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Vibes Request!

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 4:49 pm
by Native
If you have any spare vibes around, send 'em my way - about to take a three-hour final in Differential Equations!

Bright side: this will be the last math test I'll ever have to take (excepting Graduate School if that's where I end up).

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 5:08 pm
Native wrote:If you have any spare vibes around, send 'em my way - about to take a three-hour final in Differential Equations!

Bright side: this will be the last math test I'll ever have to take (excepting Graduate School if that's where I end up).
Vibes, but why in the hell are you taking differential equations? You're not an engineer (or math major), are you? I was an engineer and I never took it. It would have been my 5th required math course, but having a Management Science second major, Statistics for that major counted as my 5th math course! Would I have benefited from taking differential equations? Perhaps, but since I graduated without it and don't do "real" engineering work, I don't think so!
Anyway, here's your vibes!

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 5:26 pm
by windsor
Native wrote:If you have any spare vibes around, send 'em my way - about to take a three-hour final in Differential Equations!

Bright side: this will be the last math test I'll ever have to take (excepting Graduate School if that's where I end up).
Oh hell I hated differential equations with the heat of a thousand suns!
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 5:29 pm
by Native
Native wrote:If you have any spare vibes around, send 'em my way - about to take a three-hour final in Differential Equations!

Bright side: this will be the last math test I'll ever have to take (excepting Graduate School if that's where I end up).
Vibes, but why in the hell are you taking differential equations? You're not an engineer (or math major), are you? I was an engineer and I never took it. It would have been my 5th required math course, but having a Management Science second major, Statistics for that major counted as my 5th math course! Would I have benefited from taking differential equations? Perhaps, but since I graduated without it and don't do "real" engineering work, I don't think so!
Anyway, here's your vibes!
Computer Science. It's the last required math.

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 6:23 pm
by Devil in the Blue Dress
I hope you felt all went well. I was off duty when you requested vibes. I know you. You were prepared. You will be moving on to the next step in your coursework just fine. :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 8:55 pm
by lawgrad91
I was Christmas caroling at the nursing home and didn't see this til now, but I am certain you knocked it out of the park. But late vibes anyway. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 9:54 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Well I was vibrating anyway but didn't see this until it was too late. (Computer was down.) Hope it all went smoothly, Darlin'.

For what it's worth, I didn't contribute good math genes to your pool. When I went to Illinois I remember asking the adviser if they had a major that didn't require math AT ALL! That's how I wound up in Liberal Arts. I ended up with my MRS so it worked out well in the end or you wouldn't even be here. :D

Love, Ima

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 10:48 pm
by Native
Wasn't a pleasant experience, but I survived (I think). Thanks for the vibes!


Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 14th, 2012, 10:51 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Hoping the results are what I expect. I know you passed. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 9:05 am
by CathyCA
I'm late to the vibe party, but I'm happy you have this class in your rear view mirror.

I'm certain you did well.


Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 9:53 am
by IowaDevil
Am sorry I missed the vibe party prior to the test but am positive you did and outstanding job! Here's some extra vibes -- save them for when you need them for another test! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 10:34 am
by Native
IowaDevil wrote:Here's some extra vibes -- save them for when you need them for another test! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
That's today! Last final is Computer Organization and Design (Architecture, essentially). Woo-hoo!

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 10:58 am
by lawgrad91
Native wrote:
IowaDevil wrote:Here's some extra vibes -- save them for when you need them for another test! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:
That's today! Last final is Computer Organization and Design (Architecture, essentially). Woo-hoo!
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for today's test as well. They may be a little late on here, but I'm sure they showed up in the nick of time.

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 11:01 am
by DukePA
Continued vibes!! May your grades be an early Christmas present!!! So proud of you, dude!!! xoxoxo

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 1:00 pm
by Lavabe
I did NOT send vibes... I received a D in Calc 32 way back when, so vibes from me might be the WORST thing you could get. ;)

But I really do hope all went well. :ymapplause: :-BD :-BD

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 4:34 pm
by DevilAlumna
Native wrote:
Native wrote:If you have any spare vibes around, send 'em my way - about to take a three-hour final in Differential Equations!

Bright side: this will be the last math test I'll ever have to take (excepting Graduate School if that's where I end up).
Vibes, but why in the hell are you taking differential equations? You're not an engineer (or math major), are you? I was an engineer and I never took it. It would have been my 5th required math course, but having a Management Science second major, Statistics for that major counted as my 5th math course! Would I have benefited from taking differential equations? Perhaps, but since I graduated without it and don't do "real" engineering work, I don't think so!
Anyway, here's your vibes!
Computer Science. It's the last required math.
Ugh, I second the tall guy - you didn't want any vibes from me this time! I had to take DiffEQ twice, to get a grade that counted against my engineering major. Hope for you, first time was the charm. :wizard:

If/when you start to look for summer internships, and if you're interested in seeing what it would be like working for a large software company in Redmond, WA, shoot me a private message.

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 7:12 pm
by ArkieDukie
Too bad I didn't see this sooner. Diff Eq was my best math class in college . Vibes for good grades all around! :wizard:

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 15th, 2012, 8:40 pm
DevilAlumna wrote:If/when you start to look for summer internships, and if you're interested in seeing what it would be like working for a large software company in Redmond, WA, shoot me a private message.
WOW! That's an offer he can't, or shouldn't, refuse! B-)

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 16th, 2012, 3:50 am
by Cheermom
DevilAlumna wrote:If/when you start to look for summer internships, and if you're interested in seeing what it would be like working for a large software company in Redmond, WA, shoot me a private message.
WOW! That's an offer he can't, or shouldn't, refuse! B-)
Cheerson can help with that as well. He interned there as a PM and has coached several Duke students for their PM and developer interviews. Let me know if you want his assistance.

Re: Vibes Request!

Posted: December 16th, 2012, 3:53 am
by Cheermom
OZZIE4DUKE wrote: Vibes, but why in the hell are you taking differential equations? You're not an engineer (or math major), are you? I was an engineer and I never took it. It would have been my 5th required math course, but having a Management Science second major, Statistics for that major counted as my 5th math course! Would I have benefited from taking differential equations? Perhaps, but since I graduated without it and don't do "real" engineering work, I don't think so!
Anyway, here's your vibes!
Good thing you are not an engineering student now. They have to take 6 math courses including differential equations and calc-based statistics.