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How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:01 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
My fridge isn't too bad, it's full of sauces, lunch meats and condiments. There's some milk in there, still drinkable. #:-s I still have room, so I'm ok with it.
My freezer however is a nightmare. It's so full I can't put anything else into it. I'm always buying stuff at the store on sale with the idea of eating it later, but later never comes and I buy more stuff. My pantry is insanely full of canned and boxed stuff also, for the same reason. I'm gonna do my best to not buy ANY food for a month, and eat what I already have.

How's your fridge looking?

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:07 pm
by CathyCA
CameronBornAndBred wrote:My fridge isn't too bad, it's full of sauces, lunch meats and condiments. There's some milk in there, still drinkable. #:-s I still have room, so I'm ok with it.
My freezer however is a nightmare. It's so full I can't put anything else into it. I'm always buying stuff at the store on sale with the idea of eating it later, but later never comes and I buy more stuff. My pantry is insanely full of canned and boxed stuff also, for the same reason. I'm gonna do my best to not buy ANY food for a month, and eat what I already have.

How's your fridge looking?
Sam's here, so it's being emptied as we speak.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:08 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
CathyCA wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:My fridge isn't too bad, it's full of sauces, lunch meats and condiments. There's some milk in there, still drinkable. #:-s I still have room, so I'm ok with it.
My freezer however is a nightmare. It's so full I can't put anything else into it. I'm always buying stuff at the store on sale with the idea of eating it later, but later never comes and I buy more stuff. My pantry is insanely full of canned and boxed stuff also, for the same reason. I'm gonna do my best to not buy ANY food for a month, and eat what I already have.

How's your fridge looking?
Sam's here, so it's being emptied as we speak.
Next time he comes send him to my place. That's probably why I have so much, I'm still used to feeding 2 teenagers.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:14 pm
by DukeUsul
Fridge was pretty empty until about 4pm today. We had it fairly cleared out (apart from assorted condiments and dressings) before we left for our Christmas trip. Lisa hit the super-double coupons at Harris Teeter today and restocked.

Pantry and our chest freezer are pretty full.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:35 pm
by lawgrad91
Fridge is pretty full. Freezer is completely packed. We had to re-organize it this afternoon after a Costco run. This was after I said we didn't need to pick up any frozen things at Costco unless we were planning to leave them outside.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:36 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
lawgrad91 wrote:Fridge is pretty full. Freezer is completely packed. We had to re-organize it this afternoon after a Costco run. This was after I said we didn't need to pick up any frozen things at Costco unless we were planning to leave them outside.
The one benefit of a cold winter.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:38 pm
by lawgrad91
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
lawgrad91 wrote:Fridge is pretty full. Freezer is completely packed. We had to re-organize it this afternoon after a Costco run. This was after I said we didn't need to pick up any frozen things at Costco unless we were planning to leave them outside.
The one benefit of a cold winter.
Yes. I remember how stunned I was at college when one of my classmates kept his OJ on the outside windowsill all winter. So long as it wasn't low and the wind didn't get up, it worked fine.

It's under 20 here right now, so anything outside would freeze.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:41 pm
by ArkieDukie
Fairly empty, but I did do some re-stocking today. Good thing about the diet is that my fridge and freezer are stocked with healthier fare than normal. Newest addition to the freezer: I made homemade pizza crust (whole wheat parmesan-herb) and pre-baked 6 crusts. Made a pizza for supper, and vacuum-sealed the rest.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:44 pm
by lawgrad91
ArkieDukie wrote:Fairly empty, but I did do some re-stocking today. Good thing about the diet is that my fridge and freezer are stocked with healthier fare than normal. Newest addition to the freezer: I made homemade pizza crust (whole wheat parmesan-herb) and pre-baked 6 crusts. Made a pizza for supper, and vacuum-sealed the rest.
Homemade pizza crust! =p~

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 9:54 pm
by ArkieDukie
lawgrad91 wrote:
ArkieDukie wrote:Fairly empty, but I did do some re-stocking today. Good thing about the diet is that my fridge and freezer are stocked with healthier fare than normal. Newest addition to the freezer: I made homemade pizza crust (whole wheat parmesan-herb) and pre-baked 6 crusts. Made a pizza for supper, and vacuum-sealed the rest.
Homemade pizza crust! =p~
That's right! I <3 my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. Works like a champ for making pizza dough! :happy-bouncyblue:

If you make pizza yourself, you can get something that's reasonable in terms of nutritional value (read: lower fat content). Whole wheat crust helps. You can also pile on the veggies and go somewhat lighter on the cheese. Baking individual serving size crusts also helps with portion control.

I also <3 my vacuum sealer. Made homemade soup this week using veggies that I got from the farmers' market last summer. I froze them shortly after I brought them home, so they were fresh. I'll probably wish I had prepped more before the winter is over. (Maybe I should buy a small freezer... :-? )

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 8th, 2011, 10:01 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
ArkieDukie wrote: That's right! I <3 my Kitchen Aid stand mixer. Works like a champ for making pizza dough! :happy-bouncyblue:
My mom wants one so bad, I told her I see them often in thrift shops, but she doesn't believe me. One day I'll remember and get her one.
I haven't had homemade pizza in forever, but there's lots of stuff in my freezer that I could put on one. :D

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 12:48 am
by Jesus_hurley
Fridge is ok now. I was putting groceries away the other day and there was NO room in the freezer. Then I removed the 6 bags of snow my daughter was saving and I suddenly had extra room.

:9f: :9f:

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 12:56 am
by CameronBornAndBred
Jesus_hurley wrote:Fridge is ok now. I was putting groceries away the other day and there was NO room in the freezer. Then I removed the 6 bags of snow my daughter was saving and I suddenly had extra room.

:9f: :9f:
:)) =))

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 7:04 am
by captmojo
Too damn.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 8:02 am
by captmojo
I've got a load of these Jello desserts, in individual size containers, that have to be the most inconvenient f+%#kin' things to store away in the fridge. Every time I open the door, these damn things tend to fall out. We have taken the measure of putting them in little plastic baskets...still doesn't work. MIL is the only consumer, in this house, for them. I've considered getting her her own 'dorm' refridgerator, specifically for them. I know they aren't worth it but Hell, it bothers me enough to actually sit here and type about it!

Any ideas are welcome. :angry-screaming: :angry-banghead:

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 8:36 am
by lawgrad91
captmojo wrote:I've got a load of these Jello desserts, in individual size containers, that have to be the most inconvenient f+%#kin' things to store away in the fridge. Every time I open the door, these damn things tend to fall out. We have taken the measure of putting them in little plastic baskets...still doesn't work. MIL is the only consumer, in this house, for them. I've considered getting her her own 'dorm' refridgerator, specifically for them. I know they aren't worth it but Hell, it bothers me enough to actually sit here and type about it!

Any ideas are welcome. :angry-screaming: :angry-banghead:
A dorm fridge would be a good option for MIL's Jello treats and anything else she might consume or need. Those little Jello things are fiendish. :flame: If you have a good location for it, that's the direction I would go. They aren't that expensive, and if it saves you the aggravation of having little Jellos flying out at you every time you open the door, it's probably worth it.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 8:39 am
by captmojo
lawgrad91 wrote: A dorm fridge would be a good option for MIL's Jello treats and anything else she might consume or need. Those little Jello things are fiendish. :flame: If you have a good location for it, that's the direction I would go. They aren't that expensive, and if it saves you the aggravation of having little Jellos flying out at you every time you open the door, it's probably worth it.
It's under strong consideration. It's what I keep out on the deck for beer and any overflow that might occur from within the house.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 8:49 am
by CathyCA
captmojo wrote:
lawgrad91 wrote: A dorm fridge would be a good option for MIL's Jello treats and anything else she might consume or need. Those little Jello things are fiendish. :flame: If you have a good location for it, that's the direction I would go. They aren't that expensive, and if it saves you the aggravation of having little Jellos flying out at you every time you open the door, it's probably worth it.
It's under strong consideration. It's what I keep out on the deck for beer and any overflow that might occur from within the house.
I have a built-in fridge in my sunroom. I store drinks in it. That really helps to create room for food in the fridge that's in the kitchen.

I wonder how many people here have a fridge out in the garage. When I lived in California and had 2, make that 3, boys at home, I needed that extra room for their food.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 8:52 am
by DukeUsul
CathyCA wrote:
captmojo wrote:
lawgrad91 wrote: A dorm fridge would be a good option for MIL's Jello treats and anything else she might consume or need. Those little Jello things are fiendish. :flame: If you have a good location for it, that's the direction I would go. They aren't that expensive, and if it saves you the aggravation of having little Jellos flying out at you every time you open the door, it's probably worth it.
It's under strong consideration. It's what I keep out on the deck for beer and any overflow that might occur from within the house.
I have a built-in fridge in my sunroom. I store drinks in it. That really helps to create room for food in the fridge that's in the kitchen.

I wonder how many people here have a fridge out in the garage. When I lived in California and had 2, make that 3, boys at home, I needed that extra room for their food.
I have our old fridge in the garage. It's used primarily as a beverage and overflow fridge. It's always stocked with beer and soda and gets the occasional food or leftover item. It's also great to temporarily store stuff when we're having a party.

We recently bought a small chest freezer for the garage to stock up on meats, prepared frozen items, veggies, ice cream, etc.

Re: How full is your fridge?

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 8:59 am
by Very Duke Blue
My fridge is too full. I have lots of condiments etc. I've decided to get rid of some of it. Also, move some of it to a cabinet that really don't need to be in the fridge like bbq sauce.