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Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 4:15 pm
by colchar
I won't go into the gory details, but I just wanted to encourage people not to take what might seem to be minor health issues lightly. I did and am seriously paying the price right now.

I won't go into the gory details because I am sure there are at least a few people here who have weak stomachs. Suffice it to say that for about two years I had a small patch of rough skin on the top left side of my left foot. Being a typical guy, I completely ignored it. When that patch of rough skin spread to the outside ankle on that foot I finally decided that I should probably mention it to my doctor (but still didn't do so for a few months). He sent me to a dermatologist who said that it was a very minor case of psoriasis and that it was extremely common. He injected some medication into it and told me to come back a month later for another round of injections. After that second round the patch of rough skin on the ankle erupted into an ulcer. But yet again, and most likely because I am a guy, I didn’t bother going right back in to see the doctor and waited until my next appointment before telling him about it. He had no idea why it had happened, but prescribed a special type of dressing (made of an almost rubbery material) that is designed to completely isolate the wound and enhance healing. I was to change the dressings once a week and the first couple of changes went fine. After changing it last Wednesday though that changed and things started going to shit – the next day the ankle was sore and the day after that it was much worse (there had been absolutely no pain whatsoever before this). By the time Saturday rolled around I couldn’t put any weight on the foot as doing so felt like I was having hot knives plunged into the area around my ankle, my foot, and the lower part of my shin immediately above the ankle. First thing in the morning is the absolute worst as I cannot put any weight on the foot at all. Strangely, if I power through it and force myself to walk in spite of the pain, it eases up a bit and walking becomes easier – but it definitely isn’t pain free and it seizes up again as soon as I am off of it for even just a few minutes.

I called the doctor Monday and was in to see him yesterday (basically only because I had mentioned it to my parents who threatened to come over and drag me there if I didn't go myself) and he said that I have either a staph infection or a strep infection - he thinks strep is far more likely but we won't know for certain until the results come back from the lab in a day or two. Strep and staph infections are not to be taken lightly, especially as they can develop into something much much more serious.

So that is where I am at right now (minus the gory details) - I have a badly infected ulcer on my left foot and that infection has spread to other areas of the foot and is painful to the point that I can hardly walk. I have an antibiotic ointment that is to be applied twice per day and penicillin that I am to take four times per day. These pills are strong and are making me vomit (medication never does that to me) but it will be worth it if they stop this infection in its tracks. The doctor also called this morning and said that he has decided that I need to have a wound care nurse come to my place to attend to the wound and change the dressing for me rather than to continue doing it myself as I had been. My mother had one of those nurses come to my parent’s place after she developed a post-operative infection following stomach surgery and they did a great job with her so, hopefully, whoever comes to see me will be just as good. He is initially scheduling her to come in three times per week but if she determines that I need more frequent visits she will alter that schedule. Luckily, this is all covered under my provincial health care plan so neither the nurse nor any of the supplies she brings will cost me a dime.

So a simple patch of rough skin, that I completely ignored, has morphed into something much much more serious. As a result, I encourage all of you (implore might be a more appropriate term to use) to take your health seriously (especially the guys here as we men can be somewhat cavalier about our health) as even the simplest little things can have serious consequences. If you have any medical issues that you have been ignoring please get yourself to your doctor – chances are that they are nothing but, as I am learning the hard way, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 4:37 pm
by windsor
I will send my daughter post haste.

Mega healing vibes... :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

That sounds horrible (even without the gory details) I hope the antibiotics kick it from here to hell won't have it pronto.

...and now what have we learned from this????

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 4:42 pm
by colchar
windsor wrote:I will send my daughter post haste.

:x :x :x

Mega healing vibes... :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

That sounds horrible (even without the gory details) I hope the antibiotics kick it from here to hell won't have it pronto.

...and now what have we learned from this????
Not to take health issues lightly!

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 4:53 pm
by lawgrad91
Healing vibes from the Varnish Zone, Colchar. Hope this heals quickly and without too much more pain and sickness. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 5:04 pm
by DukieInKansas
Healing vibes from Kansas. Also sending mental little pointy toed shoes to the antibiotics so they can kick the nasty bacteria right out of your foot.

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 5:55 pm
by DukePA
Big ass healing vibes to you! Unsolicited advice: if you develop a fever or if the infection spreads, get to an ER.
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 6:36 pm
by Bob Green
I'm sending healing vibes your way!!! Get well soon.

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 7:29 pm
by IowaDevil
Yikes, this IS a big deal and major healing vibes to you! Oh and a couple hugs as well.
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :ymhug: :ymhug:

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 7:38 pm
by colchar
DukePA wrote:Big ass healing vibes to you! Unsolicited advice: if you develop a fever or if the infection spreads, get to an ER.
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Yeah the doctor warned me about that yesterday. Luckily, I live within 500 yards of a hospital!

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 7:43 pm
by colchar
I decided to try and clean my foot up a little bit so I filled the bathtub with a few inches of water (basically room temperature instead of hot or cold) and soaked my foot in that for a few minutes. I then gently cleaned the area around the ulcer and then patted the foot dry before using an alcohol swab to make sure it was clean. Instead of putting the normal dressing on I just have a gauze pad on it for now. The regular dressing is rubbery and has adhesive on one side and, although it stays in place very well, it can irritate the original wound and the swollen skin around it due to the fact that it sticks to the skin. I know that is what it is supposed to do but I just needed an hours relief from that so I went with the gauze. After I've eaten I will apply some more of the antibiotic ointment and will put the proper dressing back on.

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 8:25 pm
by ArkieDukie
Lots of healing vibes coming your way, along with pointy-toed shin kicks to the microbes. Extra help for the antibiotics, you know.
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 8:59 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Oh Man!!!! We hope you are able to get on top of it quickly.

This is a dangerous thing for certain. Our daughter is still fighting staph infections she picked up in a simple surgery at Duke. It went crazy and consumed her entire body. Most of the folks here know about it. She's been through at least 12 surgeries and many complications. She's never completely healed. In fact, she's in the middle of another crisis and will see the surgeon tomorrow to see what can be done.

You are right to warn everybody to be on guard. Unfortunately, we didn't get any warning. It just hit her broadside suddenly. Be sure you complete the ENTIRE course of medication. Don't skip any doses!

Sending our CTN vibes knowing they are the most powerful kind. They pack a powerful punch. :wizard: :ymhug: :wizard: :ymhug: :wizard: :ymhug:
Love, Ima

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 10:25 pm
Vibes Colchar. Take care of yourself. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I'm sure you (and everyone else) has heard of MRSA (pronounced mersa). Well, the S is Staph. It can kill, and often does. I believe that's what Grant Hill developed after his ankle surgery. He almost lost his leg/foot. Fortunately, he got better and after 4 years or so was able to resume his career.

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 10:41 pm
by colchar
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Vibes Colchar. Take care of yourself. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Thanks Ozzie, and everyone else too.

I'm sure you (and everyone else) has heard of MRSA (pronounced mersa). Well, the S is Staph. It can kill, and often does. I believe that's what Grant Hill developed after his ankle surgery. He almost lost his leg/foot. Fortunately, he got better and after 4 years or so was able to resume his career.

Yes, I am familiar with that and am worried sick that I have something along those lines. I am really hoping that the lab confirms that it is a strep infection. That being said, that flesh eating disease thingy is also a form of strep infection so I am hoping that what I have is a less dangerous form of strep than that (they are all dangerous, but that flesh eating things is worse).

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 17th, 2013, 11:26 pm
by CathyCA
I'm sending vibes, hugs and prayers. I hope you feel better soon, Colchar!


Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 18th, 2013, 7:20 am
by Very Duke Blue
Many vibes and prayers coming from Efland. GET WELL SOON!!!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY: :YMPRAY:

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 18th, 2013, 10:26 pm
by devildeac
Get well soon. Scary stuff to read about, even as a physician.

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 18th, 2013, 10:37 pm
by Lavabe
Major vibes oh great Canadian one!! Thoughts are going out to you!! :wizard:

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 19th, 2013, 1:11 am
by colchar
devildeac wrote:Get well soon. Scary stuff to read about, even as a physician.

I take it that strep infections are pretty damned serious eh?

Re: Don't Take Health Issues Lightly (And I Need Some Vibes)

Posted: July 19th, 2013, 1:11 am
by colchar
I see the wound care specialist nurse for the first time tomorrow afternoon and I should be hearing from the doctor tomorrow morning. Hopefully he will have the lab results back by then. If not, I'll get those results from him via telephone on Monday. When we talk tomorrow he'll decide when he wants to see me again, whether it is sometime tomorrow or not until early next week after I've seen the nurse a couple of times.

The doctor said that the nurse would be coming to my place but, when they called to arrange the first appointment, they said that I had to go into their clinic. Luckily it isn't far away (it is actually in the building next door to my favourite guitar shop which I would normally visit a couple of times per week). I'll speak to the doctor about having to go into their clinic when we talk tomorrow. I've scheduled my appointment for the afternoon as my foot and lower leg are just too painful first thing in the morning for me to deal with getting over to the clinic (thankfully I drive an automatic transmission so I don't have to use the left foot to work a clutch!). I have appointments tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday and then the nurse I am dealing with will determine the schedule from there on in. If I need to see her daily we'll do that, if it is every second or third day that is the schedule we'll keep.

When I was applying the ointment to the wound this evening I thought that the area around the wound looked like it was darker (blacker rather than redder) than before but that could easily be because of the adhesive dressings being attached to swollen and extra sensitive skin and causing bruising. I'll speak to both the doctor and the nurse about that tomorrow. Then again, since the wound is on the outside ankle of my left foot it isn't exactly easy for me to see so my view/perspective might be totally off (seriously, try to get into a position in which you can get a really good, close up look at your outer ankle - not an easy task!).

Thanks for all the vibes and well wishes, I'll keep you all updated as to what is happening.