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The Flu

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 9:58 pm
by DukeUsul
Ok so. The flu. I'm curious. Have you or are you planning to get a seasonal flu shot? The 2009 H1N1 flu shot?

I am a proponent of vaccines. I do plan to get both seasonal and 2009 H1N1 flu vaccines. Lil Katie has her seasonal already and we'll get her the 2009 H1N1 as soon as it's available (right now all they have around here is the nasal vaccine, which isn't approved for those under two).

I recently posted this article on Facebook. It's about a woman who got H1N1 while pregnant, went into a coma, had an early c-section, and lost her baby. ... .html?_r=2

Someone I knew in high school posted this in response:
I got the flu shot with my last pregnancy because I was having twins in the middle of winter. I got the flu 4 weeks later for the first time in my life. Had an emergency c-section. One twin was stillborn, the other very ill for months.

I will never get another flu shot.
She frequently posts about alt-med stuff, how she hates vaccines, how vaccines cause autism, etc. How am I supposed to respond to this? I really don't feel like fighting her over something that obviously has such a personal impact on her. But it seems plain to me that while the flu vaccine only protects you from the 2 or 3 strains that they put in it each year (guessing which will be the most prevalent) and this person I know from HS got one of the dozens of others that wasn't in the vaccine. She IS another version of the woman in this story. And she got offended at what I posted. She should know, first hand, what can happen when you aren't protected against one of these viruses. But she's unwilling to see it. I really want to argue with her over it, but I just can't, since losing a child is just too personal to get into on Facebook.

Ok thanks. I needed to put that somewhere. Feel free to ignore that all if you want.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 10:06 pm
I got the regular flu shot when I got my physical last week. I'll get the H1N1 when my doctor has it available. My daughter, 5 months pregnant, will also get the H1N1 when it is available at her doctor's. No question about it.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 10:22 pm
by DevilAlumna
DukeUsul wrote:Ok so. The flu. I'm curious. Have you or are you planning to get a seasonal flu shot? The 2009 H1N1 flu shot?

I am a proponent of vaccines. I do plan to get both seasonal and 2009 H1N1 flu vaccines. Lil Katie has her seasonal already and we'll get her the 2009 H1N1 as soon as it's available (right now all they have around here is the nasal vaccine, which isn't approved for those under two).

I recently posted this article on Facebook. It's about a woman who got H1N1 while pregnant, went into a coma, had an early c-section, and lost her baby. ... .html?_r=2

Someone I knew in high school posted this in response:
I got the flu shot with my last pregnancy because I was having twins in the middle of winter. I got the flu 4 weeks later for the first time in my life. Had an emergency c-section. One twin was stillborn, the other very ill for months.

I will never get another flu shot.
She frequently posts about alt-med stuff, how she hates vaccines, how vaccines cause autism, etc. How am I supposed to respond to this? I really don't feel like fighting her over something that obviously has such a personal impact on her. But it seems plain to me that while the flu vaccine only protects you from the 2 or 3 strains that they put in it each year (guessing which will be the most prevalent) and this person I know from HS got one of the dozens of others that wasn't in the vaccine. She IS another version of the woman in this story. And she got offended at what I posted. She should know, first hand, what can happen when you aren't protected against one of these viruses. But she's unwilling to see it. I really want to argue with her over it, but I just can't, since losing a child is just too personal to get into on Facebook.

Ok thanks. I needed to put that somewhere. Feel free to ignore that all if you want.

I confess, I saw your FB link, and her response, and wanted to respond in the pro-vaccine camp, but she lost her baby. Not much you can say to console her on that, nor likely convince her that it wasn't the vaccine's fault.

You sound like you're doing the smart, and medically recommended, thing; probably best to just let this one rest with her having the final FB word.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 10:41 pm
by cl15876
DukeUsul, I got my flu shot (not the sinus spray kind) this year. I will admit that I typically have not gotten the flu shot, but I got hit pretty good with the flu last year. It amazes me how unclean people can be and just how these germs get transmitted. Sometimes I wish I could be John Travolta in the bubble. The media up here keeps talking about the good and bad with the H1N1 nose spray .vs. getting the H1N1 shot and who knows if it is available. Interesting that you post this today as one of my folks that lives in this area actually indicated that her son was diagnosed with swine flu this past weekend so she has been out for the last couple of days. Got me thinking, but I am not an expert in this area by any stretch of the imagination, but practice good (almost OCD) hygiene all the time and that sometimes isn't enough!!!! I'm sorry to hear about your HS friend's loss as I couldn't imagine experiencing that!!!!! Regarding your FB post, for what it is worth, you never know when your innocent comments might affect someone in an adverse way, thus sometimes (as you are pausing about) you just have to overlook the desire to formulate a rebuttal and not waste your energy on pointless debate that probably won't result in anything positive from the sounds of it. As sincere and understanding as you are, a positive understanding kind word from you might catch her off guard and may actually plant a positive seed with her that may or may not make a difference in her life and if it doesn't then so be it! I'd rather utilize my energy being kind and gentle to someone (most of the time, I can get HOT, but it takes a lot!!! ;) ) rather than capitalizing on an already known weak spot that will just bring more pain! So she doesn't agree with you, it doesn't matter, but her experience is very sad and that is the DukeUsul that I've come to know! My thoughts and change - $0.02! @};- ;)

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 10:45 pm
by CathyCA
I've already gotten my seasonal flu vaccine. I called today for an appointment to get the H1N1 vaccine, but they don't have any of the vaccine in Pitt County.

As far as your friend goes, what DA said. It's best not to argue with any woman who believes that the vaccine caused whatever ailment or condition afflicts her kid. (Vaccines prevent disease and ailments. They do not cause them. (A scientific type person might correct me on this statement.))

Our public schools gave the seasonal flu vaccine for FREE to every kid whose parents would sign a consent form. Naturally, I signed the form for Christian to get his Flu-Mist vaccine.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 20th, 2009, 11:30 pm
by colchar
I get the seasonal one every year and might do so tomorrow while at the doctor. Then again, I've been sick for about three weeks now (nasty head and chest cold) so they might not let me get it until I am fully recovered.

As for the H1N1 shot, I haven't made a final decision yet about whether or not I will bother getting it. I don't usually get overly worried about whatever the next big pandemic is supposed to be - during the SARS crisis I lived in what was perhaps the worst hit city/area in the world (Toronto/southern Ontario) and never once worried about it or thought about wearing a mask or taking any other precautions. But a former roommate's Dad caught H1N1 several weeks ago and was terribly sick (thankfully, he made a full recovery) which is making me at least consider getting vaccinated against this one.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 12:06 am
by wilson
Like you, DukeUsul, I am a proponent of vaccines.
That said, I've never had a flu shot. I will not get one this year. I will not get the H1N1 shot (even though, as a twentysomething who works on a college campus, I'm probably considered high risk).
This has nothing to do with sinister beliefs regarding the shot, or anything like that. I just won't get either shot because I just won't.
I know that the previous sentence makes little sense, but it's the facts.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 12:15 am
by Very Duke Blue
I have had the seasonal flu shot for years. I will be getting both as soon as possible. Its been a long time since I have had the flu. I truly believe they help. Being sick is a waste of time. :D I'd rather be \:D/

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 7:26 am
by windsor
I got the seasonal shot (free at work) and will get H1N1 when the shot is available.

A live virus vaccine could, theoretically, give you the virus....but the virus in the live vaccine is altered so it isn't the same animal as the 'original'.

A virus is a strand of RNA/DNA wrapped in a protein shell and/or a lipid enevelope. Virus enters body...finds host cell - attaches...inserts its RNA into cell - cell reproduces virus (viruses can not reproduce alone) virus spreads...finds more cells - and so on. Meanwhile, back at the immune system, your body is looking through its index of antibodies looking for one that matches this virus (remember the old lock and key from biology ?) if it has seen this virus before it can do this pretty quick....and that is the point of the vaccine. Most vaccines are just the shell without the RNA/DNA - the body still responds, creates the right antibody - and is prepared for the next time it sees that configuration. It is impossible to GET the virus this way because there is no RNA/DNA to replicate. Your own antibodies can and do cause immune repsonses (sniffles, coughing, fever) that may look like flu systems but they aren't the flu.

As for your high school friend....she lost a baby. Let it be. She believes the vaccine caused it to happen...right or wrong...there is nothing you are going to say change her mind!

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 7:48 am
by TillyGalore
I haven't decided whether or not to get the H1N1 vaccine. Primarily because the Cleveland Clinic is conducting a study as to how much of the vaccine to give people with asthma. This makes me feel a little nervous about it.

I have had the regular flu shot.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 9:10 am
by Miles
I'll be getting both vaccinations this year, my first time for the seasonal. Like wilson, I believe in vaccinations and I'm a big supporter of them but I haven't gotten them because I just haven't. I'm a relatively healthy guy and don't mind fighting off a nasty illness though now I must worry about spreading the cooties to Mom so I'll get vaccinated.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 27th, 2009, 12:03 am
by throatybeard
Both my wife and I would get it if they weren't currently out of both around here. Frustrating.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 27th, 2009, 1:15 am
by colchar
windsor wrote:I got the seasonal shot (free at work) and will get H1N1 when the shot is available.

Free at work? Do I take it that you would otherwise have to pay for vaccinations?

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 27th, 2009, 7:35 am
by TillyGalore
colchar wrote:
windsor wrote:I got the seasonal shot (free at work) and will get H1N1 when the shot is available.

Free at work? Do I take it that you would otherwise have to pay for vaccinations?
You can get the vaccine for free at most clinics. You might have to pay for it if you get it a drug store, I don't know. As I work at a medical center, I get it for free too.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 27th, 2009, 7:37 am
by TillyGalore
Two of my students have had the flu, not confirmed it was h1n1, but probably was and a third had a cold. I'm expecting everyone in the class (20) will get it before the term is up, 6.5 more weeks.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 27th, 2009, 9:07 am
by Turk
When it comes to the quacks, I tend to be a "what, me worry?" type of person. I've never had much problems with it, and do not fall into one of the risk groups. I got one last fall, when it just happened to time for a checkup. When the doc suggested it, I told him "I'm not THAT old! I thought I had to be 60." And he said it's a good idea if you're around kids, so I said, "sure I'm already here, why not?"

They were going to bring someone into work for the seasonal shot but it got cancelled when they ran out of vaccine. They said they might try again later. But I won't go out of my way for it.

As for the kids, we're pretty sure the youngest Turk already got hit with H1N1 - she missed a week of school. When we called the pediatrician, they said the symptoms fit the pattern, but she sounded well enough to just ride it out, so we did. I generally leave that stuff in the capable hands of Mrs. Turk....

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 27th, 2009, 9:09 am
by DukeUsul
At the doc yesterday, they said I couldn't get the shot while I was having these respiratory issues. So I'll get mine when I go back in in 3 weeks.

We need to call Katie's peds office to see if they have any H1N1 in yet....

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 27th, 2009, 9:13 am
by TillyGalore
DukeUsul wrote:At the doc yesterday, they said I couldn't get the shot while I was having these respiratory issues. So I'll get mine when I go back in in 3 weeks.

We need to call Katie's peds office to see if they have any H1N1 in yet....
Your doctors office has the H1N1 vaccine and talked about giving it to you? My understanding is that the Duke supply of H1N1 goes to pregnant patients, employees, and students first.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 27th, 2009, 9:19 am
by DukeUsul
TillyGalore wrote:
DukeUsul wrote:At the doc yesterday, they said I couldn't get the shot while I was having these respiratory issues. So I'll get mine when I go back in in 3 weeks.

We need to call Katie's peds office to see if they have any H1N1 in yet....
Your doctors office has the H1N1 vaccine and talked about giving it to you? My understanding is that the Duke supply of H1N1 goes to pregnant patients, employees, and students first.
No they didn't talk about giving it to me. We're just getting me the seasonal flu vax when I go back. He did say that Duke has some H1N1 for high-risk. He thought that Katie at under two and with a family history of asthma and her own reactive airway issues she's had would qualify. But he's not her doctor. So I need to call Duke peds and see if we can get her some.

Re: The Flu

Posted: October 27th, 2009, 10:08 am
by Devil in the Blue Dress
My original plan was to get both vaccines. Since I've had a surprise case of H1N1, I'll need only the seasonal vaccine ..... which doctors' offices here have little of. I also need to get rid of the upper respiratory remnants of H1N1 before I can get the seasonal flu shot.

I've noticed that the pharmacies here have the seasonal flu vaccine..... which one pays for and would have to file a claim for insurance coverage..... and doctors' office where insurance does cover the cost completely (without the patient filing the claim) don't have it..... any interesting pattern which may cost the patient more money.