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A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 3rd, 2017, 10:34 am
by DukieInKansas
I'm requesting vibes and prayers and very gentle hugs for Bobbi. She fell at work on Friday and broke both shoulders and accumulated quite a few bruises. She has had surgery on her left shoulder (put in a plate so it sounds like it was her scapula that broke) and they have immobilized her right arm, hoping to avoid surgery on that shoulder. So, she has no use of her arms, basically. She went by ambulance to the ED on Friday and they actually sent her home with 1 pain pill and instructions to take tylenol/ibuprofen. After 2 days of not being able to get up on her own, she ended up back at the hospital via ambulance. When she is released on Friday, she will head to a rehab hospital for 6 weeks.

Thank you.

Re: A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 3rd, 2017, 10:38 am
by lawgrad91
prayers and vibes for a full and speedy recovery.

Re: A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 3rd, 2017, 11:03 am
by DukePA
DukieInKansas wrote:I'm requesting vibes and prayers and very gentle hugs for Bobbi. She fell at work on Friday and broke both shoulders and accumulated quite a few bruises. She has had surgery on her left shoulder (put in a plate so it sounds like it was her scapula that broke) and they have immobilized her right arm, hoping to avoid surgery on that shoulder. So, she has no use of her arms, basically. She went by ambulance to the ED on Friday and they actually sent her home with 1 pain pill and instructions to take tylenol/ibuprofen. After 2 days of not being able to get up on her own, she ended up back at the hospital via ambulance. When she is released on Friday, she will head to a rehab hospital for 6 weeks.

Thank you.
Vibing away (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
(that hospital needs to work on its discharge planning protocol before someone dies.)

Re: A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 3rd, 2017, 11:39 am
by DukieInKansas
DukePA wrote:
DukieInKansas wrote:I'm requesting vibes and prayers and very gentle hugs for Bobbi. She fell at work on Friday and broke both shoulders and accumulated quite a few bruises. She has had surgery on her left shoulder (put in a plate so it sounds like it was her scapula that broke) and they have immobilized her right arm, hoping to avoid surgery on that shoulder. So, she has no use of her arms, basically. She went by ambulance to the ED on Friday and they actually sent her home with 1 pain pill and instructions to take tylenol/ibuprofen. After 2 days of not being able to get up on her own, she ended up back at the hospital via ambulance. When she is released on Friday, she will head to a rehab hospital for 6 weeks.

Thank you.
Vibing away (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
(that hospital needs to work on its discharge planning protocol before someone dies.)
Yeah - I'm not real happy with them at the moment. I will give them a little slack in that she doesn't have the most forceful personality but I still think they should have figured it out. I'm just happy her employer sent someone to be with her as she is a widow and her only child lives out of town.

Re: A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 3rd, 2017, 11:55 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Man oh man! We, too, have learned the hard way that you have to be a very assertive advocate for yourself in hospitals. The day is over when the welfare of the patient came before the bottom line....especially in research oriented medical centers.

Vibes on the way DinK. Holler if she needs more. Plenty to go 'round1
Love, Ima

Re: A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 3rd, 2017, 9:08 pm
by Very Duke Blue
That is awful. I really feel for Bobbi. I'm sending prayers and vibes.

Re: A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 4th, 2017, 6:34 am
by shereec
Vibes and prayers!

Re: A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 4th, 2017, 9:41 am
by CathyCA
I'm praying and vibing for Bobbi!


Re: A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 5th, 2017, 9:09 am
by IowaDevil
DukieInKansas wrote:I'm requesting vibes and prayers and very gentle hugs for Bobbi. She fell at work on Friday and broke both shoulders and accumulated quite a few bruises. She has had surgery on her left shoulder (put in a plate so it sounds like it was her scapula that broke) and they have immobilized her right arm, hoping to avoid surgery on that shoulder. So, she has no use of her arms, basically. She went by ambulance to the ED on Friday and they actually sent her home with 1 pain pill and instructions to take tylenol/ibuprofen. After 2 days of not being able to get up on her own, she ended up back at the hospital via ambulance. When she is released on Friday, she will head to a rehab hospital for 6 weeks.

Thank you.
Unacceptable on the part of that hospital! Vibes, prayers and gentle hugs coming from Iowa!

Re: A New Vibe Request

Posted: May 5th, 2017, 11:23 am
by DukieInKansas
Thank you for all the prayers, vibes, and gentle hugs. I spoke to Bobbi last night and she was sitting up in a chair with limited use of her hands. She was able to call me on her own - so that was terrific news. They are still hashing out when she will get discharged and where she will go. I know she appreciates all the prayers.