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Sale on Sour Grapes...

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 1:45 pm
by EarlJam Inside

It's an overstock issue, so no worries on quantity! Get yours today!


Re: Sale on Sour Grapes...

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 2:16 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I think it's funny how they are making a big deal of Strickland's dunk over Singler. You know the one. The one that got waved off. Because it was an effing charge. Dumbasses.

Re: Sale on Sour Grapes...

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 2:57 pm
by Jesus_hurley
They like to point at one or two calls and say 'it turned the tide'. Regardless of the missed calls the other way that would have turned the turned tide back in the correct direction.

And when you get beat by 17, it's not because of the refs.

:9f: :9f:

Re: Sale on Sour Grapes...

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 6:03 pm
by robertduke32
They're all whiny little bastards. They're appalled that Duke has taken over as THE program in college basketball much less the ACC. I work in Chapel Hill, so it's wonderful to hear and oppose any chance I get...wuhahaha


Re: Sale on Sour Grapes...

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 8:07 pm
by EarlJam
I like how their basketball I.Q is so low that they do not understand that drawing a charge is a rather fundamental part of basketball.

Or is it selective memory? Or is it memory when it serves them well?


Re: Sale on Sour Grapes...

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 8:45 pm
by wilson
EarlJam wrote:I like how their basketball I.Q is so low that they do not understand that drawing a charge is a rather fundamental part of basketball.

Or is it selective memory? Or is it memory when it serves them well?

And there's also this inconvenient truth.
And this.
And this.
Fucking fucks.
:9f: :9f: :9f: :Boo:

Re: Sale on Sour Grapes...

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 10:53 pm
by devildeac
I will never forget the day Greg Paulus, all 6'2" and ~180 pounds of him, beat hansflopper, at 6'9" and 250 pounds, off the dribble in a game and tyler the great fell to the court, as if slain with an ax, yet sliding about 10 feet in the process and still managed to get the charging call from the :Angry Orc: acc asshat refs and the Oscar with the same whistle. And folks sometimes wonder why I hate those bastards (refs and 'holes X( ).

Re: Sale on Sour Grapes...

Posted: March 14th, 2011, 11:04 pm
by DukePA
devildeac wrote:I will never forget the day Greg Paulus, all 6'2" and ~180 pounds of him, beat hansflopper, at 6'9" and 250 pounds, off the dribble in a game and tyler the great fell to the court, as if slain with an ax, yet sliding about 10 feet in the process and still managed to get the charging call from the :Angry Orc: acc asshat refs and the Oscar with the same whistle. And folks sometimes wonder why I hate those bastards (refs and 'holes X( ).
No worries, DevilDeac, we hate the rat bastards too! GTHC! GTH shithead refs!!! :9f: :9f: :9f: