much to DD for picking me up a bomber while passing through Kin Tucky. (While it's lower ABV is nice, it's still a sipper!)
Ahh...just took another sip..really really good.
By the way..anyone remember the band "Green Jello"? They had to change their name due to some never known band of the same name.
It ain't THAT low in ABV. Old Foghorn, Old Boardhead, Old Knucklehead and Bigfoot are all under 10%.
The bottle says 9%..online I had seen it a little higher. A flat 9 is low to me for a barleywine, I usually think 10 and over. I know it's only 1%, but it's sort of like the Richter scale to me, a little nudge goes a long way.
From memory and experience:
OF is 9.4% this year but has been 8.9% with past vintages.
OB was 9.1% for the 2009 edition. You'll see that bomber at Brunchgate this fall ;) .
OK has been 9.1% for years but I have not had any for several years :(( :(( .
Bigfoot has been stuck on 9.6% for 10-15 years.

I see your point though. We have had plenty of barleywines at 10%+. Even some recently homebrewed barleywines are rumored to tilt the scale at 11% or more. :)) :)) =)) =))
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 26th, 2010, 9:35 pm

Nemesis-Founders Brewing-Outrageous brew. Secret IBU and ABV but I found a couple reviews on-line and I believe it's 12% ABV and I'd guess the IBU to be about 70. This is a reddish-orange-brown barleywine style ale (they call it a wheat wine) with a bit of sourness from the wheat. I believe it is made with maple syrup and aged in oak bourbon barrels. As you might guess, it also has tastes of vanilla and charred oak from that process and a huge nose of whiskey to augment the booziness of the 12% weigh-in. The head is modest and briefly retained. Serving suggestion would be at cellar temperature in a goblet or snifter. Drink the entire 12 ounces at your peril or share with a friend. Enjoy it as you would a sherry or with some aged cheddar cheese and wheat crackers. This one will set you back about $22 for the 4 pack :(( :(( . I'm still celebrating the banner and sent one back to Morehead City a couple weeks ago. The remaining 2 will be for 2011 and 2012 for special hoops victories. But, I could probably wait 3-4 years, too. ;)
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by bluebeer » April 26th, 2010, 9:39 pm

devildeac wrote:Nemesis-Founders Brewing-Outrageous brew. Secret IBU and ABV but I found a couple reviews on-line and I believe it's 12% ABV and I'd guess the IBU to be about 70. This is a reddish-orange-brown barleywine style ale (they call it a wheat wine) with a bit of sourness from the wheat. I believe it is made with maple syrup and aged in oak bourbon barrels. As you might guess, it also has tastes of vanilla and charred oak from that process and a huge nose of whiskey to augment the booziness of the 12% weigh-in. The head is modest and briefly retained. Serving suggestion would be at cellar temperature in a goblet or snifter. Drink the entire 12 ounces at your peril or share with a friend. Enjoy it as you would a sherry or with some aged cheddar cheese and wheat crackers. This one will set you back about $22 for the 4 pack :(( :(( . I'm still celebrating the banner and sent one back to Morehead City a couple weeks ago. The remaining 2 will be for 2011 and 2012 for special hoops victories. But, I could probably wait 3-4 years, too. ;)
3-4 years :-o ^:)^ ..I'll be lucky if my 4 pack makes it through the rest of the year..way too tasty...
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by cl15876 » April 26th, 2010, 9:42 pm

CameronBornAndBred wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:Just got a call from dd, he and 8-X are outside Total Wine in Alexandria asking if I wanted to place an order. I told them to call me back when they figure out what they should bring back. :D
Order placed. Mmmmmmm. Surprisingly no Dogfish De 'Extra, World Wide Stout or 120 in stock. Devildeac said that he and bunchofnumbers fingered all of the Dogfish brews, and found nothing. That scared me. :twitch:
Sorry CB&B!!! That was the first thing I looked for! Each of the stores carry different selections and this was the 1st time I'd been in this Total Wine. It was smaller than the other 3 I've been in. Keep the faith! :-BD It was wonderful seeing DD and Mrs. DD!!! Unfortunately the time was too short, but I learned a lot by shopping with DD. Hopefully my new job, which is getting busier, doesn't get in the way this fall and preclude my attendance at brunchgates. ;)
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by cl15876 » April 26th, 2010, 9:50 pm

devildeac wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
bluebeer wrote:"quote="CameronBornAndBred""Order placed. Mmmmmmm. Surprisingly no Dogfish De 'Extra, World Wide Stout or 120 in stock. Devildeac said that he and bunchofnumbers fingered all of the Dogfish brews, and found nothing. That scared me. :twitch:"/quote"

So what was in the order?
I don't remember most, but I do know that devildeac and I are splitting a 6 pack of SA's brewer series, where they take recipes submitted by homebrewers.
They don't "take " recipes from homebrewers. They actually have to brew the beer and enter it in a homebrewers competition and then SA selects the winners every year and brews the beer and releases is nationally. I think it's great that they started doing that again after about a 10 year absence.
CB&B - I bet that Oatmeal stout would be up there if not WIN! :-BD I think I will taste a sweet sixteen during the CAPS WIN on Wednesday :wizard: :pray: , because they didn't have it working for them tonight!!!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 26th, 2010, 10:40 pm

Consecrator Doublebock-Bell's Brewing-Just about everything you'd expect from a doublebock with a very mild hop profile but lotsa malty, bready, toasty flavors with the sweetness of caramel and light/medium brown sugar. I'd guess the IBU to be 20-30 so the faint-of-palate would enjoy this while the 8% ABV kicks their butt. Reddish-brown color with a modest light head. This would be real good with BBQ chicken or pork. Heck, it would be tasty with some snicker doodle cookies, too. It's a lager so I hope CB&B will enjoy 1-2 in his trader or upcoming beer purchase plan. I've several Bell's brews and I'll count this one among the ones I'd enjoy again. I should have a couple leftovers for future consideration ;) :D .
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by cl15876 » April 26th, 2010, 10:49 pm

cl15876 wrote:
devildeac wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:"quote="bluebeer"""quote="CameronBornAndBred""Order placed. Mmmmmmm. Surprisingly no Dogfish De 'Extra, World Wide Stout or 120 in stock. Devildeac said that he and bunchofnumbers fingered all of the Dogfish brews, and found nothing. That scared me. :twitch:"/quote"

So what was in the order?"/quote"
I don't remember most, but I do know that devildeac and I are splitting a 6 pack of SA's brewer series, where they take recipes submitted by homebrewers.
They don't "take " recipes from homebrewers. They actually have to brew the beer and enter it in a homebrewers competition and then SA selects the winners every year and brews the beer and releases is nationally. I think it's great that they started doing that again after about a 10 year absence.
CB&B - I bet that Oatmeal stout would be up there if not WIN! :-BD I think I will taste a sweet sixteen during the CAPS WIN on Wednesday :wizard: :pray: , because they didn't have it working for them tonight!!!
BTW - Thank YOU CB&B and thank you DD for delivering those babies along with the traders! I'll be doing my research to surprise you both in the future!!!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 26th, 2010, 10:57 pm

Double Simcoe IPA-Weyerbacher Brewing-It's really an IIPA and a darned good one. Can I hear a request for Tropicana fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice, please? A well-balanced brew with tons of a single variety of hops, Simcoe, of course. I'd guess the IBU to be 80-90 range as I'd expect from a double IPA. ABV is a hefty 9%. The color is a faint reddish-gold and the head is foamy/creamy and well-retained throughout the 12 ounce serving. This would be tasty with a spicy chutney glaze on some chicken or fish or even with some curry. I think CB&B will be please to find 1 or 2 of these in his collection in the near future. I can hear the napkin rustling as he wipes the =p~ off his chin as he reads this. ;) :D
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by bluebeer » April 27th, 2010, 8:34 am

devildeac wrote:Double Simcoe IPA-Weyerbacher Brewing-It's really an IIPA and a darned good one. Can I hear a request for Tropicana fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice, please? A well-balanced brew with tons of a single variety of hops, Simcoe, of course. I'd guess the IBU to be 80-90 range as I'd expect from a double IPA. ABV is a hefty 9%. The color is a faint reddish-gold and the head is foamy/creamy and well-retained throughout the 12 ounce serving. This would be tasty with a spicy chutney glaze on some chicken or fish or even with some curry. I think CB&B will be please to find 1 or 2 of these in his collection in the near future. I can hear the napkin rustling as he wipes the =p~ off his chin as he reads this. ;) :D
This is a great beer. Not sure which one you had yesterday but the bottle conditioned bombers taste completely different from the regular 12oz bottles..both are excellent..
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by bluebeer » April 27th, 2010, 8:46 am

Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree..An IIPA but at 13% ABV it's a real beast. Pours an thick brownish amber. Up front is a huge burst of piney hops with an almost oily consistency. Some sweeter malts follow for balance. A nice but not too overwhelming bitter finish. This is an excellent brew. It's ridiculously (and dangerously) easy to drink given its high ABV. Definitely a hop bomb but not as dry or bitter as some others. No idea what the distribution is on this brewery (they just started distributing in Massachusetts) but definitely worth trying if you see it..
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by CameronBornAndBred » April 27th, 2010, 8:48 am

bluebeer wrote:Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree..An IIPA but at 13% ABV it's a real beast. Pours an thick brownish amber. Up front is a huge burst of piney hops with an almost oily consistency. Some sweeter malts follow for balance. A nice but not too overwhelming bitter finish. This is an excellent brew. It's ridiculously (and dangerously) easy to drink given its high ABV. Definitely a hop bomb but not as dry or bitter as some others. No idea what the distribution is on this brewery (they just started distributing in Massachusetts) but definitely worth trying if you see it..
Oooooooh that sounds tasty. I've never heard of Dark Horse.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 27th, 2010, 6:49 pm

bluebeer wrote:
devildeac wrote:Double Simcoe IPA-Weyerbacher Brewing-It's really an IIPA and a darned good one. Can I hear a request for Tropicana fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice, please? A well-balanced brew with tons of a single variety of hops, Simcoe, of course. I'd guess the IBU to be 80-90 range as I'd expect from a double IPA. ABV is a hefty 9%. The color is a faint reddish-gold and the head is foamy/creamy and well-retained throughout the 12 ounce serving. This would be tasty with a spicy chutney glaze on some chicken or fish or even with some curry. I think CB&B will be please to find 1 or 2 of these in his collection in the near future. I can hear the napkin rustling as he wipes the =p~ off his chin as he reads this. ;) :D
This is a great beer. Not sure which one you had yesterday but the bottle conditioned bombers taste completely different from the regular 12oz bottles..both are excellent..
I had the 12 ouncer. Time to start looking for the bombers :D =p~ .
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by CameronBornAndBred » April 27th, 2010, 8:11 pm

Doing some painting tonight, all abstract, so I'm gonna enjoy some good brews. Starting with Goose Island Pere Jaques (2009) via DD. This is a really cool beer, and I think a good one start my evening with. 8%ABV, light amber color, beautiful soft tan head, and full of flavor. It's a Belgian, and a really nice example of one. I find one of the qualities of belgian style ales is "softness". What I mean is that the aroma is light, the head sort of tickles the toungue, and it takes a while to fade away in the glass. Low bitterness adds to the softness, the Pere Jaques has a great fruit filled aftertaste that hangs around enjoyably. The label says "Develops in the bottle for up to 5 years" (it is bottle conditioned, live yeast), but with a twist off cap I'd be a little leary of that. I'm sure they do a great job sealing it tightly, but with biological activity going on inside, and possible temperature changes going on outside, it's a recipe for less than desirable results. I wouldn't have to worry though, it tastes too good to last too long in my possession. :D . Devildeac can cellar a couple and let us know the results as he celebrates K's 5th championship in 2015.
Back to painting!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by CameronBornAndBred » April 27th, 2010, 8:56 pm

devildeac wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
bluebeer wrote:I'm a huge fan of Goose Island Bourbon County Stout as it could be my favorite stout..
Ymmm..I do believe DD picked up one for me on his recent trip. I'll be sampling it this weekend.
Be careful. Very careful with that one.
Well, I actually saved it longer than expected. Damn that's a great brew. Like the Jefferson Reserve, the bourbon barrel does SOOO much for the flavor. Besides the higher ABV (13%), the similarities and thus the review would be about equal. Thanks much for placing this in my KinTucky order devildeac!
What a great aftertaste! (It's a good thing, too...inspires slow sipping ;) )
Back to painting again!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 27th, 2010, 9:52 pm

CameronBornAndBred wrote:
devildeac wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:Ymmm..I do believe DD picked up one for me on his recent trip. I'll be sampling it this weekend.
Be careful. Very careful with that one.
Well, I actually saved it longer than expected. Damn that's a great brew. Like the Jefferson Reserve, the bourbon barrel does SOOO much for the flavor. Besides the higher ABV (13%), the similarities and thus the review would be about equal. Thanks much for placing this in my KinTucky order devildeac!
What a great aftertaste! (It's a good thing, too...inspires slow sipping ;) )
Back to painting again!
You're not gonna be doing much more painting after a Pere Jaques AND a Bourbon County Stout. 8-}
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 27th, 2010, 10:03 pm

Clearwater Light-Hops Brewing

Malts: Pilsner, Carapils and wheat
Hops: Hallertau and Saaz
Very pale yellow and low in calories and carbs. You know what that sounds like? Yep, budlite. There ain't many hops or malts in this brew. I'd guess the IBU about 1 (see # thread) and the ABV about 3.2% (also see # thread). Almost tasteless. Part of a 5 beer sampler tonight at dinner. Guess what that means? Yep, 4 more posts. :)) :)) =)) =))
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by CameronBornAndBred » April 27th, 2010, 10:05 pm

devildeac wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
devildeac wrote: Be careful. Very careful with that one.
Well, I actually saved it longer than expected. Damn that's a great brew. Like the Jefferson Reserve, the bourbon barrel does SOOO much for the flavor. Besides the higher ABV (13%), the similarities and thus the review would be about equal. Thanks much for placing this in my KinTucky order devildeac!
What a great aftertaste! (It's a good thing, too...inspires slow sipping ;) )
Back to painting again!
You're not gonna be doing much more painting after a Pere Jaques AND a Bourbon County Stout. 8-}
Still sipping on the Bourbon County..I have no choice. Painting is almost done...I'm painting 6 small abstracts at one time.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 27th, 2010, 10:08 pm

Lightning Bold Gold-Hops Brewing

Malts: Pilsen, Carapils and 60L Caramel
Hops: Hallertau and Saaz

Sound familiar? A bit more flavor that is lightly toasted white bread, little hop aroma (like a week old bouquet) and a slightly golden yellow color. IBU about 5 (see # thread again) and an ABV probably about 4% (where is that # thread again?). A slight step up from the light just reviewed.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 27th, 2010, 10:17 pm

Thoroughbred Red-Hops Brewing

But it's an amber @-) .

Malts: Pale Ale, Carapils, 60L Caramel and Chocolate.
Hops: Perle, Willamette and Cascade

Finally, a real beer. A medium amber with a toasted wheat bread taste and a bit of a floral scent. I could actually enjoy this with the unlimited soup and sald dinner I ordered. The 1st soup was chicken and wild rice with carrots and peas and the salad was a simple garden salad. A nice combination. I'd guess the IBU at about 20-30 and the ABV an astronomical 5% (-| .
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 27th, 2010, 10:25 pm

Red Squirrel Nut Brown-Hops Brewing

Another real beer. Hops or malts not listed on their tasting guide as it is their current seasonal. Tasted this with Mrs. DD's jerk chicken and it was a nice combination. The ale probably had modest amounts of caramel and chocolate malts in reasonable quantities with an ABV about 5%. Hops had a low profile so I'd guess the IBU to be in the 20-30 vicinity. One more to enter.
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