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Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 17th, 2017, 9:01 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Things are not good for my brother. Jimmy got out of ICU today. he is on steroids to fight an unidentified lung infection. He is being feed with an IV. Eatiing makes him caugh. His oxygen level has been increased from two to six. Shirley is still in rehab because there is no one at home to care for her. My niece knows I will come when needed. Karen feels the longer she can delay Shirley coming home the better. I believe Shirley, after settling in at home, will be able to maintain . In my heart, I don't think he is long for this world. I pray I am wrong. I'm hurting but hanging in.

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 6:07 am
by YmoBeThere
Vibes from here in the Longhorn state, VDB.

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 7:08 am
by shereec
VDB - Hugs, hugs, hugs. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 8:02 am
by lawgrad91
VDB, hugs and prayers and many vibes for your family, and of course for you. We all love you.

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 8:57 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
So hard. So hard. I'm sorry, VDB. I have you front and center on my vibe list. Hang in there, darlin' !t's so hard when there's nothing you can do but wait.
Love, Ima

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 10:44 am
by DukieInKansas
I'm sorry the news on Jimmy isn't better. Prayers and hugs and vibes from Kansas for the whole bunch of you and for the medical teams. We are here for you.

:YMPRAY: :ymhug: :wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug: :wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug: :wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug: :wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug: :wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug: :wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug: :wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug: :wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug: :wizard:

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 11:31 am
by ArkieDukie
Sending lots of prayers and vibes from the sandbar in the gulf!

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 6:08 pm
by bjornolf
:ymhug: :wizard: :YMPRAY:

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 18th, 2017, 7:47 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Thanks o all of you. It means a lot. :ymhug:

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 19th, 2017, 8:40 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Very Duke Blue wrote:Thanks o all of you. It means a lot. :ymhug:
I know it does, having been a vibe recipient in the past. It sure helps one feel not so alone. Just take it one hour, minute, day at a time.
Love, Ima

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 19th, 2017, 9:05 am
by CathyCA
I'm praying for Jimmy and Shirley and for YOU, VDB! :ymhug:


Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 20th, 2017, 8:45 am
by IowaDevil
Vibes hugs & prayers for all of you! :wizard: :ymhug: :pray:

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 22nd, 2017, 5:20 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Prayers and vibes seem to be working. I went to Richmond yesterday to see both of them. The NG tube has been removed. He is eating very small amounts of food. Anything liquid has be be thickened. They mix a powder to make it so. Aspiration is still a major concern. Jimmy is so week. They are hoping to move him to skilled nursing soon. This is not supposed to be preeminent. We can hope. His room mate is a pain. He never shuts up and keeps his tv loud. He has company every day starting around 4:00 until 8:00. Four of them. They got there before I left. They were so loud, Jimmy and I had to stop talking. I did ask the nurse to request they keep it down. It helped a little. I went to see Shirley after I left. Her sprites are pretty good. She is on a diabetic diet. Her dinner last night was brown beans. Mac and cheese and a small helping of turnip greens. That's just sorry. The day before yesterday. Shirley had to have tubes in her ears. She ha s been going through this for about 10 years. She was giving drops for her ears to fight infection. They were not giving them to her because the pharmacy did not specify how many drops. I guess it was s not their job duty to call th e pharmacy. Niece Karen was to handle that. The whole thing is sad. Thanks to all of you agaIn for your prayers r s and vibes. They help all of us so much. :ymhug:

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 23rd, 2017, 1:59 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Very Duke Blue wrote:Prayers and vibes seem to be working. I went to Richmond yesterday to see both of them. The NG tube has been removed. He is eating very small amounts of food. Anything liquid has be be thickened. They mix a powder to make it so. Aspiration is still a major concern. Jimmy is so week. They are hoping to move him to skilled nursing soon. This is not supposed to be preeminent. We can hope. His room mate is a pain. He never shuts up and keeps his tv loud. He has company every day starting around 4:00 until 8:00. Four of them. They got there before I left. They were so loud, Jimmy and I had to stop talking. I did ask the nurse to request they keep it down. It helped a little. I went to see Shirley after I left. Her sprites are pretty good. She is on a diabetic diet. Her dinner last night was brown beans. Mac and cheese and a small helping of turnip greens. That's just sorry. The day before yesterday. Shirley had to have tubes in her ears. She ha s been going through this for about 10 years. She was giving drops for her ears to fight infection. They were not giving them to her because the pharmacy did not specify how many drops. I guess it was s not their job duty to call th e pharmacy. Niece Karen was to handle that. The whole thing is sad. Thanks to all of you agaIn for your prayers r s and vibes. They help all of us so much. :ymhug:
You know, we celebrate acts of heroism all the time -- people finding enough adrenalin to lift cars off of people or run into burning buildings, etc. But, I believe the real heroes are those who embark on long-sustained and exhausting missions and ever give up, no matter how hopeless the cause. That's real bravery and love. There should be medals for that!!
Love, Ima

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 24th, 2017, 8:08 am
by ArkieDukie
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:
Very Duke Blue wrote:Prayers and vibes seem to be working. I went to Richmond yesterday to see both of them. The NG tube has been removed. He is eating very small amounts of food. Anything liquid has be be thickened. They mix a powder to make it so. Aspiration is still a major concern. Jimmy is so week. They are hoping to move him to skilled nursing soon. This is not supposed to be preeminent. We can hope. His room mate is a pain. He never shuts up and keeps his tv loud. He has company every day starting around 4:00 until 8:00. Four of them. They got there before I left. They were so loud, Jimmy and I had to stop talking. I did ask the nurse to request they keep it down. It helped a little. I went to see Shirley after I left. Her sprites are pretty good. She is on a diabetic diet. Her dinner last night was brown beans. Mac and cheese and a small helping of turnip greens. That's just sorry. The day before yesterday. Shirley had to have tubes in her ears. She ha s been going through this for about 10 years. She was giving drops for her ears to fight infection. They were not giving them to her because the pharmacy did not specify how many drops. I guess it was s not their job duty to call th e pharmacy. Niece Karen was to handle that. The whole thing is sad. Thanks to all of you agaIn for your prayers r s and vibes. They help all of us so much. :ymhug:
You know, we celebrate acts of heroism all the time -- people finding enough adrenalin to lift cars off of people or run into burning buildings, etc. But, I believe the real heroes are those who embark on long-sustained and exhausting missions and ever give up, no matter how hopeless the cause. That's real bravery and love. There should be medals for that!!
Love, Ima
I agree with Ima, 110%. Vibes ti Jimmy and Shirley.

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: February 25th, 2017, 6:32 am
by Very Duke Blue
Jimmy did not go to rehab yesterday. He was too dizzy. What has been an ongoing problem. It's has d telling what will happen. :(

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: March 7th, 2017, 7:43 am
by Very Duke Blue
Jimmy has been in rehab almost a week. He seems to be doing better. Shirley is going home Friday and I will be there.

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: March 7th, 2017, 9:18 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Very Duke Blue wrote:Jimmy has been in rehab almost a week. He seems to be doing better. Shirley is going home Friday and I will be there.
Great! They must have figured out why he was so dizzy. Blood pressure? Meds?
Will you stay there to help them long? Busy time for you with your garden to get in the ground. How's Bud doing. Back to his frisky self?
Love, Ima

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: March 8th, 2017, 7:47 am
by Very Duke Blue
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:
Very Duke Blue wrote:Jimmy has been in rehab almost a week. He seems to be doing better. Shirley is going home Friday and I will be there.
Great! They must have figured out why he was so dizzy. Blood pressure? Meds?
Will you stay there to help them long? Busy time for you with your garden to get in the ground. How's Bud doing. Back to his frisky self?
Love, Ima
The dizziness is better and it was a med. I will be staying for a week. I will cook a lot and freezing. Home health is going to be coming, also the two sisters that took care of Shirley's mother. We are not going to have much of a garden his year. Bud is having his hip replaced in April.

Re: Prayers and vibes please

Posted: March 8th, 2017, 7:52 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
FWIW, of all the parts the OP has had replaced, the hip was by far the easiest!
Love, Ima