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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 7:33 am
by bjornolf
Okay, I have no problem with the man, and he may make a great president when all is said and done, but what the hell has he done in 9 months to merit the NPP?


Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 8:00 am
bjornolf wrote:Okay, I have no problem with the man, and he may make a great president when all is said and done, but what the hell has he done in 9 months to merit the NPP?

So typical. He has good intentions. Results? Not yet, better poor more money into the programs.

That is my last PPB type comment.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 8:06 am
by Shammrog
Most everyone knows I am a vicious right-wing partisan, but really here I am not even trying to be political or show antipathy to Obama. But, c'mon??? He hasn't done anything in 9 months (and really, no President could) to merit the Nobel Peace Prize. I think this is more Obama love than anything... In effect he seems to have gotten the Prize for not being Bush.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 8:08 am
by CameronBornAndBred
Just a note...the mods are eyeing this thread. I have an itchy trigger finger this morning. :twitch:

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 8:18 am
by windsor
Shammrog wrote:Most everyone knows I am a vicious right-wing partisan, but really here I am not even trying to be political or show antipathy to Obama. But, c'mon??? He hasn't done anything in 9 months (and really, no President could) to merit the Nobel Peace Prize. I think this is more Obama love than anything... In effect he seems to have gotten the Prize for not being Bush.
I am not a right wing partisan (I lean sharply to the left) but my first thought upon hearing he had won was "For what?"

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 8:21 am
by bjornolf
The thing that cracked me up was that it said he took office two weeks before the nomination deadline. What the heck did he do in two weeks to merit nomination?

Sorry, CB&B, I didn't mean this as a PPB type thing. I just don't understand how ANYONE could do enough in that short a time to merit a NPP. Maybe in two years if all his plans come to fruition, but I just don't see it yet.

If it's because he's the first black president and all that good stuff, then I think the American people are the ones who deserve it for voting him in. ;)


Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 8:33 am
by Shammrog
Oh geez. I didn't even notice the nomination deadline earlier. That kind of makes a mockery of the Prize; and no offense to Obama - this is not a reflection on him. In fact, it is CLEARLY not a reflection on him since he was nominated two weeks after taking office!!!

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 8:41 am
by windsor
Shammrog wrote:Oh geez. I didn't even notice the nomination deadline earlier. That kind of makes a mockery of the Prize; and no offense to Obama - this is not a reflection on him. In fact, it is CLEARLY not a reflection on him since he was nominated two weeks after taking office!!!
Please mark this day. I may never say this about anything remotely politcal again.......

Shammrog, I completely agree with you. :-o

(now someone check to see if the earth has spun off its axis)

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 8:55 am
by DukeUsul
This commie, pinko, leftist, grandma-killing Obama voter agrees with Shammrog. I don't see the reason why.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 9:01 am
by knights68
bjornolf wrote:Okay, I have no problem with the man, and he may make a great president when all is said and done, but what the hell has he done in 9 months to merit the NPP?

I am daring to dip my toe into the deep end of the conversation pool here, throwing caution to the wind!

President Obama gets the Nobel aware. So what?
He joined the ranks of other award winners, including Jimmy Carter, Yassir Arafat and so forth.
Most of the recipients across the spectrum in the last 20 years have been known to go on tirades and rants about how America is bad and so forth. Read up on some of the scientists and environmental people of the past who have been awarded this 'prize'.

We all should really be happy about this, to be hopeful. Now you know you can get a world renown award for doing little, but talking a great game, having a lot of things planned just not implementing them. Even you now can be considered. Isn't that quite extraordinary? Oops, scuse me.... extra ordinary? /:)

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 9:31 am
by DukieInKansas
windsor wrote:
Shammrog wrote:Oh geez. I didn't even notice the nomination deadline earlier. That kind of makes a mockery of the Prize; and no offense to Obama - this is not a reflection on him. In fact, it is CLEARLY not a reflection on him since he was nominated two weeks after taking office!!!
Please mark this day. I may never say this about anything remotely politcal again.......

Shammrog, I completely agree with you. :-o

(now someone check to see if the earth has spun off its axis)
Not off its axis that I can see - but it is unusually cold. :D

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 9:41 am
by rockymtn devil
Let me first give a defense of the selection: despite what has been said here (and I'm sure elsewhere; this is the first I've heard the news), the President has accomplished something, and that something should not be so quickly dismissed. Even if he goes on to be a mediocre, unaccomplished, or down right poor Commander in Chief, President Obama has already proven that in a country scarred by a disgusting racial past, someone other than an old white guy can be elected President. That such an accomplishment was made during the worst situation this country has seen in generations (across the board; politically, economically, militarily)--a time with lots of fear and resentment, emotions that often magnify hate and anger and distrust of the "other"--makes it an even greater accomplishment. A black man won the Presidency in a time of fear by an overwhelming majority, in which he won states like Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina and Indiana. That's something. Is our racial problem over? No. But I think we have seen a paradigm shift that can, at least in part, be attributed to the President. That is "something" and it would be a shame if it gets tossed aside as nothing for political, or other, reasons.

With that said, the rubric for the Prize is more concrete than what I just described and as such the President should not have been selected. For once, I think President Clinton has a good reason to be upset at President Obama. He has actually done something with his post-Presidency and it is exactly what the prize aims to recognize. I think President Obama should graciously decline the award. Fox News would shit itself if that happened.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 9:41 am
windsor wrote: (now someone check to see if the earth has spun off its axis)
No, but the moon got a good whack this morning!

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 10:05 am
by Lavabe
I have difficulty with this thing too. I would, however, like to know what was said in the nomination (someone has to nominate him) before commenting on this thing.

rmd offered Clinton. What I'd like to know is: WHO ELSE was nominated? Someone in Asia, Africa, or South America?

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:00 am
by knights68
Lavabe wrote:What I'd like to know is: WHO ELSE was nominated? Someone in Asia, Africa, or South America?
Get the list of the 200+ nominees here...

205 names were submitted for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:07 am
by wilson
I am an Obama supporter, but I agree that this is a bit much at this stage in his presidency.
That said, this is a very strong statement of international amity for him, and a recognition from diplomatic fronts that he is at least trying to do things differently. Prize or no prize, that is a big asset for any president's international agenda, one we frankly haven't had in a while. I hope he'll use this chip to accomplish some more things that really will be worthy of such prizes.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 11:19 am
by wilson
The prez just said in his acceptance speech that he recognizes that the Prize has in the past been awarded to provide momentum to certain causes, and that he will accept it in that spirit, "as a call to action." I like that.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 12:02 pm
wilson wrote: this is a bit much at this stage in his presidency.
Let's just hope that it is not all down hill from here. If this is the highlight of his term, we are all in trouble. I'm rooting for you, Mr. President. Don't let us down.

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 12:25 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
wilson wrote: this is a bit much at this stage in his presidency.
Let's just hope that it is not all down hill from here. If this is the highlight of his term, we are all in trouble. I'm rooting for you, Mr. President. Don't let us down.
I know you are serious, but that still made me laugh a bit. :usa:

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize...

Posted: October 9th, 2009, 12:28 pm
by bjornolf
What's next, Rush Limbaugh owns an NFL team? Oh, wait.
