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Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 2:10 pm
by colchar
After my last job interview I decided that I wasn't interested in the position but have been applying to others lately.

On Friday I received a call from a lady in HR at a local (well, local to my parents as it is located in the town in which I grew up) community college and she said that both she and the HR manager were very interested in interviewing me for a position to which I had applied. The only problem is that part of my experience does not meet the union's criteria for the position. She will be speaking to the HR manager Monday morning and they are going to see if they can either get past the union criteria or convince the union that I am the best applicant for the position (they didn't find an internal candidate that was suitable so they have opened this search to external candidates) so that they will consent to my being interviewed. If they can do that they want to interview me on Tuesday. I am thinking that, if they are willing to fight the union on this one, they must be really interested in me.

I would be ideal for the position and think I would really really enjoy the work. The salary is also good - especially in this economy. I am in no rush to move back to the town in which I grew up but would be more than willing to do so for this position (my parents are getting a great deal of enjoyment out of the fact that I might have to move back to a place that I swore I would never ever live in again but I think they are secretly thrilled that I might have to do so as I would be across town as opposed to being an hour away). I would have to drop back to finish my PhD part-time but I think that is a small price to pay in order to get my career in academic administration started. But they still have to get this past the union...

I need some heavy vibes on this one folks - primarily for the union issue but also for the interview. Any and all vibes would be greatly appreciated. Keeping my fingers crossed...

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 2:14 pm
Vibing! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 2:35 pm
by TillyGalore
Sending vibes to Colchar that everything works out.

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 2:47 pm
by Rolvix
Sending vibes that everything works out for you! :ympray: :ympray: :ympray:

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 3:23 pm
by colchar
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Vibing! }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Thanks (to all).

And I love that a new word has been created thanks to our vibe requests around here! 'Googling' made it into the dictionary. I wonder if we can get vibing in too?

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 3:27 pm
by CathyCA

I hope it all works out for you.

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 4:34 pm
by DukePA
sending mega vibes!

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 6:25 pm
by cl15876
Sending vibes from VA! I hope the union finds flexibility with its criteria for you! :ympray:

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 6:46 pm
by bjornolf
Currently oscillating at 6500 Hz. :-o My family can't hear it, but it's driving the sugar glider nuts. ;)


Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 6:53 pm
by DukieInKansas
Vibing in Kansas. I hope the vibes know the union off their requirements allowing for some flexibility.

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 7:19 pm
by ArkieDukie
The strongest of vibes to you, Colchar!

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 8:15 pm
by captmojo
Best of all possible luck. I'm buzzin' on your behalf. @-)

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 8:55 pm
by Ima Facultiwyfe
I'm a tried and true "vibeliever". Look out, 'cause here come the vibiest vibes of all!!!! ZZZZZZZAP!!!! Whew! that took a lot out of this old gal, but soon as i rest up more will be coming your way. This is gonna happen! Don't you worry none1
Love, Ima

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 10:16 pm
by wilson
Special super-secret historian-to-historian vibes from Atlanta (and a slightly slobbery nuzzle from Walter).
Keep us posted.

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 7th, 2009, 10:21 pm
by Sue71
Vibes to ya, Colchar! :ymhug: :ymhug:

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 8th, 2009, 1:15 am
by DevilAlumna
A full dose of job vibes are on the way, but also vibes that you'll not lose steam on your PhD program! You've come this far, I hope you make it the whole way. Doctor Colchar has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it? :)

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 8th, 2009, 7:54 am
by windsor
Sending big time FL vibes to my future son in law...CTN employment vibes have a proven track record...I've no doubt you will get the position AND finish you PhD!!

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 8th, 2009, 9:05 am
by CameronBornAndBred
I hope it works out, I'm a huge fan of community colleges. NC has a great system, I'm sure other states do as well. Of course they don't work unless the teaching staff and administration aren't great people. Sending vibes!

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 8th, 2009, 2:13 pm
by colchar
Thanks for all the vibes everyone, but they just called to let me know that they couldn't get past the union criteria. Fuck. But she did say that the hiring manager wanted her to pass along a message that they will soon be posting another position that will not be subject to the same union criteria and that they would like me to apply for it as soon as it is posted (they will still have to go through internal applicants but, if it makes it to external applicants, I'll be in the running). Although this position doesn't sound quite as interesting as the original one she did inform me that it comes with a higher salary so that should make up for it. I guess the fact that they went to bat against the union and, despite losing, let me know that they would like me to apply for the other position is an indication that they are really interested in hiring me.That's a positive sign at least.

Thanks for all the vibes everyone - I'll keep you posted.

Re: Vibes Request

Posted: June 8th, 2009, 2:21 pm
by TillyGalore
Colchar, I'm sorry things didn't work out for this particular job. But, it sounds like your foot is blocking the door from closing entirely on you. Something will come through for you soon, I'm sure of it.