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Thank goodness for honest people!

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 8:18 am
by shereec
Yesterday John and I were out and about running errands. We were getting all kinds of things done and talking about the projects to complete over the rest of the weekend, and our last stop was at Home Depot. John loaded the 40 pounds of charcoal he'd bought into the back of the car and I jumped in and started the car while he put the cart back in the cart return in the middle of the parking lot. You know - the one that's probably the farthest from the front door. I thought for a brief moment of getting my phone out of my purse so it would be handy, but decided any calls could wait til I got home. When we got home, I reached for my purse and it wasn't there! we searched all over the car twice and jumped back in to head for Home Depot, panic just beneath the surface. Did I leave it at the counter, did I leave it in the cart, did I put it on the ground while we loaded up? Holy Cow - wallet (and you know we'd hit the teller machine earlier in the day), credit cards, debit card, checkbook, social security card, teller machine receipt with checking account balance, $100 lottery scratch winner - OMG! I've never done anything like that before - what a brain fart!

20 minutes later, we run into Home Depot to find that some lovely lady had brought the purse in from the cart. Everything was there! Just last week I was behind a lady at the Kroger service counter who walked away and left her wallet on the counter. I yelled at her to come back (well not really yelled) and she was amazed that she had done that, but glad I got her attention. So I'm here to say that Karma is a very good thing - build it up all you can.

And I'd like to ask you all to send good vibes toward that unknown good samaritan that something wonderful happens to her soon!

Re: Thank goodness for honest people!

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 8:36 am
Glad you got your purse back intact! It's always nice to pay it forward! B-) B-) B-)

Also, great seeing Miles and Kelly (briefly) at the Cook Off yesterday!

Re: Thank goodness for honest people!

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 8:37 am
by DevilWearsPrada2.0
Thats a great story with the Best outcome! There are many honest people! Our generation and the generations before us, were taught to do the right thing!

You were very fortunate to have your Purse returned with everything, considering our economy, and so many people UNDEREMPLOYED and Unemployed, with lack of jobs to go around.

You are always winning on Scratch tickets? Which games do you play?

Re: Thank goodness for honest people!

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 9:27 am
by Miles
Yay! A month ago I walked into a Harris Teeter, took about ten steps and thought to myself "I probably need a shopping cart of this." So I went out and the first cart had a women's wallet in it. I took it straight to the customer service counter. Made me feel good to know that when the women traced her steps, that she would find her wallet and everything would be okay.

Glad you got the hookup! :ymhug:

Re: Thank goodness for honest people!

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 11:05 am
by IowaDevil
I "lost" my credit card in the French Market in New Orleans! We discovered it when Mr ID tried to use his (same account) a bit later and it was declined. We learned from the CC company that someone found mine, called the credit card company and asked what they should do with it! Another unknown good samaritan who I'm most grateful to! Visa had cancelled our card immediately and issued a new number! Whew! Made life with Mr ID much more pleasant when we discovered no one had used the card! Thanks to whoever that unknown is!

Re: Thank goodness for honest people!

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 11:13 am
by captmojo
Glad for all.
Losing that stuff really puts stress and panic into overtime.

Re: Thank goodness for honest people!

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 2:38 pm
by CathyCA
shereec wrote:And I'd like to ask you all to send good vibes toward that unknown good samaritan that something wonderful happens to her soon!
Oh, something wonderful is going to happen to that person. I just know it!


Re: Thank goodness for honest people!

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 2:52 pm
by Very Duke Blue
CathyCA wrote:
shereec wrote:And I'd like to ask you all to send good vibes toward that unknown good samaritan that something wonderful happens to her soon!
Oh, something wonderful is going to happen to that person. I just know it!

Yes, good things will happen to that nice lady, Miles and all others who do the right thing. :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: Thank goodness for honest people!

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 11:59 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
Super "feel good story". We need more of those. In fact, maybe we could use a "feel good" thread where we can post 'em.
Love, Ima