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Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 5:16 pm
by devildeac
OK, I mentioned/threatened I might do this and I know colchar and the Cap'n will contribute, so here it is. Who'll be first...

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 5:57 pm
by Sue71
Life is shit now.

Thank you.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:20 pm
by bjornolf
Okay, it's just depressing to even walk in here. :((


Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:24 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
My life sucked earlier, but I left it at work and now it's nice again. It will suck again tomorrow until I fix whatever work has broken for me, then it will be good again when I come home. I'm thinking work life will suck for at least two more days.
P.S. ---Leaving the sucky life at work is really great way to enjoy the rest of your life.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:32 pm
by Sue71
CameronBornAndBred wrote:My life sucked earlier, but I left it at work and now it's nice again. It will suck again tomorrow until I fix whatever work has broken for me, then it will be good again when I come home. I'm thinking work life will suck for at least two more days.
P.S. ---Leaving the sucky life at work is really great way to enjoy the rest of your life.

Wish I could do that. I'm still living in a hotel.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:33 pm
by Sue71
And dealing with insurance garbage.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:33 pm
by Sue71
I'm kind of hating life right now.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:43 pm
by devildeac
Bad: January, our youngest daughter was hit from behind (I'd say rear-ended but I know the minds here... :roll: ) just before the I-40/Derm Freeway split with over $2K damage done to her car.
Good: No personal injuries and the repairs were completed in a timely fashion with little argument from the offending party/ins. co. We have yet to see if it will affect the trade value of the car.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:45 pm
by bjornolf
Man, that doesn't even qualify for the Life is not Good thread. That's just a blip on life's radar if there aren't any injuries and no insurance problems. No cheating, DD!


Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 6:51 pm
by devildeac
bjornolf wrote:Man, that doesn't even qualify for the Life is not Good thread. That's just a blip on life's radar if there aren't any injuries and no insurance problems. No cheating, DD!

Who said I was finished? :roll:

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 7:03 pm
by devildeac
devildeac wrote:
bjornolf wrote:Man, that doesn't even qualify for the Life is not Good thread. That's just a blip on life's radar if there aren't any injuries and no insurance problems. No cheating, DD!

Who said I was finished? :roll:
February, during a tumbling pass at a Duke WBB game, the same daughter falls tears a ligament AND breaks a bone in her foot :(( , missing the rest of the season for cheering. :(

There's more to that story...

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 7:11 pm
by YmoBeThere
My cats were unhappy, then I opened a window. They are happier now.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 9:52 pm
by wilson
YmoBeThere wrote:My cats were unhappy, then I opened a window. They are happier now. this thread, I thought the opening of the window would be followed by the cats jumping out or something... :roll:

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 10:29 pm
by captmojo
Earlier this year, we lost a good friend of the family. She was about as close as she could get without sharing DNA.
Her widower is already hot to trot. He's in his 70's. Oh yeah. I should mention his son's ex-wife is his live-in housekeeper now.
Freaky, huh? :-q

Father-in-law gets weaker daily.

My Mother gets weaker daily.

My boss still bites the big one. He's the one that tried to fire me last year for driving a company vehicle two (yeah...2) blocks, out of route , in order to vote.

It gets better. The story continues. This could take a while. Pull up a comfy chair. Join me, won't you?

devildeac wrote:Bad: January, our youngest daughter was hit from behind (I'd say rear-ended but I know the minds here... :roll: ) just before the I-40/Derm Freeway split with over $2K damage done to her car.
Good: No personal injuries and the repairs were completed in a timely fashion with little argument from the offending party/ins. co. We have yet to see if it will affect the trade value of the car.
I had absolutely nothing, whatsoever, to do with this accident. I had one of my own. Thank you very much.

I returned from a trip to Sanford NC, around 6PM today. I had been there to visit with an attorney.
On June 10, I was involved in an accident there. Anyone familiar with US421 (Horner Blvd) through that fair city? Particularly, the portion that runs past the downtown area? Between Wicker St. and the railroad overpass? A very dangerous area if I must say so, and I must. All here should be alert to the dangers. They are: far too much traffic; too fast of a posted speed limit; travel lanes too narrow for modern vehicles; too much camber to the road surface. I could go on and on yet will not.

On to the sorry details. As I was traveling south to Fayetteville that morning, I passed across Wicker St. intersection with no traffic before me. There was a car on my right. I was in the left lane. After passing across, my eyes scanned the mirrors, right first, then driver's side. As my eyes scan back toward the front, there were two ladies on the sidewalk, in front of a pet store, on my left. One lady was placing a small brown dog down onto the ground and, of course, this captured my attention. My thoughts were "Is this dog going to run out in the street? (it was unleashed) If so, will anyone try to chase it?" "Holy shit!" MY eyes scanned back ahead, 12 O'Clock. Problem is, the road makes right turn thereand now, ahead is more like 2 O'Clock. OMG! There's a pickup truck with a left turn signal on. I only have 125 feet to get stopped at the speed of 34mph. The limit is 35. It should have been 25. I wish it were 25. Maybe, no left turns should be allowed between the hours of 9AM and 6PM.

The guy wasn't there 200 feet ago. Where the hell did he come from. Brakes were stomped. Prayers were muttered. Nothing worked. I tagged his right rear bumper. Due to the fact that he was in a right-hand curve, my impact pushed him across the lane of travel into oncoming traffic. A young lady, going northbound, hit his right front bumper. He was OK. She was not. Ugly injury to her right foot. She ended up being air-lifted to Chapel Hole. I ended up with a citation from the local authorities for failure to reduce speed in order to avoid collision with a vehicle. The language used on the ticket form I cannot disagree with. However, the ticket says nothing about my possible ability to stop. I did everything I could do to try to get stopped. I did not have the time and distance. My vehicle weighed 80,000lbs and at 34mph, with a fair coefficient of drag, 34mph speed, I needed probably at least 200 feet to get stopped.

I was drug tested upon my return home. Negative. Alcohol testing-again negative. I don't chit-chat on the cell phone. I only carry one in cases of emergency. No distractions of any nature other than what hazards were before me. My boss did me the favor of "discharging" me upon my return from drug testing. I say favor because his rush to judgment will likely be his undoing. Proper attitude should have been suspension during investigation. All his investigation was performed after the discharge. I have attended one union/company hearing in Ocean City MD. The committee there never heard the case of the accident. They ruled that no evidence received after the time discharge was announced, would be admitted. They ruled 3 to 3 that I had been unduly discharged, automatically kicking the case up to another committee at the national level. Negotiations are underway to arrive at an out-of-arbitration settlement. I hope they are favorable. The next level meets in Providence RI soon. I want not to have to go, but I do want to return to my job, as bad as it can be. I have 17 years invested with this company and I'm too old to start anew elsewhere. I'd be the most unlikely to have a recurrence. Experience is a great teacher. Also, far too many living under my roof are dependent on me.

A virtual drive can be made through this stretch of road by Googling, 202 S Horner Sanford NC. Click on the "Street view" inside the pop-up balloon that will appear over the map. Click the arrowheads to travel southward toward the intersection of Pearl St. Coincidentally, a white pickup truck will appear at the intersection point of impact, where Pearl St shows up on the left, just past a small parking lot. These photos are out of sequence for one photo. If you click ahead , one more arrow spot, the truck will magically back up to the impact point. The last building on the left, before the truck, is the pet shop.

If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. But, I do have great co-workers, who took up a collection for me to finance my trip to Ocean City. They have full understanding of the dangers all those face when passing through this area. Their vote of confidence in me is quite uplifting. I pray for more.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 10:34 pm
by DukePA
Hang tough CaptMojo. How about a mega-ton of CT vibes?????

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 10:42 pm
by captmojo
DukePA wrote:Hang tough CaptMojo. How about a mega-ton of CT vibes?????
Darlin', if you get started, I'm NOT gonna make you stop.
I need all I can get.
I have not received a traffic violation, of any sort, in over 25 years.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 10:53 pm
by captmojo
It was quite therapeutic to get that out of me.
I have been in deep depression. What if? What if not?
I wish I had laid out of work that day.
I had to come to the realization that I had done everything I could do to avoid what became inevitable that day.
It took a long time.
It could have been worse. I don't have the slightest idea how people that have been through something like this, with worse injuries, cope with the realities.
I have co-workers that have endured accidents resulting in fatality. One was the result of suicide. They all have nightmares. I've had my share.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 11:11 pm
by devildeac
captmojo wrote:Earlier this year, we lost a good friend of the family. She was about as close as she could get without sharing DNA.
Her widower is already hot to trot. He's in his 70's. Oh yeah. I should mention his son's ex-wife is his live-in housekeeper now.
Freaky, huh? :-q

Father-in-law gets weaker daily.

My Mother gets weaker daily.

My boss still bites the big one. He's the one that tried to fire me last year for driving a company vehicle two (yeah...2) blocks, out of route , in order to vote.

It gets better. The story continues. This could take a while. Pull up a comfy chair. Join me, won't you?

devildeac wrote:Bad: January, our youngest daughter was hit from behind (I'd say rear-ended but I know the minds here... :roll: ) just before the I-40/Derm Freeway split with over $2K damage done to her car.
Good: No personal injuries and the repairs were completed in a timely fashion with little argument from the offending party/ins. co. We have yet to see if it will affect the trade value of the car.
I had absolutely nothing, whatsoever, to do with this accident. I had one of my own. Thank you very much.

I returned from a trip to Sanford NC, around 6PM today. I had been there to visit with an attorney.
On June 10, I was involved in an accident there. Anyone familiar with US421 (Horner Blvd) through that fair city? Particularly, the portion that runs past the downtown area? Between Wicker St. and the railroad overpass? A very dangerous area if I must say so, and I must. All here should be alert to the dangers. They are: far too much traffic; too fast of a posted speed limit; travel lanes too narrow for modern vehicles; too much camber to the road surface. I could go on and on yet will not.

On to the sorry details. As I was traveling south to Fayetteville that morning, I passed across Wicker St. intersection with no traffic before me. There was a car on my right. I was in the left lane. After passing across, my eyes scanned the mirrors, right first, then driver's side. As my eyes scan back toward the front, there were two ladies on the sidewalk, in front of a pet store, on my left. One lady was placing a small brown dog down onto the ground and, of course, this captured my attention. My thoughts were "Is this dog going to run out in the street? (it was unleashed) If so, will anyone try to chase it?" "Holy shit!" MY eyes scanned back ahead, 12 O'Clock. Problem is, the road makes right turn thereand now, ahead is more like 2 O'Clock. OMG! There's a pickup truck with a left turn signal on. I only have 125 feet to get stopped at the speed of 34mph. The limit is 35. It should have been 25. I wish it were 25. Maybe, no left turns should be allowed between the hours of 9AM and 6PM.

The guy wasn't there 200 feet ago. Where the hell did he come from. Brakes were stomped. Prayers were muttered. Nothing worked. I tagged his right rear bumper. Due to the fact that he was in a right-hand curve, my impact pushed him across the lane of travel into oncoming traffic. A young lady, going northbound, hit his right front bumper. He was OK. She was not. Ugly injury to her right foot. She ended up being air-lifted to Chapel Hole. I ended up with a citation from the local authorities for failure to reduce speed in order to avoid collision with a vehicle. The language used on the ticket form I cannot disagree with. However, the ticket says nothing about my possible ability to stop. I did everything I could do to try to get stopped. I did not have the time and distance. My vehicle weighed 80,000lbs and at 34mph, with a fair coefficient of drag, 34mph speed, I needed probably at least 200 feet to get stopped.

I was drug tested upon my return home. Negative. Alcohol testing-again negative. I don't chit-chat on the cell phone. I only carry one in cases of emergency. No distractions of any nature other than what hazards were before me. My boss did me the favor of "discharging" me upon my return from drug testing. I say favor because his rush to judgment will likely be his undoing. Proper attitude should have been suspension during investigation. All his investigation was performed after the discharge. I have attended one union/company hearing in Ocean City MD. The committee there never heard the case of the accident. They ruled that no evidence received after the time discharge was announced, would be admitted. They ruled 3 to 3 that I had been unduly discharged, automatically kicking the case up to another committee at the national level. Negotiations are underway to arrive at an out-of-arbitration settlement. I hope they are favorable. The next level meets in Providence RI soon. I want not to have to go, but I do want to return to my job, as bad as it can be. I have 17 years invested with this company and I'm too old to start anew elsewhere. I'd be the most unlikely to have a recurrence. Experience is a great teacher. Also, far too many living under my roof are dependent on me.

A virtual drive can be made through this stretch of road by Googling, 202 S Horner Sanford NC. Click on the "Street view" inside the pop-up balloon that will appear over the map. Click the arrowheads to travel southward toward the intersection of Pearl St. Coincidentally, a white pickup truck will appear at the intersection point of impact, where Pearl St shows up on the left, just past a small parking lot. These photos are out of sequence for one photo. If you click ahead , one more arrow spot, the truck will magically back up to the impact point. The last building on the left, before the truck, is the pet shop.

If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. But, I do have great co-workers, who took up a collection for me to finance my trip to Ocean City. They have full understanding of the dangers all those face when passing through this area. Their vote of confidence in me is quite uplifting. I pray for more.
Awful story/circumstances. Sorry to read that one. Best of luck with resolution in your favor.

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 11:15 pm
by wilson
captmojo wrote:It was quite therapeutic to get that out of me.
I have been in deep depression. What if? What if not?
I wish I had laid out of work that day.
I had to come to the realization that I had done everything I could do to avoid what became inevitable that day.
It took a long time.
It could have been worse. I don't have the slightest idea how people that have been through something like this, with worse injuries, cope with the realities.
I have co-workers that have endured accidents resulting in fatality. One was the result of suicide. They all have nightmares. I've had my share.
So, from reading/inferring, am I correct in thinking you're a truck/some other kind of commercial driver? Because I think that's kind of awesome. I'd love to come along on a ride sometime (apologies if I'm totally wrong, or if this is somehow insulting/presumptuous/whatever). Of course, I might rather just run defense for you for a while in a '76 Trans Am with Sally Field riding shotgun...

Re: Life Is Not Good: The anti-thread to wilson's Life Is Good

Posted: July 27th, 2009, 11:42 pm
by DukieInKansas
captmojo wrote:
DukePA wrote:Hang tough CaptMojo. How about a mega-ton of CT vibes?????
Darlin', if you get started, I'm NOT gonna make you stop.
I need all I can get.
I have not received a traffic violation, of any sort, in over 25 years.
Vibes from Kansas.