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coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 10:12 pm
by rockymtn devil
So I'm not usually one to see things as signs, but I had somewhat of a weird thing happen a few minutes ago and thought I'd get some other opinions.

Long-story short: there's a girl that I used to hang out with quite a bit, we got along real well, have a lot in common, but never dated because of bad timing (we seemed to get into a cycle in which we'd each be dating someone else when the other was single, murphy's law or jacob's ladder, or something). She's a pretty incredible girl. Eventually work and school got busy and now we don't really see each or talk all that much, other than an occasional email every few months or so. This evening on my walk with the dog, I saw someone who I thought was her. It wasn't. When I got home, I kind of made a mental note that I need to call/email her to say hello. Literally as this is happening I get a text from her saying that she's changed her cell number. It was obviously a mass text sent to everyone in her phone book, but weird nonetheless.

Coincidence or a sign?

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 10:20 pm
by CathyCA
It's a sign.

You must call her right now and tell her that you were just thinking about her!

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 10:24 pm
by wilson
CathyCA wrote:It's a sign.

You must call her right now and tell her that you were just thinking about her!
+1. My escapades with a certain woman in Charleston were sort of similar. Go for it.

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 10:36 pm
by Devil in the Blue Dress
rockymtn devil wrote:So I'm not usually one to see things as signs, but I had somewhat of a weird thing happen a few minutes ago and thought I'd get some other opinions.

Long-story short: there's a girl that I used to hang out with quite a bit, we got along real well, have a lot in common, but never dated because of bad timing (we seemed to get into a cycle in which we'd each be dating someone else when the other was single, murphy's law or jacob's ladder, or something). She's a pretty incredible girl. Eventually work and school got busy and now we don't really see each or talk all that much, other than an occasional email every few months or so. This evening on my walk with the dog, I saw someone who I thought was her. It wasn't. When I got home, I kind of made a mental note that I need to call/email her to say hello. Literally as this is happening I get a text from her saying that she's changed her cell number. It was obviously a mass text sent to everyone in her phone book, but weird nonetheless.

Coincidence or a sign?
The planets are aligning .... forget Jacob's ladder and dial.

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 11:11 pm
by Rolvix
Maybe people should walk their dogs more often.

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 11:34 pm
by bjornolf
Maybe a sign. If it was a mass text, though, I probably wouldn't go with the "I was just thinking about you" line.

I'd probably wait for a day or two so it didn't seem so desperate, then call to tell her you got her text and appreciated it.


Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 5th, 2009, 11:58 pm
by Miles
rockymtn devil wrote:Coincidence or a sign?
Irrelevant until you call her.
:-c :-c :-bd

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 12:08 am
by CameronBornAndBred
CathyCA wrote:It's a sign.

You must call her right now and tell her that you were just thinking about her!

(I understand what QFE means)

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 12:29 am
by colchar
Definitely a sign. Call her.

There is a woman I haven't seen in months who I would love to run into again as I think she is well, perfect. If I got a sign like you just did I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 2:45 am
by Turk
Miles wrote:
rockymtn devil wrote:Coincidence or a sign?
Irrelevant until you call her.
:-c :-c :-bd
Or until the judge signs the restraining order.... @};-

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 9:00 am
It's pretty much unanimous. Call her! :-c :-c :-c

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 9:52 am
by DukePA
Nothing wrong with calling to say hello. Do it.

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 10:25 am
by TillyGalore
Sign or no sign, call her!!!!!

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 11:28 am
by Bostondevil
Don't call and use the experience to write a play about missed connections.

I kid, I kid. :-c :-c :-c

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 1:23 pm
by knights68
Bostondevil wrote:Don't call and use the experience to write a play about missed connections.
I agree.
If it were truly important to either of you, you two would have kept in touch moreso than a random mass texting notifying all that somebody changed their number. Coincidence more than a sign in my mind.
But what does it matter? Give her a call and roll the dice of fate! The absolute worst that could happen is that she says "No" to whatever question you happen to ask. Considering the time and distance, that wont hurt much, will it?

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 1:26 pm
by Bostondevil
But I was teasing!

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 2:31 pm
by windsor
Sign Sign call call.

'nuff said

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 8:36 pm
by Miles
knights68 wrote:
Bostondevil wrote:Don't call and use the experience to write a play about missed connections.
If it were truly important to either of you, you two would have kept in touch moreso than a random mass texting notifying all that somebody changed their number. Coincidence more than a sign in my mind.
Over ten years ago I met Kelly. She was a client of mine when I was a consultant. We went out after work once, had a few pints at my favorite pub, I introduced her to Guinness with a Vodka Gimlet on the side. We had a great time together and even though she had a boyfriend I still had a major crush on her. Months later, I move to Greenville, SC to start a company and she and douchebag move to Greenville. We lose touch with each other. We don't communicate for nearly ten years.

Fast forward.

Late last winter I find her on Facebook, among many other friends still in Charlotte that I look forward to seeing again after so much time apart. We exchange a few messages, make tentative plans for Christmas that eventually through. Early this year, while I'm still in California, she has back surgery and whilst laid up resting, she gets to emailing me again. We reconnect, big time. I fly home to a month before I move back, we have dinner and hit it off bit time. The last month in California all I can think about is getting back to her; to share the same space with her, see the things she sees, hear the things she hears.

Kelly has been the biggest surprise in my life. It took ten years, but here we are. In my opinion, it's not about importance, it's about timing. And I got damn lucky.

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 10:31 pm
by wilson
Miles's not about importance, it's about timing.
A huge Amen to this one, brother. That goes for the good and the bad timing. All the more reason you've gotta jump on it when the timing is good.

Re: coincidence or a sign?

Posted: August 6th, 2009, 10:45 pm
by Bostondevil
In truth, I have written a play about the role timing plays in love. It's called Make it a Good One.