Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 4th, 2020, 8:25 am

Orange Sunshine-Lost Province Brewing Company

It was local when purchased

Credit-fuse; thanks and more thanks!!
Style-fruited NEIPA; started with "Hipster Juice," previously reviewed
Temporary residence-pint can
Glassware-felt at home in a standard pint glass
Appearance-OJ light; moderate, frothy head
Nose-any 100% juice OJ
On the tongue-mildly juicy
Tastes-hey, fuse, did you really empty my can and refill it with an Orange Julius? There's some rind and pith, too.
Adjuncts-"...insane amount of whole fruit orange puree..."
Hops-Cascade, Centennial and Mosaic
Overall impression-really a fun and quite tasty beer on a warm, well, it was more like hot, spring evening
Ymm, Beer rating-so juicy and flavorful, I'll stamp a low cat 3 on this one; I'd have another of these, and probably a third one, too
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 5th, 2020, 9:18 pm

Lemme help you a bit more here:

Thrilling Daydreams-WMB, no, wait, Wise Man Brewing

Local? We lived there 4 years so it's still local!

Credit-RJ199; thanks!!
Style-double NEIPA
Package-metal cylinder containing two cups of ale
Stemware-if it's from Winston-Salem, there's a really good chance it gets poured into a Stella snifter
Appearance-mildly cloudy orange amber with a moderate, foamy head
Nose-tangerine and cantaloupe
Mouthfeel-slightly thick
Tastes-there's that cantaloupe again with some more tangerine, orange and a splash of pineapple and grapefruit; some zest at the end
Hops-Citra, Mosaic and Sultana (last one is new to me); a wonderful mélange
IBU-91 (no. way.)
ABV-7.7%; about perfect
Overall impression-another outstanding creation from WMB
Ymm, Beer rating-low, maybe mid cat 3; this was such a pleasing ale to sip over 30-45 minutes with our Italian sub/hero/hoagie/grinder tonight; find one!
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 6th, 2020, 9:53 pm

Tropical Shirts-Wise Man Brewing

Local? Yep!

Credit-RJ199 and the beergoddess; thanks!!
Style-flavored Berliner Weisse
Format-half a quart stuffed into an aluminum cylinder
Canned on-05/06/2020 L1 15:19
Stemware-Hardywood GBS Complete Set Teku
Appearance-a gorgeous pinkish purple pour
Scents-berries and limes
Mouthfeel-lightly puckery
Tastes-slightly sweet berry juice; generous squeeze of lime
Adjuncts-blackberries and raspberries
IBU-7; yes, 7; sour, not bitter
Overall impression-a flavorful, refreshing summer after dinner beer; liquid berries
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; I'd sip another, and another; never had a German Berliner Weisse but I can't imagine much difference
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 8th, 2020, 8:50 pm

From last PM:

Hartsfield-Atlanta Brewing Company

No worries, it's not

Credit-neighbor from his May beer club; thanks (sort of)\
Format-12 ounce can
Freshness-buncha smudged dots
Glassware-pint glass
Appearance-orange yellow; modest head; fairly clear
Nose-weak citrus
Mouthfeel-weak bitter
Tastes-more weak citrus; some pine
Hops-Citra, Mosaic, mystery rotating hop
Overall impression-average; gives me concern about Hoplanta on deck for Monday night
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 2; decent pairing w/Mrs. dd's Curry Chicken Divan (which was much better than the beer)
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 8th, 2020, 9:12 pm

From tonight:

Hoplanta-Atlanta Brewing Company

Again, not local

Credit-neighbor; he gets a thank you for his kind intent
Style-West Coast IPA
Format-12 ounce can
Pkg-03/12/20 11:31 F881
Glassware-pint glass (almost should've used a sieve)
Appearance-clear, orange amber; amazing head (the outdated beer kind of head)
Nose-pine, resin, soap (another warning)
Mouthfeel-unpleasant bitterness
Tastes-resin, pine, maybe a hint of citrus; more soap
Hops-Eureka! Centennial, Chinook (not a good combination)
Overall impression-not my style but not very well done either; doesn't entice me to sample any more ABC brews
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 1; it's been a while since I had a beer this unenjoyable
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 9th, 2020, 10:24 am

From Sunday night, treating myself after National Doughnut Day and on National Chocolate Ice Cream Day:

Skillet Donut Stout-Burial Beer Company

Credit-last beer from my March 15% off spending spree
Style-flavored imperial milk stout
Format-pint can; better price point than the 750s
Appearance-onyx; billowy, dark tan head after a vigorous pour
Nose-"pass the cream and sugar, please;" oh, wait, it has milk sugars already
Mouthfeel-smooth, almost fudgy
Tastes-rich coffee, dark chocolate, raisins, dates, figs, dark caramel, molasses, char
Adjuncts-lactose, oats and lots of coffee
IBU-60 sounds right
ABV-still 8%
Overall impression-superbly executed; the only think missing was a chocolate doughnut and that's on me
Ymm, Beer rating-solid cat 3; highly recommended at about $5/can or perhaps a bit less; stand alone dessert or with a caramel or chocolate pastry
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 9th, 2020, 9:20 pm

Gingerbread Porter-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Local for a couple or three Ymm, Beer posters

Credit-accfanfrom1970, please step forward and take a well deserved bow; many thanks for your beer mule-ry!!
Style-flavored imperial porter; yes, a non-stout in the 2019 GBS Complete Set
Format-pint can; another first in the 2019 GBS Complete Set
Stemware-that cute little tumbler from the 2018 Complete Set worked quite nicely with this
Appearance-dark brown with a medium tan, foamy head
Scents-ginger (not Mary Ann)
Mouthfeel-smooooooth with a zing
Tastes-prominent but not unpleasant ginger, dark honey, milk chocolate (not added) and "special GBS spices" that I can't identify
Adjuncts-ginger (d'oh!), honey, "spices," but no lactose like the GBS
IBU-probably 40
ABV-the usual 9.2%
Overall impression-a very nice change/addition/replacement in the set
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; would be happy to see again in the 2020 Complete Set if accfanfrom1970 will be our "beast of burden"
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 9th, 2020, 9:43 pm

Village IPA-Alphabet City Brewing Company

Not local (Elmsford, NY)

Credit-same neighbor responsible for the Atlanta brews; this was decent so he gets a thank you
Format-12 ounce can
Freshness-1057 MPN 1484 (shrugs)
Glassware-standard pint vessel
Appearance-very slightly hazy orange yellow; moderate foam
Nose-weak citrus; hints of pine
Mouthfeel-mild bitterness
Tastes-weak grapefruit and orange; touch of resin; splash of caramel
IBU-maybe 50
Overall impression-decent pairing with some leftover homemade Curry Chicken Divan
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 2; much better than Hoplanta; comparable to Hartsfield; would consider another brew from this brewery
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 11th, 2020, 10:29 pm

Schism-Brewery Bhavana and TRVE Brewing Company collaboration

Mostly local

Credit-RJ199; many thanks!!
Format-pint can
Style-flavored and foeder fermented wild ale
Stemware-large wine glass
Appearance-hazy yellow with hints of orange and ruby; thin head
Mouthfeel-pleasantly puckery
Tastes-red wine, fruited vinegar, lime juice; pretty complex
Barrels-Sangiovese foeders and red wine barrels (18 months of aging)
Adjuncts-scuppernong and Muscadine grapes (2 additional months of aging)
ABV-5.7% but punches higher
Overall rating-superb
Ymm, Beer rating-mid/upper cat 3; all the elements I'd expect for the style and aging; might have to try some TRVE beverages

Note: received prior to the recent untoward events revealed about one of Brewery Bhavana's owners and reviewed for its quality
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 11th, 2020, 11:16 pm

The Savages of Ruminating Minds-Burial Beer Company

Brewed in Asheville, bought in Raleigh, so regional and local

Credit-it was available and my Visa was under limit
Style-hazy IPA
Format-pint can from a 4 pack
Looks-cloudy pineapple yellow; moderate and thick head
Nose-pineapple and guava
Mouthfeel-this one had a little attitude
Tastes-pineapple puree with some core included; guava; hints of tangerine and melon
Hops-Mosaic, Motueka and Idaho 7
IBU-likely 50 to 60
Overall impression-another high quality Burial IPA
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; lost a point for being a bit thin but I'm picking nits here; delighted to buy this today at The Exhibit, their joint in Raleigh
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 13th, 2020, 9:49 am

From last PM

Bodhi-Columbus Brewing Company

No, not the Columbus Crew but still local

Credit-son of devildeac; thanks
Format-12 ounce bottle, shared
Appearance-sunshine goldish yellow; moderate head
Nose-grapefruit and orange
Mouthfeel-I bit it back
Tastes-darn near fresh squeezed grapefruit juice with an orange chaser; lotsa rind; a bit of dank
Awards-bronze medal GABF 2014
Hops-"unique blend" featuring Citra (not surprising)
IBU-80 (I'd have guessed 60 something)
Overall impression-excellent blend of hops and balance of bitter and "sweet"
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; as good as I remembered from my last tating a couple years ago; worth a single or the whole damn 4 pack
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 13th, 2020, 2:35 pm

From last PM:

Ol' Rugger-Zaftig Brewing Company

Locally brewed, locally consumed

Credit-son; many thanks for sharing would be an understatement for this brew
Style-BBA imperial stout
Format-12 ounce bottle ($15 ), shared 3 ways
Bottling date-2019 (probably 1/2019 or 2/2019)
Appearance-oh, so close to midnight black; thin, mocha head
Nose-boozy, dark chocolate fudge
Mouthfeel-20W50; darn near chewy
Tastes-dark chocolate bourbon balls, molasses, dark fruit, hint of coffee, char
Adjuncts-none listed
IBU-SWAG of 50
ABV-16%; hence the 3 way share; bourbon not hidden at all but not overpowering
Overall impression-as good, if not better that Bourbon County or just about any other BBA RIS I've ever tasted; celebrating children's milestones=even better
Ymm, Beer rating-top, front and center of cat 3, with a ribbon, bow and medal; an amazing concoction
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 13th, 2020, 3:42 pm

From last PM:

Barrel Aged Ink-Rheingeist Brewing

Local? Kinda/sorta

Credit-son; many thanks!!
Format-bomber, shared 3 ways
Style-imperial stout captured in bourbon barrels
Stemware-more snifters
Appearance-dark chestnut; small head
Nose-dark chocolate and booze
Mouthfeel-compared to Ol' Rugger, this was a bit thin
Tastes-a bit less flavorful than Ol' Rugger but still a lot of dark, dried fruits, dark chocolate, bourbon, molasses, vanilla and oak
IBU-n/a (it's really listed that way on their website)
ABV-12.9%; tasted less boozy than Ol' Rugger
Overall impression-very, very good but a bit weak compared to Ol' Rugger
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; don't get me wrong, this is still another excellent release by Rheingeist but in a lower division than Ol' Rugger
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 13th, 2020, 6:45 pm

From last PM:

Frosty-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

Local for some inhabitants here

Credit-accfanfrom1970 with the order, pickup and delivery (paid back in full, of course); part of the 2019 GBS complete set
Style-white/gold/blonde flavored imperial milk stout (WTH?)
Format-500 ml bottle shared 3 ways
Stemware-more snifters!
Appearance-slightly cloudy gold; moderate, off white head
Mouthfeel-smooth and tingly
Tastes-ginger, cocoa powder, honey, vanilla, coffee
Adjuncts-ginger, honey, coffee and cacao nibs
Malts-gold/lighter malts (not named) replaced the dark/chocolate malts
Overall impression-very interesting variant to the standard BBS
Ymm, Beer rating-low cat 3; might still like the original better but the coffee and cacao were tasty
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 13th, 2020, 10:56 pm

Lemme try a couple/three of these tonight:

BrightssA Tank Top-Unknown Brewing Company

Name of beer *might* be scrambled

Kinda local

Credit-RJ199 with traders; thanks!!
Style-rum barrel aged and flavored gose
Format-pint can, shared 3 ways
Appearance-margarita, shaken, not stirred
Nose-lime and rum
Mouthfeel-mild pucker
Tastes-coulda been a margarita; lime, rum, sour
IBU-couldn't be >10
Overall impression-I think they've changed the recipe; less lime, less barrel aging; my fellow tasters were not impresses
Ymm, Beer rating-mid cat 2; I did not search for the 2019 review which, IIRC (not always true), was cat 3; slight disappointment but still good
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 14th, 2020, 9:02 am

Beer #2 late Saturday afternoon:

Cellar Door #9-Brewery Bhavana

local for me!

Credit-fuse; thanks!!!!
Style-tequila barrel aged fruited saison
Format-750 ml, shared 3 ways
Stemware-rinsed and dried snifters
Appearance-foam, lots and lots of foam that hid a cloudy, reddish yellow orangish liquid
Scents-tequila, apples and pears, faint cherries
Mouthfeel-foamy; boozy
Tastes-tequila, apples, pears, hints of pineapple, cherries, more tequila and foam
Adjuncts-pomegranates, cherries, foam (well, not really )
IBU-around 10
Overall impression-a bit overdone on the tequila and underwhelming on the fruits but quite an interesting concoction
Ymm, Beer rating-high cat 2 (low for the Cellar Door series)

Funny story with this one:

Son comes upstairs to inform me this beer has been opened and to drag me off Ymm, Beer. He then shows me the bottle in the middle of the floor on a towel to collect the still foaming elixir and wondering what to do next as it's been foaming for probably 2-3 minutes and inquiring when it'll stop foaming. I simply pick up the bottle and start pouring into our snifters and, amazingly, the overflow foaming stops. (Otherwise, he's a pretty smart fellow .)
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 14th, 2020, 10:05 pm

From last PM:

Fluffy-Hardywood Park Craft Brewery

I know who'll claim local here...

Credit-accfanfrom1970; WooHoo!!
Style-imperial milk stout flavored with toasted marshmallows
Format-500 ml bottle, shared 3 ways
Stemware-rinsed and dried snifters
Appearance-dark, dark chestnut; moderate foamy head
Nose-toasted marshmallows, ginger and chocolate
Mouthfeel-not sticky
Tastes-a s'mores bar/cookie variant with toasted marshmallows, ginger, milk chocolate, honey an ddark caramel
Adjuncts-the usual GBS suspects of ginger, honey, vanilla and secret GBS spices plus marshmallows
Overall impression-better than Frosty, a delectable middle of dinner dessert
Ymm, Beer rating-cat 3; might be better than the original GBS
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 14th, 2020, 10:17 pm

From last PM:

Wolf Claw-Wolf's Ridge Brewing Company collaboration with DuClaw Brewing

Temporarily local

Credit-son of devildeac; thanks!
Style-flavored imperial milk stout
Format-bomber, shared 3 ways
Stemware-we are wearing out the snifters
Appearance-chestnut; moderately foamy tan head
Nose-Rocky Road sundae/ice cream
Tastes-less marshmallows than Fluffy but lots of vanilla, baker's chocolate and almonds
Adjuncts-lactose, toasted almonds, marshmallows, vanilla, cocoa powder, cacao nibs
IBU-probably 40
Overall impression-a liquid Rocky Road shake
Ymm, Beer rating-low/mid cat 3; another dessert before we finished dinner
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 15th, 2020, 6:59 pm

A leftover from last week:

Rio Reserva-De Struise Brouwers

Several thousand miles away from local

Credit-RJ199; erg bedankt!
Style-double barrel aged (wine and KY bourbon) Belgian quad
Format-330 ml
Freshness-(lol)-Vintage 2012; Abfülldatum 12/07/2016 ("four years of barrel patience")
Stemware-Gouden Carolus chalice
Pour-hazy amber with hints of red; small, lacy head
Nose-caramel, wine, golden raisins
Mouthfeel-soft, bubble
Tastes-very little red wine or bourbon; mostly sherry; gold raisins, fresh figs, dates, medium brown sugar and hints of cabernet and bourbon
Adjuncts-probably some Belgian dark candi sugar
IBU-who knows?
Overall impression-a brilliant beer; I've never had a double barrel aged quad that was amber in color that tasted more like a sherry
Ymm, Beer rating-mid level cat 3; I'd buy this again; shoulda been in OPK's Belgian Virtual Pub if it wasn't
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » June 15th, 2020, 7:22 pm

From minutes ago:

Neon God-New Anthem Brewing

yea, the NC coast is local

Credit-RJ199; many thanks!!
Format-pint can
Stemware-boring pint glass
Appearance-hazy pineapple yellow; this can't be beer
Nose-Who put the fruit smoothie in my glass?
Mouthfeel-juicy and thick
Tastes-mattman is right: pineapple, orange, mango and grapefruit
IBU-maybe 50
Overall impression-a grain alcohol or vodka smoothie
Ymm, Beer rating-mattman correct again with the cat 3; find/buy/drink it; approaching Veil/Burial quality here; high, high praise
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