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Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 8:33 am
by windsor
Morning crazie talkers.

I'm going to need some moral support! I've smoked (yeah I know) since I was a Duke - back when cigarettes were cheaper than coke (meaning the soft drink of course :D ). I've quit a couple of time along the way but always went back. I'm on my third day taking Chantix (per the instructions I'm still smoking) the official toss the cigarettes day is 8/12. Lucky thus far I haven't had any side effects from Chantix (it made one of my co workers so sick she only lasted 3 days).

Yes, I know it is filthy nasty disgusting and bad for my health. If any of that made any damn difference I'd have quit for good years ago.

Smoking finally ran head long in to something I love to do - most of you know I run agility with my dogs (handler directs dog around obstacle course) My poodle is retired (he'll be 11 soon), he was an experienced dog, and I could handle him easily from 50-60 feet away so I didn't have to run all that much. Now I'm working with the young Lab, Jester....since he's not experience I have to run a lot further and stay closer to him. I can't do it (not without looking like a bass in the bottom of boat when I'm done :ymsick: ). It is either quit smoking or quit running agility. Agility wins.

When I want to ~x( ~x( or :(( :(( can I count on you guys for some encouragement?

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 8:42 am
by captmojo
Yes. You know the folks here will support you in any way possible. Count on it!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 8:42 am
by Lavabe
windsor wrote:Morning crazie talkers.

I'm going to need some moral support! I've smoked (yeah I know) since I was a Duke - back when cigarettes were cheaper than coke (meaning the soft drink of course :D ). I've quit a couple of time along the way but always went back. I'm on my third day taking Chantix (per the instructions I'm still smoking) the official toss the cigarettes day is 8/12. Lucky thus far I haven't had any side effects from Chantix (it made one of my co workers so sick she only lasted 3 days).

Yes, I know it is filthy nasty disgusting and bad for my health. If any of that made any damn difference I'd have quit for good years ago.

Smoking finally ran head long in to something I love to do - most of you know I run agility with my dogs (handler directs dog around obstacle course) My poodle is retired (he'll be 11 soon), he was an experienced dog, and I could handle him easily from 50-60 feet away so I didn't have to run all that much. Now I'm working with the young Lab, Jester....since he's not experience I have to run a lot further and stay closer to him. I can't do it (not without looking like a bass in the bottom of boat when I'm done :ymsick: ). It is either quit smoking or quit running agility. Agility wins.

When I want to ~x( ~x( or :(( :(( can I count on you guys for some encouragement?
1000%, windsor!! We got you covered!! \m/

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 8:57 am
by TillyGalore
Absolutely! I'm here whenever you need me.

I really admire you for doing this and know you will be successful.

Let's go Windsor! clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
Let's go Windsor! clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
Let's go Windsor! clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
Let's go Windsor! clap, clap, clap, clap, clap
Let's go Windsor! clap, clap, clap, clap, clap

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 9:12 am
by DukieInKansas
I'm here for you, also, Windsor. Anything I can do to help you through this, I will do. Congratulations on making the decision and good luck. I think Chantrix is what my brother used - successfully.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 9:27 am
by DukeUsul
Absolutely we're here for you Windsor.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 9:35 am
Quit smoking vibes to you, Windsor ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

And might I suggest a weekend trip to Boston, not only to visit BD, but to visit the Mad Russian. I have several friends that were lifelong smokers, who after a visit there and 2 hours with the Mad Russian about 6 years ago, quit cold turkey and haven't looked back since. One guy not only quit smoking, but he lost about 30 pounds, too! :-bd :-bd :-bd ... 01_06a.htm

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 9:43 am
by Shammrog
windsor wrote:Morning crazie talkers.

I'm going to need some moral support! I've smoked (yeah I know) since I was a Duke - back when cigarettes were cheaper than coke (meaning the soft drink of course :D ). I've quit a couple of time along the way but always went back. I'm on my third day taking Chantix (per the instructions I'm still smoking) the official toss the cigarettes day is 8/12. Lucky thus far I haven't had any side effects from Chantix (it made one of my co workers so sick she only lasted 3 days).

Yes, I know it is filthy nasty disgusting and bad for my health. If any of that made any damn difference I'd have quit for good years ago.

Smoking finally ran head long in to something I love to do - most of you know I run agility with my dogs (handler directs dog around obstacle course) My poodle is retired (he'll be 11 soon), he was an experienced dog, and I could handle him easily from 50-60 feet away so I didn't have to run all that much. Now I'm working with the young Lab, Jester....since he's not experience I have to run a lot further and stay closer to him. I can't do it (not without looking like a bass in the bottom of boat when I'm done :ymsick: ). It is either quit smoking or quit running agility. Agility wins.

When I want to ~x( ~x( or :(( :(( can I count on you guys for some encouragement?
Well, no one likes a quitter!

Just kidding. Vibes to you! Try the nicotine gum; it works wonders to get you off the smoking part - after a couple weeks the smell and taste of smoke will make you ill. From there the appeal of nicotine will wear off too.

Let me know if I can help!!! (I quit too in April. Occasional, becoming less occasional, smoker since Duke. Now I am DONE.)

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 9:45 am
by CameronBornAndBred
I've quit twice, the first was much easier than the second. I'm not going to find out how shitty a third time would be. I strongly suggest to go cold turkey. Any nicotine products, while easing the cravings, will torture the hell out of you. My wife quit cold turkey very soon after I did (she was pissed that I quit without her), and pretty much had the same experience as me. For the first two days, it's rough, and then gets much easier.
Regardless of how you do it, many vibes your way!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 9:51 am
by windsor
Shammrog wrote: Well, no one likes a quitter!

Just kidding. Vibes to you! Try the nicotine gum; it works wonders to get you off the smoking part - after a couple weeks the smell and taste of smoke will make you ill. From there the appeal of nicotine will wear off too.

Let me know if I can help!!! (I quit too in April. Occasional, becoming less occasional, smoker since Duke. Now I am DONE.)
Good for you!

Chantix is supposed to block the areas of the brain that nicotine bonds to - which is why they tell you to keep smoking for the first week. Like many techniques it breaks the quitting process in to two distinct parts - the physical addiction to nicotine and habit of smoking. People I know have had great success with Chantix if they can take it - some people have constant :ymsick: on it. So far so good with me.

I'll give the nicotine gum a try (I've done the patch before) if it the Chantix fails (I've got a young fortune tied up in the stuff believe me!)

I'm happy to find an ex-smoker in the group - I know you'll 'get it' when I want to rip of someone's head X( :))

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 9:54 am
by Bostondevil
I'm trying, again, to beat my addiction to Coke (the soda). I'll quit with you. Hope that helps! OK, 'quitting' to me means I can still have two Cokes a month. Is it possible to limit yourself to 2 cigarettes a month? Would that help you if you thought, I can have 2 this month, I'll save them for when I really need them? I know it helps me when I'm making that Coke/iced tea/water decision.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 10:01 am
by windsor
Bostondevil wrote:I'm trying, again, to beat my addiction to Coke (the soda). I'll quit with you. Hope that helps! OK, 'quitting' to me means I can still have two Cokes a month. Is it possible to limit yourself to 2 cigarettes a month? Would that help you if you thought, I can have 2 this month, I'll save them for when I really need them? I know it helps me when I'm making that Coke/iced tea/water decision.
There are rare individuals (who I hate with the heat of a thousand suns) who can smoke the occassional cigarette and leave it at that. I am not one of those people. Usually, once you've quit having even one can be the kiss of death :ymdevil: because it leads to two then three...and you are right back on them (voice of experience). The catch phrase for smokers is N.O.P.E. (not one puff, ever).

You may have your two cokes a month if that is what will work for you. Coke may be a sugary chemical stew (I love coke by the way) but it won't kill you. Cigarettes will eventually kill me.

So quit this your official 'quit day'?

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 10:06 am
by Shammrog
windsor wrote:
Shammrog wrote: I'm happy to find an ex-smoker in the group - I know you'll 'get it' when I want to rip of someone's head X( :))
Well, yeah - but I am normally that way. Maybe nicotine withdrawal just makes it worse...

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 10:30 am
by DukePA
Add me to your support list! I quit 17 years ago on July 29, 1992. I used the patch. Stick with Chantix. I have prescribed it many times for patients and it works if you're lucky enough not to have side effects, as you are. As your smoking week progresses, you are right, the nicotine receptors are dying off. Think of the receptors like key holes and Chantix or Nicotine like keys. As you smoke, more receptors are created. What happens is that Chantix permanently blocks the receptors whereas nicotine only temporarily blocks them. When nictotine leaves the receptors, that's when we turn into "evil, demented, I'm going to kill a tarhole if I don't get a cigarette scarey people :twisted: The longer the receptors stay plugged, the sooner they shrivel up and go away :) .

Anyhoo, it can be done! Welcome to the non-smoker club!! I'm like you, I can't have an occasional cigarette. If possible, try to replace cigarettes with something healthy. But, the most important thing is to quit smoking, so one thing at a time. Good luck! You can do it!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 10:43 am
by Devil in the Blue Dress
I began smoking while at Duke and continued to smoke for more than 10 years after. Being married to a a near chain smoker (Marlboro and Bull Durham cigarettes) made it very hard to quit. He left for parts unknown and I learned self hypnosis.... have had great results and not smoked again for nearly 30 years. Because of the programming I could do for myself with self-hypnosis, I have absolutely no desire to smoke ever again...... don't even want to be where I can smell cigarettes.

Whatever method you use, the key element for success is in your mind. You can do it!

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 11:03 am
by windsor
DukePA wrote: that's when we turn into "evil, demented, I'm going to kill a tarhole..
You say that like it is a bad thing.

I see I'm not the only person who started smoking at Duke. I don't feel like quite so big a L-) now.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 11:16 am
by Lavabe
Bostondevil wrote:I'm trying, again, to beat my addiction to Coke (the soda). I'll quit with you. Hope that helps! OK, 'quitting' to me means I can still have two Cokes a month. Is it possible to limit yourself to 2 cigarettes a month? Would that help you if you thought, I can have 2 this month, I'll save them for when I really need them? I know it helps me when I'm making that Coke/iced tea/water decision.
Now that I am back in the US, I won't have more than two caffeine-laced beverages in a month. In Madagascar, Coke is a GREAT rehydration drink, but over here, it gives me the mad panics/anxiety attacks. I usually go to water and herbal teas/tisanes. I truly can't handle caffeine in this environment.

When I first dropped caffeine, I did it cold turkey. It was NOT that bad. Haven't regretted it one bit.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 11:30 am
by CathyCA
I smoked too, but I started before I went to Duke, and I became a chimney during my days on campus. I quit in June of 1991 when I was pregnant with my first child. I kept visualizing a fetus smoking that cigarette, and that mad me quit cold turkey. To be honest, I've had a pack or two since quitting, mostly when drinking with my BFF. I'll admit it--I'm a backslider. I really liked smoking.

One of the methods I've used to stay away from cigarettes is to keep my teeth brushed or to chew on really minty gum. Having something minty in my mouth replaces the craving for the menthol.

Good luck in quitting, Windsor! It looks like you've got a lot of support around here.

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 3:34 pm
by weezie
Good luck Windsor. A friend said he received good advice and help from the American Lung Society.
Maybe you could try to squeeze in a yoga class a couple of times a week, too...deep breathing and all. %%-

Re: Moral Support Needed

Posted: August 7th, 2009, 4:15 pm
by windsor
weezie wrote:Good luck Windsor. A friend said he received good advice and help from the American Lung Society.
Maybe you could try to squeeze in a yoga class a couple of times a week, too...deep breathing and all. %%-

Excellent ideas. I will check the American Lung site - I have a Wii fit which has some yoga on it, but I'll see what I can find in the way of class (harder to skip when you've plunked down $$ for class!)