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How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 7th, 2009, 4:20 pm
by Bostondevil
OK, luckily there are no challenges to my Duke love around here, but, since we don't have common other sports rooting interests, here's a list of teams I take note of and the reasons why.

Braves - wilson
Tigers - weezie
Cardinals - throaty (and my father-in-law)

Falcons - wilson and the rest of the ATL guys (some from DBR)
Giants - Sue
Chiefs - DinK

Are you kidding me? There's only the Bruins in hockey. But I join with colchar in hating the Habs!!!!!

Noticeably absent from this list, Ozzie and his damn Yankees. No way, no how, and may Melky Cabrerra burn in hell. :flame:

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 7th, 2009, 6:12 pm
by DukieInKansas
Spelling correction: it is currently spelled chefs. Once they return to their (somewhat) winning ways, the can have the i back and a C instead of c.

Fortunately, I was a Steelers fan long before I was a chefs fan.

And, Weezie, I do thank your Lions for being the first 0-16 team. The chefs may tie that record this year. :((

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 7th, 2009, 7:09 pm
by Rolvix
Alas, the only professional team I follow is Arsenal. :)
A real football team.

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 7th, 2009, 7:12 pm
by windsor
Bostondevil wrote:Noticeably absent from this list, Ozzie and his damn Yankees. No way, no how, and may Melky Cabrerra burn in hell. :flame:

Are you reserving him a spot next oh...say....BUCKY DENT??? :)) :)) :))

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 7th, 2009, 7:22 pm
by Bostondevil
See, the problem with bringing up Bucky Dent now, is that was 31 years ago. I didn't become a Red Sox fan until 1986. Dave Roberts and the Big Papi are much more recent. And there's still only one team that's come back from being down 0-3 to win a baseball playoff series.

I do find it amusing how defensive Yankee fans are these days. It probably comes from not having won anything yet this century.

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 7th, 2009, 7:57 pm
by windsor
Bostondevil wrote:See, the problem with bringing up Bucky Dent now, is that was 31 years ago. I didn't become a Red Sox fan until 1986. Dave Roberts and the Big Papi are much more recent. And there's still only one team that's come back from being down 0-3 to win a baseball playoff series.

I do find it amusing how defensive Yankee fans are these days. It probably comes from not having won anything yet this century.
The centruy is plenty young...we have lots of time. :)) I have been a Yankee fan utero. 1986...that would be the year of Billy Buckner wouldn't it? I'm not defensive - in fact I don't hate the Red Sox...I don't care about them one way or the other.

As for Bucky Dent being 31 years ago....say 'The Shot' to a Kentucky fan in 14 years and see if you get a reaction.

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 7th, 2009, 8:06 pm
by weezie
DukieInKansas wrote: And, Weezie, I do thank your Lions for being the first 0-16 team. The chefs may tie that record this year. :((
You're [somewhat] welcome. At least my Lions won't be repeating that achievement this season. {Plus......shhhh, don't tell anybody, this is super secret......we just might have found ourselves a real, live QB and a coach to go with him.}

I'm simply doomed to be a daughter of Detroit: Tigs, Lions, Pistons, Wings. Only the strong survive.... :twitch:

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 7th, 2009, 8:44 pm
windsor wrote:
Bostondevil wrote:See, the problem with bringing up Bucky Dent now, is that was 31 years ago. I didn't become a Red Sox fan until 1986. Dave Roberts and the Big Papi are much more recent. And there's still only one team that's come back from being down 0-3 to win a baseball playoff series.

I do find it amusing how defensive Yankee fans are these days. It probably comes from not having won anything yet this century.
The centruy is plenty young...we have lots of time. :)) I have been a Yankee fan utero. 1986...that would be the year of Billy Buckner wouldn't it? I'm not defensive - in fact I don't hate the Red Sox...I don't care about them one way or the other.

As for Bucky Dent being 31 years ago....say 'The Shot' to a Kentucky fan in 14 years and see if you get a reaction.
Nicely played, Windsor! Very nicely played! I liked the way you brought up game 6 without bringing up game 6! :ymapplause:

BTW, most Boston fans cal him Bucky Fucking Dent! =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 12:59 am
by Bostondevil
Personally, I think Kentucky fans take 'The Shot' way too seriously. I love it, but I'm a Dukie. Bucky Dent bears no personal pain for me because I wasn't a Red Sox fan when it happened. Yes, 1986 was rough, and I don't particularly care to watch the Bill Buckner play ever again, but that was the Mets, not the Yankees. And I don't still hate the Mets. One of the wonderful side effects of 2004 is you don't see the Buckner play broadcast nearly as often.

You know, I'm remembering that fantastic 2001 World Series now. Remember all those dramatic endings? Weren't they great? And Schilling, talk about a Yankee killer, did you know the bloody sock is in the Hall of Fame?

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 4:36 am
by Lavabe
CellR wrote:Alas, the only professional team I follow is Arsenal. :)
A real football team.
That would be my second favorite professional team... behind Liverpool, of course. :D

And YES, BD, Kentucky fans take that game WAY too seriously. :ymdevil:

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 5:48 am
by YmoBeThere
I missed the Shot, in the backwoods of North Carolina on an ROTC function.

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 7:55 am
by windsor
YmoBeThere wrote:I missed the Shot, in the backwoods of North Carolina on an ROTC function.
How terrible for you! I injured myself during the 'shot'. I jumped off the sofa (Hills pass in the air) over the coffee table (Laettner catches the pass ) fall to my knees praying position in front of TV (shot in the air) beginning doing a wild victory dance (shot went in). During the wild victory dance I stepped rather hard on a heel up Barbie shoe. To those of you without girls this may seem trivia. Let me explain - those heels are hard....they are SHARP. I ended up with the stupid shoe heel imbedded in my foot where it promptly broke off. Spent several hours the next day at Drs. getting the heel removed from my foot. It was worth it.

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 7:57 am
by wilson
windsor wrote:
YmoBeThere wrote:I missed the Shot, in the backwoods of North Carolina on an ROTC function.
How terrible for you! I injured myself during the 'shot'. I jumped off the sofa (Hills pass in the air) over the coffee table (Laettner catches the pass ) fall to my knees praying position in front of TV (shot in the air) beginning doing a wild victory dance (shot went in). During the wild victory dance I stepped rather hard on a heel up Barbie shoe. To those of you without girls this may seem trivia. Let me explain - those heels are hard....they are SHARP. I ended up with the stupid shoe heel imbedded in my foot where it promptly broke off. Spent several hours the next day at Drs. getting the heel removed from my foot. It was worth it.
We had a party at our house that night, and there were dozens of people here (same house I'm sitting in now). I distinctly recall my brother and I being the only kids in the house, but pretty much running the show with regard to this amazing game that was going on. Needless to say, everyone got sucked in, and we all witnessed a classic.
Luckily, I didn't have to get ugly with any Wildcat rooters...

The Shot

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 9:36 am
by Miles
We were watching the game at home in Havelock, just me mom, dad, and my brother. Right after Kentucky scored, my brother said "There's no way they can win." He was heart broken. Moments after the screaming and yelling subsided, we all looked at my brother and told him that whenever we needed him, he better be ready with those words. He's called mom and dad a few times to work his mojo. Tis one of the few sports superstitions I can't on. :)

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 9:37 am
by Miles
Oh yeah, back on topic.

I like this thread a lot BD. I too tend to follow a few more teams because of the friends here. I think that makes you a bad ass sports fan, or at least a bad ass friend.

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 11:09 am
by Bostondevil
So Miles, what team should make me think of you? Besides Duke.

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 11:40 am
by Miles
Bostondevil wrote:So Miles, what team should make me think of you? Besides Duke.
That's easy, just look at the bottom of every league, division, conference and you can find me. ;)
I still root for the Cubs (my first major league game) and the Sox, and will have a soft spot in my heart for the Padres. I will admit that the move this summer, and readjusting to life in Charlotte distracted me a bit this season.

I used to be quite a dedicated Redskins fan but it's been harder and harder lately with Dan Synder's shenanigans. Been pulling for the Panthers since day one and I'll also have a soft spot for the Chargers too.

I don't care much about the NBA.

Re: The Shot

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 11:49 am
by windsor
Miles wrote:We were watching the game at home in Havelock, just me mom, dad, and my brother. Right after Kentucky scored, my brother said "There's no way they can win." He was heart broken. Moments after the screaming and yelling subsided, we all looked at my brother and told him that whenever we needed him, he better be ready with those words. He's called mom and dad a few times to work his mojo. Tis one of the few sports superstitions I can't on. :)
I said something similar when we were down to Va Tech - Mr. Windsor (who had cleared out of the living room as I was uh...a little wound up...) in response to hearing me say 'Oh Fword' asked if it was over...I said "it is unless Laettner and Hill have another game of elligibility left or someone channels Laettner"....enter Dockery..swish. Wow. It has become a running joke in close games "somebody channel insert appropriate name "

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 12:13 pm
by devildeac
Bostondevil wrote:So Miles, what team should make me think of you? Besides Duke.
Well, Miles is in Charlotte now so he could start rooting for the Punthers (sic) and the Bobcraps (sic). This year the NFL team is at the bottom of their conference so that fits his profile/criteria :roll: and the unc/NBA gang are typically bottom feeders, too, IIRC. Plus, being such a unc homer town, they deserve misery like that ;) :D.

Re: How CTN has made me a wishy-washy sports fan

Posted: October 8th, 2009, 2:05 pm
by Rolvix
devildeac wrote:
Bostondevil wrote:So Miles, what team should make me think of you? Besides Duke.
Well, Miles is in Charlotte now so he could start rooting for the Punthers (sic) and the Bobcraps (sic). This year the NFL team is at the bottom of their conference so that fits his profile/criteria :roll: and the unc/NBA gang are typically bottom feeders, too, IIRC. Plus, being such a unc homer town, they deserve misery like that ;) :D.
Poor, poor G....