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Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 3:11 pm
by EarlJam
Anyone every have one of those days. You just can't do it? No matter how hard you try.

And yes, I'm talking work, jobs, occupation.

How often do you basically just say "Fark It" and take a day off at work?


Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 3:27 pm
by lawgrad91
Probably not a poll I should answer while I am at work.

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 3:27 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I've never said "fark it" but I usually say "fuck it" at least once a year. I still don't use all my sick days and I get 5 of them.

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 5:38 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
A day OFF? =)) :(( :ymhug: :D =)) :-w :tease: :Stop: :sigh: :veryconfused: :twitch: =))
You silly, silly boy! Bless your heart!
Love, Ima

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 6:45 pm
by captmojo
Every time I wake up to see it raining, stormy or ice and snow, it comes under immediate consideration. Extreme cold makes it tough to be willing to go out and play on my portable monkeybars, too.
I do have one thing that works it in my favor. If I report that I have a mechanical problem, (there's not one piece of equipment in our entire fleet that a problem can't be found on, even if it is self-inflicted...I'm just sayin'..) :whistle: I have the right to wait on my assigned equipment to be released from repairs for up to 6 days. On the 6th day, if not finished, then I am forced to have to use whatever goatwagon piece of extra crap they have laying around. And, we have lots of extras right now. The fun part of extra equipment, is that it's really easy to spend the entire day finding the many problems they have that are usually more than the problem you had originally. :))

We have so many currently unused pieces of junk laying around, the lot kinda looks like a dinosaur museum. Our shop has robbed many parts off them for repairs to others.

My clutch linkage broke loose today at 3:45. Lucky for me, I'm loaded for Burlington and Graham, and it happened on our yard. It was 15 minutes after the mechanics and management closed up and went home. I know they're gonna end up stealing the parts for repair off of one of the Brontosaurs in the parking lot. :)) :ymsigh:

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 7:58 pm
by YmoBeThere
Don't move to Massachusetts or Ohio.

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 28th, 2011, 9:19 pm
by Miles
I now work 15% less each day since we've taken a 10% and 5% pay cut in the past three years. My boss still has the nerve to call me on the weekends, and even tried to schedule a meeting last week during my personal time off requested while Kelly was in the hospital.

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 29th, 2011, 1:26 am
by DevilAlumna
I consider a "mental health day" to also be a "sick" day. Sometimes, taking a day to recharge, or just run errands, or take care of other things that have been weighing on my mind, really is better for my contributions to the 'borg.

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 29th, 2011, 9:25 am
by EarlJam
DevilAlumna wrote:I consider a "mental health day" to also be a "sick" day. Sometimes, taking a day to recharge, or just run errands, or take care of other things that have been weighing on my mind, really is better for my contributions to the 'borg.
Totally agree with this.


Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 29th, 2011, 12:54 pm
by windsor
We don't have 'sick' days vs. vacation days...they are all personal days, so when I want one I take questions asked. I try NOT to take an unscheduled day if I can help it - that puts a burden on my co-workers and makes them jump through hoops. Unless I am really really sick I am unlikely to wake up in the morning and go 'not today' and just call in.

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 29th, 2011, 5:25 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Ima Facultiwyfe wrote:A day OFF? =)) :(( :ymhug: :D =)) :-w :tease: :Stop: :sigh: :veryconfused: :twitch: =))
You silly, silly boy! Bless your heart!
Love, Ima
I'm with Ima. A day off is a joke unless I'm out of town, not including being at the lake or mountains.

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 29th, 2011, 5:32 pm
by EarlJam
Y'all do realize that by "day off," I'm just saying do you ever show up at work (not actually call out) then just purposely coast for a day to give yourself, "a day."

Today was not "a day" for me! Lots of workin'!


Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: November 29th, 2011, 7:26 pm
by lawgrad91
Before my boss became the demon seed of Ol' Roy, he used to believe that we worked hard preparing for court and going to court, and when we were in the office and were done with stuff, our time was just that, our time. When we got computers in our offices, he sent a memo to IT and personnel, telling them that because we had stressful environments in court and elsewhere, we had his permission to surf the net doing personal things during regular work time.

I still have a copy of the memo.

I took a day off at work today, mostly. My trial tomorrow got continued because the judge is going to a funeral, so there wasn't anything I needed to prepare for. I did make and answer a few phone calls, signed my name to a few things, sent a work email or two, but that was it. Mostly I looked at cruises for next year, sent messages to some friends, looked at FB, lurked here, etc.

I answered once every other month, but frankly it's probably way more often.

Re: Taking a Day Off at Work

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 6:05 am
by captmojo
EarlJam wrote:Y'all do realize that by "day off," I'm just saying do you ever show up at work (not actually call out) then just purposely coast for a day to give yourself, "a day."

Today was not "a day" for me! Lots of workin'!

My version of this method is to run a less than 125 mile trip. My employer's credo is "An honest day's work for an honest day's pay" The trouble is, their definition of honesty. :twitch: They are most fond of the 10 hour+ day.