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Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 24th, 2009, 11:54 am
by Lavabe
As many of you know, I am headed off to the big island of Madagascar at the end of May. I will be over there through August 11. The purpose of the trip is to see people, to give a few lectures/seminars, and to continue to see the lives of the two species of lemurs that I have researched ever since ... well, back in the days as an undergrad at the Duke University Primate Center (even before I met ILJ). :-o

I think you'll find some surprising results, candid discussion, and some amazing stories about people, their environment, and life on the other end of the world, a world very much like our own. I will be posting notes and hopefully photos onto my Facebook page throughout my trip. You can follow there for those sorts of details. I am also trying to get a number of high school and middle school teachers in Georgia and Kentucky to follow the work throughout the summer, via facebook.

However, I wanted to post over here as well, because a number of you, my virtual family, have expressed interest in the primates, the environment, and the people/culture where I'll be. For example, I believe DA mentioned once that she used to work with a major conservation organization. EarlJam and I once discussed this aspect of my life, and he wondered about what it's like. And Wilson, well he wants to know more about the pirates of Libertalia. :ar! Some of you may have questions, or may have kids who have questions about the lemurs and the work. All of this is fair game on this thread. Likewise, if you know of anyone with an interest in this (other than what I'll be posting on FB), have them sign up on CrazieTalk, and follow the action.

I'd like to keep this at a friendly level, with no animosity, in the spirit of CrazieTalk. I may also have a number of university students there reading along with this thread, so that they get a feel of what people think of when they discuss Madagascar. The students there are training to become important parts of the ecotourism industry, so they would genuinely benefit from seeing your thoughts as well.

I will be able to post routinely during most of the month of June, as I acclimatize. July - early August will be intense, and I can't guarantee how often I'll be able to post. There are still some parts of the world that are simply too difficult to get internet access. DA: Please explain that to Bill and Melinda.

Even if you don't participate in the thread, please send your vibes, thoughts, and wishes to everyone concerned with this work, particularly my friends and family both here and abroad. They really do put up with a lot from me.


Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 24th, 2009, 1:45 pm
by captmojo
Vibes sent. Pillows placed away. Be safe. Have fun.

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 24th, 2009, 1:51 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Many vibes. Really looking forward to your reports, but have a safe trip above all else.

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 24th, 2009, 3:08 pm
by windsor
Vibes as well - and I can't wait to read your notes along the way!

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 24th, 2009, 4:44 pm
by ArkieDukie
Have a safe trip, Lavabe! I'm looking forward to your reports already. It will be fascinating to learn more about Madagascar and lemurs.

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 26th, 2009, 2:57 pm
by Lavabe
Just to give you an update about this year in Madagascar, as you might be aware, the island nation has been through a lot politically. Since January, everyday has seen a new change in the political scene. The elected president was removed from holding office in Madagascar, and is now living in South Africa. The removal has been caused many issues, including a tremendous loss of revenue in ecotourism. The US has recently curtailed much of its foreign aid to the island.

For updated coverage of the situation, you can google "Madagascar" "news" and see more about what changes have been going on.

The point of this thread is not to discuss the politics. I just wanted to give you an update about the climate in the capital city before I go. The latest news from today includes a possible breakthrough in negotiations among the big political players: ... =0&sp=true


Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 26th, 2009, 3:08 pm
by windsor
Above all stay safe. The CrazieTalk Shinkickers stand ready to come to your defense. .. but I hope you don't need us!

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 9:09 am
by TillyGalore
Sending vibes to Lavabe for a safe trip and stay in country, and to ILJ and LegacyLady that life isn't too tough without Lavabe.

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 9:31 am
by devildeac
TillyGalore wrote:Sending vibes to Lavabe for a safe trip and stay in country, and to ILJ and LegacyLady that life isn't too tough without Lavabe.
They still have their dog, Georgia, who is even more work to take care of than Lavabe is.

:)) :))
=)) =))

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 10:26 am
by cl15876
devildeac wrote:
TillyGalore wrote:Sending vibes to Lavabe for a safe trip and stay in country, and to ILJ and LegacyLady that life isn't too tough without Lavabe.
They still have their dog, Georgia, who is even more work to take care of than Lavabe is.

:)) :))
=)) =))
:)) :)) :))

Vibes coming from VA for a safe trip and and success! I can't wait to see the updates!

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 30th, 2009, 1:42 pm
by devildeac
Lavabe called on his way to the Cincinnati airport (which, IIRC, is really in ken-tucky) and reported he'll miss y'all until he can re-establish contact with the internet again sometime soon. :( I don't think he was taking any lasers with him. :)) =))

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: May 30th, 2009, 2:12 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
devildeac wrote:Lavabe called on his way to the Cincinnati airport (which, IIRC, is really in ken-tucky) and reported he'll miss y'all until he can re-establish contact with the internet again sometime soon.
Thanks for the update DD. Looking forward to his reports, but safe travelling vibes first.

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 12:35 am
by Lavabe
June 1: I have arrived in the capital city, Antananarivo (as everyone calls it, Tana).

This involved a 220 flight from Cincy to Dulles, a crammed United Airline flight from Dulles to Paris, I had to wait in Charles DeGaulle airport 10 hours for the Air Madagascar flight, survive an unattended baggage scare, and just arrived after the CDG-TANA red-eye. Oh, and who was on the flight five rows up from me ... his excellency, the President of the transition (the politician who took over Madagascar this year).

All in all, 35 hours of transit time. I feel a little zapped, but I have enough strength to meet a few important people today. Would LOVE to get a nice 15 hour sleep to make up for the deprivation over the weekend. Things are calm and safe in this city.

Will try to get some photos of Tana in the next few days, if possible. My number one goal is to leave this city ASAP.

Again, if you have any questions, POST AWAY!!

P.S. Say, is this the first CTN post from the southern hemisphere?

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 1:01 am
by Sue71
Glad you got there unscathed (though, baggage scare???)! Now get some rest, take some pictures, and post away!

Also, what did you do for 10 hours in the airport?

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 1:11 am
by Lavabe
Sue71 wrote:Glad you got there unscathed (though, baggage scare???)! Now get some rest, take some pictures, and post away!

Also, what did you do for 10 hours in the airport?
A Sunday in Paris would have involved traffic and money. So I didn't go in. Instead, I waited... waiting in lines is something you have to get used to in Madagascar... I viewed it as good warm up practice for life in Madagascar.

The weather here is early morning fog, and in the low 60's, going up to the low 70's. Meanwhile, Diego is sunny and hitting the low 90's.

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 7:00 am
by TillyGalore
Lavabe, thank you for letting us know you arrived. Sucks you had a 10 hour wait in Paris. Who the hell wants to spend 10 hours in an airport when you can be watching an awesome NASCAR race? Looking forward to reading more of your adventure and seeing pics.

Tilly "the other lemur loving poster" Galore

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 9:05 am
Lavabe wrote:June 1: I have arrived in the capital city, Antananarivo (as everyone calls it, Tana).

This involved a 220 flight from Cincy to Dulles, a crammed United Airline flight from Dulles to Paris, I had to wait in Charles DeGaulle airport 10 hours for the Air Madagascar flight, survive an unattended baggage scare, and just arrived after the CDG-TANA red-eye. Oh, and who was on the flight five rows up from me ... his excellency, the President of the transition (the politician who took over Madagascar this year).

All in all, 35 hours of transit time. I feel a little zapped,
This sounds like an episode of The Amazing Race!

Glad you arrived safely and that you weren't on the Air France flight from Rio to Paris that is missing, and presumed LOST.

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 9:31 am
by windsor
Glad you made it. I'm pretty sure that is the first post from the southern hemisphere.
Hope you get some rest....I jet lag badly flying west to east...not so much the other way round.
Stay safe...enjoy...and keep us 'posted'

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 9:42 am
by Lavabe
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:This sounds like an episode of The Amazing Race!

Glad you arrived safely and that you weren't on the Air France flight from Rio to Paris that is missing, and presumed LOST.
Two points:
1) You just reminded me of that feeling I get in the field when you have just come back from incommunicado, and you miss out on some major event. VERY freaky! I hope they find the Air France flight, but the early reports I see are not good. Awful.
2) Amazing Race? No, you'll get a post like that after some of my early surveys in the Cap d'Ambre this year. Last time, after 20 km hiking, we pulled into this French ex-pat's fishing cabin on a Mozambique Channel beach, and where he prepared a great fish in a Basque sauce. We then went on our way.

Thanks Ozzie... that's a great idea for a field report! :-bd

Re: Lavabe's Madagascar 2009 Lemur Thread

Posted: June 1st, 2009, 12:34 pm
by ILoveJimmy
TillyGalore wrote:Sending vibes to Lavabe for a safe trip and stay in country, and to ILJ and LegacyLady that life isn't too tough without Lavabe.
So, it took Lavabe leaving to get me to sign onto CrazieTalk!

Thanks Tilly and everyone for the thoughts not just for Lavabe, but for LegacyLady and me too. We are sad without Ben and it's only the 2nd day. Georgia seems to look for him, especially if we say his name. I just heard that my niece (DD's 1st daughter) is working on getting a ticket to fly here next week and I am so excited! LegacyLady will be thrilled!!
