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Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 27th, 2010, 9:51 pm
Many thanks to all who participated in Brunchgate 2010. Seven times this fall a great time was had by all, and certainly by me! We had 20 participating members, not all of whom were able to make it to all, or even most of the games and festivities, but we appreciate everyone's participation when you could! Hopefully next year everyone can have perfect attendance! It's better and more fun when you are there. The food, the fun, the fellowship was outstanding. The "chefmanship" exhibited time and time again by TNTDevil, CB&B, CowboyDevil and others was, in a word, delicious! Thanks for bringing your grills and other equipment, like generators and TVs, and ... Thanks to EVERYONE for bringing all the delicious foods, from salads to scrumptious deserts every week. Anyway, my diet starts tomorrow...

A word about next year. I spoke with Chris Kautsa and Jacob Powers before the game as they wandered by. They asked for some feedback from me about this year and I gave them 99% positive feedback, and told them we'd be back next year, and expected (hoped) to be in basically the same configuration next year with the same parking arrangements, including drop off passes, extra tents, etc., and they were in agreement (at least for now...). We will have seven home games again next year, with Stanford on the schedule as the marquee non-conference name, plus FSU and VT at home. I hope FSU brings their band, because they are a joy to listen to (they brought them the first year they were in the conference, and not since...). If anyone has suggestions they'd like to make to the group to improve our procedures, or they'd like for me to make to Duke to improve Blue Devil Alley in general, please feel free to contact me via email or PM.

Thanks to all those who dropped by and visited Brunchgate on Saturday and/or during the year. You are always welcome to do so. Acymetric, it was nice to finally meet you! Red, sorry I missed you on Saturday, and if you were there, I didn't know it. Please consider joining us full time next year. Watch for announcements in the late spring or early summer her on Crazietalk!

Re: Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 28th, 2010, 10:14 am
by Very Duke Blue
Brunchgate this year: A PLUS :9f:

Our Chefs: 10 STAR!!!!!!

The best part of Brunchgate: The participates. I just love everyone, including our neighbors.

The food: I have only one word to describe the food: YUMGATE!!

Until next year, enough said. GO DUKE!!

Re: Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 28th, 2010, 1:28 pm
by JustCallMeRed
I just wanted to thank everyone for such a wonderful time yesterday. It was so nice to meet you Donna and thanks for the invitation. Thank you Nancy for the ride and introducing us to all of your friends. It was so nice to be around fellow DUKE fans. The food was wonderful, the company was exceptional - the only bad part of the day was the score of the game. I do hope that we will be able to join the group again sometime next year. Thanks again.
Rhonda :duke:

Re: Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 28th, 2010, 2:43 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Thanks to everyone for a great year..not as many wins, but when we have such a great group it doesn't matter as much. GO DUKE!!

Re: Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 28th, 2010, 4:51 pm
by Cheermom
Thanks so much for all of the great food, companionship, and hard work of the organizers, setter uppers, and chefs extraordinaire. While the season outcome was disappointing, we loved being a part of the group and look forward to next season.

Re: Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 28th, 2010, 8:11 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
This is the last album of the season, but I'm sure just one in the many more to come. Ton 'O Pics.!/a ... 0893144629

:9f: :9f: :9f:

Re: Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 28th, 2010, 9:29 pm
by CathyCA
Here's the link to my Carolinagate photos: ... 6898488266


Re: Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 29th, 2010, 9:07 am
by Very Duke Blue
CameronBornAndBred wrote:This is the last album of the season, but I'm sure just one in the many more to come. Ton 'O Pics.!/a ... 0893144629

:9f: :9f: :9f:
Great pics. Thanks :9f:

Re: Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 29th, 2010, 9:23 am
by Very Duke Blue
CathyCA wrote:Here's the link to my Carolinagate photos: ... 6898488266

Thanks, great pics. :9f:

Re: Brunchgate Wrapup

Posted: November 29th, 2010, 10:57 am
by Ima Facultiwyfe
For me the best part of our tailgates is getting to put faces with names of the folks I've grown to care so much for and depend on. I still think we need to have name buttons for all dues-paying members bearing their real names and their CT aliases. Let's get together on that next year, Ozzie. I'm getting so old I have trouble remembering just one name, much less two per person!

Love you guys. Ima :9f: