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If you're on Twitter...

Posted: December 11th, 2012, 12:57 pm
by lawgrad91
Quinn Cook wrote a great blog post on DukeBluePlanet ... am-fights/

and at the end he says, "Feel free to wish me luck on my chemistry exam tomorrow via Twitter (@qcook323).

Isn't it refreshing to know that we actually have STUDENTS who take actual CLASSES? A lot of the team will mention on Twitter when they have a project or an exam in their classes. Wonder how often that happens at some other places we shall not mention.... :9f:

If you're on Twitter, why not wish him good luck in chemistry? :wizard: :happy-bouncyblue: :duke:

Re: If you're on Twitter...

Posted: December 11th, 2012, 5:12 pm
by EarlJam
lawgrad91 wrote:Quinn Cook wrote a great blog post on DukeBluePlanet ... am-fights/

and at the end he says, "Feel free to wish me luck on my chemistry exam tomorrow via Twitter (@qcook323).

Isn't it refreshing to know that we actually have STUDENTS who take actual CLASSES? A lot of the team will mention on Twitter when they have a project or an exam in their classes. Wonder how often that happens at some other places we shall not mention.... :9f:

If you're on Twitter, why not wish him good luck in chemistry? :wizard: :happy-bouncyblue: :duke:

Very cool, thanks!

Always great to get the player's perspective and I LOVE the "fight" and "never be satisfied" attitude!
