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CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 28th, 2013, 4:23 pm
by windsor
It seems that some of the CTN lovelies may have added a little more padding than they are happy with. Based on a conversation in Section 21 day we will be commencing he first ever CTN Weight Loss Challenge.

Tentative Start date is 1/16.

So first, some decisions.

1-competitive or supportive or both?
2-we could use a thread or two on list or use fitnesspal, modivade or some other off list tool. upside of an off list tool is that it can be made private. I am not big on blasting my exact tonnage on a public forum :D I am looking in to some of the available sites/tools now. Downside is we'd need to create accounts/login and maintain.
3-duration? shorter challengers with smaller goals...long challenge or both
4-CTN lovelies only or would we consider friends/family of same (WindsorsDaughter and WindsorsMother might be interested...I would not have problem with trusted friends of CTNers but it should be a group decision

I have a friend that ran a virtual challenge a few months ago, I am checking with her.

Input, insight, ideas and interest are all encouraged.

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 28th, 2013, 5:03 pm
by lawgrad91
I'm in.

In regards to Windsor's other thoughts:

I do better with supportive as opposed to competitive, but I can live with competitive.
I have fitnesspal, which I was planning to use when I got back from our cruise the first full week of January. Not sure if that is something that can be shared. I would also prefer not putting my weight out for God and everybody, so I would prefer an app or other download.
I had planned as my goal 50 pounds, a pound a week for the year. But I'm okay with a short duration.
I also am fine with non CTN members, provided they are vouched for by one of our members. I have a friend that might like to be involved.

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 12:24 am
by CathyCA
I can go with either competitive or supportive. I have my 30th Duke reunion coming up this spring. That's motivating for me.

I'm in either way!


Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 12:30 am
by CathyCA
I forgot to say, I use myfitnesspal on my iPhone.


Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 12:38 pm
by IowaDevil
I'm in and prefer support over competitive! Am fine with non-CTN as long as they are friends of CTN and I won't post my tonnage on any line but willing to share gains/loss numbers! I use Calorie Count app but would be willing to switch if needed. Anyone ever use or see the usefulness of FitBit? I think we trust your creative talents Windsor! Can I have a 5 lb. head start since I"m the oldest? ;)

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 1:36 pm
by DukePA
I'm in. I have been doing 100 to 200 squats/day and will now get serious about planking. ID, I should get the 5 lb head start because I WEIGH the most!!! :D ... tober-1st/

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 3:02 pm
by windsor
I have a fitbit. It is pretty cool if you like gadget based stuffed. My phone (galaxy S4) also has S-health which does a lo of the time same stuff. the fitbit is easier to clip to the bra when the phone would just be in the way.

I am looking at motivade and fitness pal. Fitness pal is easy, and has a (free) phone app for iphone or droid for the smart phone folk. We can set up a private group in fitness pal . I like fitness pal because it tracks food, exercise etc from either the web or my phone (so I can grab the phone and faithfully record the calories from the 'snacks' at Costco)

Motivade (also free) has a lot of built in challenges and badges - which I kind of like but it doesn't have a phone app. It also seems to place more focus on the getting other people to join up. meh.

I have more to look at, and I've just asked my facebook friends for feedback (I know some of them have done it).

I am more interested in 'support' than competition. I figure we all win if we drop some pounds and get fitter.

No one who doesn't wish to share tonnage will have to. It would be great to share loss numbers or %.

I might (with group consent) wish to brag at some point about TOTAL in the <insert our name> have dropped a total of 100 lbs!!!

We need a name.

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 3:59 pm
by DukePA
Great comments, Windsor. A name would be cool. I'm going to download the Fitness Pal app.

I would like to share what is motivating me this time around. Obviously health and vanity aren't enough to get me going, so I gave it a lot of thought, and decided that I really, really want to be on my stand up paddle board every chance I get when the warm weather returns. I used it on the sound once last summer and found that I am so heavy and out of shape that I couldn't stand up on it. I just sat on by butt and paddled. That was fun, but not nearly enough. I WILL be the Emerald Isle SUP Queen this summer!!!

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 4:10 pm
by windsor
Good for you! Motivation is such a personal thing...if your Paddle Board gets you on 'board' that is awesome.

In my case, I am sick and tired of being sick an tired and cringing when I see a photo of me. I put weight on the back burner when I quit smoking, figuring I could deal with the pounds later. Well it is later. Much later. Enough whining and complaining, time to get my ample buttocks up and get to it.

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 4:58 pm
by ArkieDukie
Count me in!

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 8:00 pm
by IowaDevil
I'm fine with all the suggestions so far! Will put my aging brain to work on a name suggestion! :D :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 9:56 pm
by lawgrad91
My friend Sandy is interested in joining us. She and I used to go to Weight Watchers together. :9f:

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 30th, 2013, 10:42 am
by DukieInKansas
Count me in!

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: December 31st, 2013, 5:47 pm
by windsor
I've looked at the apps out there. I'm thinking of either LoseIt or FitnessPal

LoseIt has a paid and free option. The FREE option will do plenty, there is no need to ask anyone to pony up any cash.

The major differences - LoseIt has goals/challenges that you can participate in as additional motivation (ie nothing fried for 7 days)
The food search engine is a bit more robust. Everything can be controlled by who your 'friends' are. The interface with friends is facebook-esque. You can control how much info you see. Privacy settings are excellent. No on need know your tonnage :D

FitnessPal doesn't have any of the challenges - but would allow me to set up a private group.

both have phone based apps -

In other news, my friend Karyn is interested in jumping in.

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: January 2nd, 2014, 10:02 am
by windsor
Further updates...
I have talked with my friends who set up a fitness challenge. They had $$ involved...I am NOT a fan of this idea. The used a points system as part of a competitive component.
They had weekly, monthly and full challenge winners. They made each challenge 12 weeks - and they are on their third go round right now.

this is just a sample...

Daily Points:
1 pt: Contact with Teammate
3 pts: 64 oz Water
3 pts: Stop eating before 9 pm
3 pts: 2 Fruit Servings (1/2 cup each)
5 pts: 3 Vegetable Servings
5 pts: No Sweets/Sugary Treats
5 pts: Logged food and exercise
5 pts: 30 min. exercise OR
7 pts: 45 min. exercise
1 pt for each mile walked

Weeklly points:
10 pts per pound lost (max 2)
5 points for holding weight
10 pts 10k steps or more 3 days in week

I can come up with a way to make it failry painless to track points :)

Thoughts ladies?

We still need a name...

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: January 2nd, 2014, 1:15 pm
by IowaDevil
Points sound fun and I trust your creative genius for our final plan! :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: January 2nd, 2014, 1:16 pm
by IowaDevil
Outside of CTN members cannot be a Tarhole OR one of these taunt & flaunt Aggies! YUCKO!

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: January 2nd, 2014, 1:34 pm
by windsor
IowaDevil wrote:Outside of CTN members cannot be a Tarhole OR one of these taunt & flaunt Aggies! YUCKO!

LOL no aggies or tarholes. that is fair enough.

I am working on the final details for group approval.

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: January 2nd, 2014, 3:34 pm
by DukieInKansas
Name suggestion: CTN Babes4Less ;)

Of course, people could get all sorts of ideas with that name. :D

Re: CTN Weight Loss Challenge!

Posted: January 12th, 2014, 10:29 pm
by lawgrad91
When do we start?

I think I am going to bite the bullet and start my program tomorrow morning. X(