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I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 9:38 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Do any of you camera/computer buffs know why all of a sudden I'm having trouble getting card readers (both the installed ones in my computer and those plugged into a USB port) to read the SD memory cards from my cameras? I've tried four different computers (Mac and PC)and several different card readers and different brands of cards. Some cards are readable and some aren't. I can always hook up the cameras and get results, but from the readers I just get a message that either says "please insert a card" or "this card is non formatted, would you like to do that now?". I use a Canon Sureshot or a Nikon Cool Pix P90.

I took everything to the guy at Wolf Camera and he didn't have an answer. He did get one of the readers he tried in the store to work. But several others would not.

I can't find a common denominator for why some cards are accessible and some aren't. ~x( ~x( ~x( Thought I'd run this by the most creative and brainiest bunch I know. :-?
Love, Ima

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 9:41 am
by Miles
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:Do any of you camera/computer buffs know why all of a sudden I'm having trouble getting card readers (both the installed ones in my computer and those plugged into a USB port) to read the SD memory cards from my cameras? I've tried four different computers (Mac and PC)and several different card readers and different brands of cards. Some cards are readable and some aren't. I can always hook up the cameras and get results, but from the readers I just get a message that either says "please insert a card" or "this card is non formatted, would you like to do that now?". I use a Canon Sureshot or a Nikon Cool Pix P90.

I took everything to the guy at Wolf Camera and he didn't have an answer. He did get one of the readers he tried in the store to work. But several others would not.

I can't find a common denominator for why some cards are accessible and some aren't. ~x( ~x( ~x( Thought I'd run this by the most creative and brainiest bunch I know. :-?
Love, Ima
Are there differences in the age of the cards? Have some cards been used more than others?

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 9:42 am
Sounds like a case of CRS disease to me... =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))

Seriously, I have no clue but you've probably come to the right place to find an answer!

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 10:19 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Sounds like a case of CRS disease to me... =)) =)) =)) =)) =)) =))
Having been afflicted with that disease for some time now, I know that's a distinct possibility. ;;) I must have done something different that I just don't remember doing that is causing this frustration. :((
Love, Ima

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 10:21 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Miles wrote:
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:Do any of you camera/computer buffs know why all of a sudden I'm having trouble getting card readers (both the installed ones in my computer and those plugged into a USB port) to read the SD memory cards from my cameras? I've tried four different computers (Mac and PC)and several different card readers and different brands of cards. Some cards are readable and some aren't. I can always hook up the cameras and get results, but from the readers I just get a message that either says "please insert a card" or "this card is non formatted, would you like to do that now?". I use a Canon Sureshot or a Nikon Cool Pix P90.

I took everything to the guy at Wolf Camera and he didn't have an answer. He did get one of the readers he tried in the store to work. But several others would not.

I can't find a common denominator for why some cards are accessible and some aren't. ~x( ~x( ~x( Thought I'd run this by the most creative and brainiest bunch I know. :-?
Love, Ima
Are there differences in the age of the cards? Have some cards been used more than others?
Yeah, they are all different in age and brand and usage, but that doesn't seem to matter. :-?? Ima

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 10:27 am
by Miles
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:
Miles wrote:
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:Do any of you camera/computer buffs know why all of a sudden I'm having trouble getting card readers (both the installed ones in my computer and those plugged into a USB port) to read the SD memory cards from my cameras? I've tried four different computers (Mac and PC)and several different card readers and different brands of cards. Some cards are readable and some aren't. I can always hook up the cameras and get results, but from the readers I just get a message that either says "please insert a card" or "this card is non formatted, would you like to do that now?". I use a Canon Sureshot or a Nikon Cool Pix P90.

I took everything to the guy at Wolf Camera and he didn't have an answer. He did get one of the readers he tried in the store to work. But several others would not.

I can't find a common denominator for why some cards are accessible and some aren't. ~x( ~x( ~x( Thought I'd run this by the most creative and brainiest bunch I know. :-?
Love, Ima
Are there differences in the age of the cards? Have some cards been used more than others?
Yeah, they are all different in age and brand and usage, but that doesn't seem to matter. :-?? Ima
Wow, so are you having failure on all cards?

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 10:43 am
by CameronBornAndBred
It's sounds like the interface on the camera is the problem. Back when floppies were popular, it was not uncommon for one drive to format floppies slightly differently than all of the others. The disks would work fine as long as they were used in that one computer, but no other computer could read them.

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 10:55 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
What do the letters "HC" on a card mean? I'm trying all cards in all situations here and I'm beginning to think it's only the ones that have those letters on the front that are giving me probs. Haven't finished my data gathering yet. But, would that make a difference...whatever it is?
Love, Ima

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 11:15 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
I'm sure the HC means "high capacity", so I can't understand why that would make a dif. Seems like brand new computers with readers would be able to read something that simple. But, more and more I'm thinking that is the culprit.:-s Love, Ima

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 4:33 pm
by Miles
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:I'm sure the HC means "high capacity", so I can't understand why that would make a dif. Seems like brand new computers with readers would be able to read something that simple. But, more and more I'm thinking that is the culprit.:-s Love, Ima
Indeed it does mean high capacity and you may be onto something. Those HC 4GB cards aren't really 4 gigabytes worth storage space, they're just using some "fancypants" compression to cram more data onto the cards. If you're noticing a pattern, then I say follow your hunch and stick with the lower capacity cards if you can. Good luck!

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 26th, 2009, 6:30 pm
by TNTDevil
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:I'm sure the HC means "high capacity", so I can't understand why that would make a dif. Seems like brand new computers with readers would be able to read something that simple. But, more and more I'm thinking that is the culprit.:-s Love, Ima
You may need to update drivers and/or firmware on your PC(s) and/or devices...

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 2:34 am
by DevilAlumna
Depending on the age of the hardware reading the card, the hardware/driver may not be able to handle the High Capacity cards. I know there are models of phones from a couple years ago that can't handle any smartcards above 4GB in size.

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 9:36 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
You guys are right. My new laptop (a Dell purchased a month ago) can't read these. Nor can any readers installed in my home computer bought last year. I've only found one reader that does. It's a "Digital Concepts". For the record, I have not found a sales clerk so far in in any Derm or Hump Dump area computer or camera store who has a clue, bless their hearts. 8-}
Love, Ima

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 29th, 2009, 11:21 am
by YmoBeThere
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote: bless their hearts. 8-}
I miss the heart blessing, though just don't do that up here.

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 29th, 2009, 12:08 pm
by Hancock4Duke
This happened to me as well. If you have a printer, there should be a memory card hole there. Try it in that one. Or yu can try unplugging it and plugging it back in. That's the universal solution. :D

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 4:35 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Thanks for the suggestion, but yep, I've tried every hole in every PC, Mac, printer, reader, etc etc. I've unplugged 'em, plugged 'em, re-installed 'em....the whole gamut. Finally found that a "Digital Concepts" card reader will read 'em. These unreadable ones are all "HC", so beware when you buy one of those. What bugged me was that the hot shot, fast talking camera clerks and computer clerks were clueless and were just assuming that since I was a gray-haired grandmother that it was just that I didn't know what I was talking about.

Love, Ima

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 30th, 2009, 4:56 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:What bugged me was that the hot shot, fast talking camera clerks and computer clerks were clueless and were just assuming that since I was a gray-haired grandmother that it was just that I didn't know what I was talking about.

Love, Ima
You should go bless their hearts. In person. With a shin-kick. :ymdevil:
Happy to hear at least you have figured out the problem, and it's not your equipment.

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: August 31st, 2009, 1:49 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:What bugged me was that the hot shot, fast talking camera clerks and computer clerks were clueless and were just assuming that since I was a gray-haired grandmother that it was just that I didn't know what I was talking about.

Love, Ima
You should go bless their hearts. In person. With a shin-kick. :ymdevil:
Happy to hear at least you have figured out the problem, and it's not your equipment.
You are exactly right. I simply forgot to pat them on their shoulders and say, "You know what? You really do need a job you know something about, bless your heart."
Love, Ima

Re: I hate to bug y'all but my memory cards won't read!

Posted: September 2nd, 2009, 4:44 pm
by cl15876
CameronBornAndBred wrote:It's sounds like the interface on the camera is the problem. Back when floppies were popular, it was not uncommon for one drive to format floppies slightly differently than all of the others. The disks would work fine as long as they were used in that one computer, but no other computer could read them.
Gosh, now you are bringing back alot of memories!!!! Was that 8", 5 1/4", or 3 1/2"? :D

I too had a similar problem when I tripped and broke my HP digital camera and then bought a cheap-O Polaroid digital from CVS and it couldn't read my card.... I was so concerned that I would lose my pics on the card that had not been downloaded to my computer, but I finally got my 5 in 1 reader to see the pics on the card and then I could reformat with the Polaroid and all was good once again! #:-s #:-s #:-s I do agree with CB&B, sounds like the interface might be an issue.