Ymm, Beer!

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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » March 30th, 2018, 9:45 pm

Sunday Morning Stout (draft)-Weyerbacher Brewing Company

Well, not so local with this one but it was too inviting on the menu and I was able to talk our server into bringing a 2 ounce sample of this to the table as we paid our bill.

Almost black in color with a skinny, mocha head. Seductive nose of java and bourbon with palate-pleasing dark chocolate, coffee, dark caramel and bourbon to finish. I almost ordered a larger serving of this but at 12.7% ABV and having finished a flight already, sensibility arrived and I was quite satisfied with my taster. I'll guess IBUs about 50. Dessert beer. Forget any pairings (well, maybe a sliver of a molten chocolate cake ).
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 1st, 2018, 9:21 pm

From 1/9/16:
devildeac wrote:Little Sumpin' Sumpin'-Lagunitas Brewing

Now this is a bit embarrassing as I don't think I've ever sampled this wheat (almost double) IPA until tonight and it was a leftover from a gathering our son had at our abode a couple weeks ago with some of his buddies .

Poured a straw color with a modest foamy head that lingered through the consumption phase. Bouquet of citrus and tropical fruits to start and finished with some mango, pineapple, Juicy Fruit gum, orange (from the wheat, I'd guess) and grapefruit with a moderate hop bitterness and a bit of light brown sugar sweetness. With IBUs of 64.2 and and ABV of 7.5%, this is flirting with an IIPA designation. A fine ale for celebrating an ACC win or with some spicy Indian or Chinese cuisine.
From last PM:

Little Sumpin' Sumpin'-Lagunitas (owned by heineken) Brewery

Beer #3 from my mixed 6er last week. Laugh/scoff if you will but for $1.83 for a 12 ounce bottle, I was happy to sip last PM. I don't think much has changed from 2+ years ago except trying to stay gluten-free in my comments 8-| :ymdevil: . Worth a bottle or a pint. Still a very good beer.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 1st, 2018, 9:28 pm

From 6/23/12:
devildeac wrote:Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale-Lagunitas Brewing

Quite the discovery here as I wandered through Harris Teeter last week on a mission to see what grocery store craft brews I could purchase on their first ever 20% off sale and I grabbed a 6er of this along with 3 others to sample/trade/gift. Poured a golden amber with a modest foamy head that had aromas of pine, citrus and caramel with hints of medium brown sugar and honey. The tastes of this strong ale matched fairly well with some scents of maple, too. Moderate hop blast with a "devilish" IBU rating of 66.6. Fairly smooth with only mild alcohol burn despite its ABV of 9.8%. There was only one of these on the agenda for the evening and I sipped it over an hour from a standard pint glass and, the more it warmed, the sweeter and rummy-er (?) it became. I think it was $9.49 on the shelf but with the 20% off, it ended up at $7.60 out the door, an excellent value for a high quality, high gravity brew.
From last PM:

From last PM:

Undercover Investigation Shut Down Ale-Lagunitas Brewing

Beer #4 form the aforementioned $10.99 mixed 6er. Are you kidding me? $1.83 for a DIPA?

A bit different tasting last PM as there was no maple to be tasted, nor was there any rummy-ness to it. Lots of citrus and stone fruits but with similar appearances and aromas. Totally worth a 12 ounce single or a pint on draft if you can find it.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 1st, 2018, 9:39 pm

Hop Bullet- Sierra Nevada Brewing Company

Beer #5 for the mixed 6er. I think fuse reviewed this a few months ago after purchasing a 12 pack at some ridiculously low price, IIRC.

Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a standard pint glass with a straw-yellow color. Modest head with scents of pine and rind. Tastes were mildly piney/resin-y with more rind and hints of citrus and brown sugar. Label states some special process of hopping (dry hops and lupulin powder?) with Magnum hops. I'll guess IBUs about 60 with the ABV at 8% so on the IPA/IIPA boundary. Very good beer but I've come to prefer more fruity/fruited IPAs/IIPAs instead of the "chewy," piney/resin-y ones. Definitely worth a single or draft if you can find this spring seasonal.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 1st, 2018, 10:16 pm

From 11/16/12:
devildeac wrote:Maximus-Lagunitas Brewing

Pineapple, grapefruit and mango flavors and aromas and tastes to match. Poured a clear light orange-yellow with a generous head. This IPA was quite easy to drink with huge amounts of caramel malt sweetness to win out over a modest IBU. To be precise, the ABV is a bit high for a standard IPA at 8.2% and the IBU a bit low at 59. So, not quite a DIPA but a brew that would pair nicely with BBQ items or curry or hot/spicy Chinese fare. I actually bought a 6er of this myself and will keep a couple to share over the holidays, trade one or two and then finish the collection over the next couple months.
From tonight:

Maximus-Lagunitas Brewing

Sixth and final beer from the litter. I'm IPA'd out for a while .

I wonder if they've changed the recipe a bit as I perceived little citrus and/or tropical flavors tonight but got mostly pine and resin and some rind. The IBUs are higher at 72.41 (yes, that's really on the label ) but the ABV is the same at 8.2% so this now sits in the DIPA zip code. Worth a single or a pint draft, especially if you've not tried this before. Lagunitas prices their brews reasonably (about $6 for a bomber of Hop Stoopid and $15 for a 6er of their High West-ified BBA RIS last fall) so I remain torn about continuing to support a giant-owned prior craft brewer.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 3rd, 2018, 11:18 pm

Lager-Durty Bull Brewing Company

Drink local! (Durham)

Last entry from my March beer club 4 pack. It's NC beer month so why not share with family.

Twelve ounce can poured into tea/juice/water glasses (because it would've looked pretty damned silly pouring into pint glasses and my 2.5 ounce Ommegang pilsner glasses were too small ). Appearance was clear, clean and straw-yellow in color with a small head. Nose was banana (surprisingly) and lightly toasted grains. Mild tastes of bananas which blended into flowers, light brown sugar and more breadiness. Listed as "hoppy" on their website, it was only mildly so with estimated IBUs of 30. The ABV was 5.6%. No pairings, just sharings. Solid "light" beer.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 4th, 2018, 4:28 pm

Beneath the Feet of Orion (draft)-Haw River Farmhouse Ales

Saison with ginger and carrot ()

I overspent my winnings from the office bracket pool just a bit with this $3 half pint this afternoon.

First pour was a foamy mess but the beer dude quickly dumped it and I re-served the 8 ounce pour with a small, creamy head. Light gold-amber in color with a spicy nose. I'd have thought a blend of spices but the ginger makes the most sense. Tastes were toasted grains, herbs, medium caramel sweetness with a little ginger warming and zing to accompany a pinch of black pepper. I'll guess 20 IBUs based on the style and minimal bitterness on the palate. It qualifies as an imperial saison with its 8.2% ABV, making it another dangerously sippable brew. I could see pairing with a fruit plate before dinner or a tray of grilled veggies to accompany some honey BBQ chicken or pulled pork for an entree. Sorry, Tripping William, this was not to be found in any bottles on the shelf for purchase today and delivery later this month.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 5th, 2018, 9:47 am

Barrel Aged Hibernation Ale (draft)-Great Divide Brewing

Two ounce sample yesterday after my Haw River delicacy.

Spending a year in a whiskey barrel turned a very good English-style old winter ale into an absolute gem. I haven't tasted the regular version in several years but remember it very fondly. The nose is enticing dark fruits, spices and booze. It's a murky brown and had a small, khaki head. Somewhat thick and chewy mouthfeel with tastes matching the aromas with some nuts, vanilla, dark caramel and more booze to finish. I'll guess IBUs about 30 and the ABV is 12.4%, up from about 8-9% for the non-BBA version. A half pint would have been $4.50 and I would have chosen this instead of the Beneath the Feet of Orion but can rarely pass up a chance for a Haw River draft. I'll guess a large format bottle of this would be about $20. Worth the splurge either way
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 5th, 2018, 9:47 pm

GSO Zuh-Preyer Brewing Company

Drink local!

A gose-style ale from Greensboro. Get it?

Poured from a 12 ounce can and shared 3 ways last PM. An aggressive pour yielded a large, foamy head that lingered longer than expected. We were all able to "drink around/under" it . Color was straw-yellow, nose was salty and citrusy and tastes were like a salty, lemon-lime seltzer with a hint of spice (coriander-added). IBUs claimed to be 8 on their web site and ABV was 4.4% so a nice palate cleanser, if you want to refer to a salty ale as cleansing. This was kinda/sorta average for the style but would be pleasant on a warm spring/summer afternoon with a plate of fresh fruit.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 5th, 2018, 9:53 pm

Blackbeard's Booty-Mother Earth Brewing

More local!

Hoppy blonde ale-an interesting brew.

Another 12 ounce can shared 3 ways last evening. Pour was pale yellow with a small, white head. Nose was not attractive and reminded us of stale, wet bread. Tastes were better but somewhat unusual for a blonde ale and consisted of lightly toasted white bread, flowers, light caramel and herbs. Amarillo and Chinook hops give a moderately bitter finish and I'll guess IBUs about 40 with the ABV at 4.9%. Would make a satisfactory pairing with BLT or grilled cheese and tomato sammiches. A bit disappointing for a Mother Earth Brew.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 6th, 2018, 11:32 am

King of Boggle-Trophy Brewing Company

Beer #3 from the winning bracket pool . Hazy juice!

This was a 16 ounce can labeled as a NE IPA and divided among 3 tasters Wednesday night. Appearance was a cloudy orange-yellow with a generous, foamy head. Oh, my, what a juicy, grapefruity nose with perfectly matching tastes. There may have been a bit of mango and hints of rind/zest, too. Very mild caramel-y sweetness. Even our younger daughter, not an IPA fan at all, found this very tasty. No IBUs quoted so I'll guess 50. ABV on their tap list and on the label was 7.3%. I'd buy a pint of this at the taproom/brewery if available or a 4 pack of this if I see it so sip/trade and share, even at about $3.50/pint can. Highly recommended, especially to mattman if he can find it at Bruisin' Ales or Tasty Beverage in his home zip code.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 6th, 2018, 11:42 am

Über Night-Bombshell Beer Company

Nice play on words in more ways than one.

Batting clean-up Wednesday night was this pint call so more indigenous imbibing with this imperial stout.

Shared 3 ways again, the pour was almost midnight black with a moderate khaki head. Dark chocolate and espresso first impressions on the nose, followed by almost burned grains, dark roast java and a bit of dark chocolate on the palate. The other two tasters though the chocolate was > the coffee with neither being added. No IBU stats anywhere so I'll guess about 60 based on the style. This bad girl (brewery founded/owned by 3 women ), clocks in at 10% ABV so it really means Über one way or another, or both. Pair with a slice of Oreo cheesecake, come chocolate cookies or sip by itself from a snifter. I think this was about $3 for the 16 ounce can, a good drop. Closer to Victory Storm King then Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout to my taste buds. Some ingredients:

Malts: Pale, Special B, Oats, Flaked Barley, Chocolate

Hops: Fuggle
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 6th, 2018, 4:20 pm

Oooh, forgot one from Tuesday night.

Ten Fidy Barrel Aged-Oskar Blues Brewing

I'm gonna call it "local" even though the can says Longmont, CO, because they have a Brevard, NC location now.

Stovepipe can (19.2 ounces ) gifted to me by a drug rep in December or January and saved until family arrived to share (3 ways and immediately after the Collaboration Without Representation). I found another can laying on a counter at Total Wine about the same time last year and (greedily) asked if they had any more and was sadly informed they did not . Got lucky and they honored a 10% off coupon so I think it was about $11 (no typo ). I'll transport that to Ohio later this month to share with son of devildeac.

Pour was pitch black and viscous. Head was small, creamy and tan. Nose was unsweetened dark chocolate and bourbon. Mouthfeel was thick, oily and viscous (yep, repetitively redundant ). There's a really good reason they named it Ten Fidy. Tastes were fudge, chocolate covered raisins, a hint of coffee and warming bourbon from start to finish. IBUs listed at 75. ABV was 12.9%. Don't waste any time thinking about pairings as this is decadent enough by itself for dessert or a nightcap. I don't think I could finish a can of this by myself. It is a big, big beer.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 6th, 2018, 7:57 pm

Gizmo Gose Wild-Gizmo Brew Works (brewed at Fortnight Brewing)

Still local sipping! It's still NC beer month.

Poured from a $2ish 12 ounce can last PM as a "palate cleanser." Color and scents of lemon-lime soda/seltzer with a moderate fizzy/foamy head that persisted longer than expected. Salt for the first taste, then tart lemon-limeade, then some mildly sweet berries as a buncha strawberries were added. I'm generally not a big strawberry beer fan but this mildly offset the sourness of the gose. Website states IBUs at 14 and can confirms the listed ABV at 4.3%. Would be a nice warm spring/summer porch sipper with a fruit plate.

Gizmo Strawberry Gose > Preyer GSO-Zuh
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 6th, 2018, 8:06 pm

Limoncello-Deep River Brewing Company

"Johnston County's First Legal Brewery"

Can #2 last PM, again shared 3 ways.

Poured a sunshine yellow with a moderate head. Gosh folks, this smells like lemonade. Tastes like a tart lemonade, too, with a rindy/zesty finish. There might be a bit of melon flavor here from the Sorachi Ace hops. No IBUs listed so I'll guess 20 as they claim this is based on their blonde sour ale. ABV is 5.4. Pair with a summer fruit plate and/or a lawnmower thirst. I think this pint can was about $2.50. Not sure I could drink the contents of the full can but might make an interesting side-by-side with a Stiegel (?sp) Radler or a Leinenkugel Lemon Shandy, if one exists.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 6th, 2018, 11:22 pm

Cloud Surfer-Trophy Brewing Company

Local! Again!

"A Modern IPA"


Can #3 from last night's tasting/flight. Another pint shared 3 ways.

Pour was a cloudy orange-yellow with a generous foamy head. Nose somewhat less grapefruity than King of Boggle. Tasted a bit less grapefruity and juicy, too, but with some mango and pineapple nuances sneaking into the mix. Mild honey-ish sweetness. Another IBU guessing game here and I'll estimate about 60 with an ABV of 6.1%. This was less hazy juice than King of Boggle and more typical of an IPA but if tasted blindly, I still might guess NE IPA. Certainly worth the $2.50 for the 16 ounces and I'd buy again on draft or another can or three.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 7th, 2018, 10:29 am

Fruitjitsu-Southern Pines Brewing Company

More local!

From Thursday night, the fourth and final can from my office bracket pool winnings .

Pint pour and shared 3 ways (you'll see why in a couple sentences ). Black as coal (SRM 102; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Reference_Method) with a modest, creamy, khaki head. Intense aromas of dark chocolate and dark berries. Sinful, liquid, semi-sweet chocolate morsels (infused with cocoa nibs) coat the tongue, followed by blackberries (added), blueberries (added; but I would have not guessed both varieties of berries), currants (not added), a splash of coffee (not added), dark caramel and a warming, alcohol finish but not a barrel-aged product. IBUs listed at 68 on the can and the ABV is 13% (no typo). Pair with an empty hand, two or three snifters and a couple or three family members/friends. Dessert in a glass. Decadent. Comparison? Maybe some blackberry/blueberry fudge/brownies. Kinda reminds me of the berry tastes you might perceive in a fine cabernet. Totally worth the $4.50 or $5 for the can. SPBC web site also says available in 4 packs.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 9th, 2018, 10:29 pm

Juicy Haze IPA-New Belgium Brewing Company

For mattman! I think this is the one I suggested a few pages ago.

More local as it's NC Beer Month.

I bought a 12 ounce $2 single bottle tonight along with 5 other NC beers. This was a cloudy, orange-yellow pour with a moderate, foamy head. Aromas of tropical and citrus fruits. Tastes include grapefruit, pineapple, orange, lemon, lime and mango with come light caramel sweetness and a very mildly bitter finish. IBUs at 42 and ABV at 7.5% so it meets "criteria" for a NE IPA but is not labeled as such. I'd pair with any sweet and sour dish. Here's their ingredient list:

YEAST: American Hefeweizen

HOPS: Citra, Cascade, Centennial, Simcoe, Nugget

MALTS: Pale, Wh*at (trying to post gluten-free), C-80, Oats

Couple surprises there with the hefe yeast (probably giving some orange notes) and the oats (smoother mouthfeel). Don't care for the Cascade hops but Citra, Simcoe and Nuggets are really fruity types.

Worth a single to try/compare. Happy I don't have 5 left.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 10th, 2018, 7:31 am

Mango Tango Foxtrot-Deep River Brewing Company

Pint can to celebrate freedom from call for a few days and NC Beer Month.

Pour was a cloudy, orange-yellow with a moderate, foam head. Yep, it smells like mangoes and other tropical fruits and tastes like a tropical juice blend, including mangos (they claim none harmed while brewing the beer), papaya, guava some pineapple and maybe a splash of tangerine. Australian hops mentioned but not named on their website. The finish was a tad bitter and disappointing. No IBUs charted on website but the IBU-ometer on the 16 ounce can had its needle just under 75. Website claims ABV of 5.7% but the ABV gauge on the can had its indicator closer to 7%. Would pair well with sweet and sour dishes. No tangos or foxtrots were performed after consumption of the above half quart of this IPA.
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Re: Ymm, Beer!

Post by devildeac » April 10th, 2018, 10:14 pm

Peanut Butter Jelly Time-Catawba Brewing Company

It's still NC Beer Month!

Couldn't resist a $3 pint can of this last PM after hearing/reading about it.

Poured into a pint glass, sipping a bit off the top. Appearance was a cloudy, pink-brown (WTH?) with a small, tan head. This stuff smells like freaking peanut butter! No fooling. Damn, it tastes like roasted peanut butter, too. The finish is mildly fruity and jelly-like. IBUs of 10 and the ABV is 5.7%. I guess you could pair with a PB&J . Interesting and fun novelty beer and a pint is plenty but would have again and share a can or draft with someone. Mattman approves this review .

Excuse me, but I need a toothpick as I think I got some peanut shell in my teeth .
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