What would you tell a high school recruit if you could?

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The Football Fan
Part Time Student at PWing school
Part Time Student at PWing school
Posts: 191
Joined: January 11th, 2011, 3:19 pm

What would you tell a high school recruit if you could?

Post by The Football Fan » May 5th, 2011, 5:13 pm

So, let's say you get a random odd opportunity to talk with a highly recruited high school senior....and in our hypothetical let's also assume great character, GPA, and SAT scores. You don't have time for a dissertation about how wonderful it would be to be at Duke. You've got maybe 2-5 minutes at most...

What 3 things would you say to encourage them to make a commitment to Duke?

To keep this interesting, I'd suggest that everyone try to come up with something previous posters didn't mention. If you say something generic like education, it needs to be followed with something specific about that education. I also realize you may tailor your message depending on the person. Feel free to any additional context...for example, you may respond differently if it's a local recruit.

Here's mine...I'll suppose an NC recruit/local recruit.

1. The coaches at Duke are excellent. They've had success where ever they've been and they aren't taking short cuts. The team is well prepared for every game...look at how often they are penalized vs. other teams. These coaches have a history putting players in the NFL. As a professional in whatever you do, you'll learn what it takes to be successful and how to be a leader.
2. Networking & Student body. The company you keep says a lot about who you are. The people you'll be around on a daily basis also strive for excellence. Many of your classmates will go on to lead organizations. Those contacts may be very helpful when your playing days are done, whenever that may be.
3. Tradition - Duke has tradition and is a Marquee name in the ACC. Why has the SEC and others beaten the ACC in recent years, because the marquee teams of the ACC haven't delivered. Duke vs. UNC could be huge in football too. All the ingredients that make it good in basketball work in football...they just have to get back to winning...The coaching is there to make it happen, the facilities are being built up, they've got some of the best athletes and players now since Spurrier was there. Duke and the ACC could flourish if we stopped funneling our best talent out of state and to the SEC.
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