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My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 12:54 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
My Dad called me this morning to give me the unfortunate news that he is entering hospice in the next couple days. Years ago, after one of the games and our first tailgates on Blue Devil Alley, he shared with me that he had been diagnosed with a cancer that affected his bone marrow. It was treatable, however, with medication, and since then he has lived a largely normal life. In those years he's continued working feverishly hard (as always), traveled overseas for his research projects, and enjoyed so many football and basketball games. (And tailgates!)
Sadly, after he contracted the swine flu a couple months ago (and gave it to me, but I DID get to go to the unc game, so there was that happy side effect, since the flu came with his tickets) he developed an allergic reaction to his medication when he went back on his treatments. The second treatment option didn't work so well, and while there is a third option, he has decided it will be in his best mental interest to forego it and enter hospice.
When he had his 50th and 60th birthdays, people wrote to him expressing how he had affected them. He told me how he loved that, and would like to experience it once again. So he's hoping people will write him, and let him know how he may may have been a part of their lives. "For better or worse", so if he pissed you off, you can tell him that too, haha.

My father is one of very few heroes in my life; he let me be me. I am going to miss him terribly, but I'm not going to focus on mourning him; I'm going to celebrate the affect that he had on me as a person and a son.
If you knew him, (or didn't, but got stuck in a long conversation with him at a tailgate, he was very good at engaging strangers in long conversations) and would like to write him, email me and I will print the emails out to pass them along.

PS..I know it is customary to ask for vibes, but he is content in his decision, so while vibes won't help him back to health, you can toot a horn to celebrate a man who had a verve for living and dedicating his own life to helping others live better and longer. And he made me a Duke fan. :D
:happy-bouncyblue: :duke:

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 1:08 pm
by windsor
I am sorry that you will lose your father, who sounds like a wonderful man. Clearly he raised a fine son. I am saddened that I never met him.

I wish him peace and comfort as he enters hospice, and I wish you the same, and I send vibes that you will make a few more memories with him while you can.

Much love Chris, to both you and your dad.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 1:08 pm
by bjornolf
:wizard: :YMPRAY: :ymhug: For you and yours.

:o) For Dad. It was the only horn I saw.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 1:40 pm
by lawgrad91
Chris, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. It is good he can make this decision on his own and that he is at peace with it.

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for peace and comfort.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 2:50 pm
by CathyCA
Chris, this news is numbing. I'm sending your dad and you and your family and friends my love, support and prayers.

Hospice walked with (actually carried) my dad and our family during my dad's final days. The hospice people are angels on earth.

Peace, my friend. :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:


Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 6:01 pm
by Very Duke Blue
We are so sorry. Your dad is a wonderful person. Bud and I are fortunate to know him. You have an awesome dad.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 6:31 pm
by DukePA
I have a few memories of your Dad and I love that our fathers have known each other for so long and had such a wonderful working relationship. I"ll be vibing for comfort, peace and joyful memories for you all. Love you, Bro.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 6:58 pm
by IowaDevil
Oh Chris, I am so sorry to hear this but also happy to hear Dad is able to make his own decisions! We went thru that with my Dad and in the time since are so happy he could do that for himself! Giant hugs & love from the Old Ref & I! :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 8:26 pm
by ArkieDukie
CathyCA wrote:Chris, this news is numbing. I'm sending your dad and you and your family and friends my love, support and prayers.

Hospice walked with (actually carried) my dad and our family during my dad's final days. The hospice people are angels on earth.

Peace, my friend. :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:

I'm so sorry, Chris. I went through this recently with my mother, albeit under very different circumstances. I agree with Cathy about the hospice people; they are truly wonderful. I join the others in sending prayers, vibes and every manner of good thoughts possible to your father, you, and the rest of your family. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :ymhug: :ymhug:

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 8:55 pm
by devildeac
This makes me sad. Very, very sad. I think many of y'all know how I felt when my Dad died in 2009 (likely watching Villanova beat the shit out of his/our beloved Blue Devils in the East Regional). I've got a picture/engraving on my cath lab lead apron top that looks something like this:


Each time I go to the cath lab now, I'll be happily and sadly reminded of Galen.

And, this football season, when Sirk connects on a long, long TD pass, I can only imagine your Dad saying, "At least it wasn't another @#$%ing bubble screen."

Prayers for you and your family for peace and comfort. You know how to contact me. Anytime.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 7th, 2016, 9:30 pm
by Very Duke Blue
DD, you said it much better than I could. Thanks.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 8th, 2016, 5:38 am
by shereec
I am so sorry to hear this, Chris, and join in sending thoughts and prayers for strength and peace to you and yours.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 8th, 2016, 7:00 am
Oh, Chris. So sorry. What everybody else has said above. We'll miss your Dad this fall. =((

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 8th, 2016, 12:21 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
devildeac wrote: And, this football season, when Sirk connects on a long, long TD pass, I can only imagine your Dad saying, "At least it wasn't another @#$%ing bubble screen."
HA! So very true! Dad asked me to be sure to find homes for all of the sports memorabilia he has collected (mostly magazines) over the years. One of those items is a game football from the Duke victory over unc that I gave him for his birthday that year. I figured I would get it back one day, just wasn't hoping it would be so soon.
Besides sports magazines, he also collected Mad Magazines and Classics Illustrated. I would use the CIs to write book reports with, lol. Beat the hell out of Cliff's Notes. As far as the Mads; I loved scouring NYC with my Dad on trips to visit my mom's family. We would hit up SO many old bookstores and comics shops. He has every single one; I spent hours in his den falling in love with Dave Berg and Don Martin as a kid. He said "Find a good home for those, too". I told him, "Fuck that, they've got a good home with me!" :D
Julie and I are going tomorrow morning, then I am heading back solo on Sunday. My sister is showing up today, so Dad will have plenty of family around him.
Thank you for all of your thoughts, I will be sure to pass them along.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 8th, 2016, 3:54 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Bless all of you Chris. :ymhug:

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 8th, 2016, 8:34 pm
by YmoBeThere
Sorry to hear this, but it is inspiring to see how inspiring he was to you.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 8th, 2016, 10:16 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Oh Chris. This one hurts. That must have been the hardest phone call he's ever had to make. What a brave guy.

I've always wanted to get a chat with the guy who inspired what I think is the best painting you have ever done. I've told you before what I think of that picture. It speaks volumes about how you think of him. Take heart in knowing how well you've shown him how you love him. You will have no regrets when you look back. I know he's as proud of you as you are of him.

Stay in the moment -- each and every one you have with him going forward. Just stay right there in it. This time is precious. You are both setting examples for all of us.

Holding all of you close in my heart and watching for any news. Hope you can be still and feel all the CTN cyber hugs and that they buoy you.
Love, Ima

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 9th, 2016, 6:15 am
by Bob Green
Chris, I was fortunate to engage your dad in conversation at several tailgates. Your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 11th, 2016, 1:29 pm
by DevilWearsPrada2.0
Chris, continued thoughts and prayers for you, your father and family.

Re: My Dad

Posted: July 11th, 2016, 9:09 pm
by DukieInKansas
Chris - I'm on a mission trip and am not supposed to be online (except for the blog) but I wanted to take the time to let you know that I am thinking of you and your dad. The love and respect you have for him is so wonderful to see. I wish I had been able to visit with him. May you make more memories in the time you have left together.