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Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 23rd, 2011, 5:27 pm
by ArkieDukie
I had a particularly rough day at work today and am really down in the dumps. When I've been in a rough stretch before, I've found that the best way to get through is to make a list of positives at the end of the day. It seems like Ima has mentioned this before, in fact. So, I'm going to start a thread where we can all list the good things that happened today. Hopefully we can all focus on these things instead of bad things (like our respective PHBs being asshats).

Today, I am thankful that it's the last day of work before a 4.5 day weekend! :happy-bouncyblue:

One of my coworkers brought homemade toffee. It was yummy. Will definitely need to get back on an exercise/weight loss regimen after the holidays.
PHB left at 2:45, so all of us left work early. I was the last one out the door; I left just before 4:00.
I have not yet gotten food poisoning from the cafeteria sushi that I had for lunch.
I got to jerk The Minion around a little bit (she didn't specify instructions for processing her data file). :ymdevil:
Didn't have to see The Minion and PPI, as both of them were off today for the upcoming holidays. :-BD

Hey, look at all the good things that happened! It wasn't such a bad day after all!

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 23rd, 2011, 7:26 pm
by Lavabe
ArkieDukie wrote:I had a particularly rough day at work today and am really down in the dumps. When I've been in a rough stretch before, I've found that the best way to get through is to make a list of positives at the end of the day. It seems like Ima has mentioned this before, in fact. So, I'm going to start a thread where we can all list the good things that happened today. Hopefully we can all focus on these things instead of bad things (like our respective PHBs being asshats).

Today, I am thankful that it's the last day of work before a 4.5 day weekend! :happy-bouncyblue:

One of my coworkers brought homemade toffee. It was yummy. Will definitely need to get back on an exercise/weight loss regimen after the holidays.
PHB left at 2:45, so all of us left work early. I was the last one out the door; I left just before 4:00.
I have not yet gotten food poisoning from the cafeteria sushi that I had for lunch.
I got to jerk The Minion around a little bit (she didn't specify instructions for processing her data file). :ymdevil:
Didn't have to see The Minion and PPI, as both of them were off today for the upcoming holidays. :-BD

Hey, look at all the good things that happened! It wasn't such a bad day after all!
Did anyone bring in some Cheryl's Cookies today? :ymdevil: :ymdevil: :)) :))

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 23rd, 2011, 8:23 pm
by Very Duke Blue
AD, I hope your days off are good. I assume you will be with family and people who love you. I'm glad I got to met you and hope to see you next year in Galviston on my next trip to Texas. :ymhug:


Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 23rd, 2011, 9:57 pm
by captmojo
It didn't rain. :|

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 7:36 am
by DevilWearsPrada2.0
To celebrate Christmas and the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

Merry Christmas to everyone and be safe over the holidays.

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 7:50 am
by windsor
You have job prospects on the/horizon :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 9:03 am
by Very Duke Blue
I'm thankful for my family, friends and so much more. God bless us all. :ymhug:

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 9:24 am
by ArkieDukie
Lavabe wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:I had a particularly rough day at work today and am really down in the dumps. When I've been in a rough stretch before, I've found that the best way to get through is to make a list of positives at the end of the day. It seems like Ima has mentioned this before, in fact. So, I'm going to start a thread where we can all list the good things that happened today. Hopefully we can all focus on these things instead of bad things (like our respective PHBs being asshats).

Today, I am thankful that it's the last day of work before a 4.5 day weekend! :happy-bouncyblue:

One of my coworkers brought homemade toffee. It was yummy. Will definitely need to get back on an exercise/weight loss regimen after the holidays.
PHB left at 2:45, so all of us left work early. I was the last one out the door; I left just before 4:00.
I have not yet gotten food poisoning from the cafeteria sushi that I had for lunch.
I got to jerk The Minion around a little bit (she didn't specify instructions for processing her data file). :ymdevil:
Didn't have to see The Minion and PPI, as both of them were off today for the upcoming holidays. :-BD

Hey, look at all the good things that happened! It wasn't such a bad day after all!
Did anyone bring in some Cheryl's Cookies today? :ymdevil: :ymdevil: :)) :))
No, but that would've been good. As the name would imply, those were some high quality cookies. :D

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 9:25 am
by ArkieDukie
Very Duke Blue wrote:AD, I hope your days off are good. I assume you will be with family and people who love you. I'm glad I got to met you and hope to see you next year in Galviston on my next trip to Texas. :ymhug:

Thanks, VDB!

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 9:27 am
by ArkieDukie
windsor wrote:You have job prospects on the/horizon :happy-bouncyblue:
Thanks for the reminder! That is also something to be grateful for. Believe me, I did think of it multiple times yesterday. I'll post in another thread why I was so torqued.

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 9:29 am
by ArkieDukie
Very Duke Blue wrote:I'm thankful for my family, friends and so much more. God bless us all. :ymhug:
Amen to that! :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :ymhug:

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 9:30 am
by ArkieDukie
Today I'm thankful to be headed away from the craziness of the city for a few days. The visit to the "funny farm" (my sister's name for our family home) is definitely timely. It will be great to hang out with family and friends for a few days. :happy-bouncyblue: :happy-bouncyblue: :9f:

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 12:08 pm
by CathyCA
Today I'm thankful that Sam is here! He's eating and napping mostly. It's not that different from when he was a baby almost 20 years ago.


Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 1:17 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
I'm thankful today for (I usually list 5 things at the end of each nightly journal entry) :

1. All you guys.
2. DukeRah is vertical for the first Christmas in the last four!
3. Native made all As!
4. The Salvation Army bell-ringer guy outside Harris Teeter who is so cheerful and helpful. Does his job so well you want to drop something in each and every time you pass.
5 I've made a miracle recovery from back and hip pain that kept be sidelined for the last month. (It got me out of a lot of holiday duty,though.)

Love you guys sooooooo much. I'll be thinking of all of you and your little ones tonight when OP and I settle down for our long winter's nap! Merry Christmas.

Love, Ima

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 1:39 pm
by DukePA
I am thankful for so much this year. When I think back to 2002, when I was in Illinois and my life was crumbling around me, I knew then that my life was going through a metamorphosis. All I can say is that my wildest dreams have been reached and exceeded. My son, Josh, is still with Liz, the love of his life and very happy. My parents, sisters, brother, niece, nephews and great nephew are healthy and doing well. Stevo, the love of my life, despite his anemic blue proclivity :) , and I have been together almost eight years and are buying our first home :happy-bouncyblue: my career is more satisfying than I ever thought possible thanks to a great supervising physician despite his missing D and E :D. Milly, Molly and Milo are ten and eleven years old and healthy. Yay! My only challenge is to download 100 fugly pounds. I've managed to lose four in the last two weeks; at least it's a start.

I am also incredibly grateful for my CrazieTalk family. You guys have enriched my life so much. Love you all. Happy Holidays!!!!! :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 3:59 pm
by Lavabe
I am thankful for ESPN Sportscenter this morning, presenting the starting five for the LA Lakers, and realizing that besides Kobe Bryant, I can name one other starter on the team:


Oh geez... LAKERS Nation is confirming it: ... nt-page-1/
:ymdevil: :Clap: :-BD :twitch:

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 4:07 pm
by DukePA
Lavabe wrote:I am thankful for ESPN Sportscenter this morning, presenting the starting five for the LA Lakers, and realizing that besides Kobe Bryant, I can name one other starter on the team:


Oh geez... LAKERS Nation is confirming it: ... nt-page-1/
:ymdevil: :Clap: :-BD :twitch:
So cool!!!!!!

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 5:04 pm
by DevilAlumna
1) My wonderful husband
2) My beautiful, healthy happy baby girl
3) My extended family - I don't see them often, but they are in my thoughts
4) My health
5) My online family - ya'll are a fabulous bunch, and a wonderful presence in my life! :ymhug:

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 7:20 pm
by captmojo
MLB Network, for their Ken Burns' Baseball complete broadcast on tonight and tomorrow.
Everyone here.
Medicines that help us all, and others we care for, retain good health.
Our friendships.
Shucks.... :ymblushing:

Re: Today I'm thankful for...

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 9:33 pm