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Bostondevil running the Boston Marathon

Posted: April 14th, 2009, 9:57 am
by TillyGalore
As most of you know Bostondevil will be running the Boston Marathon this Monday, April 20th to raise money for pediatric oncology at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Please post your favorite encouraging quotes for her, as well as good vibes.

One of my fav quotes is:

"Don't give up, don't ever give up." - Jimmy Valvano

This is a great line to chant as you're running.

BTW, here is a link to his speech, ... peech.html.

Re: Bostondevil running the Boston Marathon

Posted: April 14th, 2009, 10:06 am
by Bostondevil
Thank you Tilly.

If anybody wants to follow my progress next Monday, here's the website ... rathon.asp

Go to entrants and type in my bib number - 25715. It will update when I cross certain markers in the race, every 10K I think.

(Tilly, that's the quote I already use. About a week before the marathon last year when I was feeling overwhelmed by it all ESPN rebroadcast that speech. It hit home, I said a little prayer for Jimmy V. and asked him to get my back. I wrote his name on the back of my jersey and as you know, I didn't give up. I won't give up this year and I will try my hardest to break 6 hours but I hope nobody is too disappointed if I don't make my time goal.)

Re: Bostondevil running the Boston Marathon

Posted: April 14th, 2009, 10:11 am
by TillyGalore
Bostondevil, I'm so proud of you. I know the sacrifice you made to get this far. And, what you will be going through on Monday. Wish I could be there to support you on the route, know that I will be vibing/praying for you Monday.

You are an amazing women, as are all the women here, and I'm so thrilled to call you all friends.

Re: Bostondevil running the Boston Marathon

Posted: April 14th, 2009, 10:33 am
by CathyCA
The Aycock girls will miss you when we gather at Tyler's on Thursday evening. But I promise, we'll raise a glass to you and your successful marathon fundraising efforts. Best of luck on Monday!
"I tell our runners to divide the race into thirds. Run the first part with your head, the middle part with your personality, and the last part with your heart."
- Mike Fanelli, club coach
You are one of the smartest women I know--you can run the first part of the race easily with your head. You are one of the most gregarious people I've ever met--you can run the middle part of the race easily with your bubbly personality. The last part of the race--your heart will guide you as it has before. Think of the kids. Think of the kids! Think of the kids!!!

Re: Bostondevil running the Boston Marathon

Posted: April 14th, 2009, 8:30 pm
by ArkieDukie
Bostondevil, I admire you greatly. Running the Boston Marathon 2 years in a row is an amazing feat! I'll be sending you vibes as you run the race. Best of luck!

Re: Bostondevil running the Boston Marathon

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 4:31 pm
by TillyGalore

Re: Bostondevil running the Boston Marathon

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 4:48 pm
by Shammrog
Bostondevil -

May you have the wind at your back. And alcoholic beverages at your front.