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Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 3:29 pm
by EarlJam
Okay, have been informed I (and others) are getting laid off next week.

Maybe the corporate life just isn't for me. But I do write well - especially for business - and specialize in marketing, advertising and public relations planning and writing. (writing on the boards doesn't count because I rarely proof it since it's, well, the boards).

Anyone out there in need of some contract work? Help with some writing? Getting articles published? Hell, I'll even paint your house.

Just reaching out. My time here has been fun, educational. Time for the next chapter.



Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 3:31 pm
by cl15876
EarlJam wrote:Okay, have been informed I (and others) are getting laid off next week.

Maybe the corporate life just isn't for me. But I do write well - especially for business - and specialize in marketing, advertising and public relations planning and writing. (writing on the boards doesn't count because I rarely proof it since it's, well, the boards).

Anyone out there in need of some contract work? Help with some writing? Getting articles published? Hell, I'll even paint your house.

Just reaching out. My time here has been fun, educational. Time for the next chapter.


EJ - sorry to hear this, but I know you with your charisma and talent that you will land on your feet, like a cat thrown in the air, spinning.... and always lands on its feet! Completely amazing feet! or shall I say feets! You have my email, send the document along! I will be vibing and praying for you all the same! :ympray: :ympray: :ympray: :ympray: :ympray:

Do you do tile work? I have a Master Bath I am remodeling?

I'm great company, but don't do drugs! :D

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 4:03 pm
by TillyGalore
EarlJam wrote:Okay, have been informed I (and others) are getting laid off next week.

Maybe the corporate life just isn't for me. But I do write well - especially for business - and specialize in marketing, advertising and public relations planning and writing. (writing on the boards doesn't count because I rarely proof it since it's, well, the boards).

Anyone out there in need of some contract work? Help with some writing? Getting articles published? Hell, I'll even paint your house.

Just reaching out. My time here has been fun, educational. Time for the next chapter.


EJ, I'm so sorry to read this. You looked forward to working for this company for so long. Wish I could help you. My house is almost done being painted. :(

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 4:04 pm
by wilson
Damn, dude. So sorry to hear that. I actually do know a good friend who's looking for some help next week...organizing a warehouse full of merchandise. Basically carrying heavy boxes, unpacking them, and sorting them. You could definitely make several hundred bucks, minimum. Call me on the phone; I'm leaving in the morning and will be away from the computer all week, but will have my cell the whole time.

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 4:08 pm
Sorry you are another victim of the economy. Sounds like it might be time to go have a beer or ten.

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 4:09 pm
by EarlJam
wilson wrote:Damn, dude. So sorry to hear that. I actually do know a good friend who's looking for some help next week...organizing a warehouse full of merchandise. Basically carrying heavy boxes, unpacking them, and sorting them. You could definitely make several hundred bucks, minimum. Call me on the phone; I'm leaving in the morning and will be away from the computer all week, but will have my cell the whole time.

Snap. Thanks Wilson. I'll definitely take him up on the offer and will do a helluva job too.

And thanks Tilly and Chris. Hey, I took a pay cut to come here but still got paid ($ and insurance and all that) to get one really good education in cable advertising. It was a whole new world for me and I met some awesome people. I don't regret it and it's something I can check off my bucket list.

Again, Wilson, count me in on the help with your friend. I'll call you but am definitely interested.

Thanks all,


Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 4:10 pm
by EarlJam
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Sorry you are another victim of the economy. Sounds like it might be time to go have a beer or ten.
Agreed. A good 'ol fashioned pity party tonight..........maybe tomorrow, then time to hit the pavement.

Hell, I could play right field for the Braves.


Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 4:38 pm
by Miles
EarlJam wrote:Okay, have been informed I (and others) are getting laid off next week.

Maybe the corporate life just isn't for me. But I do write well - especially for business - and specialize in marketing, advertising and public relations planning and writing. (writing on the boards doesn't count because I rarely proof it since it's, well, the boards).

Anyone out there in need of some contract work? Help with some writing? Getting articles published? Hell, I'll even paint your house.

Just reaching out. My time here has been fun, educational. Time for the next chapter.


Hey Buddy,
I'm really sorry to hear that man. I will be toasting you tonight.

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 4:41 pm
by CathyCA
How good are you at drafting a partnership dissolution agreement?

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 6:11 pm
by bjornolf
Man, so sorry to hear about that. Vibing and praying for you to find something fast. If you're really bored, you're welcome to proofread my book. I can't afford to pay you, but you'd get a free copy and a mention in my acknowledgments if I ever get published. ;)

If it's any consolation, your thread got my 1000th post. ;)


Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 6:15 pm
by DukePA
I'm sorry to hear this bro. Can you draw unemployment? I'm going to get a nice weekly check. Look at this as vacation!! Let's toast tonight at 10pm. I'll be out with my biker bitches. I'm going to let my folks know you're available. My dad always has some kind of manual labor type stuff he needs help with.

Hang tough 'cause I know something better is around the corner for both of us :)

So don't forget to toast the unemployed crazie talkers at 10 tonight!!!

Love ya'll and big hugs to my bro

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 7:04 pm
by DukeUsul
I'm sorry to hear that my friend. Check out the job listings on my company's site and see if anything looks up your alley. I can put in a referral for you. We predominately do work for the government. Not always the most exciting work, but very stable, and good benefits.

I know we have a writing job available in Atlanta, but it's more for someone with a background in health education. Might be worth a shot. Not sure if you are interested in other locations, but you could look for anything we have through this site.

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 7:09 pm
by Sue71
Sorry to hear that, EJ. Vibes to you.

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 1:03 am
by DevilAlumna
Bummer, Dude. Hope the severance is decent, and the line to collect those unemployment checks are short!

Big, huge vibes headed your way. If you have any interest in software marketing and would consider relocation, let me know.

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 7:29 am
by ArkieDukie
Sorry to hear it, EarlJam. Hopefully something even better will come up soon! Sending vibes and a virtual beer or two your way.

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 5:09 pm
by EarlJam
bjornolf wrote:Man, so sorry to hear about that. Vibing and praying for you to find something fast. If you're really bored, you're welcome to proofread my book. I can't afford to pay you, but you'd get a free copy and a mention in my acknowledgments if I ever get published. ;)

If it's any consolation, your thread got my 1000th post. ;)

Would love to proofread your book! Send it on!


Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 5:19 pm
by colchar
EarlJam wrote:
bjornolf wrote:Man, so sorry to hear about that. Vibing and praying for you to find something fast. If you're really bored, you're welcome to proofread my book. I can't afford to pay you, but you'd get a free copy and a mention in my acknowledgments if I ever get published. ;)

If it's any consolation, your thread got my 1000th post. ;)

Would love to proofread your book! Send it on!


Heck, I'd be interested in proofing your book too. I've served a term as the editor of an academic journal so am not a stranger to proofreading.

Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 5:25 pm
by EarlJam
DukeUsul wrote:I'm sorry to hear that my friend. Check out the job listings on my company's site and see if anything looks up your alley. I can put in a referral for you. We predominately do work for the government. Not always the most exciting work, but very stable, and good benefits.

I know we have a writing job available in Atlanta, but it's more for someone with a background in health education. Might be worth a shot. Not sure if you are interested in other locations, but you could look for anything we have through this site.
Health education? Does working for the American Cancer Society as an agency rep work? I will check out this site asap. Thanks! Thanks a ton!


Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 5:57 pm
by bjornolf
I'm in the middle of an edit, but almost done. If you PM me your address, I'll send it to you, EJ. Maybe you could send it to Colchar when you're done, and he could send it back to me. ;)


Re: Contract Work?

Posted: June 20th, 2009, 7:16 pm
by windsor
sorry to hear that EarlJam - been down that road myself and it sucks. I have some friends in the Atlanta area - I'll touch base with them and see if they know of anything - in the mean time, raising my glass in your direction "Here's to new and better things EJ"