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I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 8:02 pm
by Miles
SPIDERS!!! This lil punk was crawling around in my front yard the other day.

Re: I loathe...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 8:04 pm
by Miles
Miles wrote:SPIDERS!!! This lil punk was crawling around in my front yard the other day.
I say "lil punk" but he was actually about 4" long. Maybe I should repost with a reference point. Anyone have nude pictures of Roy?

Re: I loathe...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 8:13 pm
by YmoBeThere
I could send in my pest control team, but they've never had to deal with a spider that large...

Re: I loathe...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 9:01 pm
by Sue71
Miles wrote:
Miles wrote:SPIDERS!!! This lil punk was crawling around in my front yard the other day.
I say "lil punk" but he was actually about 4" long. Maybe I should repost with a reference point. Anyone have nude pictures of Roy?
Uhhhh I got news for ya bud... that's no run-of-the-mill spider. :-o

Re: I loathe...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 9:35 pm
by EarlJam
Miles wrote:SPIDERS!!! This lil punk was crawling around in my front yard the other day.
Hell YES! I remember writing about this on the DBR. I've always loathed spiders. They are stealthy, and you never know how much damage they can cause.

I also loathe catching on fire, drowning, and eating burned pancakes.


Re: I loathe...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 9:37 pm
by TillyGalore
I hope Bostondevil doesn't open this thread. She HATES spiders.

Do ya'll mind if I put a warning for her in the title of the thread?

Re: I loathe...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 9:39 pm
by CathyCA
TillyGalore wrote:I hope Bostondevil doesn't open this thread. She HATES spiders.

Do ya'll mind if I put a warning for her in the title of the thread?
I'm thinking the same thing.

You should put a big warning in the title of the thread.

Re: I loathe...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 9:40 pm
by bjornolf
Could just change the title to "I loathe spiders" (pic included).

Thank you for the help.

Re: I loathe...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 9:50 pm
by TillyGalore
bjornolf wrote:Could just change the title to "I loathe spiders" (pic included).

Thank you for the help.
Oops, I accidentally edited bjornolf's post. I think I hit edit when I meant to hit quote. Damn mods!

Thank you for the help.

Re: I loathe...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 9:52 pm
by bjornolf
TillyGalore wrote:
bjornolf wrote:Could just change the title to "I loathe spiders" (pic included).

Thank you for the help.
Oops, I accidentally edited bjornolf's post. I think I hit edit when I meant to hit quote. Damn mods!

Thank you for the help.
Aw, Tilly, am I your first edited post here as a mod? I feel so "honored". You were so gentle, I barely felt a thing.

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 10:17 pm
by Miles
I was going for an open thread on things we all loathe, but I can get down with the moderator's improvements, especially because I remember Bostondevil's fear and would hate to cause her undue stress.

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 8:54 am
by windsor
I hate spiders...I really really hate spiders. The only good spider is one that is squashed and floating in a pool of toxic bug spray (to hell with the environment - I want them all DEAD.

Spider story:
My husband and I had been married about a month when, just hours after painting our kitchen, I saw a HUGE GIGANORMOUS oak spider <big, ugly hairy> on the kitchen wall. I was facing the wall, Mr. Windsor was facing me so he didn't see the spider...he just saw me pointing behind him wide eyed in terror unable to even speak...he finally turned around (expecting an axe murderer or something) saw the spider and looked back at me:

Mr Windsor: "What?"
Windsor: says nothing - gestures frantically
Mr Windsor: "WHAT ??!!"
Windsor: "Kill IT" (more frantic gesturing)
Mr. Windsor looks at wall, looks back at Windsor "I just painted that wall!"
Windsor: PAINT IT AGAIN OR KNOCK THE FUCKING WALL DOWN JUST KILL IT <Mr. Windsor will tell you that this was uttered at a volume which made his ears bleed - and he did dispatch the spider to the great beyond with minimal damage to the fresh paint>

I took a ton of abuse about my fear of spiders until one day Karma kicked in:

Mr Windsor (from the garage to Windsor in the house) : LONI LONI HELP
<I rush out expecting severed limbs and a pool of blood>
Windsor: What?
Mr Windsor (backed up against the far corner of the garage points frantically)
Windsor: WHAT??
Mr Windsor: frantic pointing
I finally see what he's pointing at - in the garage is a foot or so long black snake.
Windsor: "the snake???"
Mr Windsor: frantic nodding "Kill It"
Windsor walks over the snake stomps her foot and the snake hastily exits the garage.
Mr Windsor "why didn't you kill the fucking thing"
Windsor: "they eat spiders"
(at which point I'm pretty sure I heard him mutter something under his breath that he insists was 'itch' ;) )

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 9:07 am
by bjornolf

My mother's terrified of cockroaches after some flew up her dress once. My father is terrified of snakes since watching the disney nature shows as a kid. It didn't help when he was in military survival training in Vietnam and they had a snake. There was a little mouse in the tank with the snake. It rode around on the snake's head and played with it. My dad asked what was up. Trainer said, "Oh, the mouse is scared at first, but within a few days, they're friends. They become best buds, 'til the snake gets hungry." My dad had nightmares for months about riding around on a snake's head waiting for it to eat him. When I was a kid, I used to catch snakes in my little bucket and take them over to my dad to show him. Man did that used to freak him out.

My wife hates all bugs, but especially spiders. She corners them, then gets me to finish them off for her. She insists on including the legs in their size, so she'll claim a giant spider when it's really a tiny spider with long legs. I keep wanting to get her one of those bug vacuums. My oldest son is her hero. When he was two, Mommy was cornered by a little spider in the basement. He took off his shoe, smashed it about five times, then looked up at Mommy and said "bug broken, Mommy, bug broken!" holding up the shoe to show her. She was so proud of him at that moment, she practically cried. She also insists that they're not really dead until I flush them down the toilet, even if I show her their guts mashed all over a paper towel.

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 1:29 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I like spiders, I think they're cool. I love looking out a window on a summer day and seeing this.

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 1:33 pm
by TillyGalore
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I like spiders, I think they're cool. I love looking out a window on a summer day and seeing this.
I saw a spider like that in Manteo and outside my apartment in Raleigh. Is that spider indigenous to NC?

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 1:39 pm
by DukeUsul
It's the common garden spider. Very common across the US. Very harmless. Just scary looking.

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 7:35 pm
by WindsorsDaughter
My mother tells good stories. However she fears spiders, dad fears snakes, and I fear roaches and things with more than 10 legs.
Roaches fly in Florida by the way.. anyways my story.

One time a really long time ago back when we could convince my mother to go camping. There was a fire and all the adults were surrounding the fire talking (I don't know what about) I walked out of my tent which was facing the fire and not far and made one mistake, I looked down. Looking down presented a problem in my path was a huge (I am telling this story as my 10 yr old memory stored it)centipede or millipede somethingpede crawling across the dirt. I freaked out and probably screamed because everyone was looking at me. This is where the part comes that all the adults make fun of me for to this day, the words that came out of my mouth next, "I want it dead, and I want it dead now!" Well now was delayed by the laughter which erupted after.. and actually I don't think they ever did kill it. But yea thats my bug story.

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 7:46 pm
by bjornolf
Good story. Your new avatar is only going to spur on the neanderthals over on the other thread though. They're going to have heart attacks now.

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 8:19 pm
by WindsorsDaughter
bjornolf wrote:Good story. Your new avatar is only going to spur on the neanderthals over on the other thread though. They're going to have heart attacks now.
But it doesn't show anything but my back and half my face?? lol

Re: I loathe spiders (pic included)...

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 8:27 pm
by Miles
WindsorsDaughter wrote:My mother tells good stories. However she fears spiders, dad fears snakes, and I fear roaches and things with more than 10 legs.
Roaches fly in Florida by the way.. anyways my story.

One time a really long time ago back when we could convince my mother to go camping. There was a fire and all the adults were surrounding the fire talking (I don't know what about) I walked out of my tent which was facing the fire and not far and made one mistake, I looked down. Looking down presented a problem in my path was a huge (I am telling this story as my 10 yr old memory stored it)centipede or millipede somethingpede crawling across the dirt. I freaked out and probably screamed because everyone was looking at me. This is where the part comes that all the adults make fun of me for to this day, the words that came out of my mouth next, "I want it dead, and I want it dead now!" Well now was delayed by the laughter which erupted after.. and actually I don't think they ever did kill it. But yea thats my bug story.
Sick! I just had to capture and release a Tiger Centipede. I was reading one night and I heard this scratching sound behind me. I ignored it for a while but it finally started to get on my nerves so I turned around to see my cats pawing at a paper light shade hanging from the ceiling. Curious, I walked over to get a better glimpse at what they were doing. Then I saw it, a giant ass, foaming at the mouth, breathing fire, lazers shooting out of the eyes 4.5 inch long Tiger Centipede. He was kinda hanging onto the side of the shade with a few segments of his back legs, and then writhing his body around in the air like some possessed serpent.

I freaked out, panicked and grabbed the closest thing I could find to capture him. It was a freaking pyrex pie plate, nice and wide and shallow; basically, the WORST centipede trap in the world. I tried to brush him off but failed to calculate for the lamp swinging so he fell to the floor. He immediately began slithering away with my cats in chase. I dove and trapped him under the pie plate. So now I had this evil bastard trapped under a 2 inch pie plate with no way of getting him out. I finally grabbed an record and used the album cover to slide under the pie plate so I could lift it up and throw him outside. The whole ordeal lasted about 45 seconds, but it felt like the longest hour of my life.

I hate bugs. Bugs sucks.