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Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 3:29 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Best of luck to him as well. I remember the first time I met him was with Ozzie at a tailgate, and he was walking past.
Ozzie asked "Who are you?". He stopped and introduced himself, I laughed. :D ... nba-draft/

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 4:30 pm
Yeah, I remember that too. Good luck and best wishes to both of them. Hope the door doesn't hit them in their asses on their way out. :9f:

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 4:42 pm
by Lavabe
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Yeah, I remember that too. Good luck and best wishes to both of them. Hope the door doesn't hit them in their asses on their way out. :9f:
And in other news...

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 11:54 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
I remember when great players were as rare as hen's teeth and each time one left us we thought we'd never get another as terrific as that one. We'd say to ourselves, "Well, it was fun while it lasted."

I remember when I could name every player at UVA or UNC or Georgia Tech and could probably even tell you their numbers. I even remember when I knew the coaches names at every school in the ACC. I even remember when I could remember which schools were even IN the ACC! I remember when each team had a definite personality and the players had decidedly different body types and temperments. I remember when I could tell a Ford from a Chevrolet.

Now, not so much. Guys pass through programs in the left hand lanes :auto-layrubber: so fast they're almost a blur. Hardly worth the effort to even try get to know and care about them.

This "forever being a part of the Duke Family" is a farce. They're only foster children who don't even unpack their bags.
Love, Ima

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 8:05 am
by CameronBornAndBred
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote: This "forever being a part of the Duke Family" is a farce. They're only foster children who don't even unpack their bags.
Love, Ima
I like that statement. Maybe "Duke houseguests", but not family.
I still don't have issues with Rodney though, he was at Duke for two years and has been more than a solid student while on campus. In NBA terms, he's already middle aged; he needs to go if he is going to make the most of his dream.

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 8:54 am
by CathyCA
For my emotional investment in Duke players, I have the "four year rule." I don't invest my emotions in an individual player unless and until he enters his senior year. Unless and until a player indicates that he's going to stay at Duke as long as I did, I'm not interested in "falling in love" with him.

For me, it's all about the name on the front of the jersey, not the name on the back of the jersey. When a player earns the right to purchase a Duke class ring, then I care about him.

Speaking of four-year players, did I mention that I had a nice convo with Grant Hill last Saturday night at the Big Gala at our Duke reunion?


Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 8:56 am
by Very Duke Blue
I'm tired of one and done. Teams build championships, not one and done. :(

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 10:24 am
by IowaDevil
I ditto Ima! Could it be our ages? Hmmmm….. :(

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 11:03 am
by Very Duke Blue
IowaDevil wrote:I ditto Ima! Could it be our ages? Hmmmm….. :(
I agree with both of you. My age also fits. :D

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 12:05 pm
by DevilWearsPrada2.0
The Best to Rodney in the NBA draft.
He was a part of the team for 2 years, even though he had to sit out a year for transferring to Duke.

At least Rodney had a year of college before Duke, and 2 years at Duke. So he should be well on his way to graduating. (some day).

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 12:28 pm
by DukePA
Very Duke Blue wrote:I'm tired of one and done. Teams build championships, not one and done. :(
Amen, Mom!

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 3:02 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
CathyCA wrote:For my emotional investment in Duke players, I have the "four year rule." I don't invest my emotions in an individual player unless and until he enters his senior year. Unless and until a player indicates that he's going to stay at Duke as long as I did, I'm not interested in "falling in love" with him.

For me, it's all about the name on the front of the jersey, not the name on the back of the jersey. When a player earns the right to purchase a Duke class ring, then I care about him.

Speaking of four-year players, did I mention that I had a nice convo with Grant Hill last Saturday night at the Big Gala at our Duke reunion?

:spork: :spork: :spork: :spork:
By the way, saw the photo you took with Grant, very cool! :happy-bouncyblue: :duke:

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 3:47 pm
by Lavabe
On espn: ... p-priority
Yeah, yeah, whatever.

And in other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead. :D

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 4:52 pm
by TillyGalore
And in other the news, the ball still does not go in.

:happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: Rodney goes too.

Posted: April 19th, 2014, 10:21 am
by CathyCA
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
CathyCA wrote:For my emotional investment in Duke players, I have the "four year rule." I don't invest my emotions in an individual player unless and until he enters his senior year. Unless and until a player indicates that he's going to stay at Duke as long as I did, I'm not interested in "falling in love" with him.

For me, it's all about the name on the front of the jersey, not the name on the back of the jersey. When a player earns the right to purchase a Duke class ring, then I care about him.

Speaking of four-year players, did I mention that I had a nice convo with Grant Hill last Saturday night at the Big Gala at our Duke reunion?

:spork: :spork: :spork: :spork:
By the way, saw the photo you took with Grant, very cool! :happy-bouncyblue: :duke:
I got sporks! :happy-bouncyblue:

RE: The Picture with Grant
What an inopportune time for the flash NOT to work. But I did some post-production things with the picture we got to brighten it up.
