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Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 11:36 am
I'll bring a pack of the Costco all beef 1/4 pound hot dogs and buns. And of course more Bud Light! :D

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 1:36 pm
by CathyCA
I'm bringing a lemon chess pie and sweet tea.

Cathy + 4 = 5 attending

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 2:15 pm
by devildeac
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:I'll bring a pack of the Costco all beef 1/4 pound hot dogs and buns. And of course more Bud Light! :D
How many wieners per pack? We're discussing bratwurst at the *evil*eac household as our contribution. I would have said brats but some wiseacre would certainly be accusing us of cruelty to children by threatening to grill them.

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 2:43 pm
devildeac wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:I'll bring a pack of the Costco all beef 1/4 pound hot dogs and buns. And of course more Bud Light! :D
How many wieners per pack? We're discussing bratwurst at the *evil*eac household as our contribution. I would have said brats but some wiseacre would certainly be accusing us of cruelty to children by threatening to grill them.
I think it has 16 (4 pounds), but that's just from visual memory of the package.

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 3:11 pm
by DukePA
DukePA and ? (I'll let you guys know later in the week)
Mimosa fixings, of course. I was thinking muffins would be nice that morning. Tim, I added some $$ to the pool for my nephew's tickets yesterday and added a little more. Would you mind making some muffins?? Pretty please :D

BTW, for those who don't realize, instead of bringing store bought baked goods, all we gotta do is ask our amazing chefs if they are willing to do the baking and give them the money we would have spent instead. I'm digging this personal tailgate/brunchgate chef deal!! :chef: :chef: :9f: :9f:

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 3:37 pm
by DukePA
DukePA wrote:DukePA and ? (I'll let you guys know later in the week)
Mimosa fixings, of course. I was thinking muffins would be nice that morning. Tim, I added some $$ to the pool for my nephew's tickets yesterday and added a little more. Would you mind making some muffins?? Pretty please :D

BTW, for those who don't realize, instead of bringing store bought baked goods, all we gotta do is ask our amazing chefs if they are willing to do the baking and give them the money we would have spent instead. I'm digging this personal tailgate/brunchgate chef deal!! :chef: :chef: :9f: :9f:
Or, more realistically, in lieu of store bought baked goods or whatever, how about baking our own? If no time or talent in the kitchen, then make the contribution instead buying stuff :) I still want some muffins and don't have the time to bake :( Maybe TNT will get in a baking mood :D

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 3:52 pm
by lawgrad91
devildeac wrote:
OZZIE4DUKE wrote:I'll bring a pack of the Costco all beef 1/4 pound hot dogs and buns. And of course more Bud Light! :D
How many wieners per pack? We're discussing bratwurst at the *evil*eac household as our contribution. I would have said brats but some wiseacre would certainly be accusing us of cruelty to children by threatening to grill them.
Wiseacres? Us? Surely you jest! ;)

The jury is out as of yet as to what I'm doing on Saturday.

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 19th, 2010, 7:23 pm
by TillyGalore
Whether or not K68 and I attend is up in the air. On the one hand I do want to go. But, because this game is at 3pm, and the forecast for the day is the same as yesterday, I'm just not sure it would be a good idea for us to go. This is not a final decision, we'll make that later in the week.

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 20th, 2010, 1:23 pm
by duke2narow
Jeanne and Lizz bringing:

Assorted Canapes
Carrot Bars

And Tim -- once again -- that Prime Rib was délicieuse! :text-bravo:

Lizz :O3

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 21st, 2010, 12:11 am
by CameronBornAndBred
TNTdevil is going to have the meat well covered, (thanks for that..seriously :twitch: ) and with Ozzie's dogs and possibly DD's brats I'm just going to be bringing my assistance as short order cook. I knew I'd put those three years of working at McDonald's to good use one day! I won't be bringing my grills..but since we gonna be loaded with dogs and burgers, I'm way tempted to bring my fryer and a bag of potatoes...hard to beat home made french fries to go along with your bison burger. :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 21st, 2010, 4:52 pm
by CameronBornAndBred
Foreseeing a birthday hijack..I move LG91's announcement that she will be at the Army game to the social topics. She will be there, possibly with a friend. B-)

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 21st, 2010, 8:18 pm
by allen
Mrs. Murray has captured me for the day on Saturday to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Thus I shall not attend the Duke vs. Army game. I love you all, but I love her more.

Should wolfpackdevil show up please treat him kindly. He may arrive in the company of some hgh school friends. They are good guys, and won't eat all of your food. I'll encourage him to at least pick up some tea/sodas to share with the group.

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 21st, 2010, 10:01 pm
by devildeac
CameronBornAndBred wrote:TNTdevil is going to have the meat well covered, (thanks for that..seriously :twitch: ) and with Ozzie's dogs and possibly DD's brats I'm just going to be bringing my assistance as short order cook. I knew I'd put those three years of working at McDonald's to good use one day! I won't be bringing my grills..but since we gonna be loaded with dogs and burgers, I'm way tempted to bring my fryer and a bag of potatoes...hard to beat home made french fries to go along with your bison burger. :happy-bouncyblue:
The *evil*eacs are wavering on the bratwursts. Also considering a mess of baked beans or a bowl of fresh fruit salad. Kinda looking at the rest of the menu over the next couple days before deciding.

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 21st, 2010, 10:03 pm
by devildeac
allen wrote:Mrs. Murray has captured me for the day on Saturday to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Thus I shall not attend the Duke vs. Army game. I love you all, but I love her more.

Should wolfpackdevil show up please treat him kindly. He may arrive in the company of some hgh school friends. They are good guys, and won't eat all of your food. I'll encourage him to at least pick up some tea/sodas to share with the group.
Heck yea. A couple gallons of water or 12 packs of sodas would be great. I will report to you if they show up with a couple of 6ers of Sam Adams or Saranac beverages though ;) .

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 22nd, 2010, 9:06 pm
by Very Duke Blue
My self and Bud. I'll bring forks, the good ones, and 2 quarts of orange juice. Tim, thanks for your input. :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 22nd, 2010, 9:22 pm
by Very Duke Blue
Drop off time: 10:30 to 10:45. It would help to know who wants to drop off their stuff by 8:00 am Sat. If at the last min., you want to drop off, just be there. :) If you want my cell number, please pm me. I want to help as many as possible. Last week, I ran a few min. late. Things happen to all of us. It might be helpful to have your numbers.

I will be at the same place Sat. Kroger on Hillborough Rd, across from the bank.

GO DEVILS!!!!!!!!! :duke: :happy-bouncyblue:

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 22nd, 2010, 10:01 pm
by devildeac
Mr. and Mrs. *evil*eac will attend and will be bringing fresh fruit salad, 50 cups and 50-75 dessert plates.

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 24th, 2010, 5:19 am
by Cheermom
We will bring a veggie tray, grapes, and we can bring forks and some small plates. We'll be 2 or 3 people in total.

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 24th, 2010, 6:27 am
by CathyCA
I've invited Rolvix's grandparents (Henry and Martha) and they're coming. So add 2 more to my count.

Re: Brunchgate 2010 - Army Game Sept. 25 - Menu / attendance

Posted: September 24th, 2010, 11:14 am
by August West
I'll pick up some bottled water to help keep us hydrated. Also a bag or 2 of ice. Some adults beverages too. Maybe some donuts from Dunkin'. Suggestions on flavor are welcome, jelly, glazed, etc. See ya'll Saturday. AW :happy-bouncyblue: