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Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 7:34 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
We have 3 stickies in Our House right now. The Recipe Thread, The Suggestion Thread, and the House Regulations Thread. To me, 3 stickies is enough, but to to you, maybe we can add more. I would like to add a welcome mat, where new members post their "hello's" like Greybeard did. So the questions are...
1 Do we add the thread as a new sticky
2 if so, do we remove another thread's sticky status
3 if you choose 2, which thread gets bumped.

Since we have a lovely long weekend coming up, it's a 4 day poll.

Re: Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 7:43 pm
by DukePA
I voted for for add a welcome mat sticky and keep the others. I like stickys!!

Re: Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 7:44 pm
by cl15876
CameronBornAndBred wrote:We have 3 stickies in Our House right now. The Recipe Thread, The Suggestion Thread, and the House Regulations Thread. To me, 3 stickies is enough, but to to you, maybe we can add more. I would like to add a welcome mat, where new members post their "hello's" like Greybeard did. So the questions are...
1 Do we add the thread as a new sticky
2 if so, do we remove another thread's sticky status
3 if you choose 2, which thread gets bumped.

Since we have a lovely long weekend coming up, it's a 4 day poll.
Good idea, but please don't remove the others, especially the Recipe Thread!!!! I'm with DukePA! BTW, hey there DukePA, long time!

Re: Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 7:47 pm
by DukePA
cl15876 wrote:
CameronBornAndBred wrote:We have 3 stickies in Our House right now. The Recipe Thread, The Suggestion Thread, and the House Regulations Thread. To me, 3 stickies is enough, but to to you, maybe we can add more. I would like to add a welcome mat, where new members post their "hello's" like Greybeard did. So the questions are...
1 Do we add the thread as a new sticky
2 if so, do we remove another thread's sticky status
3 if you choose 2, which thread gets bumped.

Since we have a lovely long weekend coming up, it's a 4 day poll.
Good idea, but please don't remove the others, especially the Recipe Thread!!!! I'm with DukePA! BTW, hey there DukePA, long time!

Re: Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 7:55 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Note, the other threads will not be removed, they just won't be constantly at the top of the board. So if someone posts in them, back to the top they go.

Re: Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 12:18 am
by DevilAlumna
I voted no, but mainly because I'm not certain whether the proposed stickied thread would just be a place for the n00bs to post their entry to the board, or for the rest of the inmates to post "welcome!" If the latter, then it doesn't really need to be stickied - it will stay to the top while valid, then float down. If it's just for the newcomer to introduce him/herself, then keep it up top.

Re: Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 1:27 am
by colchar
I'm too drunk to justify my vote.

Re: Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 9:35 am
by captmojo
colchar wrote:I'm too drunk to justify my vote.
I'm too justified to get drunk over my vote......yet.
I say add the "jokes" thread on too. Jokes is good. Jokes are as vital as recipes.

Jokes is tasty.Jokes is suggested. Jokes is life. Jokes is important when consumin' beer and other comestibles.

Somebody make up the next line please.

Re: Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 10:02 am
by CameronBornAndBred
DevilAlumna wrote:I voted no, but mainly because I'm not certain whether the proposed stickied thread would just be a place for the n00bs to post their entry to the board, or for the rest of the inmates to post "welcome!" If the latter, then it doesn't really need to be stickied - it will stay to the top while valid, then float down. If it's just for the newcomer to introduce him/herself, then keep it up top.
It would be the place for new folks to introduce themselves.

Re: Our House's Welcome Mat sticky --POLL

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 10:51 am
by cl15876
CameronBornAndBred wrote:
DevilAlumna wrote:I voted no, but mainly because I'm not certain whether the proposed stickied thread would just be a place for the n00bs to post their entry to the board, or for the rest of the inmates to post "welcome!" If the latter, then it doesn't really need to be stickied - it will stay to the top while valid, then float down. If it's just for the newcomer to introduce him/herself, then keep it up top.
It would be the place for new folks to introduce themselves.
Christopher, I am rethinking my vote now... my initial thought was let us keep going as we do with the rolling hellos and reveals who is paying attention, OMG a first, 2nd, 3rd post, hello, who the heck are you, but welcome!!! It flows! My gut fear of putting a sticky up is that it might delude the welcome's to the newcomer coming out of their shell to say something! It is much more personable and welcoming to let things be as they are, although it is a great idea! I have to admit, DA asked a great question because I was suffering from that dilema in my own mind, but given more thought and discussion on the topic, I would re-cast my vote as a NO sticky. Is this like one of the ballots cast down in FL? I am not a hanging CHAD! I prematurely (story of my life) poked two holes instead of 1! Sorry to be soo complicated, I withdraw my earlier vote! :D