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Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 1:08 pm
by colchar
So we got our first snowfall yesterday. There wasn't anything to it really (less than 1cm and you can still see some of the grass on our lawn) but I did have to shovel some off the drive and the temperatures have dropped significantly. The area where I live is due to be hit as we've been lucky thus far - a city less than 90 minutes west of us got 80cm one day last week, 30cm the next day, 10cm the third day, and is getting crapped on again today. It is only a matter of time before it reaches me, at which point I will go into hibernation mode and won't resurface until spring. Damn I hate winter.

So how about the rest of you? How do you feel about winter?

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 1:16 pm
Colchar, you are more than welcome to keep your snow and cold temperatures up there in the Great White North, thank you very much. Forecast lows here for the next two nights are in the mid teens, and up in the mountains where my daughter lives are mid single digits - way too cold for my taste.

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 1:22 pm
by DukeUsul
I love moderate winters. Grew up in Mass and NJ where we had snow every couple of weeks. Now that I'm in NC for 15 years I find myself missing it.

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 1:52 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I hate winter. There are parts of it I enjoy, like sitting in front of a fire...but face it, at some point you gotta go out and get more wood.

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 1:57 pm
by CathyCA
I can't believe that I got snow here in the swamps of eastern NC before Colchar got snow in the great white north.

I despise cold weather. I'd rather have the hot humid summer weather all year long.
There are parts of it I enjoy, like sitting in front of a fire...but face it, at some point you gotta go out and get more wood.
CB&B, you need to come over to my house and check out my new ventless gas logs. They're pretty to look at, they don't generate much heat, and I never need to go out and get more wood.

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 2:05 pm
by windsor
I live in Florida...what does that tell you? I get north every few years to see snow and remind myself why I don't live there any more. It is 40 and I am freezing to death.

I is wimp.

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 2:16 pm
CathyCA wrote:I

CB&B, you need to come over to my house and check out my new ventless gas logs. They're pretty to look at, they don't generate much heat, and I never need to go out and get more wood.
Gas logs are supposed to generate a LOT of heat, especially in the room where they are located. If they're not, something is wrong. Many people find they don't need to turn on their heat pumps (or turn them down) and can get by just fine with just the gas logs, which are MUCH cheaper to run, especially when it's really cold out and the heat pump needs the resistive heat strips to generate any heat.

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 2:37 pm
by colchar
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Colchar, you are more than welcome to keep your snow and cold temperatures up there in the Great White North, thank you very much. Forecast lows here for the next two nights are in the mid teens, and up in the mountains where my daughter lives are mid single digits - way too cold for my taste.

All of our shitty weather is coming from down there so I'd appreciate it if you lot kept it to yourselves, thank you very much!

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 3:45 pm
by devildeac
I don't mind winter, as I can always put on an extra layer of clothing and go sit next to the gas logs or adjacent to a heating vent. I got really tired of unrelenting hot, humid weather this summer and walking around inside/outside in my speedo was definitely not an option. :ymblushing:

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 4:25 pm
by Jesus_hurley
devildeac wrote:I don't mind winter, as I can always put on an extra layer of clothing and go sit next to the gas logs or adjacent to a heating vent. I got really tired of unrelenting hot, humid weather this summer and walking around inside/outside in my speedo was definitely not an option. :ymblushing:
I'm trying to decide if this is deserves a =)) or a :ymsick:

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 4:30 pm
by lawgrad91
devildeac wrote:I don't mind winter, as I can always put on an extra layer of clothing and go sit next to the gas logs or adjacent to a heating vent. I got really tired of unrelenting hot, humid weather this summer and walking around inside/outside in my speedo was definitely not an option. :ymblushing:
:-o :-o

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 4:34 pm
by EarlJam
I voted love it, because I DO love it. The north part of Atlanta got a dusting yesterday. I frollicked in the snow as it was coming down. Something about it just lifts my mood. I just wish it snowed a bit more here though.

But yes, I love winter.

-EarlJam, lover of winter.

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 4:36 pm
by EarlJam
colchar wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:Colchar, you are more than welcome to keep your snow and cold temperatures up there in the Great White North, thank you very much. Forecast lows here for the next two nights are in the mid teens, and up in the mountains where my daughter lives are mid single digits - way too cold for my taste.

All of our shitty weather is coming from down there so I'd appreciate it if you lot kept it to yourselves, thank you very much!
Yes, but it's all your shitty cold air that fuels the snowstorms eh. Y'all cold-ass jet stream possessing mother fuggers.

-EarlJam (not that I'm complaining)

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 5:19 pm
by devildeac
Jesus_hurley wrote:
devildeac wrote:I don't mind winter, as I can always put on an extra layer of clothing and go sit next to the gas logs or adjacent to a heating vent. I got really tired of unrelenting hot, humid weather this summer and walking around inside/outside in my speedo was definitely not an option. :ymblushing:
I'm trying to decide if this is deserves a =)) or a :ymsick:
That's why I wrote it that way.

I'd give it one of each. :)) :))

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 6:44 pm
by Very Duke Blue
devildeac wrote:I don't mind winter, as I can always put on an extra layer of clothing and go sit next to the gas logs or adjacent to a heating vent. I got really tired of unrelenting hot, humid weather this summer and walking around inside/outside in my speedo was definitely not an option. :ymblushing:
Speedo guys are required to cheer for :9f: That's the only requirement. =)) =)) =))

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 6:49 pm
by CathyCA
CathyCA wrote:I

CB&B, you need to come over to my house and check out my new ventless gas logs. They're pretty to look at, they don't generate much heat, and I never need to go out and get more wood.
Gas logs are supposed to generate a LOT of heat, especially in the room where they are located. If they're not, something is wrong. Many people find they don't need to turn on their heat pumps (or turn them down) and can get by just fine with just the gas logs, which are MUCH cheaper to run, especially when it's really cold out and the heat pump needs the resistive heat strips to generate any heat.
The new ventless gas logs aren't designed to generate a lot of heat. They're for atmosphere. And I don't have to open the flue when I burn them. Did I mention how much I love them?

My old gas logs in California were vented through the chimney. They heated up the entire room fast and then I had to cut off the fireplace to cool the place down.

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 7:17 pm
by DukeUsul
I absolutely LOVE cold weather and the snow. Last year when we were in Jersey over Christmas and we got 20+ inches (that's what SHE said), I absolutely adored going out after each six inches fell and cranking up the snowblower to clear the driveway. I could spend all day outside in the snow. There's something completely zen about going out in the frigid air and splitting logs.

I can NOT say the same thing about being outside in the heat. I'm like DD, you just can't get naked enough to make the oppressive southern heat and humidity tolerable.

Can someone tell me why I live in NC again?

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 7:19 pm
by DukeUsul
We have direct vented gas logs in our family room and they produce a fucking lot of heat. My wife hates the cold and will crank that thing up, wear a sweatshirt and sit under a blanket next to the thing. Meanwhile, I have to run around the house in my skivvies if it's been on for any more than 10 minutes.

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 9:01 pm
by captmojo
Snow can be pretty to look at...from 1500 miles away. It's just too disruptive and inconvienient.
Working outside in weather like today's, no thanks. At least it wasn't raining or snowing .
Under 40 and windy, really sucks!

Re: Winter - Love It Or hate It?

Posted: December 13th, 2010, 9:23 pm
by Devil in the Blue Dress
captmojo wrote:Snow can be pretty to look at...from 1500 miles away. It's just too disruptive and inconvienient.
Working outside in weather like today's, no thanks. At least it wasn't raining or snowing .
Under 40 and windy, really sucks!
Sir, you do have a way with words!