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Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 4:40 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
I'm not posting this in the recipe thread because it's not about the recipe, although if your fare is more than fair, then please do post the ingredients there.
I know I'm doing the obligatory hotdogs and burgers tomorrow, don't know about Sunday, and Monday I am cooking up some baby back ribs. Corn will be munched on as well. I got some shrimp, that might be the ticket for Sunday's munching. Regardless of what I cook, every bit of it is going to be done on the grill as long as it's not pouring down rain. I even have a skillet with holes in it that's meant for the grill, that thing's great for shrimp. I loooove holiday weekends in the summer, I'm a cooking machine. I hope my neighbors are hungry this summer, I never grill small. ;)

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 4:47 pm
CameronBornAndBred wrote:I'm not posting this in the recipe thread because it's not about the recipe, although if your fare is more than fair, then please do post the ingredients there.
I know I'm doing the obligatory hotdogs and burgers tomorrow, don't know about Sunday, and Monday I am cooking up some baby back ribs. Corn will be munched on as well. I got some shrimp, that might be the ticket for Sunday's munching. Regardless of what I cook, every bit of it is going to be done on the grill as long as it's not pouring down rain. I even have a skillet with holes in it that's meant for the grill, that thing's great for shrimp. I loooove holiday weekends in the summer, I'm a cooking machine. I hope my neighbors are hungry this summer, I never grill small. ;)
I might just have to take your post as an invitation! LOL!

I've got a beautiful 12 oz. NY Strip for tonight. I'm sure I'll do some burgers or hot dogs, maybe on Monday. No real plans yet... other than coming down to your place :lol:

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 4:50 pm
by bjornolf
Tonight, I'm making cheese steaks. Not sure about the rest of the weekend, though. Probably do dogs and burgers at some point. The wifey bought some gorgeous beef tenderloin today. I'll probably be making filet mignon tomorrow or Sunday.


Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 4:57 pm
bjornolf wrote:Tonight, I'm making cheese steaks. Not sure about the rest of the weekend, though. Probably do dogs and burgers at some point. The wifey bought some gorgeous beef tenderloin today. I'll probably be making filet mignon tomorrow or Sunday.

Oooo! Another invitation! 8-)

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 5:47 pm
by wilson
Tomorrow, I'm making about 5 dozen sliders (mini-burgers) on the grill, with various accoutrements ranging from sauteed mushrooms and onions to guacamole. Can't burgers are pretty damn good, and my guac is top-notch.
Not sure about Monday yet. I just made about 6 pounds of pulled pork on Wednesday (but left most of it at my grandparents' house). I may just do a steak. Definitely some kind of flesh cooked over a flame.

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 6:30 pm
by Lavabe
wilson wrote:Tomorrow, I'm making about 5 dozen sliders (mini-burgers) on the grill...
Hold on thar...

Do you have the Billy Mays Big City Slider Station? x_x x_x ~x( ~x( 3:-O #-o #-o :o) :o)

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 6:40 pm
by YmoBeThere
I'm eating whatever the Iron Dukes are providing at the Men's Lacrosse Final Four game...

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 6:43 pm
by wilson
Lavabe wrote:
Hold on thar...

Do you have the Billy Mays Big City Slider Station? x_x x_x ~x( ~x( 3:-O #-o #-o :o) :o)
Absofuckinglutely not. All I need is a mound of ground beef, a bottle of Worcestershire, the secret seasoning blend, and my hands. Good, hot grill, 5 minutes a side on those little suckers.

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 6:50 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
YmoBeThere wrote:I'm eating whatever the Iron Dukes are providing at the Men's Lacrosse Final Four game...
That's fkn awesome. GO DUKE!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 10:52 pm
by captmojo
CameronBornAndBred wrote: I even have a skillet with holes in it that's meant for the grill, that thing's great for shrimp.
..and where, pray tell, did you acquire such a wonderful contraption? I must obtain a copy. :ympray:

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 11:14 pm
by knights68
I am thinking seriously of cooking up a nice rack of BBQ ribs. Maybe some fried 'taters and ice cream for dessert.... just 'cuz!
Yeppers, BBQ ribs on Monday as I watch a marathon of war movies on the tele, then head to the pool for a spell.
Tuesday is a freebie day for me, and will spend part of it at the pool, part of it on the road going somewhere locally (who knows where I'll wind up.... but I'll be sure to have fun! After all, it's not the destination that is important; it's the journey :D )

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 11:41 pm
by devildeac
Whatever my sister-in-law and her husband bring tomorrow-hopefully some brats.
Whatever we buy for Monday-hopefully more brats :oops: :D .

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 11:42 pm
by wilson
devildeac wrote:Whatever my sister-in-law and her husband bring tomorrow-hopefully some brats.
Whatever we buy for Monday-hopefully more brats :oops: :D .
I'll just assume that you mean sausages composed of chopped beef or pork, rather than insolent, obnoxious children.

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 11:49 pm
by devildeac
wilson wrote:
devildeac wrote:Whatever my sister-in-law and her husband bring tomorrow-hopefully some brats.
Whatever we buy for Monday-hopefully more brats :oops: :D .
I'll just assume that you mean sausages composed of chopped beef or pork, rather than insolent, obnoxious children.
That would be the safe and legal assumption and that would be correct, though we have seen our fair share of the latter variety over the years that would be best served browned and in a torpedo roll with some 'kraut and mustard. :roll: :lol:

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 11:51 pm
by Sue71
I'm cooking whatever I have in this apartment. No more grocery shopping except for essentials (ie milk) until after I move.

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 23rd, 2009, 10:30 am
by captmojo
I plan on grillin' Cajun-rubbed steaks, cold Sam Adams (many) and good blues tunes out on the deck, unless the in-laws arrive, in which case I'll revert to their staple diet of burgers & dogs. (beer will still be required in addition to the vibes) They seem to have this habit of "showing up" always about a half an hour before prep time, :-? bringing only themselves. :-? (again)

Mother-in-law is in from Fresno and is expected to be brought in by them. She is battling a little dementia and might not know the difference between grilled cow or cat. I hate cat. Too damn greasy. :D

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 23rd, 2009, 10:34 am
by wilson
captmojo wrote:I plan on grillin' Cajun-rubbed steaks, cold Sam Adams (many) and good blues tunes out on the deck, unless the in-laws arrive, in which case I'll revert to their staple diet of burgers & dogs. (beer will still be required in addition to the vibes) They seem to have this habit of "showing up" always about a half an hour before prep time, :-? bringing only themselves. :-? (again)
I grill for my friends a lot, and it has a funny way of morphing from an afternoon on the deck into deck-sitting until 2 or 3 in the morning. Today, however, is a little different, as I scored an invite to go and sit in killer seats at the Braves game tonight. So I gave everyone the heads-up that they're still of course welcome over here all afternoon, but that I will be leaving at around 6.
One or two people had the audacity to question why I'd deign to upset the apple cart in this way and talk about how much "it sucks that I'm leaving so early." It's funny...I sort of thought that hosting my friends for 6 hours or so at my house, plus cooking for them at considerable effort and expense, was a pretty nice thing to do. :evil: :?: Harrumph! [/rant]

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 23rd, 2009, 10:49 am
by CameronBornAndBred
captmojo wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote: I even have a skillet with holes in it that's meant for the grill, that thing's great for shrimp.
..and where, pray tell, did you acquire such a wonderful contraption? I must obtain a copy. :ympray:
Google "grill skillet" and you'll find somewhere to buy it. I bought mine at my local podunky grocery store. They sell all sorts of goofy stuff, I think I paid under $10 for it. My last purchase there was a large rice ball cooker.
Here's the grill skillet.

Re: Whatcha cookin' this long weekend?

Posted: May 23rd, 2009, 12:50 pm
by captmojo
Looks good for holding fish together as well. Cool.