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Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 5:00 pm
by IowaDevil
What in the world did he do? Am not totally sure I want to hear about it! Just hope he was alone in his "journey"! :(

Sulaiman, dismissed from the team.

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 5:00 pm
by Very Duke Blue
I just heard this on the news. It said he was not living up to team standards because of his behavior. Very disappointing.

Re: Sulaiman, dismissed from the team.

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 5:09 pm
FSD. Bad for him, bad for the team. Gotta be something bad he's been doing. Repeatedly.

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 5:15 pm
by CathyCA
It must have been really bad, whatever it is.


Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 5:21 pm
by gadzooks
Seriously. I'm in shock. :-o

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 5:39 pm
by CathyCA
For the first time in YEARS, I posted OY. Would you all go over to the Rasheed thread and give me some pitchforks, please?

Here's what I posted, in case any of you want to know. . .
I'm going to wait to see how this whole thing plays out, but it MAY end up being a matter of "addition by subtraction." You know, when one person leaves, the rest of the group becomes better? I hope that's the case here. I'm fairly certain that Coach K knew exactly what he was doing in dismissing Rasheed from the team.

After Allen Williams' junior year (1981-82), Coach K allowed Allen to keep his scholarship and finish his senior year, but Allen did not practice or play during his senior year. Of course, that situation is a little different from this one in that Coach K didn't recruit Allen Williams. He inherited him from Coach Foster.
But, please! Give me some pitchfork love!


Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 5:58 pm
by ScienceGuy
For what it's worth, sources I have close to the team and ones I have close to the Duke Women's Center are all saying the dismissal is related to something that we may find more about in the future.

Italics edited by moderator

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 6:08 pm
by DukieInKansas
CathyCA wrote:For the first time in YEARS, I posted OY. Would you all go over to the Rasheed thread and give me some pitchforks, please?

Here's what I posted, in case any of you want to know. . .
I'm going to wait to see how this whole thing plays out, but it MAY end up being a matter of "addition by subtraction." You know, when one person leaves, the rest of the group becomes better? I hope that's the case here. I'm fairly certain that Coach K knew exactly what he was doing in dismissing Rasheed from the team.

After Allen Williams' junior year (1981-82), Coach K allowed Allen to keep his scholarship and finish his senior year, but Allen did not practice or play during his senior year. Of course, that situation is a little different from this one in that Coach K didn't recruit Allen Williams. He inherited him from Coach Foster.
But, please! Give me some pitchfork love!


I wish Rasheed well in the future. I hope he can staighten out whatever is causing problems in his life.

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 6:32 pm
by devildeac
CathyCA wrote:For the first time in YEARS, I posted OY. Would you all go over to the Rasheed thread and give me some pitchforks, please?

Here's what I posted, in case any of you want to know. . .
I'm going to wait to see how this whole thing plays out, but it MAY end up being a matter of "addition by subtraction." You know, when one person leaves, the rest of the group becomes better? I hope that's the case here. I'm fairly certain that Coach K knew exactly what he was doing in dismissing Rasheed from the team.

After Allen Williams' junior year (1981-82), Coach K allowed Allen to keep his scholarship and finish his senior year, but Allen did not practice or play during his senior year. Of course, that situation is a little different from this one in that Coach K didn't recruit Allen Williams. He inherited him from Coach Foster.
But, please! Give me some pitchfork love!

Spork whore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(kidding, kidding)

I'll find your post shortly ;) :D ;;)

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 6:37 pm
by Bob Green
CathyCA wrote:For the first time in YEARS, I posted OY. Would you all go over to the Rasheed thread and give me some pitchforks, please?
Pitchforks delivered, but please post more often!

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 6:51 pm
by Rolvix
ScienceGuy wrote:For what it's worth, sources I have close to the team and ones I have close to the Duke Women's Center are all saying the dismissal is related to something that we may find more about in the future.

Italics edited by moderator
My sources close to the Women's Center are speaking up tonight, too. We can only hope that it isn't as bad as it could be.

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 7:01 pm
by DukePA
Rolvix wrote:
ScienceGuy wrote:For what it's worth, sources I have close to the team and ones I have close to the Duke Women's Center are all saying the dismissal is related to something that we may find more about in the future.

Italics edited by moderator
My sources close to the Women's Center are speaking up tonight, too. We can only hope that it isn't as bad as it could be.
For sure.

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 7:08 pm
by DukePA
From ... EM_ID=4200

DURHAM, N.C. – Duke junior guard Rasheed Sulaimon has been dismissed from the Duke basketball program as announced by head coach Mike Krzyzewski Thursday. Sulaimon remains in good academic standing and is expected to finish the spring semester.

I hope this is true because it tells me we're not looking at anything criminal. I wish him all the best and I hope this a bump in the road that he can learn from become the person he wants to become.

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 7:09 pm
by gadzooks
Women's Center? Uh oh. :(

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 7:16 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
gadzooks wrote:Women's Center? Uh oh. :(
Oh no. :twitch: That can't be good. :naughty:
Love, Ima

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 7:48 pm
by CathyCA
Thank you all for the pitchforks and sporks OY.

I've refrained from posting OY because it seemed that every time I posted something, somebody would jump all over my post and chastise me for being "wrong." I grew tired of that. (Especially since I knew that I was right!) ;)


Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 7:56 pm
by DukePA
CathyCA wrote:Thank you all for the pitchforks and sporks OY.

I've refrained from posting OY because it seemed that every time I posted something, somebody would jump all over my post and chastise me for being "wrong." I grew tired of that. (Especially since I knew that I was right!) ;)

How does one spork? I'm a spork virgin :D

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 8:15 pm
by lawgrad91
CathyCA wrote:Thank you all for the pitchforks and sporks OY.

I've refrained from posting OY because it seemed that every time I posted something, somebody would jump all over my post and chastise me for being "wrong." I grew tired of that. (Especially since I knew that I was right!) ;)

I sporked you. Professional courtesy, you know....

I sure hope you are right about this one.

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 8:19 pm
by devildeac
DukePA wrote:
CathyCA wrote:Thank you all for the pitchforks and sporks OY.

I've refrained from posting OY because it seemed that every time I posted something, somebody would jump all over my post and chastise me for being "wrong." I grew tired of that. (Especially since I knew that I was right!) ;)

How does one spork? I'm a spork virgin :D

In all seriousness (yes, really), click on someone's post and go to the bottom left where there is a box that has a green :) or a red :( and click on it. Another box comes up to ask you whether you approve or disapprove of a poster's entry. If you approve, they get + reputation points or, if you disapprove, they get - reputation points. Pitchforks (or sporks) are awarded for each ~200 + points you accumulate.

Re: Rasheed gone??? (Dismissed from team)

Posted: January 29th, 2015, 8:22 pm
by lawgrad91
DukePA wrote:
CathyCA wrote:Thank you all for the pitchforks and sporks OY.

I've refrained from posting OY because it seemed that every time I posted something, somebody would jump all over my post and chastise me for being "wrong." I grew tired of that. (Especially since I knew that I was right!) ;)

How does one spork? I'm a spork virgin :D
At the bottom left of any post OY, there is a little box with a green smiley and a red frownie. Click on that, and a box will come up and ask what you think of the post, with the options being "I approve" and "I disapprove." The default is "I approve." There is a place for comments, and just below that is a box that says "add comment." Click on that and you are done. The site automatically signs your name to a spork or non-spork, but if (like me) you don't know if a person will recognize you, you can put your name.

When I started lurking OY, I used the name merlindevildog91 but Lawgrad is so much more efficient (except that autocorrect calls me "laggard.") :9f: