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New Facebook Group - Come Join

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 1:57 pm
by Bostondevil
Some of you will see this info in more than one location.

I've started a new Facebook group called 'Duke University - Not Douchebag University'. The recent GQ article was the last straw. As I said on that other board, I'm tired of my university being the punching bag for lazy white boy journalists who are rapidly approaching middle age.

Re: New Facebook Group - Come Join

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 1:58 pm
by DukeUsul
Not sure how I feel about the group BD. Does it just draw more attention to the article?

Re: New Facebook Group - Come Join

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 1:59 pm
by DukePA
Thanks, Lisa. I just joined. GTHC!!

Re: New Facebook Group - Come Join

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 2:05 pm
by Bostondevil
DukeUsul wrote:Not sure how I feel about the group BD. Does it just draw more attention to the article?
If it were the one article, I'd laugh it off. Duke, like it or not, is getting quite a reputation for a multitude of bad things. I blame Bill Simmons for the most part. If you read him, you know what I mean. If you don't, the guy is borderline obsessed with Duke. Rarely does he go for more than three or four articles before he starts ragging on Duke. And it's not just Duke teams, it's us. He professes to have only ever met one Duke grad he could tolerate. He refers to the rest of us a loser douchebags constantly.

Anoop Desai on American Idol thought is was perfectly OK to dismiss judge Kara because 'she went to Duke'. Granted he went to UNC but really, is that an OK thing to say about any other university? Would it have occured to him to do it if the whole Duke thing weren't out there?

Re: New Facebook Group - Come Join

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 9:40 pm
by weezie
You're right BD, and I didn't mean to tease over on DBR but, with the amount of almost weekly ribbing I take about Duke (daily during hoops season,) I guess I kind of look at it like a blue badge of honor. I just think of it as the unwashed masses poking their sticks and hooting like :(|) :(|) :(|)
As a Dukie, married to a Dukie and the parent of a Dukie, I enjoy the view from up here.
Bill Simmons is a red-faced, mammoth-assed, booze-hound, slobbering his way down to the press tables. What does that fat, ignorant old gasbag know about anything? I'll bet he smells, too.
And I would safely bet the house that anybody who knocks Dear Old Duke would do back flips to get into Cameron for a game.

Re: New Facebook Group - Come Join

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 11:06 pm
by CathyCA
weezie wrote:You're right BD, and I didn't mean to tease over on DBR but, with the amount of almost weekly ribbing I take about Duke (daily during hoops season,) I guess I kind of look at it like a blue badge of honor. I just think of it as the unwashed masses poking their sticks and hooting like :(|) :(|) :(|)
As a Dukie, married to a Dukie and the parent of a Dukie, I enjoy the view from up here.
Bill Simmons is a red-faced, mammoth-assed, booze-hound, slobbering his way down to the press tables. What does that fat, ignorant old gasbag know about anything? I'll bet he smells, too.
And I would safely bet the house that anybody who knocks Dear Old Duke would do back flips to get into Cameron for a game.
And I would safely bet that most who knock Duke secretly wish they'd had the rare opportunity to open that fat letter offering admission to the school.

Re: New Facebook Group - Come Join

Posted: August 27th, 2009, 1:37 am
by Turk
weezie wrote:You're right BD, and I didn't mean to tease over on DBR but, with the amount of almost weekly ribbing I take about Duke (daily during hoops season,) I guess I kind of look at it like a blue badge of honor. I just think of it as the unwashed masses poking their sticks and hooting like :(|) :(|) :(|)
As a Dukie, married to a Dukie and the parent of a Dukie, I enjoy the view from up here.
Bill Simmons is a red-faced, mammoth-assed, booze-hound, slobbering his way down to the press tables. What does that fat, ignorant old gasbag know about anything? I'll bet he smells, too.
And I would safely bet the house that anybody who knocks Dear Old Duke would do back flips to get into Cameron for a game.
Wow, weezie, you don't hold back. I have to go to bat for Simmons though. He's bitter about big-time college ball because he went to Holy Cross, and since he's a hard-core Celts fan he likes the pro game more than college. He'll give love to Dukies in the NBA when he sees it that way (I can think of props for Shane, Luol, Dhantay, GHill off the top of my head).

Re: New Facebook Group - Come Join

Posted: August 27th, 2009, 11:07 am
by Bostondevil
Turk wrote:
weezie wrote:You're right BD, and I didn't mean to tease over on DBR but, with the amount of almost weekly ribbing I take about Duke (daily during hoops season,) I guess I kind of look at it like a blue badge of honor. I just think of it as the unwashed masses poking their sticks and hooting like :(|) :(|) :(|)
As a Dukie, married to a Dukie and the parent of a Dukie, I enjoy the view from up here.
Bill Simmons is a red-faced, mammoth-assed, booze-hound, slobbering his way down to the press tables. What does that fat, ignorant old gasbag know about anything? I'll bet he smells, too.
And I would safely bet the house that anybody who knocks Dear Old Duke would do back flips to get into Cameron for a game.
Wow, weezie, you don't hold back. I have to go to bat for Simmons though. He's bitter about big-time college ball because he went to Holy Cross, and since he's a hard-core Celts fan he likes the pro game more than college. He'll give love to Dukies in the NBA when he sees it that way (I can think of props for Shane, Luol, Dhantay, GHill off the top of my head).
He does like Shane, I'll give him that, but he has said this about Shane, not a direct quote, but close enough, "Yes, Shane went to Duke but we have to forgive him because he didn't know." I can't remember a single time he gave props to Dhantay or Luol. I think he has been mostly complementary of Grant.

But it's not the way he discusses the players that bugs me, it's the way he discusses us! That's my point. It's one thing to hate our sports teams, go ahead, be my guest. Go ahead and criticize Coack K's performance in the Olympics because Spain kept it close. But it's time to start leaving us, the Duke students and grads, out of the equation. We in no way hold a monopoly on douchebaggery or smug, arrogant fans. Case in point is that douchebag from the HBO special. If Bill Simmons can look me in the eye and honestly say that Alston Ramsey (the smug, arrogant douchebag with the Carolina blue tie) doesn't make him want to hit the guy in the face, well, then I just don't know what to say. Simmons supposedly hates Duke because he has some 'friends' who went to Carolina. You know what? So do I. I have friends who are Yankees fans too. That dog won't hunt.

And the GQ guys are just sheep, or Maryland/UNC journalism grads.