I love you guys.

Moderator: CameronBornAndBred
(((HUGS))) to YOU, Lawgrad! I am so very sorry about your cousin Marvin.lawgrad91 wrote:Vibes and prayers for my family. My cousin Marvin succumbed to whatever demons resided inside him last night. We ended up at Cone Hospital until about 1am to be with his brother and sister, with whom I am very close.
Hug your loved ones and tell them you loved them.
Thank you, CathyCA.CathyCA wrote:(((HUGS))) to YOU, Lawgrad! I am so very sorry about your cousin Marvin.lawgrad91 wrote:Vibes and prayers for my family. My cousin Marvin succumbed to whatever demons resided inside him last night. We ended up at Cone Hospital until about 1am to be with his brother and sister, with whom I am very close.
Hug your loved ones and tell them you loved them.
Me three. I love hearing good things about children.IowaDevil wrote:I so agree with Ozzie --- Brag on! Kudos to all five of you!
Oh yes! I hope things are boringly wonderfulwindsor wrote:It occurs to me we have not had an "As the Bunson Burns" update in quite some time...inquiring minds want to know!!
Well ...windsor wrote:It occurs to me we have not had an "As the Bunson Burns" update in quite some time...inquiring minds want to know!!
We have an endless supply of vibes and nothing is trivial, so here you go!ArkieDukie wrote:Okay, CTN friends, I need all the condo selling vibes you can send. There has been a recent uptick in activity on my condo in St. Louis, including an appointment for a 2nd viewing tomorrow. I'd really like to get an offer soon. Things are looking up a bit here, and I'm starting to think I could stay here for a while. I've even been getting along with Wile E. Coyote! In comparison to all the other vibe requests I've seen here recently, this one seems somewhat trivial in comparison, but any and all vibes would be appreciated. (Excess vibes will be steered to permanent departure of RR and successful job searches for her existing lab personnel. They're good people and deserve better treatment than they are getting from her.)
My sentiments exactly!YmoBeThere wrote:Birthday vibes to the 'be and condo selling vibes to AD!