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Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 21st, 2011, 7:10 pm
by DukePA
What a pathetic piece of shit. :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-buttsway: :obscene-buttsway:

Re: Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 21st, 2011, 7:22 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I am looking forward to seeing the many pictures with whatever attachments people place on that thing. :9f:

Re: Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 21st, 2011, 7:26 pm
by DukePA
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I am looking forward to seeing the many pictures with whatever attachments people place on that thing. :9f:
Let it rip, CrazieTalkers!!!!!! GTHC, GTH, ES!!!

Re: Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 21st, 2011, 8:13 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
I've long been fascinated by the fact that at nearly every public event where a UNC alum or coach or what-have-you speaks, he can NOT resist mentioning Duke. They can't have a graduation or a centennial or a personal marker erected on the side of the road without some reference to us.

Stu Scott made derogatory remarks about Duke when he addressed their graduates a few years ago. Why should Duke ever be mentioned at their own graduation? Roy can't shut up about us when they're putting up a sign with his own name on it. Even the venerable Charles Kuralt when speaking to the multitudes at their huge, illustrious and formal centennial celebration had to make a snide remark or two. I was so set back at that lack of class that I've been paying very close attention ever since. I have never heard a reference made to the bunch in crappy hell in a single one of our ceremonies or official functions. What IS it with those people? It's certainly clear that we're the burr under their saddle, isn't it.

One of the best responses I ever heard from a Dukie when questioned about the Tarheels pre-occupation with us came from Shane Battier. He just chuckled and grinned that gentle grin of his and said "Well yeah, they're pretty serious about this stuff over there." BLESS HIS HEART.
Love, Ima
PS Kudos to Duke PA for sharing this with us. It's a hoot!

Re: Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 22nd, 2011, 9:01 am
by captmojo
Their fear is an overwhelming asset for Blue Devils everywhere. :9f:

Re: Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 22nd, 2011, 9:39 am
by lawgrad91
It never ceases to amaze me how many of our little deputies (bless their hearts) will come in my office for some favor or other, look at my wall and go, "Oh, did you really go to Duke?" (No, dumbass, I stole Jay Bilas' law degree and whited out his name and changed the last digit of the year and put my name in.) "I'm a unc fan." (as if I couldn't have figured that out from your original stupid question and total lack of understanding regarding what you need from this office and how to get it) Then they think it's perfectly legitimate to insult me.

The last one, I threw out of my office. The staff is on notice that when he comes in, he goes to someone else. He stepped WAY over the line.

I don't go search out these guys (most of whom, frankly, couldn't find chapel hell on a map) and say insulting things about their athletes, or their tutors, or their runners, or anything else.

The VT guys don't come in looking for a fight. The UVA ones don't. Even the TWERPS are not insulting.

It's the same way for people at church, too, though (thankfully) not to the extent of this. I don't comment on anyone's car stickers, but you can bet when my Saab arrives someone has a smart comment to make about the large "D" magnet on my trunk.

Thanks for bringing this up, Ima, and letting me vent.

I shouldn't let their collective inferiority complex bother me so much. Deep breath, deep breath, happy place, happy place....

Re: Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 22nd, 2011, 10:14 am
by EarlJam
DukePA wrote:What a pathetic piece of shit. :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-birdiered: :obscene-buttsway: :obscene-buttsway:

You tell 'em Sis!

Roy Williams: MAY HE BURN IN HELL! :flame:


Re: Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 6:38 am
by captmojo
I take it that Roy can still kiss our collective asses? :9f:

Re: Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 1:24 pm
by DukePA
captmojo wrote:I take it that Roy can still kiss our collective asses? :9f:
Of course! (let's make sure we eat lots of beans before said event ;) )

Re: Roy can kiss my dadgum Duke ass

Posted: July 23rd, 2011, 5:40 pm
by RSharpe54
Wow..........What a classless guy! :ymapplause: